
Sunday 4 September 2016

Dance, sing, love............

I would like to start by saying thank you for all your kind comments and messages of support the last few weeks, it seems like a never ending saga, but hopefully I will get back to some sort of normality soon. 

In my post yesterday I spoke a little about my MS and I was touched by some mails and comments I received as a result, sometimes we can forget that we are not an island and there are others out there coming to terms with a new diagnosis. Here are a few words from one lady's mail to me "Thank you so much for opening up about MS, I was diagnosed in January and it's scary as nobody tells you much about what to expect. I have followed your blog for a long time and know you don't accept the limitations of MS, you continue to inspire me to keep trying even on bad days. Keep up the good work". I did ask the ladies permission to share.

It's time for our challenges at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are 'One for the Boys' and 'Add a Sentiment' and as always there are wonderful prizes to be won at both.

My Stamping Sensations share at the top uses a real mixture of stamps from Stampscapes, Inkylicious and Art Impressions. I started with a masked sun and then added Adirondack and Distress Inks to create the sky and lake before stamping everything into place with black archival ink.

My Penny Black card is not exactly what I planned but after creating the Brusho background the oranges looked rather like an explosion of fireworks and reminded me of a famous photo of the 1900 Paris Expo with all the exploding lights behind La Tour Eiffel. So I used a Sheena stencil and blue distress inks, then stamped my all time favourite Penny Black quote and PB butterfly which I cut out and coloured with the same colour Brusho's.

My team mates have created some fabulous pieces of artwork to inspire you so I do hope you will pop over the the challenge blogs to see them and of course join us this month.


  1. Gorgeous cards today,love them all. I was so pleased to find that PB quote stamp for sale on FB a little while ago, have always loved it since ai saw you use it. Good to know you are helping others to cope with MS too. Hugs xx

  2. Brenda, beautiful work yet
    You most definitely are an inspiration, I love the colour combos you use but I never get round to trying them out.

  3. Awwww.... Brenda,these are jus AMAZING!! Your talent always shines!!! Love, love your backgrounds!! The first scene feels so quiet, and the second one made me blow up, such a wonderful explosion of colours and that butterfly leave me without words!!! Super!!!!

  4. All your cards today are stunning Brenda, I always so love your beautiful backgrounds and wonderful compositions!!

    Sorry for not coming by for so long, as you know I have been away for two month and only now getting back into blogging, but you have often been in my thoughts. Hang in there my friend....

  5. Oh Brenda, your Eiffel tower design is inspired! I do see the fireworks behind and you've stencilled it so delicately... The butterfly is beautiful too, a very beautiful card. I also love the One for the boys, I have a few Stampscapes stamps and love creating scenes too. xx

  6. Beautifil cards Brenda! I love the first!

  7. Two beautiful cards - lovely cards.
    Kath x

  8. Waaauu wat is je kaart weer schitterend Brenda.
    Groetjes Gerrie

  9. These are both beautiful Brenda, I love that butterfly and the sentiment
    Kevin xx

  10. Fabulous colours on these cards Brenda and gorgeous designs...xx


  11. You have created two beautiful cards Brenda! The scenery card has a lovely serene look about it. A beautiful butterfly on your second card, A lovely effect with the "bursting" colours. hugs, Marlies

  12. Love the scene you have created Brenda, lovely card, as for the second card it's just sensational! That butterfly is stunning and I love the Eiffel Tower with the fireworks ,what a fabulous effect.


  13. you have made 2 gorgeous cards again Brenda, love the colours you have used and great scenery you have made.
    Gr Karin

  14. Two fantastic cards Brenda. Love the beautiful peaceful scene you created on the first and the wonderful butterfly and sentiment on the second as well as the super background. Hope you're feeling a bit better each day xx

  15. Beautiful cards, Brenda! I am so glad you are able to make some cards again! Such a lovely scene in the first card - so gorgeous with all those stamps! I love to make scene cards with my dies but I have not tried a stamped scene. Another one for my to-try list! And your second card is stunning! I think the fireworks effect is gorgeous - I know it wasn't your initial intention but absolutely gorgeous!

  16. Two amazing creations Brenda, I love both, the colours, the designs and the stamping all brilliant.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  17. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    da zeigst du uns ja zwei wunderschöne Kare,ich liebe diese Seelandschaft sehr,aber auch deine andere Karte einfach der Hammer,Danke auch für deine lieben Worte und
    liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  18. Two fabulous cards. I love the stunning scene on the first one - very atmospheric. Great background on the second card with a wonderful quote. xx

  19. Love, love, love that first card, fabulous scene. The colours on the second are beautiful, I bought some Brusho's a few weeks ago, as I love the effects you achieve on yor cards, but haven't as yet tried them out I seem to have been busy doing nothing over the summer holiday weeks so really must try them out soon. Have a good week.

