
Saturday 16 July 2016

Frame it and more Chocolate Baroque shares

Good morning to you all, it's a scheduled post as I am now away ahead of our holiday starting later this week. And just a note which I forgot to mention earlier is while we are away I have no..........or that's actually forbidden to have..........access to the internet so won't see any mails or other messages until I am home in August. I would hate for anyone to think I've not replied to them.

It's time for our new challenge at Allsorts and Annie is hosting her first theme since joining the team and has chosen the them of 'Frame it'. Our sponsor is A Day for Daisies.

My first card at the top used an arch shaped stencil..................if you look below you will see where the stencil came from. I then used a Parisian stencil and Pan Pastels to create the scene through the arch aperture. The pretty lady is one of the new dies from Tattered Lace which was launched last week at the Doncaster show which I coloured with the same Pan Pastels, added a bow and coordinating matting and layering.

My above card is a new home one using a mixture of dies and cardstock to create the little village scene which I placed behind a die cut aperture and sponged in the sun and sky using Pan Pastels. I don't often use charms but I thought this little key tied with some cord would work well for purpose. I do hope you will join in your challenge this week and please do pop over to the challenge blog to see what my teamies have made.

I also have a few shares for this fortnights Chocolate Baroque 15 minute cards. The one above has a Brusho background, a quote from CB Words of Inspiration set and the Butterflies are from the main image in CG Butterfly Flourish set, both coloured in with the same colour Brusho's.

This one uses stamped from one of my favourite CB stamp sets Glorious Spring and willow from the Spring Foliage set, all stamped onto a background created with Adirondack due inks and ink dusters.

My set of little notelets was inspired by a pack of tiny square cards sent as a freebie with a recent cardstock order from PDA and uses one of the corner stamps from CB Butterfly Flourish stamp set and sentiments from CB Words of Inspiration and Pretty Poppies sets, all stamped in black archival and pan pastels sponged around the edges.

For this card I added lilac and turquoise Broshos to a piece of 600gsm Fabriano and saturated with water...........the great thing about this heavy watercolor card is it never warps however much water you add.  When dry I used CB Decorative Edges to add some random harlequins, I did this by holding the stamp in my hand rather using a block, that way you can make the pattern random and only stamp sections. I then stamped one of the images from CB Pretty Poppies, heat embossed with clear embossing powder and then bleached out the colour and tied some lace.

Happy weekend.


  1. Really wonderful cards, have a great holiday.

  2. Wowww Brenda what beautiful cards! I don't know how I like more!

  3. Wonderful cards.
    Have a great weekend.
    Valerija xx

  4. A bumper crop of beautiful makes before going on holidays... Love the lacy dress and your soft colouring of the Parisian scene is gorgeous.
    Hope you have a fantastic time, with a proper summer weather!xx

  5. Love all your cards. I admire your stamping and composition.


  6. Fabulpus collection of cards. Hope you are recuperating and able to enjoy your holiday x

  7. Hi Brenda
    Gorgeous creations, love all your details and the framing looks amazing. What a beautiful background with those butterflies.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. Fabulous cards Brenda, enjoy your holiday

  9. Such a beautiful all your kind of techniques used!
    Love especially the die of that elegant lady!
    xxx Margreet

  10. wow Benda gorgeous card and fabulous designs, thanks for the inspirations.
    Gr Karin

  11. Brilliant designs, love the gorgeous frames here Brenda, and that die is the other cards too.xx{aNNie}

  12. Woweee Brenda, this is a fantastic array of beautiful cards. I especially love the first, so fresh and elegant with adventure just waiting to happen. I do hope your sojourn in Italy will do you much good - please ignore blogland and concentrate on yourself. Hoping that the cruise will be wonderful too. Nicola x

  13. What a gorgeous display of cards Brenda! All glorious but my favourites as always are the inky ones, love your Fifteen minute card, and I'm rather taken with the fashionable lady die too. Do hope your holiday helps you to recover

    Joan x

  14. Brenda, I love them all but I'm actually in love with the first one! The die cut lady is absolutely exquisite and she looks absolutely perfect gracing that beautiful stenciled background. She just looks like she's going to walk right into it. The colours are just so beautifully delicate and the ribbons match up so perfectly. I really do love all of your cards as they are all so very different but this is definitely one of my favourites, I love it! Crafty hugs, Sandra x

  15. WOW what an amazing collection of cards...loved the scenic framed card...simply cant take my eyes off it!!
    Dr Sonia

  16. Hello Brenda,
    What a beautiful set of cards.
    I find every card beautiful at its own way. It is so various cards. Beautiful done!

