
Wednesday 27 April 2016

Spring bunnies and birdies

It's time for another share of  one of my GDT cards over at the Chocolate Baroque blog. I also have a a couple of shares of Tattered Lace cards that will be coming up over the nest few days at the live C&C programmes from the Crafting Live Belfast show.

It's a Spring inspired creation using Pan Pastels, toadstools from the Autumn Poppy stamp set and one of the rabbit images and pussy willow from the Glorious Spring stamp set.

I started with the reverse side of a piece of centura pearl, masked a sun and created the background with Pan Pastels. Next I stamped the images, rubbed out the Pan Pastels from the toadstools and coloured them in with Spectrum pencils. The sunrays were then sponged in with Distress Inks and some extra shading added beneath rabbit and toadstools to ground them.

These gorgeous birds are part of a new Charisma release, as with all the Charisma range there is a CD with the images in several colurways along with matching backing papers and dies to cut out the image, a close look at the birds beaks shows just how clever and precise the artwork and dies are.

For this one I created a simple background with distress inks.

Have a good Wednesday all and many thanks for popping in today.


  1. 2 real beauties today Brenda...such lovely designs. The birds could well be framed. Happy Wednesday xx

  2. What a gorgeous set of cards - really pretty Brenda, especially the first one, must have taken ages to make but you've created such a pretty scene. Hope you're doing well, Jx

  3. Fabulous.Classy. Lovely creation today just love the added gorgeousness.…xx

  4. Oh my goodness what can I say but love love love these cards.

    Crafty hugs Pen x

  5. Hi Brenda.
    These cards are so pretty, they give a real feel of spring.
    Particularly like the Chocolate Baroque sample , the colours and design are lovely.
    Best wishes

  6. How sweet, loving the top one the best, great little scene

  7. Three absolutely beautiful cards Brenda. The little bluetits are certainly very detailed. I'll have to watch the tv. My favourite is the first card. I really looked at it for several minutes. I love everything about it. Barbxx

  8. All three of these are just gorgeous Brenda, but that first one is a real stunner! Just wow! x

  9. Great cards, I really like them!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  10. More beautiful creations today Brenda, I love the beautiful inked and stamped scene above, something I want to work on soon time permitting. These lovely birds from the new charisma release are just gorgeous too and your beautiful cards showcase them in all their glory - very pretty.

  11. your cards always cherish me brenda, the scenic beauty is awesome

  12. Three beautiful cards, love the scene you created in the first one. Have a good day. :)

  13. Beautiful nature-cards! The first with the scene is my favorite; what a great scene again! Love the soft colours! Hope you are doing well? Here it is hailing for the fifth day in a row...I want springweather...

  14. Amazing cards Brenda!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  15. Oh my goodness these are stunning! That first one looks so magical!
    Lucy x

  16. Just gorgeous!! I love the sun rays that you do...I've tried and failed miserably. Those birds are amazing. The detail is so beautiful. Hope you are feeling well today. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers for your healing. Hugs, Robin

  17. Love your cards and designs! They are so beautiful.

  18. Utterly fabulous scene Brenda! It's so beautiful I keep hopping back for another peek :) I love the others as well - but the bunnies one keeps calling to me :)


    Di xx

  19. wonderful cards!
    first card is my favorite!
    have a nice day
    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  20. Brenda, questo post mi fa fare "Awwwww" e "Oooohhhh"... Che meraviglie!!!! Gli uccellini sono davvero realistici, in Italia ci sono uccellini così e mi piacciono tanto. Il tuo decoupage ha un bellissimo effetto 3D!
    .. Ma la prima card è veramente SPETTACOLARE!!! Quei raggi del sole danno l'impressione di entrare nel paesaggio, che dimensione meravigliosa!!! Tutto così bello e mi sembra di essere lì dentro con il coniglio a guardare gli uccelli in volo! :D Sento quasi il suono del silenzio e i profumi... Un vero sogno! :) Grazie.
    ...L'ho pinnato, ovviamente! :D
    Spero che tu abbia una buona giornata

  21. Beautiful cards Brenda. The birds are stunning.
    Crafty hugs

  22. Gorgeous cards, as always Brenda. Love the spring scene and those birds have so much detail. love the inky background.
    Avril xx

  23. Beautiful cards, as always, Brenda. The first one is fabulous, love the sunrays and the gorgeous toadstools and bunnies, a really beautiful scene.