    Pat xx

  20. A wonderful scene you created as always. I just love that colour combo on the second one. Lynn x

  21. Glad you have been able to start creating again Brenda, you seem to abound with ideas and inspiration for us all. Two lovely cards. I really love the Eiffel tower one.

  22. You are such an inspiration in your cards as well as on your blog Brenda! Keep doing what you are doing, I know you are such a strong person and your crafting has stood by you!

  23. Lovely cards Brenda I especially love the first one.
    Sorry I haven't visited so much recently but we have been away and also had family visiting. I'm glad you are managing to do some crafting again.
    Jackie x

  24. Two stunningly beautiful cards, Brenda! I don't think I could choose a favourite! Beautiful inspiration. There are so many lovely people in blog land and well done for giving so many of us inspiration and support xxx

  25. Brenda, these are such beautiful cards. The first is such a tranquil scene and your sunset sky looks amazing. I really like how you've created the background on your second card, the Eiffel Tower sencil looks great. The sentiment is one of my all time favourites and I adore your butterfly. Thank you for your visit and kind comment that you left on my blog earlier. I've replied to your question on there. Crafty hugs, Sandra X

  26. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, love the scene you've created on the first and the very pretty butterfly on the second
    Lorraine x

  27. Two cards are stunning!! I like them both! Beautiful stamping and using of colours.

  28. Two absolutely stunning cards Brenda, great images and gorgeous backgrounds.

    Kath x

  29. Bouth georgeus cards, I am realyy happy that you could make them cause I realy love to come here and look at youre art ♥
    As for the quote, I have it on my blog and I realy love it to XXX
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  30. Fabulous cards Brenda love the scene you created with your beautiful stamps-and great Brusho background and butterfly on the 2nd
    Carol x

  31. Love the explosions in your Penny Black card and you have used my favourite sentiment stamp too, Brilliant.
    Crafters are such a supportive bunch of people and are so kind with their comments. We are very lucky to be part of such a lovely community.
    Take care

    1. that´s was is on my mind ... better I can´t tell (write) --- thank you

  32. Two absolutely FABULOUS cards. Love the scenes in both, the tradition in the first and the modern in the second....brilliant!

  33. They are both really beautiful Brenda, especially the first one looks so realistic, makes me wish I was there in that scene! Gorgeous color burst on the second one, along with that beautiful butterfly!

  34. Oooh! I love BOTH! Gorgeous! B, you truly are an inspiration. Never whining, just humbly and caringly stating the facts. You'll never know how many lives have been touched through your artwork, friendship, kindness, and openness. XXOO

  35. These are so very beautiful Brenda! I just love the scenes you created and that butterfly is a favorite of mine too. Glad you have opened up communications that can inspire others. Your story inspires me to fight harder too. I won't give up either. One day someone will find a cure for what ails you and what ails me. My prayers stay with you. Hugs, Robin

  36. Oh I love both of these, Brenda! The Brushos does look like fireworks & the scene you created is so peaceful & beautiful!

  37. Stunning cards. That is absolutely gorgeous coloring.

  38. Two stunning cards Brenda. Love the spirit of the butterfly card, very special;-))m

  39. Oh B. I had goosebumps as I read your post and that beautiful comment by that lady truly we are a blessing to others we never know of...
    Its wonderful actually, I think our health limitations inspire us in ways we might not otherwise have discovered within ourselves. I know the LORD has enriched my life in so many ways by it! thank you for being part of this blessing too.
    In part it is because of you I have my brushos (and my panpastels etc).
    I found them (after much looking hunting and praying) very cheaply on eBay, from US and so lashed out.
    I can add to them if I want, but find they are really very diverse in potential and blend well. Love your bottom card and the use of the mask too brilliant work and the forming of image on top one is very special too!
    Thanks so much for the inspiration.
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  40. Beautiful cards, Brenda! Love your style!

  41. Oooo what a stunning pair of cards and you are an inspiration hun, i simply don't know how you do it sometimes, but i guess it's your dogged determination not to give in to it and i so admire you for this, luv Sam x

  42. Hi Brenda . . . you certainly are an inspiration that's for sure.

    You make the most wonderful cards despite having health problems. Like the other lady said . . . keep up the good work.

