
Sunday 9 October 2016

Smile, it's a beautiful day

Today sees the start of a new challenge at Fashionable Stamping Challenges and this month our theme is 'Trees'. As always there is a generous prize of a $20 shopping voucher from FlonzCraft.

As a confirmed 'treeaholic' this theme was right up my street and this is a card I made for one of our son's Birthday's back in September. The main image is from Inkylicoous, stamped twice to extend the scene n to Fabriano 300gsm cardstock. The fences across the front are from Sutter, I also have a bit of a thing for fences............. Once the main stamping was done I masked a sun and used Pan Pastels to create the background and DI's and mask to create the sunrays. I added a little watercolour to the trees and finally stamped the birds, leaves across the top using an Art Impression stamp and the sentiment is from the same set as the trees.

And since I'm on a quest to use up all those pieces of Fabriano.......I buy it in A3 sheets, cut down to squares as I seem to use that shape the most, but am always left with long end pieces which fit perfectly for landscape cards..........I am hopping over to Di's Playground playground with this one.

I do hope you will come and join us this month, it's the perfect opportunity to let those Autumnal colours loose.


  1. Beautiful card, I love fences too and yoru stamping is so effective. Lovely cards below too especially the top Autumnal one.

  2. It's really beautiful day and much more beautiful card. Great job!
    Valerija xx

  3. Morning Brenda, what a beautiful Birthday card, and a wonderful warm scene you have created, lovely stamping as always. Have a good week

    Hugs Babs :))

  4. Ohhh what a beautiful card! I love these kind of cards, are amazing.

  5. Beautiful scene card Brenda. Have a nice day.

  6. Stunning Autumnal card Brenda! Happy Sunday!!

  7. ...And a beautiful card. The sun is shining. Janny

  8. Een schitterende kaart .Ik kijk altijd vol bewondering naar je kaarten.
    Groetjes Gerrie

  9. A beautiful scene Brenda. When I look into your card it is just like looking across the fields we have on Mersea.
    You have made the scene look so realistic and it looks perfect with minimal colouring.


  10. You are the Queen of stamped scenes Brenda, this is beautiful.

  11. Beautiful scene and sentiment Brenda the colours are wonderful I love it
    lorraine x

  12. Beautiful scenic card Brenda you are so good at creating this sort of card...lovely colours too


  13. I LOVE this beautiful scene and the wonderful sentiment Brenda. Stunning.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  14. This looks beautiful and looks like it does here often at the end of the day/start of the evening here... Hugs, Gerrina

  15. What a lovely scene - great that you can use every scrap of the Fabriano one way and another

  16. It is a beautiful day! Such a peaceful card...and those trees look so full of character!
    Dot x

  17. Absolutely love this Brenda, xx

  18. Stunning work Brenda, I wished I lived closer I'd be popping in for lessons...even if you didn't want

  19. so beautiful card Brenda!
    have a nice day

  20. Such a beautiful scene Brenda and as always such wonderful colours and stamping.

    I'm kicking myself as I've just got rid of that music embossing folder otherwise I'd have sent it to you xx

  21. Another gorgeous scene! I love the trees beautiful! Hugs, Robin

  22. A beautiful scenery card Brenda! Magnificient sunray effect! hugs, MArlies

  23. this is so gorgeous Brenda fab stamps.

    Gr Karin

  24. Absolutely gorgeous! A stunning card using some of my favourite stamps...I think I need to pay Sutter a visit as I hadn't seen that fence before!

  25. Die Karte ist soooooooooooo schön gemacht, ich bin ganz begeistert davon
    glg Gertrude

  26. WOW! This is just stunning, I love all the perspective you've achieved. Lynn x

  27. Love your scene cards Brenda, must take a leaf out of your book and make more of them myself. Have a great day (what's left of it, lol).

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  28. Absolutely stunning card Brenda, beautifully designed and coloured, it's a beautiful scene and I love trees on cards too, Kate x

  29. Such a beautiful card Brenda, the scene you have created is gorgeous.

    Pat xx

  30. What a lovely scene Brenda - just looks so relaxing - a perfect "end of the day" scene, really nice!
    Leanne xx

  31. Such a beautiful tranquil scene Brenda, I just love the Treescape stamp. I don't own many fence stamps but I've seen you use this a couple of times recently and it looks fabulous. You can almost feel the warmth radiating from your sun, it's a superb card. I'm just catching up on my commenting as we've been to York today to support our Son-in-Law who ran the Yorkshire Marathon. He's assured us all that it's his last one but we've all heard that one before;). Enjoy the rest of your evening. Crafty hugs, Sandra X

  32. Wow Brenda, what a great scene, super the beautiful day. I love your card.
    Hugs Carola

  33. This si beautiful and i was only remarking to Di the other day that I do have rather a lot of unused tree stamps in my stash. Time to get them out methinks. Hugs Mrs A.

  34. Gorgeous card!
    Happy Belated special anniversay!
    Love the wall hanging!
    Great cards in between!!
    Hope you're doing well!

  35. Totally beautiful card, Brenda! Wonderfully created scene!

  36. Wow, what a beautiful card!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  37. A beautiful tranquil scene Brenda and that sentiment is just perfect for it.
    Avril xx

  38. Wow!! This landscape is just fabulous and paceful!! Wonderful trees and fences, great stretching of their stamps! And just LOVE the sunrays and the flying birds!!!
    Fabriano is an italian brand, the more ancient and valuable cardstock by Italy! :D Almost one item in crafty word.. eheh :D LOL
    Big hugs!!

  39. Such a gorgeous scene Brenda, it certainly made me smile.

    Sue xx

  40. What a beautiful design! Love the sun!

  41. What a stunning landscape Brenda! It's beautiful enough to frame. Totally stunning, and the sunburst is such a wonderful effect as well. And, unlike me, your birds are flying the right way up too :)


    Di xx

  42. What a beautifully classy card. I adore the rays and the scene you set. Beautiful colouring. Tracy x

  43. Gorgeous card and scene. You create the most wonderful scenes on your cards, they are like mini paintings. I've scrolled down to see the other beauties that I've missed as well. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  44. A stunning scene Brenda. Lovely stamping and your sky looks gorgeous. Barbxx

  45. Oh Yeah! Your blog title is perfect for this EXUBERANTLY happy sunrise! Love this amazing card with the pretty sunny rays reaching out to caress all who care to enjoy them! Love, de

  46. what an amazing scene, everything is perfect!

  47. What an amazing tree scene you created, gorgeous colors and I just love how perfect your scenic cards always turn out! Might have to play along in this challenge too!

  48. Oh just love this scene ! Beautiful creation my friend ! xxx

  49. Beautiful card!! Love your scenery cards!! This one is no exception!
    Moxie Craftie

  50. This is stunning. I love the sun rays you've created.

  51. What a glorious creation, brings to mind the song 'oh what a beautiful morning'
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  52. Wow wow wow, it's a long time since I visited your blog Benda. I've been having a mooch and have enjoyed looking at some really outstanding work
    Anne x

  53. Gorgeous scene love the tree and fence stamp really beautiful result
    Carol x
