
Saturday 24 November 2018

You'll Never Walk Alone

Morning Peeps, sorry not been round much this week and might be that way for a while, rushed off with what it seems was a hemiplegic migraine, impossible to describe other than to say as well as the normal pain it mimics a stroke so rather scary. New meds in the form of anticonvulsants which they tell me "may" be helpful in reducing the frequency along with my usual triptans etc., I do hope so as I've felt washed out for weeks with the almost daily migraines, not even felt up to crafting.

OK, back to my already scheduled Allsorts post, Helene is our host and would like us to depict a song in our artwork. Our prize is a collection of  Christmas craft goodies.

I pondered for a day or two over my choice of song and then decided that apart from Queen Rock and Verdi Opera my favourite song has to be the one that reverberates through our house every time Liverpool have a game..........I might add that I am usually banished to the other end of the house to watch alone as I am tone deaf and although it sounds good to me, nobody shares that view! That song is of course 'You'll Never Walk Alone", the 1963 Gerry and the Pacemakers hit which is the Liverpool anthem.

I thought this lovely Crafty Individuals stamp was perfect as I am sure her winter walk is taking her and her companion through wind and rain just as the words of the song. I stamped the image, added a little colour, she had to be dressed in red of course and simply matted and layered on coordinating card stock.

This afternoon we will be at Vicarage Road playing Watford in a Premiership game, we are presently sitting second in the league and would love for that run to continue as I am confident we could be title contenders. If I have got the links right you should be able to click here and share in the atmosphere of Anfield and You'll Never Walk Alone. I know sad for a woman but I know I'm not the only one of us in craft land!!     
This may sound crazy but as any Liverpool fan (and many a visiting team) will tell you the anthem never fails to send goosebumps down your spine. I recall vividly when we were on a cruise and had won a European game earlier in the evening against Roma which we watched on the big screen, later that night when on our balcony we heard the distance vibes of the anthem being played on the top deck by the band, spine chilling. 

Have a good weekend all and cummon the Reds  ðŸ˜„😄
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  1. oh you know how to lure me in to your blog! always a fabulous sound; have been lucky enough to experience it once in person (though in the away end!) - hope it is as good on Wednesday too.

    Sorry you've been poorly again, that sounds really frightening. 3 points will surely help! xxx Helen #fellowred

  2. and it is NOT sad for a woman!!! embrace the love..

  3. I'm sorry to read that your migraines have been so bad Brenda and I do hope that the change in meds will settle things a bit more for you. This is a lovely card and I've had my eye on that CI stamp for a while now - perfect for your song choice! Have a lovely weekend xxxx

  4. Gorgeous card for many occassions. Had to google that song, it's a pretty old hymn with lovely words!
    Sunny greetings, the lake starts to freeze, beautiful wheather to take some pics;-))m

  5. A wonderful card to go with the song, Brenda. It's a beautiful and comforting song, no matter where it's being sung. I can now hear Gerry and the Pacemakers in my head.
    So sorry to hear about your current troubles. It does sound pretty scary. Hope the new meds will help alleviate the pain.
    Have a good weekend!
    Marianne x

  6. I'm pretty sure Crafty Individuals didn't have football in mind when they designed this lovely stamp! Love how you used the red as nod to your team, Brenda…
    Sorry to hear about your migraines, let's hope the new meds will work. xx

  7. Hi Brenda, so sorry to hear you are still suffering and how things improve soon. Your card is fabulous and such a lovely stamp xx

  8. Oh gosh Brenda! I know how you's horrendous! Have everything crossed that the new meds help and that you feeling better soon.
    Thanks for asking after started last week. She said she was glad to feel normal again!
    Sending hugs
    Lorraine x

  9. I don’t like football but love this song and your card captures it perfectly

  10. Hi Brenda, I'm sorry to hear that you are poorly, I hope the new meds will help.
    Love your card, it's a fabulous image and love the sepia and the splash of colour. It's a fabulous song, I know it's a footy anthem, but I remember it well from Carousel and going to see it when I was a little girl, take care and I hope you feel better soon, Kate x

  11. Great card and and image, Love your song choice x

  12. Mi dispiace tanto per la tua tremenda emicrania, Brenda!! Sembra davvero spaventosa! Spero proprio che la nuova medicina anticonvulsiva sia quello che serve e che faccia effetto presto! Dita incrociate per te!!!
    Il tuo post mi ha fatto sorridere, quando ho visto l'immagine ho pensato a Cappuccetto Rosso :D Invece era tutto molto diverso! Ah ah ah! :D
    Io non amo lo sport, ma capisco le persone a cui piace. La card è splendida con quei colori e la canzone del Liverpool è molto bella!!
    Grazie per le tue parole riguardanti la fatica di insegnare: hai perfettamente ragione, oggi i ragazzi hanno altre cose per la testa ed è molto difficile insegnare loro qualcosa, anche l'educazione.
    Un grande abbraccio, abbi cura di te!

  13. Really beautiful card, great image for the song, like the way you have coloured her coat red, pity she wasn't wearing a Liverpool top.

    Kath x

  14. Beautiful stamp here Brenda, love this card.xx

  15. Sorry to hear about the health issues Brenda, hope the new medicine will give you some relief!
    Your card is gorgeous with the beautiful stamp!

  16. Oh ouch - that migraine sounds horrible - I have had a mini stroke and they are scary!!
    Love your card, and the scene you have created evokes a wonderful sense of freedom. Hearing "that anthem" for you is like hearing the Haka before an All Blacks game for me!

  17. Sorry to hear about your bad migraines I have had mini strokes too and they are frightening-hope you feel better soon.
    Love the beautiful sepia coloured image with just the pop of pink
    Carol x

  18. Gorgeous card Brenda and a song I know well as my John is a life long can too, xxxx

  19. A great song and a great stamp that you used so beautifully!
    So sorry to hear you are banned so far away from the rest sometimes ")
    And really not good that you are so far from the health-level you would like to have... Sending some positive energy is all I can do so with this comment I sent some for you... Big hugs, Gerrina

  20. Beautiful card Brenda, such a lovely image really fits the song perfectly. So sorry to read about your migraines, ordinary migranes are bad enough without any further complications, hope the new medication helps.

    Pat xx

  21. A lovely card Brenda, and perfect for your song choice and I know what you mean about the Goosebumps. I'm a football fan too, have been since my Dad took me at age 11, so it's certainly not sad.
    Sorry to read about your migraines, do hop the meds help (along with the 3 points yesterday)
    Off for a catch up as I've been such a bad blogger lately.
    Avril xx

  22. Sorry to read you are not well Brenda, hope the meds kick in to sort the problem. Great card and love the touch of red too x Susan x

  23. Sounds like you have had a horrid time again Brenda, hope the new medication helps you. I love your card, the song choice is perfect and as you will know yourself when you have a dog you never get to do anything alone!! The door to our cloakroom does not fully close unless you give it a jolly good shove and Bumble is the master of opening it, regardless of what the occupant is doing, in order to hunt out empty loo roll tubes!! xx

  24. Oh so hope you are soon feeling much better after a frightening and debilitating time. Love the card...and of course the song...sends shivers down my spine! Hugs xx

  25. So sorry to read about your health Brenda - one thing after another for you - keep your chin up as you always seem to.
    Love your take on the challenge - what a card too - love the splash of red.

    L x

  26. Sorry to hear about your headaches heart goes out to you
    Dr Sonia

  27. Im sorry to read you are not feeling well.
    your card is stunning!
    love it!
    take care,hugs
