
Saturday 2 September 2017

New beginnings and meet our new family member

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday so that means it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts and this week Tracy's theme is 'New Beginnings' - new job, new baby, weddings, there are so many options. Our sponsor is Digistamp Boutique.

Now I know this is a little bit twee for me, but new baby cards are something I always struggle with and inevitably revert to this Penny Black stamp which is fairly safe with minimal colouring. I stamped the daisies again to decoupage, the lemon DP is from stash, some lace and punched butterflies. I have a feeling the bunting is a Penny Black die but no longer have the packing so don't know for sure.

And I thought I would share a few photos I took when all the family visited a couple of weeks ago to celebrate Azaria's 21st Birthday. Veronique (DIL) was determined to prove she could tame nine dogs at once and she didn't do a bad job either, just Poppy one of the terriers got fed up and went missing.

We have a new addition to the family called Leia, she is an 8 month old Anatolian Shepherd Alex and Zoe rescued from Battersea, she is the white one to the front of the first photo and as you can see is already a big girl. She has been round the block a few times and not had a particularly happy life thus far so it's nice to see her happy at last. She is quite a handful as she has never been in one place long enough to learn good from bad, but she is bright and picking things up fast.

From left back Lily, Daisy, Holly and Luka, front Pixie, George, Prince and right in front Leia and of course Veronique to the left hoping nobody smells the treats in her if......

A reshuffle then all attentive in the hope of getting one of  those this one

And here is Poppy who was missing from the photo shoot, doing her best to get to know Leia, a bit of mutual ear licking always seems to work

Happy weekend all.


  1. Awwwwww - to card and photo's Brenda!!!! I think your new baby card is fabulous (I also struggle with cutesy and these kinds of cards!). As for the photo's of the doggy woofs - superb!!!!! A house isn't a home without all the feathery and furry folk - and all the mud and dog hair!!!!!! This has really made me smile Brenda, a wonderful post!!!! Have a lovely weekend, lots of love, xxxxx

  2. Gorgeous card B, but oh so gorgeous family, [aNNie]

  3. Adorable card, really sweet with soft colours.
    Ooh what a doggie family, admired the pear tree behind! Gorgeous fruits coming;-))m

  4. Beautiful baby card, can't go wrong with that image and colour.
    She looks a beautiful girl, gosh she will be big if she is only 8 months

  5. What fab photos Brenda... it looks like a proper school (for canine students)! Well, guess what I'm working on today? A Baby card... and like you I struggle, since cute is the order of the day! Yours is perfect and pretty and er...cute! Have a sunny weekend, xx.

  6. A fantastic new baby card Brenda and super photos of the dogs. Wow! nine what a handful.

    Sue xx

  7. Wonderful card, and quite a handful of pooches, xxx

  8. Gorgeous card Brenda and beautiful soft colours ...your 'family' are fantastic I just want to hug them all ..


  9. Cute card and the stamp is so sweet it really stops it from being too twee I think.... Lovely photos too she must be oe gifted dog tamer to keep that crowd in check!

  10. Soft pastels, Penny Black and some lacy elements work wonders to create a sweet baby card, Brenda. Loving the dog pictures. Leia looks very sweet and seems to be enjoying her new family.
    Hope your weekend is off to a good start.
    Marianne x

  11. Gorgeous new baby card Brenda. I love making new baby cards and this cute little is perfect for any new addition.
    Love photos of your furry family, they all look angelic I can't believe any of them would misbehave.....
    Take care

  12. Hi, Brenda! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your fur family and how well behaved they can be. WOW! Dogs want so much to please us, don't they? Yours have a wonderful yard to play in, and looks like they play well together, too!

    Your baby card is beyond adorable! That happy buttery-sunshiny yellow is gorgeous, and the yellow-and-white butterfly background is sweet as can be! It's a beautifully designed card, and one that will be cherished for sure! Beautiful! hugs, de

  13. Ohh B what a cute photos series, such gorgeous well cared for dogs, and yes as if they didn't know treats were in store. I love your baby card and always been going to get that stamp, but kinda never have. PB aren't cheap here and do have some.. sooo. ;)
    Been praying each evening for you and coming ops, I saw mention of them on a comment somewhere so been praying ever since. Pray they're really successful for you.
    Hugs and prayers Shaz in Oz.x
    Ps Am sorry I've really been bad commenting last few months.. going to have cut back on things I think, like DT work.

