
Wednesday 26 October 2016

Yet more Poppies, Rudolph Day and Tattered Lace releases

Morning all you crafty Peeps, time for me to share another Guest Designer creation for Chocolate BaroqueAs with the last couple of weeks I have written up all the details over at the DT blog here so it seems silly to bore you again with all the information a second time. 

Sorry my visits have been limited, not been a good week or so pain wise and avoiding the computer as much as possible, things can only improve !!

I used a couple more snippets of Fabriano so am off to the Playground where I am hoping for some Halloween fun with the other insouciant playmates. I found a recipe for gooey orange filled cupcakes which should go down well with some hooch up in the tree house, not a word to Miss Di mind you and Parsnip has vowed silence so long as he gets double dibs.

And here is this month's Rudolph Day's card, I am rather impressed with myself this year as I promised Mo I would try harder and apart from when we were on holiday I don't think I've missed a month. 

Looking at my card now the trees all look a bit drunk and at an angle, yet looking at the card itself they seem upright........your gonna have to believe me on this one. Maybe it's the angle I took the photo or maybe it's the north wind blowing !!

Using black archival I stamped a mix of different stamps, Inkylicious, Art Impressions, Lavinia to create the scene, then masked the sun and used distress inks, ink dusters and a piece of torn paper to add colour and finally some glitter on the snowy hills and shy.

And here are a few Tattered Lace makes, I've not done too much lately due to my slow progress on the crafty front, but the lovely wrought iron gates have been released on C&C this week so I am safe to share.

Many thanks for popping in today.


  1. I think you have been very busy Brenda, so sorry that you are having so much pain.

  2. Beautiful creations B and all I can do is 'sigh' with delight.xx

  3. Glorious card selection Brenda, I do hope you begin to feel better soon too.
    Just seen these beautiful gate dies on C&C repeat show this morning, they're so lovely.

  4. A wonderful array of cards Brenda, whenever I see Poppies, I think of you, xxx

  5. Oh what a gorgeous selection Brenda! Those gates are fab, and make for really lovely cards. Must put them on my shopping list!
    Have a fantabulous day! x

  6. What a great variety of cards Brenda all so different but equally stunning...


  7. Hello Brenda, love this collection of cards especially the different ways you have used the gate die. I hope the pain improves soon.
    Take care

  8. Wow, Jou are busy with making cards. Beautiful!!!
    Beautiful scene cards and the last three, beautiful colours and background.

  9. Wow, there are all beautiful creations. Hope things improve soon. Hugs Anesha

  10. What a wonderful selection of cards again today Brenda. The Tattered Lace dies are lovely and you've used them in so many different ways. I love your snowy scene. It does have a cold wintery feel to it and the first is my absolute favourite. A really lovely little scene and the poppies embellish it beautifully. I love it! Hugs, Barbxx

  11. Brenda thank you for sharing these amazing card everyone is fabulous so much talent Love and hugs Carole x

  12. A stunning collection of cards Brenda, love the poppies and the gorgeous Christmas scene and of course the wonderful tattered Lace cards. I've manage to resist buying these so far, but must admit to being sooo tempted.

    Sue xx

  13. Hi Brenda,
    what perfectly gorgeous makes.
    They are all so very wonderfully created, amd the designs are awesome.
    Love your Rudolf card the scene is super and very wonderfully inked.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  14. beautiful and gorgeous cards / projects Brenda
    I know your are busy so I understand.
    gr karin

  15. Beautiful, beautiful creations Brenda. Love them all.

  16. Wonderful cards as usual, B. Ever so sorry you've had such a run of poor health surely the turning of a corner to a better patch must be coming soon, I pray so earnestly dear friend. I love your golden heavenly gates and the piece by Longfellow on the Christmas card for Mo's challenge I promised too I'd do better, think I have, though perhaps in frequency more than quantity.
    So delighted to be GDT member for Rudolph Day Christmas Challenge, thank so much for sharing with us your creative inspiration.
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  17. Another fantastic selection of cards Brenda, love the gates and crackle background.

    Now for the drunken trees, me thinks you had to much of that hooch!!!!

    Sorry to hear you are still in pain but as you say it can only get better. Let's hope it's soon.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  18. Wonderful cards, I'm a big fan...:-)!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  19. So many beautiful cards Brenda!! I love your scenery cards! I have one that you had sent me earlier and keep it on my craft desk, safely inside a box! The gates are very beautiful!! Love the flowers you have used in many of your cards!! Sorry to hear that you are in pain, but like you say, it can only get better!! Hugs!!
    Moxie Craftie

  20. WOW Brenda! I can tell you really loved the new gates dies. What amazing work with them! Truly beautiful inspiration. Hope you get some time of renewal and better days so soon. Hugs, Autumn

  21. A lovely collection of cards Brenda, love the meadow and Christmas scenes - they say the camera doesn't lie - but as far as cards, I think it does.
    Sorry to hear your still not too well, hope things improve soon.
    Hugs, Avril xx

  22. Wow a wonderful group of gorgeous cards. I came over from CB's blog, love your design over there (top card), but all of these are gorgeous. Love the colours on the bottom one :) Take good care, Hugs xxx

  23. Love the poppies (of course) great makes with the new dies. Bagsy a cupcake please L x

  24. So sorry for your health problemsa, brenda. But...Wow wow wow!!! Nobody could say that you have had so much pain... You have been so busy however, and have made a compilation of fab pieces of art, as only you can make! These cards are anyone more beautiful that the others!!
    I have already seen your CB work on the CBDT blog, fabulous scene with your Pan pastels! All the other cards look amazing and so creative! I just adore your winter scene with the trees and the deers, and thedreamy palette of the last one, they are my favourite!

