
Saturday 5 May 2018

Fancy folds and Chocolate Baroque DT shares

Morning Peeps, this weeks Allsorts theme is hosted by Mervi who would like us to use those 'Fancy Folds'. Our sponsor is Digistamp Boutique and we also have a second prize to give away so double the reason to join in.

Yesterday was my turn to post over at the Chocolate Baroque blog and you will find my shares further down, details of everything I used and how I created each is all detailed over there.

Digistamp Boutique have some lovely new pre-coloured and silhouette stamps and being a real fan of silhouette stamps and Butterflies made two cards, the one at the top uses the Coloured Butterflies and Silhouette Flower sets as well as the sentiment which is from the latter.

I had real fun re-sizing the Butterflies so I could cut out a few as well as the largest one to decoupage. The base stepper card has been created with a TL die set as have the printed elements and after cutting out I added some soft stenciling using a harlequin stencil and DI's.

It's ages since I made an easel card so went for that as my fancy fold on this one and to create the focal element I used both the shadow and silhouette image (many thanks to Marianne for her help doing that) slightly offsetting them and doing exactly the same to create a stopper/border for the base. Some DP, the origin of which I have no idea but it's a nice textured finish, a few pearl embellishments and I used the offcuts from cutting the edges of the stopper with a TL die to create a border across the focal element.

For all of these samples I used the Honey Bee and Fragrant Honeysuckle,  Just Butterflies and Words of Inspiration stamp sets.

Happy weekend everyone, for a change it sounds like we might have lovely weather for the Bank Holiday so enjoy the promised sunshine.


  1. Love the way you used the DSB images and the chocolate baroque cards are beautiful. Enjoy your weekend

  2. Gorgeous fancy folds and your CB Designs are stunning Brenda. I left a comment on the CB blog a couple of days ago to let them know how much I liked them. Enjoy your weekend. Crafty hugs, Sandra x

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous posting, each card and box is so beautiful.
    Anyway I know my favourite is still the last one, with fabulous background and my favourite colours with the perfect sentiment;-))m

  4. Oh wow Brenda, your makes are always beautiful sweetie !!

    Thanks so much for leaving your lovely comment on my blog. The dogs are already printed and part of the free papers. Here's a link for the magazine they come with :

    Have a fab weekend

    hugs Diane xx

  5. Absolutely stunning samples Brenda. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  6. A great line-up of wonderful creations, Brenda. Love your DSB makes with the simple silhouette designs but plenty of interest. But your set of boxed cards is probably my fafourite. Have a good (and hopefully sunny) weekend!
    Marianne x

  7. Such gorgeous samples , beautiful colours and folds .
    Hugs Babs x

  8. So adorable all your makes Brenda! They are sweet and love very much how you used the CB silhouette stamps with shadows! That octagonal box with cards is a delight and that fun is really gorgeous!
    Sun shines also here, I hope that it will stay also the next weeks, so you can enjoy your holidays! :D Hugs!

  9. Oh Brenda what beauty... you really do amazing work - and I love all the cards and projects you have showcased.

  10. A stunning collection of cards Brenda, especially the box of hexagonal cards with the bees on the lid. A beautiful gift.

    Sue xx

  11. Your first card is stunning Brenda, I love the mono shades and the brilliant folding.
    Well you know I love your CB designs, always wonderful and so inspirational, Kate x

  12. Lovely cards Brenda but I adore those hexagon ones, they are so pretty, xxx

  13. Wow, Brenda!!! These are stunning. I adore the box and the shaped cards!

  14. A gorgeous selection of makes Brenda. I love the way you have used the DSB images
    Lorraine x

  15. These are all wonderful, I love your honey bee notelet set, Great fancy folds creations.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  16. Wow! What a lot of really gorgeous creations you've made. Love them all especially the last one as I have a weakness for purple.
    Hope you have a lovely extended weekend.
    Fliss xx

  17. Two super cards Brenda and great shapes and love your use of the DSB images.
    I used a set the I had from years ago but did check to see if it was still on the go.
    Your cards for CB are stunning as always with some lovely images and gorgeous colours.
    Have a great week and enjoy your Bank Holiday.

    Kath x

  18. OMGosh, Brenda, what amazing makes! Every one is just beautiful and I especially love how you've created the shadow on your easel card. xx

  19. o wow very beautiful and gorgeous cards Brenda
    Gr Karin

  20. Some lovely fancy folding Brenda and beautiful makes - my my, you have been busy!!! xxx

  21. Beautiful post, love your gorgeous cards.
    Valerija xx

  22. Gosh...fancy folds galore here Brenda!! Beautiful xx

  23. Such lovely cards Brenda!! Love the fancy cards.

  24. These are gorgeous, Brenda!

  25. Brenda more stunning work.

  26. Such a treat again; love all the flowers, but my favorites are the hegagone cards; love the CAS-style and the shape! Your shadowstamping on the first is so beautiful! Enjoying the warm weather here and they say tomorrow will be like today... Hugs, Gerrina

  27. Stunners Brenda Stunners. The card gift set is beautiful and WOW the decorated fan is gorgeous - love the foxglove stamps they are so pretty x
