
Tuesday 28 March 2017

Lovely Katya, Russian Palaces, Flowers and Flamingo's

A selection of the Russian Palaces stamped onto a Brusho background

Afternoon peeps, I have only been posting weekends recently with my DT makes, but I thought I really should share some of my DT creations made for the recent Hochanda and Create and Craft TV shows.

First up here are a few of the 20 or so I made for the weekends Chocolate Baroque One Day Special using the lovely Russian stamps which included the beautiful Katya. Mindful that this is going to be a rather lengthy post I will just add a few details below each picture, if you want to know more then always happy for you to mail me.

Katya stamped and embossed in gold and highlighted with gold and blue pens onto a dry brushed acrylic and gilding polish background

Russian Palaces stamped onto a distress ink background then bleached out and sections of the Russian Floral Egg stamped and embossed with detail white powder

A selection of the the Russian Dolls and Palaces

The Russian Floral Egg with Gilding Flakes onto a DI background overstamped with the new Crackle background stamp and stenciled sunrays

Next are a few of my Stamp Addict shows which also aired over the weekend, I forgot to record them so hoping they will soon be uploaded to rewind.

The largest Flamingo stamped onto a DI background stamped with some of the distress elements and a sentiment from the same release of stamps

I love this Dad stamp (so wish mine was still here to send him this one) along with the new stars and background elements onto a DI background

Using the new Daisy Frame onto a Brusho background

DI simply brushed and the large Flamingo and Flamingo border along with one of the new sentiment stamps

And finally, some Tattered Lace and Rare Earth (TLs' new stamp range) samples.

One of those I made for the Finding Dory show (and yes I had to Google the name to find out what it sad is that !) using both the dies and coordinating stamps

One of the samples for for recent release of the Spring Flower dies

This one was for the latest Art Deco release

Using some of the dies from the Spring Flowers release and sentiment from the Rare Earth Scribbles release

Using a selection of the floral and background stamps and new inkpads being released by Rare Earth this week

The new Rare Earth letters, background element stamps onto a DI background - I also stamped the harlequin stamp using gold texture paste to get a nice grungy feel

More stamps from the floral release along with inks and brayer which will also be on the show

Finally, when there are flowers there has to be a floral wreath and on this one I used more of the pretty new pastel inks

Many thanks for taking a peek and hope I haven't sent you to sleep with so many cards in once post, but as you will guess I am well overdue posting some of them.


  1. Oh WOW Brenda, what a stunning collection of cards you have here. I love them all, bought the Chocolate Baroque collection (even though I already had the russian dolls), it was such a good price. I also bought the Art Deco set of dies too. Need to sit on my purse now and get using them.

    Sue xx

  2. wow Brenda you have bin busy, your cards are lovelt, beautiful and the use of colours.
    Gr Karin

  3. Well my word! Such a plethora of gorgeous cards from you today. So many different and beautiful designs and inky techniques and so much inspiration for us all. Thanks for sharing :o)

  4. My word Brenda!! A wonderful selection of samples...all gorgeous xx

  5. Hello Brenda
    A fabulous collection of cards. I was able to catch a couple of the CHocolate Baroque shows and really enjoyed watching Lesley create some fabulous cards. The Dt work was brilliant and very inspirational.
    I, of course love the TL samples. I sat on my hands as much as I could but the Molly die just had to come and reside in my craft room. And she is very beautiful.
    Take care

  6. Brenda you really are a talented artist. Your designing of each piece is amazing, love them all.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  7. Wow what a fabulous variety of cards and each one is wonderful. Can't pick just one favourite so my top 3 are the Dad card, spring flowers dies card and the Rare Earth letter card because I love the sentiments... but I love your super Finding Dory too xx

  8. Wow! Brenda, how do you find the time for all these amazing cards - they are fantastic

  9. Lots of beautiful cards Brenda, and such a variation of styles. You have been busy and inspiring.
    Avril xx

  10. Wow!! So many beautiful cards, Brenda!! Glad you are having fun making these!! Love them all!

  11. Oh wow these are all amazing hun fantastic collection of cards hugs cheryl xxx

  12. Wow!! Such a fabulous explosion of creativity!!! How many wonderful pieces! You have been so busy and I'm surely ejoyed any minut of your craft time! The russian cards you made with the CB stamps are stunning and very different! And are adorable also all your cards for Stamp Addict and Tattered Lace, a lot of different designs and techniques here! Stunning works!!

  13. Well Brenda, what a fabulous selection of cards, so many lovely and different images and styles, how can anyone choose a favourite out of these.

    Kath x

  14. Oh my goodness. What splendid & varied designs of your gorgeous cards. While each one is just so beautiful, I'm especially loving the black & golden eggs. Looks so much like a Faberge egg from the Czar's collection. You are just so skillful with these products. TFS & Hugs

  15. Oh my! Brenda you are a whirlwind of creativity. I love them ALL
    but I think my faves are the Russian Floral Egg and the Floral wreath with the die cut flowers as that sentiment is so true!

    Thank you for sharing all these beautiful cards.

  16. Adorable cards. Love them all.
    Valerija xx

  17. What a fab selection - I did see those Russian stamps but am resisting them LOL! I think my fav though is the daffodil card.

  18. Fabulous samples Brenda love all the stamps -the first and third are my favourites-and with 4 young grandchildren I know all about Dory and Nemo lol
    Carol x

  19. Gosh you have been busy these are all superb hard to pick a favorite but I do love Dory !! Those Russian designs are so different Lovely post hope you are keeping well Love and hugs Carole x

  20. Wow, what a wonderful set of creations. Have a great week.

  21. Wow so many and so beautiful! Must say that I like the CB-makes most; saw them on Hachonda and really like them! Hugs, Gerrina

  22. Oh my goodness--overwhelming amount of goodness in this post, Brenda! I love your Brushos backgrounds & those die cut daffodils are so pretty! Love the gilded Russian egg--all wonderful cards!

  23. dear Brenda your cards are stunning!
    love them all!

  24. Love the Thank You card colors especially and you had to google Finding Dory!! So cute. Excellent cards as always. So impressive every time

  25. Fabulous set of cards Brenda, some wonderful colours in there and great stamps.

    Pat xx

  26. wooooooooo! so glad I saved this post for later so I could give it my proper attention, Brenda! HOW GORGEOUS are each and every one of these works of art. I love the daisy frame with Brushos, and the Russian Egg with flakes. But each card has so many pretty details, colors, and wonderful backgrounds! Thank you for posting all of your beauties! Blessings this week-end to you, hugs, de

  27. Wow! You have been busy, and what an awesome selection of cards.
    You have such a fabulous eye for colour and those russian stamps look amazing.

  28. Oh my did I miss this post. You have been a busy girl! These are all so gorgeous!! LOL on Finding Dori...the movie is so funny! I love all these backgrounds you have created for your stamps!! Hugs, Robin

  29. Wow! You've certainly been busy. I went and made myself a cuppa before revisiting so I could ponder over your gorgeous cards. What an amazing selection. Unfortunately I missed the Chocolate Baroque show and haven't seen these Russian stamps. Especially liking the first card. The silhouettes look fabulous on that great brusho background. Your cards are always very inspirational! Barbxx

  30. This is really a great card collection. Thank you for sharing
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  31. I can see the hard work done by the blog owner. Keep Posting such great things again. Looking forward for your next post.
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