    Pat xx

  24. All three are very pretty but the top one is gorgeous, love the fabulous spring scene you created. Take care xx

  25. Chin up from the floor again!!! Wonderful creations.
    Preparing myself for nail biting time tomorrow but a good result yesterday. JFT96 finally. x

  26. Your first card has such a magical quality--love it, Brenda! Beautiful showcasing of the birds! Hope you're having a great week!

  27. gorgeous card! I love the mushrooms and I love Chocolate Baroque...I need to pop over there!


  28. Beautiful cards Brenda!! I'm always a fan of your scenery cards!! Very beautiful!!
    Moxie Craftie

  29. Oh so beautiful creations Brenda ! Love the sunrays on the first, so fabulous scene !

  30. The CB card is just beautiful, but I have to say, I am totally in love with those pretty little birds, so spring like and plain gorgeous!

  31. That's a perfect description of my garden Brenda Bunnies and Birdies!! Beautiful nature inspired creations xx

  32. All stunning cards Brenda. Love the background scene you made with the toadstoools and those decoupaged birds are so beautiful xx

  33. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the blue tits, so sweet
    Lorraine x

  34. Wowwww beautiful cards! I like three all but I'm in love with the birds. Congratulations.

  35. Beautiful cards, so loving the scene one, magical. Carol xx

  36. stunning scene Brenda - I adore this xx

  37. Beautiful cards, totally stunning background on the first card but love the bluetits's cards.
    For the first time in a couple of years we have them nesting in our box, the nest is built but no sign of any egg yet, hope this weather doesn't put them off, fingers crossed.

    Kath x

  38. A trio of the spring scene in #1 with those glorious rays for the woodland creatures. You'll probably guess those beautiful birds will be dear to my heart though. You've used them so well in each of these cards, to create a feeling of spring loveliness. Just fabulous looks in each card. You're amazing! TFS & Hugs

  39. Wonderful creations, Brenda. Those birds are gorgeous and love that beautiful watercolored background on the last card, and such pretty dies on the second card! Gorgeous scene on the first on of these days I will try making a card with sun rays.

  40. A great trio of nature cards - the first one is just wonderful with those fabulous toadstools and lovely warm colour palette.
    Alison x

  41. Awwww, love your nature inspired scenic beauty! These birds are having so much depth and dimension with your fabulous scene!

  42. Such beautiful spring creations, Benda! Love those mushroom stamps!

  43. Glorious sunrise scene, Brenda! Don't you love the attentiveness in the bunny, and those gorgeously regal geese flying through the magnificent rays! Your bird cards are so peaceful and lovely. While they are cheerful, the also lend to a wonderful vintageness. (Is there such a word?) hugs, de

  44. Absolutely stunning . , all of them. Xx

  45. Brenda what stunning cards love them all


  46. Stunning sunrise scene with the rabbit enjoying the lovely sunrays! Love simple bg watercolour with the two birds!

  47. Beautiful work all stunning.

  48. Stunning selection of creations Brenda the first one took my breathe away the scene is awesome, stupendous work as always
    lorraine x

  49. Gorgeous work! Just love those birds.

  50. What beautiful cards Brenda

    Jackie x

  51. I love all of these Brenda, you always make such beautiful cards
    Kevin xx

  52. Love all three cards but those birdies are just top in my book! These are suitable for framing! Gorgeous!

  53. Great scene you have created on that first card and lovely style for the second card. Love them all Brenda.

  54. I love your Chocolate Baroque card Brenda, it's my right up my street as it's the sort of stamping that I like to do myself. The cards with the birds on are so beautiful and I especially like the one where you've used the lemon background as the colours just work together so well. Great work :) x
