
Saturday 14 April 2018

Spring Flowers and Showers

Morning Peeps, this weeks Allsorts theme is hosted by Ellie and she is totally in Spring mode with the theme 'Spring Flowers or Showers'. We have two lovely Woodware stamps as prizes this week, a pretty Spring Lilac and some sentiments.

I'm home from my NHS trip, a bit battered an bruised and needing a few days rest then in a couple of weeks another CT scan..........but they warned they have a huuuuge backlog so I think they were bracing me for a longer wait........the consultant couldn't tell me for sure if the blockage is fully cleared as he said the ultrasound in theater isn't accurate enough hence the need for the scan.

My top card is my 'showers' and to create it I used Distress Inks to create the background, stamped the Inkylicious image and used a stencil and ink to ground her the stampes the raindrops which are also Inkylicious, bleached out the centres and added highlights with a white pen and glossy accents. The sentiment is from the same set.

And here are my Spring flowers in the form of Violets which are a quite old Stampendous stamp, stamped in back versafine and colored in with sparkle pens.............yes I do like a bit of sparkle and as a pretty hopeless colourist find these Spectrum ones really easy to use. The sentiment is Penny Black.

There is lots of inspiration to be had from my teamies over at the challenge blog.


  1. Gorgeous cards and lovely sentiments, my fave is the first one.
    All the best for the weekend, I started to fill my pots with soil...we have a little snow still, but after sunny day it's all gone;-))m

  2. Hi dear Brenda! Fingers crossed for the result of the scan you already made and for the others you have still to do! Enjoy these days at home, get yourself some rest and think positive.
    Love so much especially the first card, fabulous delicate background and the sentiment is one of my favourite ever. The raindrops look amazing!
    Fabulous also the sentiment on the second one, so true!!! :) Your bunch of violets is a delight, such fabulous coloring on them!!
    Big hugs and take care!!

  3. Glad it went well and you are home again. Hope they will get your scan soon. Love the cards you made. Have a great week.

  4. Hope the treatment has been successful Brenda at long last.
    Lovely cardsand hopefully we can say goodbye to our brollies for a while. The violets are so pretty, just closing my eyes and breathing in their perfume xx Have a good weekend x

  5. Two beautiful cards Brenda, I love them both. So glad to hear that you've had your treatment and hopefully on the road to recovery.

    Sue xx

  6. Gorgeous card B, love the first one.x 💖 [Aussie aNNie's Blog]

  7. Gorgeous cards, I love them both and I hope all goes well with your next scan. Have a good restful weekend x

  8. So glad you're home, Brenda. Time for recovery and healing, now - hope you behave! You're in my prayers.

    Lovely cards - love both sentiments and the fonts used in them. PB sentiments of that era are so distinctive - I have a few :-)

    The raindrops are amazing. I'm getting to really like Inkylicious...dangerous!

    Get well soon and take it easy.

    Cath x

  9. .2 wonderful cards, the first has to be my favourite . Hope you soon feel better after your visit to the hospital xx

  10. The background to your shower card is flawless, a great foil to the dark silhouette too! I love your flower card as well, it says Spring to me.
    A bit disappointing that they didn't do the CT scan immediately after the op to check their work... I'm taking this as a good sign (that they think it's worked although they don't want to commit themselves too soon). You're going to need some serious distraction, Brenda, to endure the wait. Keep calm and carry on crafting!!! xx

  11. Two wonderful creations for my theme Brenda. Violets are another one of my favorite spring flowers (can't believe some people consider them weeds!!!) The rain card is simply stunning with the gorgeous colors and love those raindrops.

