
Saturday 8 December 2018

Christmas Flowers

Time for our new challenge at Allsorts where Mervi is our host with the theme of 'Winter Flowers'. Our sponsor is Marianne Designs.

A message, written by Eddy on behalf of Brenda. As I know little about blogs (so it's a one off) Tracy despite her own problems, has stepped back and kindly been assisting me updating challenge teams and Brenda wanted me to transfer some of that to her personal blog so you understand her absence.

Although she's not had a stroke, she's suffering similar symptoms, lacking coordination, poor speech and writing functionality, unable to drive, sleeping and eating little. She's on new drugs which need careful monitoring alongside those for pre-existing conditions, by nature strong willed and impetuous (a nod and wry grin from her) she was not happy when told patience is required as it could take three months to see the benefits.

But positive as ever she tells me she wants to continue with her challenges and her teams are all very supportive and happy to cover things until her return for which I know she is grateful.

She has a habit of crafting for England when preparing for TV and Retail shows so has sufficient work prepared and posts scheduled well into 2019. It's mainly photos of her artwork and as she is not able to add content currently please accept this as an explanation for short posts in the interim.

I am permitted to add that she had used Penny Black stamps on the above work !!
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. I think most of Brenda's followers had already grasped the fact that Brenda's poor health was forcing her to take things slowly right now, but it's nice to receive a full update. Where would we be without our supportive husbands (and, in Brenda's case, loyal team members), eh?
    You're in my thoughts a lot, Brenda, and I do hope that the new drugs will take effect soon, so that you can regain as much of your former self as possible. Sometimes, patience is the only way to go forward, as I keep telling my husband, who had a lobectomy on Monday and is eager to go home asap.
    Sending you lots of positive vibes,
    Marianne x

  2. Gorgeous cards Brenda.

    I love how supportive Eddy is of your crafting and challenges, my John would not be the same LOL.

    YEs, we do have a great Allsorts team who rally round and step up to the block when needed, thank you to Tracy too,. xxxx

  3. Thank you so much Eddy and Tracy for keeping us updated. I do admire Brenda's determination and positive attitude, I know I would not be so courageous, but of course it's the right way to go. I will be thinking about you, Brenda, and if I can help with your blogging tasks do ask (or your lovely OH).
    P.S Yes I recognise that beautiful PB stamp, one of the much coveted brushstroke images! xx

  4. Thank you for the update on the health issues, I do hope that the three month go quickly and that they do the job. Your cards are beautiful and for me Poinsettia's say Christmas with all of their Red, Green and gold.

    Hugs Sue xx

  5. Two beautiful cards as always. I do hope you are looking after yourself and taking Eddy's advice! We are fine on the team - thanks to Tracy and everyone for rallying round.

    L x

  6. Thank you Eddy for the update and I hope Brenda will take your advice and take it easy. Keeping you Brenda in my thoughts, that you will be feeling much better soon.
    Your card is so lovely, take care, Kate x

  7. Well B, another 3 and top of the shop (well at the minute at least) must be providing a little tonic for you. Stunning cards (but then you already knew that)
    Everyone on the team is behaving (including me...honest). xxx

  8. Thanks so much Eddie, you are a star, but you know that Brenda's cards do not really need long post as he lovely work says it all.

    Two really gorgeous cards with lovely images and backgrounds.

    Very best wishes Brenda, we may be coping but you are certainly missed.

    Kath x

  9. I am sure I am not alone when I say that your work gives so much inspiration and pleasure to alot of people. I wish you well Brenda...take it slowly, accept the support...and hopefully 2019 will be a better year for you. Love and hugs xx

  10. Wonderful cards, Brenda!!! Your poinsettias look gorgeous and love the whole design of these cards!
    Thanks Eddy for the updates!
    So sad to hear the news, dear Brenda seems that you have to be very patient! But you are lucky to have some sweet helpers! :)
    Fingers crossed and prayers for you, I wish you that the new drugs will take effect soon!!!