    Big hugs,
    Sarn xxx

  43. Mrs K has gone green..... with envy. Gorgeous makes as always my friend. Thanks for sticking with me and sending you a big hug. x

  44. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, love the tranquil scene on the first. Stunning colours and background and a beautiful butterfly on the second, love it.
    Hope you enjoy using the crayons.
    Avril xx

  45. these are both beautiful brenda! the first one is so calming and the second one certainly looks like the butterfly is admiring the fireworks - gorgeous!!

  46. Often, our being vulnerable is what connects us most. <3 Thank you for opening up and sharing your story. I'm glad to see you were able to manage two cards! Great progress. :) The Brusho accident is AAAAH MAZING! Wow, so cool! Hugs, Autumn

  47. oh Brenda such an inspiration my friend i am so glad you were able to share these cards with us hun. I adore the butterfly its stunningly beautiful enhanced by your detail to perfection,the first one is just so calming but has to be the butterfly for me sweetie love it to bits,take care my dear,and stay strong massive hugs Cherylxxxxx

  48. OMG so lovely cards Brenda ! The second is WOW !!!!
    I admire you my friend ♥

  49. A great scenic card - just love the soft colour blending and atmosphere of peace and tranquility. The butterfly card is so fabulous - love that explosion of warm colour from the Eiffel Tower, and how the soft background tones echo the more intense colours on the butterfly himself. The beaded body is a wonderful touch. Take care of yourself.
    Alison x

  50. Terrific cards - especially love the background on the 2nd - it has fantastic energy and joy inside! I hope this week finds you even a little improved. Nicola x

  51. Your first card is again a beautiful scene; love the soft colours, but most how you created it with so many different stampbrands! And your eiffeltower looks perfect so soft in the orange! Sending positive energy...hugs, Gerrina

  52. If I want to see perfect us of diferent stamps, I have to look on your blog. One more super creation.


  53. Brenda, I'll go read your earlier post here in a bit, but wanted to thank you for sharing your experiences with MS. I think at one time, ALL of us deal with one thing or another, and you just never know when sharing might be just the encouragement some reader might need that day. I also understand some people feel they need to keep their privacy, and respect that as well. You ARE an inspiration in that you keep positive and continue doing such amazing art work. I loved the calm, serene seascape. Your choice of the variety of different companies' stamps yielded such a beautiful scene, and it's neat to read how you've selected the different images to yield a cohesive look. Always love your brusho projects, and you're right, the soft colors certainly exploded - so very artistically. The soft blue images placed over it...awesome look. It looks grand with the gorgeous butterfly too! And thank you for sharing the blogger's comments. Big hugs.

  54. Wowww, both cards are beautiful. Of course I love the first card particularly.
    Hugs Carola

  55. Two more beautiful cards Brenda. You cope so well, and it is great that you can still continue Blogging. Judy x

  56. Two wonderful cards, not sure how I missed them. Hope things get better for you soon. Hugs Anesha

  57. Absolutely stunning Brenda! They are beautiful and really wow cards. You have no idea how much you inspire so many of us and for me it's while I keep on fighting because if you can do it with MS so can I with RA and fibro! I really hope things ease for you soon huni. I did want to ask you a question about paper trimmers so I'll email you when I can Karen xx

  58. I hope this finds you feeling a better, Brenda. I know from personal experience that the kind words of others and just knowing that others are thinking of you and praying for you can be a tremendous help during the tough times. It must also be so satisfying to know that by sharing, you are touching the lives of others who suffer and giving them hope for better days.

    Your two cards today are both extraordinary! You know I always admire your scenes, but today it is your "French fireworks" that stole my heart! What a stunning vision you have brought to life with your Brusho art!! Hugs, Darnell

  59. Hi Brenda, I'm just catching up after being away. These are again two very beautiful cards. I particularly like the blue stencilling on the second card. It really does look like a burst of fireworks.

    What a lovely message from the lady and I have no doubt that you really are a great inspiration to many people who are suffering in all sorts of ways. Hugs, Barbxx

  60. Hi Brenda , what a stunning cards, i love the stencilled background and how the Eiffel Tower is peeping through, and of cause that lovely verse that is one of your favourite's mine too, beautiful scenery on your first card too.

    Hugs Babs x

  61. Oh wow, what a fantastic card. You have used the Brusho's to perfection. You are definitely an inspiration with your wonderful cards and the time you find to comment on my blog when I find that so hard to do.
