
Saturday 5 January 2019

Hearts and Flowers

Morning Peeps, time for our new Allsorts challenge and this week Wendy is our host with the theme of  'Hearts and Flowers'.

A new post with the assistance of hubby, 22 pills a day means la la land prevails and the cognitive skills are slow to return to normal plus can't shake a heavy dose of Christmas flu, but on good days still making a passable attempt at trowing inks and paint at card, doesn't really matter if anyone understands what I'm actually saying does it, the dogs know that I mean!!

Some parchment craft and a crackle glaze piece, can't explain sufficiently to hubby to give details of what I actually did to pass on to you all, but sure lots of you will know and Wendy will get the top one just fine and as I did that especially for her that's all that matters.
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  1. Ohhh 22 pills a day - la la land will haunt you for a while yet!! Praying that your body will adjust to the new meds soon, and that they will be effective in controlling your symptoms. Glad to hear the dogs understand - I could too.
    Love your beautiful cards - so glad you can throw paint and crackle glaze as your results are stunning Brenda.

  2. It's been a while since I did some parchment craft! The piercing and sniping with the scissors is so fiddly... Embossing and pencil work on vellum has this lovely soft quality. I love the design of your second piece and do I spot a bit of coffee cup recycling?!! xx

  3. Hi dearest Brenda!! I'm very impressed, 22 pills a day are really a bunch!!! :(( Hope that your cognitive skills will return quickly!!! You are lucky having the assistance of your hubby for posting here and a great DT team that helps you with your sites! I wish you that your health will improve quickly day by day!!
    Your cards are so lovely, the first one has a sweet feel with that wreath on vellum and especially love the card you made for Wendy, your playing with crackle glaze and paint looks amazing and -wow- that string of pearls with the corrugate cardboard match so well together! Wonderful work!!
    Big hugs and blessings!

  4. Gorgeous details, fabulous cards.
    Hope all the pills help you for better days;-))m

  5. Love your adventure into Groovi Brenda. Both cards are lovely. Xxx x
    Still loving my Groovi work and waiting for members sale to buy the new grid border plates, xxxx

  6. Another 2 lovely makes B! (Sad about Thursday but hey ho still at the top looking down!) xxxx

  7. So sorry you are poorly Brenda. Your cards are as beautiful as ever x

  8. Hope you're feeling better soon!
    Lovely cards, and it's ok if only the dogs understand!

  9. It's wonderful to see you posting again Brenda. Your parchment card is a real beauty. It's not something that I've tried and I don't think I dare venture into something else that will mean building up a new, I wouldn't have room in my little craft room :) Wishing you a better week Brenda. Crafty Hugs, Sandra x

  10. Such beautiful cards Brenda, both so perfect for the Allsorts theme and gorgeous colors.
    That is a lot of pills to take, I hope they will help improve your health very soon. Glad you have such a helpful hubby!

  11. Lovely to see you Brenda (and your glamorous assistant)!! Such lovely cards, as always, particularly the parchment craft, the colours are so lovely and warm. I hope your medication cocktail will do the trick and that you are soon feeling better after your bout of flu. xx

  12. so, so pretty love the delicate look of the parchment. Pretty colours on the second card too with those delicate pearls.

    22 pills! wow - you need someone just to help you take those - good thing Eddy is on hand.

  13. oh my, you must be rattling! Glad you are still being productive though.

  14. Both gorgeous cards, Brenda.
    Hope you will feel better soon.
    Hugs, my friend.

  15. Happy New Year Brenda,
    Your cards are gorgeous as always.
    22 pills a day ...oh blimey that's a lot! I hope you feel better soon.
    Lorraine x

  16. Gorgeous card. Wish you healthy and happy 2019.

  17. So glad to see you back Brenda . i hope the meds settle everything down for you really soon. 2 gorgeous cards. Happy new year..I hope it is kinder to you health wise. Hugs xxx

  18. Hope you'll soon be feeling better, Brenda. 22 pills a day are a lot to take!
    Your cards are beautiful. I love the effect of the design on the parchment on your first card and all the different textures on your second card are really lovely. xx

  19. Such pretty makes, Brenda. I especially love the first one. Hope the new year will turn out to be a good one, even though it doesn't seem that way right now. May the good days outnumber the bad days soon!
    Marianne x

  20. Two absolute beauties, Brenda. Hope you are being a good patient for Eddy and that you are feeling much better soon xxx

  21. Two beautiful cards Brenda, the parchment craft is so pretty.
    22 pills - (hope you don't rattle when you walk) but as long as they are helping with your symptoms that's all that matters, hope the Christmas flu disappears quickly, as I don't think that will have helped.
    Take care, Avril xx

  22. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the gorgeous parchment flowers such pretty colours.

    Pat xx

  23. Both beautiful cards Brenda love the crackle and delicate parchment work --wow 22 pills you certainly don't do things half heartedly do you--really hope you start to feel better soon
    Carol x

  24. Lovely work Brenda, good old hubby x

  25. Dear B. Well done you and hubby with dogs helping are just doing fine! You remind me I’ve crackle glaze unused on a shelf still!
    This year I’m trying new things so look out here it comes. Two beautiful cards!
    Praying the Lala land moves along and 22 pills do their job to help you, it’s been a rough 2018, I’m praying for a God blessed 2019,
    Prauer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  26. you threw that paint with real style Brenda - such lovely cards. Hope your Christmas flu disappears soon - I'm sure that will help. what would we do without hubbys who can type and dogs who can listen xx

  27. That first one is so elegant and jet modern by the colours; looks so great! And on the 2nd I love that you used cardboard to give it so much dimension!
    Hope you will be a lot better soon (so manny pills doesn't sound good)! Hugs, Gerrina

  28. Brenda these are beautiful cards despite you feeling poorly . I do hope that you are beginning to feel better and at least throwing off the flu . I always enjoy looking at your cards first , when a new challenge comes up . You are so talented . Good to hear hubby is supporting you . I know that helps as i had the support of mine after my bad accident last year .
    Take care of yourself and keep producing those lovely cards Jx

  29. take care my friend
    your cards are very beautiful!