  25. Stunning cards Brenda and your snippets one is actually my favourite :) Hope things improve for you soon - it's no fun being in constant pain.


    Di xx

  26. What a beautiful array of cards Brenda, all so different, all so gorgeous, but the first one with the scene, the rabbit and the poppies is my favourite, it is stunning. Hope you are soon feeling better with less pain.

    Pat xx

  27. An awesome array of beautiful cards Brenda. So sorry not to have visited in such a long time hun my back and other joints are playing up something wicked so like you I have had to curtail my crafting and my visiting, which I very much dislike!!
    Please keep looking after you, I hope your pain eases soon xx

  28. Oh Brenda what amazing cards, you've been very busy. Your CB card is gorgeous, beautiful colours and design and I adore the winter scene with all the gorgeous deer and trees, pretty TL cards too, Kate x

  29. Not done much!!! have certainly been busy with a fabulous mix of cards. All fabulous but I especially am taken with the winter wonderland one!

  30. All your cards are so beautiful Brenda hard to pick a favourite...I could look at each one for aeons!!
    Dr Sonia

  31. Stunning selection of cards Brenda, especially love the poppy one with the oval frame. So sorry to hear you're still in pain and hope you start to feel better soon. Take care xx

  32. These new gate dies are fab! You've done wonders with them and your cards are all beautiful. I love your winter scene too... I wonder if the latest technology could help you with sparing your hand at the computer. Windows 10 Cortana always tells me "she" can do all sorts for me. (I don't let her, cos what I do is my business but needs must...)

  33. You've been busy, a gorgeous selection of cards.
    Lorraine x

  34. My Word Brenda you have been super busy making all these beauties. Hope you get some relief soon xx

  35. Oh wow Brenda, the card are all beautiful. Great selection!
    Hugs Carola

  36. Wow a fabulous selection of cards, I love them.

  37. wow, brenda, your CB cards are beautiful and so elegant! of course i love the bunny card and yay! you've been working hard to add christmas cards to your stash. thank you so much for playing along with us this month at the rudolph days challenge!
    rudolph days challenge DT

  38. I wish the winter landscape will look as fabulous as your card!
    Lovely cards. And the creation you made from a photo frame is just
    delicious. :)

    Have a wonderful week!

  39. wow Brenda!
    your cards are always stunning!
    lots of hugs

  40. These are all so amazing! Gorgeous! You say you just can't craft as much but let me say you do way more than I could ever get done. I just love all of these especially the art piece...the gates and angel are wonderful! I'm sorry you are having a bad pain week. I pray it gets better soon. Hugs, Robin

  41. You do make the most wonderful cards, Brenda! I really love the bunny card & your Rudolph Days scene!

  42. Oh my word what a fabulous array of cards. Hard to choose a fave but that bottom one is singing to me

  43. Hi Brenda I do hope that the pain subsides I think you are such a wonderful person to be able to create so many beautiful creations even though you are not well, this selection is outstanding, each one has a beauty all of it's own, I particularly love the first one, excellent work, take care
    lorraine x

  44. What a treat again! Great colourcombo's, but as I can imagine the two scenes are my favorites! Love the way you make the landscapes! Hugs, Gerrina

  45. Wow, Brenda! You have been busy! I love them all, bust especially the first two. Absolutely gorgeous scenes! Those cupcakes sound awesome! Count me in, lol!

  46. Hi, Brenda! Every time I visit your blog, my heart sighs contentedly. ALWAYS beauty, always unexpected, always incredible use of medium - and the thing is, you nearly always incorporate nature in some way. By including nature, we are reminded to love and cherish the Earth, and that we are to be mindful and caring of her! I especially like your bottom card - would NEVER have thought of using gates like that - as though what is keeping us OUT is that we have not found a way IN... YET... or perhaps it is that we are IN a place, and we are keeping ourselves IN rather than allowing the gates to open and let Beauty enter? All the cards are amazing, but I especially love the last card. love, de

  47. WOW, WOW, WOW, amazing creations my dear Brenda and with all that pain you have, amazing you are realy an inspiration and I realy admire you!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  48. Stunning cards Brenda, if I'm the queen of baby cards you are definitely the queen of scenery cards!! Love how you used the gates, very imaginative!

  49. More fabulous cards from you Brenda, love the poppies on the first one, as for the trees on the scenic one I think you had been sampling the hooch before you sneaked it into the playground !

  50. All beautiful cards but my favourite has to be the last one. What gorgeous colours. Hugs Mrs A.

  51. Anyone who knows me knows that this is not an easy thing to do: Brenda, your art work renders me speechless!!! Hugs, Darnell

  52. amazing collection, I always admire your creations.

  53. Another gorgeous set of cards, breathtaking! happy weekend :)

  54. What lovely and elaborate cards you have made! Thanks for sharing!

  55. Wowsers - what an amazing range Brenda!! Each and every one is fabulous!! I'm sorry Ive been MIA - you know how life is. I do hope pain levels improve for you very soon. Nicola x

  56. Fantastic cards Brenda, an amazing collection.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  57. Today I had a bit more time to stop & enjoy each of these beautiful creations. Oh my I wish I had just a bit of your creativity with these dies, creating scenes and designing a card. Those gates are just pure elegance, and of course I love the 'scene scapes' you create so well. Especially loved the oval bunny with the pretty poppies to decorate the frame. Of course you need to avoid computer time if you're not feeling well, so take care, and do what needs to be, for you to feel better. You amaze me with all this activity, especially if you're in pain. Best wishes & prayers that it will get better very quickly for you. TFS & Big hugs.

  58. More fabulous card love the scene and those gates are brilliant-love the crackled frame
    Carol x
