
Thursday 17 May 2018

In an English Country Garden

Good morning all, a scheduled post as today I am at hospital having another CT scan to see how my kidneys are doing and then we are off to Cambridge to Midsummer House to enjoy a Birthday gift from one of our son's and DIL. Hubby and I have Birthdays a day after one other in June and as we are off on holiday at the end of the month it's a rather special joint gift. Midsummer House has two Michelin stars and we are told offers a very special dining experience so really looking forward to it.

It's a quick post with the artwork I am sharing over at the Chocolate Baroque blog today. All details of how I made my creations and the stamps used can be found over there. The news about the dreadful break in at their unit has reached many of you and on behalf of them my thanks for the kind messages that you have sent via me, I am passing them all on to Lesley and David.

Have a good Thursday.


  1. So beautiful Brenda, sadly you don't see baby foxgloxes these days, I love them,
    Hope it goes well today and enjoy the dining experience, xxx

  2. Beautiful cards. Have a great time at your birthday lunch. Hugs Anesha

  3. Wow, stunning all of them, but nr 2 is my absolute favourite! Good luck today and enjoy your lunch!

  4. Stunning cards Brenda, especially the foxgloves. Good Luck at the hospital today and enjoy your meal.

    Sue xx

  5. Firstly Brenda, I hope all goes well with your scan, fingers crossed for you. Yes it is just devastating news about CB, but I'm sure they will get back on their feet soon. Just mindless destruction.
    Gorgeous cards one and all, so beautifully designed and coloured, I especially love the colours and composition of the first one.
    Have a marvellous day out and I hope you enjoy the Birthday treat, Kate x

  6. Wonderful cards, just bought this set of stamps so will have a play when I can

  7. Hope everything is OK with the hospital, Brenda. I LLLLLLLLOVE your gorgeous cards, my friend. Great stamps the lovely flowers. Kisses.

  8. A stunning set of cards Brenda, lovely colours and composition. Hope all goes well for you at the hospital and that you enjoy your birthday treat, you deserve it.

  9. Gorgeous cards, I just love the foxglove one and the bee hive and bees stunning. Hope all goes well, and you enjoy your day out..
    Hugs Babs x

  10. Beautiful cards! Love the first soft one, the bright colours on the 2nd and the way the bees and flowers almost float on your last card! Hugs, Gerrina

  11. A fab array of projects B. (Another scan for me too tomorrow!)
    Enjoy your Cambridge jaunt - it will be fab I am sure! xx

  12. Absolutely stunning creations Brenda, your inspiration is boundless....
    Hope the scan goes well and enjoy your lunch.

  13. Just fabby do Brenda !!

    Hope you get good results from your scan and you enjoy your Birthday gift sweetie...

    hugs Diane xx

  14. stunning cards Brenda, hope you have a super time and good luck with your test results. Carol xx

  15. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I hope the CT scan went well and that you have a fabulous time at Midsummer House
    Lorraine x

  16. All beautiful cards Brenda-love all the Bees-hope scan went okay and you enjoyed your meal-terrible news about CB nothing is safe and didn't one of the other crafting units get targeted a couple of months ago too
    Carol x

  17. These are all so beautiful, Brenda - you are so multi skilled. Beautiful work.

    Hope the scan went well and you enjoyed your birthday presents! What a lovely treat for you both :-)

    Cath x

  18. Hope the scan went well and you enjoyed your meal. Fabulous collection of cards. I saw their post on FB, dreadful that people could do that to a small business x

  19. Absolutely gorgeous cards Brenda, so wonderfully colourful. Love them all.
    Fliss xx

  20. Really beautiful cards and images. My favourite is the first one.
    Hope all went well to day and that you enjoyed your meal.

    Kath x

  21. Fabulous makes as always, Brenda, love the digitalis on both the card and the canvas. The canvas especially catches my eyes, love those colors, dimensions and textures!! Amazing use of the Sunflowers with the busy bees and combs, very appropriated! And such great lighting effect on the last card!!
    Fingers crossed for your CT Scan, and enjoy your special dinner gift, it seems will be one very yummy! :) Happy Birthday in advance to you and hubby!!
    Instead I'm so sorry for the dreadful break of CB, I have heard the notice too...
    Big hugs!

  22. Gorgeous cards, Brenda, but my favourite has to be the one with the sunflowers.
    Hope everything went well at the hospital and that you enjoyed your special meal. xx

  23. Hope you got good test results & have a wonderful BD celebration with your hubby! Gorgeous work, as always! I especially love the first one--great design!

  24. Gorgeous makes, Brenda! I find the last one so unusual, the gold sunray is inspired! I hope your scan had good news in store and I'm sure your meal was a fabulous experience. xx

  25. So many lovely makes - I think the first one is my favourite with the country garden - so pretty.

    I hope you enjoyed your meal last night and lived up to expectations.

    L x

  26. Fabulous cards; I have some foxgloves growing in my garden too, not yet blooming.
    Fingers crossed for your scan. Hope you have lovely birthday party;-))m

  27. OMG! <3
    These are fabulous!
    Especially the canvas.
    Happy week to you!