  17. Che bel ventglio di card, Brenda! nbel po' di lavoro!! Le due scene con i Pan Pastel sono delicatissimee adoro questo arco!! Adorabili anche le card per Cioccolato Barocco, amo specialmente quella con le farfalle, così vibrante!! Bei colori e una grande tecnica, come sempre!!!
    Spero che il tuo viaggio stia andando bene. Benvenuta in Italia!:D

  18. wow! so gorgeous cards!
    you have done wonderul job!
    have a nice day

  19. Wow, Wow, and more Wow! These cards are gorgeous! Love the colour combo on the first card and the gorgeous die-cut lady! So pretty! Love the die-cut scene on the second card! Beautiful stamping on the other cards - always so impressive! Good for you for staying off-line - just relax and enjoy - and get better! Sending hugs!

  20. Gorgeous selection of cards. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  21. Truly wonderful cards Brenda, all so different and beautifully coloured and designed,enjoy your holiday, Kate x

  22. Gorgeous cards as always Brenda, have a super holiday.

    Pat xx

  23. Wow all amazing each one so different but all so beautiful with anpmazing detail hugs cheryl xxx

  24. Blimey Brenda, these are wonderful!! Have a fantastic holiday xx

  25. Good grief, what a fantastic array of wonderful creations, all so perfect too.
    I hope you are getting lots of rest and relaxation and you know what comes in a glass.

    Kath x

  26. These are all beautiful Brenda, I hope you are having a lovely time
    Kevin xx

  27. oh my these are wonderful Brenda - I especially adore the frame it projects - stunning work - hugs rachel x

  28. Hope your time away is wonderful, Brenda! Speaking of wonderful--I'm once again in awe of your work! The first card is my favorite--love the colors & everything!

  29. Waauu wat zijn je kaarten allemaal prachtig
    Groetjes Gerrie

  30. A fantastic selection of cards Brenda. The first card is my absolute favourite. Have lots of fun on your holiday. Barbxx

  31. Love both your frame cards Brenda ,really beautiful.Have a great holiday and enjoy and relax.Hopefully you will come back refreshed to us all . A good idea to avoid blog land but we will miss you !
    Jeni X

  32. wooooo! You have been busy, Brenda! I hope you are enjoying your time off, B. Miss you! hugs, de

  33. A real treat again! The PanPastelcard is my favo; such delicate colours makes it look like a dreamy world!
    Great cards again for CB; your mini's look great, just as the others... Hope the warmer weather will help you! Hugs, Gerrina

  34. All beautiful cards -the first one is very delicate and feminine-enjoy your holiday
    Carol x

  35. Beautiful cards Annie!! All of them are really gorgeous!! Hope you are feeling better and enjoy your vacation!! It's a good idea to avoid internet access!
    Moxie Craftie

  36. All so fabulous!! And I absolutely love the first one! Stunning!!
    Lucy x

  37. Your posts are always so full of inspiration Brenda, lovely cards and projects to start ideas flowing in our heads. I hope you have a wonderful and restful holiday and wish you a healthy return to us in August.

  38. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    ich bin mal wieder total begeistert von deinen wunderschönen Karten,jede einzelne ein Traum,
    liebe Grüße von Ulrike

  39. Wow, amazing colection of cards, first one is so elegant and I love the third one, great background and super sentiment!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  40. What an amazing assortment of cards Brenda, each one beautifully done with wonderful details.
    Enjoy your vacation! Hope you'll have plenty of time to relax and enjoy some sunshine!

  41. these are all gorgeous brenda! hope you're enjoying your break!

  42. A fabulous selection of cards, my favourite is the first one. Hope you are enjoying your holiday. xx

  43. Oh my goodness. This is a virtual feast of cards. All so beautiful and all very different.
    I must mention that I love that Tattered Lace Lady. She is so gorgeous.

    I remember my Mum looking like that! She had a hat just like that and looked beautiful in a dress very similar.I had a chuckle when I saw it as it brought back of fond memory of our Church Teas where the Mums took a turn pouring. Each lady brought her own silver service and tray, wore a fur coat and a beautiufl dress and poured tea for an hour or so. We were banned from that room (no kids...adults only for the tea) and we used to stand in the hallway bursting with pride at our beautiful Mum.

    I hope you feel better soon and your relaspe retreats. That Italian sun and relaxation should help!
    She is 92 years old now and still very beautiful to me.

  44. If I had to choose which one I liked Brenda it would be an impossible task as they are all gorgeous.

    Hope the holiday is doing you lots of good, take care my friend x x

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  45. Beautiful cards! Especially love the first one.....and the die is great.

  46. What have you done Brenda - I have been resisting the TL lady dies but now I have just been and ordered them! LOVE your card using the lady. Great scene card with the dies too. Everything as always just wonderful with your fab inkiness.
    Lynn x
