
Saturday 23 September 2017

Things with wings

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday so that means it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts and this week I am your host with the theme of 'Things with Wings'. Our prizes this weeks are some lovely Butterfly stamps. 

Bad timing on my part as we are off on holiday tomorrow so my team mate Kath (thanks Kath) will sort the winners post on Friday, but I have the prizes so will have to post them when we are home. I don't use the internet on holiday as the WiFi charges are astronomical on board so I will see you all again after 10th October. And while I'm away be good and I will try and do the same........some chance with an all inclusive drinks package !

Two card this week as I couldn't make up my mind between Fairies and Butterflies so there is one of both. The top one uses all Lavinia stamps and Pan pastels, my starting point was to stamp the focal Fairy with black versafine and then build up the backgrond with circle stencils and shades of blue and lilac Pan Pastels. Once I was happy with the colous I stamped the leaves and fauna, sentiment and little mouse and added some white highlights and stickles. 

I went for some fresh zingy DI's for this one, for the bottom layer I added the ink to a craft sheet, spritzed with water and dragged the watercolour card through.......the technique has been around forever but recently seems to have been re-named smooching !! I sponged the same three colours onto the top piece, stamped the Inkylicious Butterfly to one side and slightly off the edge with versafine black and heat embossed with detail clear, stamping again onto an offcut to decoupage which I coloured with the same inks. Using a honeycomb stencil I inked around the Butterfly and then stamped and heat embossed the Chocolate Baroque sentiment. Finally some green gems to add the bling element to the Butterfly's thorax and side panel and wire antenna.

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. Both cards are beautiful Brenda! Have a fantastic time and lots of sun, rest and fun, xx.

  2. Such a soft and pretty scene on your first card, Brenda, and I love the vibrancy of your second card. Happy to hear you will be off on your cruise tomorrow. Relax and enjoy. I hope it will do you some good!
    Marianne x

  3. Two beautiful cards Brenda, have a great holiday xx

  4. Beautiful cards stamping and such lovely colour's, your sentiments are perfect. Enjoy your hols Brenda hope the sunshine will do you some good,
    Hugs Babs x

  5. Lovely cards Brenda. It sounds as though you are going on a cruise - have a fabulous time

  6. So glad you are finally on holiday Brenda! Hope that the weather is lovely and the sun shines...
    I'm amazed by your first card, you know I LOVE Lavinia's stamps and you have created a fantastic scene with these lilac colors!!
    Pinned it
    The second one is a such fresh pop of color and the big butterfly looks stunning! Adorable

  7. Missed being able to visit my friend. As always these are two stunning pieces.
    Your Pan Pastels background is superb (I couldn't get on with them - a but like me and Brushos! LOL) and I love the colours. Perfect - and I nearly missed the little mouse hidden behind your watermark!
    I absolutely adore the second card - yellowy citrus not normally my thing but you've made me change my mind! xx

  8. your cards are stunning!
    love them both!
    have a nice day

  9. These are both such really beautiful cards Brenda. Love the colours, design, stamps and wonderful sentiments on both and impossible to pick a favourite. I think I'm going to have to treat myself to some of those super Lavinia fairies. Hope you have a wonderful holiday and return refreshed and ready to face the rest of the year. Take care xx

  10. these are very beautiful Brenda love the card with the butterfly
    Gr Karin

  11. WOW the fairy is so enchanting and love the colors on your butterfly!!
    Dr Sonia

  12. Two amazing creations Brenda, wonderful stamping, inking and masking! Wishing you a wonderful holiday that you so much deserve! Have a fantastic time!!

  13. Have a wonderful holiday Brenda!! These are such lovely cards, the sentiment accompanying the fairy is wonderful xx

  14. These are fabulous Brenda, can't choose a favourite - I love anything Lavinia and that butterfly is gorgeous!!! You have a wonderful holiday, lots of love xxx

  15. Lovely cards!
    I wish you a great weekend!

  16. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, love your stamping and the beautiful sentiments
    Lorraine x

  17. Two great cards. Have a great time on holiday!

  18. Both beautiful but love the zingy colour on the butterfly card
    Carol x

  19. Two fabulous creations, both with stunning colours and super images, two great sentiments too.
    Remember, if you can't be good, be careful, have a super time.

    Kath x

  20. Fabulous creations and have an awesome time away.xx [aNNie]

  21. That little circkle of blue is so perfect on your first card! It is a beauty and super designed!
    But, I go for the butterfly; they are allways so attractive... and I love how you played with the backgrounds and panels here!
    Wish you a vacation filled with sunshine, warmth and lots of inspiration and beautiful sides! Hugs, Gerrina

  22. Both are gorgeous Brenda. Wishing you very a very happy holiday! Nicola x

  23. Two stunning cards Brenda such beautiful artwork


  24. Stunning work Brenda, I love the saying on the first card.

  25. Beautiful cards!! I love them both. Hope you are having a wonderful time!! Enjoy!

  26. Two beauties Brenda, love the Lavinia card and the white highlights really make the foliage pop - love it and what a wonderful sentiment too.
    Love the freshness of number 2. x Susan x

  27. These are truly stunning! Hugs, Autumn

  28. Whoa! Beautiful cards!! The first one is so stunning

  29. They're both so beautiful, Brenda & so different! Hope you have an absolutely wonderful time on vacation!
