
Thursday 21 June 2018

Blogger notifications solution

At last there seems to be a solution to the e.mail notification problems on Blogger, I missed the posts yesterday on their help forum but fortunately my Allsorts teamies Kath didn't so thanks to her all three of my DT teams can keep in touch with one another again. So for those of you who still have the problem this is the solution.........
  • Go to your Blog dashboard and select settings
  • Then 'posts, comments and sharing
  • Copy all the mail addys in the text boxes, remove them and click save top right
  • Then paste them back in again and click save
  • Do exactly the same in the 'email' setting below the above one

All addys will receive a mail asking them to subscribe or decline and once they have returned that clicking subscribe all is back to normal, we have checked it out on our DT blogs and it works.

It's such a simple solution and now makes perfect sense as Blogger/Google needed everyone's consent to keep sending mails in order to comply with GDPR. But why they didn't explain that somewhere a month ago I have no idea.


 Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog.


  1. Brilliant! Just done it on my own blog and it works. And you're right, when you think of it, it does make sense - so why didn't Bloggere explain that to us?
    Many thanks.

  2. Excellent, Brenda - just tried it and subscribed to comments via email...

    Thank you so much.

    Cath x

  3. Thanks so much Brenda! I will do this! :)
    Thanks also for all your lovely comments on my blog!!
    Big hugs and take care!

  4. Thank you Brenda - Darnell has also published this 'fix', so I am sure there will be a lot of very happy bloggers out in the 'blogisphere' now. Thank you for your understanding comments on my blog - the eye seems to have taken a turn for the better today, thankfully!

  5. Thank you so much, Brenda! I'll repost your lifehack to my Russian subscribers!

  6. Thanks Brenda! Saw it at Darnell's aswell, also from Kath, so I think you both help a lot of bloggers with this! Hugs, Gerrina

  7. Thanks you so much for sharing! Incredible that Blogger didn't bother to communicate this to all and sundries but thanks to you I have an update! I immediately did it and tested it and all is fine... phew... xx

  8. thank you for sharing!
    I got your mail :D
    love it!

  9. WOW love how you interpreted the sweet theme. The honey bees and honeycombs look so lovely
    Dr Sonia
