
Saturday 8 September 2018

Teddy Bears Picnic

Morning Peeps, time for our new Allsorts challenge and this week Kath would like to see Bears and we have a lovely stamp from Penny Black for this weeks prize...........I couldn't believe that I didn't have a single bear in the PB box so it's some little critters which are always popular.

I feel I need to offer an explanation for any dodgy comments you might have received from me recently. My dexterity is always bad as is my sight, all part of the MS scenario so what I write is not always as intended, but I am reliant on one eye at present until the cataract is dealt with so between iffy fingers and sight I know there have been a few faux par's slipping through the net.

Back to my card which is something right out of my comfort zone and the theme did put me in a bit of a quandry. I thought I had a Polar Bear stamp but it's not to be found anywhere, then in my search I came across a Penny Black set hidden in a bag marked just Penny Black, no name or code and I am sure I would never have bought it, so can only conclude it was one I was asked to use in a class or for store samples at some point. Anyhow, it fitted the theme perfectly and I used two of the stamps in the bag to create a little scene, extending the stamping from around the tree to add a few more flowers. Pan Pastels for the sky and background along with DI's and pencils for the colouring and red gem 'apples' on the tree.

Please do pop over to the challenge blog to see the inspiration from my team mates.
Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Lovely and sweet card Brenda. Blessed weekend.

  2. This is very cute, love bears so must try to join in

  3. I know what you mean, bear images are a bit too cute for me too... Hope you get your sight sorted out soon, it must be very frustrating for crafting let alone other everyday task! xx

  4. It has worked out beautifully Brenda, lovely card, xx

  5. love THIS B, what an adorable card, so sweet, if you know the name of this stamp I'd love to know..xx

  6. This is so cute. Sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment. Hope that Daisy is eating like a camp today. Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha

  7. A beautiful wee scene you have created there Brenda - considering your challenges with eyes and movement, I am always amazed at the beautiful cards you create!

  8. A fantastic card Brenda, can't say that I'm really a bear person but I know that I have some stamps somewhere in my stash and as I have recently re-organised my craft room they should be easier to find (famous last words).

    Sue xx

  9. Lovely little scenario you have created . Your bear is too cute. I find predictive text to be a real curse. It often changes what I was intending to put so you are not alone. Hugs Mrs A.

  10. How cute scene you have created with that little teddy bear and the tree!! Your background with pan pastels is light and sweet as always, and the flying birds compliment the scene so well!
    I haven't find dodgy comments on my blog, your words in italian are right :) I'm stunned by the superb way you are able to craft considering both cataract and MS!!! Your talent is really great!!
    Big hugs, have a lovely weekend!

  11. I know cutesy isn't really your thing but your card is amazing and I love the wonderful scene you've made. Take care xx

  12. Another amazing scene Brenda, I love the soft background you created, and what a great idea to add gems for apples.

  13. this is very beautiful Brenda and so soft the background love it

    gr karin

  14. Absolutely love this lovely scene you have created Brenda, beautiful card. I can sympathise with you re the cataract, I am on the waiting list to have mine done, hope you soon get yours sorted soon.

    Pat xx

  15. Your card is gorgeous as always Brenda. Sorry to hear about your eye - you are so amazing Brenda - what an inspiration! Big hugs rachel x

  16. Gorgeous card Brenda, cute image and a really lovely scene, great apples too.

    Kath x

  17. Cute little scene and brilliant sky love the red apple gems--hope you getyour sight sorted soon-my hubby has a pre-op app next month for cataract op
    Carol x

  18. Stunning background to a super cute scene you have created Brenda! What more can I say...definite ahhhh factor.xx

  19. A lovely card Brenda, and your created the perfect little scene for the bear. Reading your post, I realised I would have struggled too - I don't have a single bear stamp in my collection. Off for a little catch up after my hols.
    Avril xx

  20. This is gorgeous Brenda, I love the sweet Penny Black stamp and the fab scene you've created.
    Hope your eye is sorted out soon.
    Lorraine x

  21. A beautiful adorable scene Brenda. I love PB bears. Marlies x

  22. This is just adorable Brenda, Perfect summers day card lazing in the sunshine lol! A dream now till next year! I have cataracts too and suffer from double vision when colouring, so annoying as mine seems to be stuck in time. Always something else to curtail our fun but warriors just keep on going. Take care. Carol xx

  23. If only I could make cards like this IN my comfort zone--let along outside it! This is just adorable!

  24. It's a gorgeous card and I would never have thought you were out of your comfort zone! Love the colouring and the additional elements!!

    Sorry I have not visited for so long, but I have had issues with blogger and have not been able to comment, but it is finally sorted now it seems, pfew….

  25. Hi Brenda it was lovely to see your comment on my blog I am glad to be back and I am setting myself up for crafting again and to be able to see all my friends wonderful projects just like the ones shown here on your blog I love them
    lorraine x

  26. So wonderful! I love this PB bear!

  27. I think this is rather sweet Brenda! It might be out of your comfort zone (as neither of us do "cutie" very much do we but It has turned out very well indeed, love everything from the beautiful bear and foreground to the delicate background you've popped on there as well. Don't you worry about your eyesight and dexterity issues - you're doing an amazing job!!!! I send my love xxxx

  28. Even if it doesn't stand in the comment I always know what you mean; so no sorries nescesairy! Think that my english isn't that super sometimes...due to the time of the day I do my comments hihi...

    Love this card; it is so sweet and reminds me of the cards that were availible in my childhood...still love the feel'they have!
    Hugs, Gerrina

  29. My heart goes out to you Brenda. You are blessed with so much talent. Take care my friend
    Dr Sonia

  30. Beautiful scene and cute stamps, lovely card;-))m

  31. A different look for you and yet one that is so lovely! Sweet image and sweet colouring. Never fear any mistakes on comments to me. I had a concussion already when we hit that deer ten years ago. IT left me with yet another concussion which I never recovered fully from.

    I used to proof read essays and Masters submissions...Now i can not write a paragraph without a spelling or grammar error somewhere! I try to go back and proofread, but do not always connect the error in my mind...

    personally, I am always so excited to read a comment someone left me that I could not care less about errors. The comment itself is the treasure!