  11. Beautiful elegant cards Brenda! Wishing you all the very best for a speedy recovery. hugs, Marlies

  12. Thank you Eddie (and Tracey) for the updates, and continued prayers for you Brenda...
    Love these fabulous cards - so elegant and such beautiful backgrounds behind that stunning poinsettia.

  13. Thank you Eddie for the update on Brenda, I really hope her new drugs start to kick in soon... Such beautiful cards


  14. Wonderful cards Brenda, so sorry to read the news about your health and I hope the drugs work well. Thank you Eddie for the update.

  15. gorgeous card Brenda,,,,,,,, Eddy thank you for telling this us............hope the new drugs will help soon.

    much feel better wishes.

    Gr Karin

  16. I am so sorry to hear this. Sending Brenda love and hope she recovers real soon. Hugs Anesha

  17. Rhese flowers are so beautiful! Love the way they pop from the green background on both cards and can't pick a favorite... Hugs, Gerrina

  18. Two gorgeous cards, no words needed.
    Hugs to you both;-))m

  19. Two fabulous elegant cards Brenda, thanyou so much Eddy for the update. I hope the new meds kick in soon and that you are soon on the road to recovery. Sending love and hugs.

    Pat xx

  20. So sorry to here things not so good at mo, Brenda, keep that fighting spirit aglow and hope your feeling much better soon. Wonderful support from hubby, always love to look at your beautiful artistic cards, know that feeling but mine wouldn't have a clue on here lol! Sending you hugs. Carol xx

  21. Thank-you so much for the update Eddy. Dear Brenda, I'm so sorry you are going through such a challenging time to say the very least. You poor girl. I will be thinking of you and I'm glad that you are receiving such great support and care. I hope that the new meds go well and bring improvement as rapidly as possible. A huge well done for having so so much already done for next year - you are a star super trooper! Needless to say - your Christmas flower cards are beautiful. Nicola x

  22. Stunning cards Brenda, you are such an inspiration in everything. My very best wishes for a speedy recovery x

  23. Wonderful Brenda! You have been very busy again lately. I see lots of beautiful works here. I leave a collective praise there ... I am still in work stress.
    Hugs Carola

  24. So sorry to read that you are so poorly Brenda (thanks for the update Eddy)
    I do hope the new meds make a difference and you recover quickly, but as Eddy said, one step at a time and patience, although that might be hard for you!
    As always, beautiful cards, you are such an inspiration to everyone.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  25. So sorry to hear you are still so poorly Brenda and thank you Eddy for the update.Fabulous card Brenda as always hope you feel better soon-take care
    Carol x

  26. So sorry to hear you are unwell, I hope the medication helps and you start to feel better and recover very soon. I am sending lots of love, positive thoughts (and patience).

    Another stunning card of course.

    I have a little good news that I hope will make you smile. You have won my blog candy. I understand from Karin that your husband is reading your emails but I don't think I have your email address, so if he could drop me an email at with the address and I will post out your prize. There is absolutely no hurry to contact me as I shall hold on to the prize until I hear from you or your hubby.

    Take care. Creative blessings. Tracy x

  27. So sorry to hear this but thankful that Brenda is receiving treatment and so I'm sending my heartfelt wishes that she has a speedy recovery and is soon back to good health.

  28. Very pretty card!
    so sorry to read this.


  29. Beautiful cards! The second one has such a beautiful background blend.

  30. Hi Brenda, not in England at the moment so only just read about your health. I hope the new meds are starting to do the trick and that you're beginning to recover. As always your cards are amazing xx

  31. Hi Brenda, So sorry that you have another struggle with your health. I do pray that you will soon be well enough to enjoy the things you love to do. Thank you Eddie for letting me know of your current situation.

    I feel Brenda is not a person who does not let a challenge beat her, it is so wonderful Brenda that you have so much support from your husband and friends.

    God Bless you all for 2019. Carol x

  32. Oh Brenda I'm so sorry to hear this, all the best for you.

    Your cards looks so beautiful, fantastic art.