  12. Both of your cards are wonderful Brenda, I love that image on your first card and I also love the raindrops and background colouring.
    It's a gorgeous floral card and lovely sentiment.
    More waiting for you, what a pity you have to wait now for a scan, I hope it won't be too long a wait, take care, Kate x

  13. Two pretty cards Brenda.
    Try to rest and feel better soon, xxx

  14. Two beautiful cards Brenda, I love them both. Fingers crossed that they've cleared the blockage and that the scan will bring good news. Crafty hugs, Sandra xx

  15. Two beautiful cards. Hope you sson get your CT scan

  16. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the sentiment on the top one.
    Glad to hear you are back home, and I hope you don't have to wait too long for your scan.
    Take care and sending hugs
    Lorraine x

  17. Violets, gosh can't remember the last time I saw them, they seem to have disappeared in my neck of the woods.
    Two beautiful creations, great image and raindrops on the first one but I am going for the second one as you have reminded me about violets.

    Kath x

  18. Both gorgeous cards love the beautiful stamps and great sentiments--fingers crossed for scan results
    Carol x

  19. Both are so beautiful cards!
    lots of hugs

  20. Glad you are back home again Brenda and hopefully the treatment has cleared the blockage!! Loving your gorgeous cards today!

  21. Keeping my fingers crossed Brenda that the next scan shows everything OK sweetie ...... take care and rest xx

    Two fabulous cards, but must say that raindrop stamp is outstanding !!

    hugs Diane xx

  22. Two gorgeous creations Brenda, brilliant raindrops, really stunning.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  23. I'm pleased to hear you are now home again Brenda and hope that you don't have to wait too long for the scan. Waiting for the result must be very difficult for you all.

    These are two very beautiful cards and the sentiments are are both lovely. Barb xx

  24. Brenda, pleased to hear part of your trial is behind you, and hope you'll be able to rest up and recover. It's so stressful, aside from the physical part of it, just knowing that you must have it done. And perhaps during the wait for the CT, you'll get your strength back. Love both these lovely cars. The soft misty background on #1's raindrops is wonderfully done. The rain looks quite realistic (a designer-Rynn- has some images that look this way too- and of course #2 with the lovely purple is a welcome breath of spring. The light lavender spatters look so good on the background and what a perfect sentiment. TFS & Hugs. Feel better soon.

  25. Such beautiful cards Brenda!! I love them both. The water droplet showers are lovely!!

  26. I wish you did not have to endure these procedures, and experience such discomfort and pain, Brenda. Praying that better days are ahead. In the meantime, thanks for sharing your wonderful creations and how they were made. I can just imagine your soul in the first card, and your heart of love in the second pretty card! Hugs, de

  27. Hi Brenda, love both your cards but the rain on your first one is so realistic and the silhouette is perfect. Sounds like you've been in the wars. Hope it's good news when you have the scan and hopefully won't be waiting too long.
    Hugs Sue W.

  28. Really beautiful Spring cards Brenda and I think they might have brought the Spring here at last as the trees are finally in blossom and it's been much warmer today too.
    Fliss xx

  29. Really sweet cards.
    Valerija xx

  30. Beautiful cards for this lovely day that we have woken up to, it's nice to see the sun and feel a little warmer.
    I hope your recovery is going well Brenda.

  31. Both lovely cards Brenda, the top one is my favourite. I hope you don't have to wait too long for your scan. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  32. Beautiful cards Brenda, love the sentiments and the droplet stamp, oh dear, have it too and never inked. Take care and wishing you sunnier days. Carol xx

  33. Great cards love that raindrop background so clever Hope your hospital scan comes quickly and you get sorted take care Love and hugs Carole x

  34. Love how you nade the background on the shower card; so much depth in it! And no colourist? Your flowers look great all the detail; beuatiful!
    Hope they got all that needed and you recouver quickley! Big hugs, Gerrina

  35. Oh Brenda your cards are so beautiful.


  36. Hi B all your cards in these posts are gorgeous. Really a,axing considering your other issues. Glad trip is over and praying bruised battered feeling is lifting..
    ...praying for excellent ( and if possible) prompt scan results..
    Thanks so much for your sharing..
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  37. Always love your cards, Brenda! What a clever first one--love it!