  14. Beautiful baby card and a very beautiful addition to your growing fur family. It's wonderful that you are able to adopt rescues who need a good home, it warms my heart. Take good care and have fun! Shirleyxx

  15. A beautiful, sweet and adorable baby card Brenda. Lovely yellow colour too. Lovely fotos of the dogs, brings a smile to see them all so attentive hoping to get a treat. Marlies x

  16. A perfect baby card Brenda, one of my favorite baby stamps as well. Congrats on the new furry addition, she's beautiful and nice to see that they are all getting along!

  17. Really adorable new baby card, this cute sleeping hedgehog makes me smile. But your furry-friend family is the most fabulous!!! How sweet are they! So happy you have saved other dogs from bad life! You are a special heartfelt person! Well done! So pleasant to know all your doggies family! :D
    Big hugs! Hope you have a good holiday in Italy!

  18. There all so adorable Brenda, that was my one dream in life to have a big farm with lots and lots of Animals, I love them all. Your card is so adorable too Brenda so sweet love it..hope your feeling well.
    Hugs Babs x

  19. Gorgeous card and image,love the delicate colouring,beautiful dies and lace-brilliant pic of the dogs so attentive for the treats
    Carol x

  20. One of my fave go to baby images, love rhe soft lemon. Cute pics too

  21. I am just playing catch up having been missing for a short while. I hope you have enjoyed the last couple of months. I love your baby card Brenda. Please do not think I have forgotten you. Judy x

  22. Really adorable card. The image and the soft colours are perfect for a new baby card. Spot on dearie. Loving the family pic. Wow that's quite a brood of doggies all gorgeous of course. Hope you're doing okay or the best that you can be. Sorry it's been so long. Just haven't been blogging for ages. Thank you for your kind comments as always dear friend. Big hugs xx

  23. Superb card Brenda and no-one would know that you struggled with this. Love the choice of colours making it either/or and a really lovely image.
    Love the photo's, a great selection of dogs and all looking so attentive. Did laugh out loud to Mervi's comment (don't normally read others comments but as I scrolled down it stopped on hers) I was that busy looking at the dogs, I never noticed the pear trees, but had to go back and have a look.

    Kath x

  24. Such a lovely card to welcome a new baby. Speaking of which your new baby looks as though she has settled right in!! She is a very lucky girl to have such a new loving family to take care of her xx

  25. those cards are so nice!
    your new part of family is so cute!
    lots of hugs

  26. Beautiful card Brenda!! I love the soft colors. Nice pics.

  27. A lovely card Brenda,one of my fave baby stamps.How lovely to see all the dogs...brilliant.Enjoy the rest of the weekend xx

  28. What a sweet baby card, love it.
    Great photos of your dogs. x

  29. Oh my gosh what a beautiful card! I love the image and colors! These dogs are all sooo cute! I have two myself. Hope all is going well. Hugs, Robin

  30. That is quite a herd you have! Wish I had the space for 1-2 dogs...
    And I just love to play with not-that pbvious baby images to make a babycard and just look for images and colours that the parents like and just refere with the text to the newborn... maybe that is something for you? Enjoy the sunday!

  31. Love the new member of your family she is beautiful!!!!

  32. Quite a handful, how great to have space for that many gorgeous creatures!

  33. Beautiful baby card and such an adorable image...
    and as for the photos, well isn't it amazing how a treat or two can bring out the very best in a dog xx

  34. What a beautiful card Brenda - love that image :-). You certainly are dog lovers, and well done on the training to have them all behaving like that - albeit only briefly!

  35. So sweet and a lovely layout. I did like the photos of your doggy school.

  36. Lovely card, one of my first PB stamps.
    Amazing how all the dogs are sitting to attention, if only Toby would sit like this. Lovely photos - the fruit on the trees in the background looks good too. x Susan x

  37. such a sweet card brenda! all the dogs in the obedience class look so cute and attentive!
