
Saturday 12 March 2016

Spring Daffodils, Violets and Lilies

Good morning, it's Saturday and that means a new challenge at Allsorts and this week I am the host and there could be only one theme at this time of year which is 'Spring is in the air'. Our sponsor is Crafty Ribbons.

It's another of my favourite panel style cards for the first, masking the top and bottom of a piece of Fabriano and also a mask for the sun then Pan Pastels to create the background. The stamps are all Penny Black and inked with Distress markers and spritzed with water before repeat stamping across the panel. I also added a few blades of grass along the bottom using a Stampscape stamp.

And it wouldn't be Spring if I didn't use my Stampendous Violet stamp. Violets always have a special meaning for me at this time of year, I went to the small village school.....less than 20 pupils aged between 5 and 11.....a C of E school which meant the Rector had a strong presence in our education. The school fact still is although with a few more pupils a little lane with just a farm at the end of the lane, the school, Church opposite and Rectory next door..................and to paint the scene properly the Hoops public house next to the schoolhouse !!

Early every Mothering Sunday morning the Rector used to take the pupils to the hedgerows along the fields behind the farm where I lived and we would pick Violets and tie them into little bunches and each of us would give our Mothers a bunch at the Sunday morning service.

When I moved to our current house thirty five years ago I dug up several of those violet roots and they continue to flourish in my garden, they have self set all over the place and really need thinning out, but they look so pretty under the shrubs.

Another fond memory is that as pupils of a C of E school so close to Cambridge we were offered a very special privilege, every December we were all taken to the Kings College Chapel Carol Service, I often watch it on TV now and have fond memories of those days.

OK, enough nostalgia and some shares of some of the new Tattered Lace dies that are coming up on Monday on Create and Craft TV.

This one uses another of the new melded dies, I cut one side of the aperture and then reversed the die to create the aperture, coloured the butterflies with Wink of Stella pens, mounted over a piece of textured card and added a TL sentiment.

I used the matching border die on the insert of the card to carry the Butterfly theme and colours.

For this one I used the same melded Butterfly die along with the coordinating oval die to create the aperture. The rose embossing down the side and in the centre are both folders from one of the new TL embossing sets called Love Birds Berries. The Lily and Ivy come from the new TL Floral Layers, they are part of the Charisma range with a CD Rom to print out the blooms which consist of Lilies, Roses, Daisies, Sunflowers as well as leaves and Ivy and all are absolutely beautiful. The matching dies fit the printed out blooms perfectly and there is never and horrid white lines around the edge. I can't believe how realistic the Ivy is. 

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. What a floral treat today, love them. Sweet story about the violets too. I remember primroses growing in the hedgerow near my Grandma's house.

  2. Fabulous cards all Brenda, loved especially the last one, simply stunning!
    Sunny greetings;-))m

  3. Ho letto con piacere i tuoi ricordi di quando eri bambina, Brenda!! Io penso che gli anni delle scuole elementari siano importantissimi, e che rimangono nel cuore per sempre. La card con le viole è bellissima, anche io le amo molto!
    Tutte le card che ci mostri oggi sono così dolci e primaverili! Bel design nelle ultime due con le aperture! Grazie per le ispirazioni!
    Ti auguro un buon weekend nel tuo paradiso di fiori, credo che sia davvero meraviglioso in questa stagione!

  4. Beautiful colours and gorgeous dies, stamps and the works burger, love them....xxc

  5. You've been so productive Brenda! My favourite has to be the Penny Black watercolour effect flowers with the subtle Pan pastel background. Your violet story reminded me of my own, my grandmother loved them and she had planted lots in her garden. I hadn't thought of this in years! xx

  6. Love the colours of your Spring cards, eye popping! Gorgeous colours and designs as always. Lovely when creating some cards take us down memory lane from time to time. Carol xx

  7. Truly a breath of spring on a dull morning.

    All four beautiful creations, Brenda


  8. stunningly beautiful cards today Brenda - all beautiful but I love the daffs one - gorgeous!!! Big hugs Rachel x

  9. Hello Brenda
    A gorgeous set of cards today. I must admit when I saw the Allsorts challenge this week I immediately thought "daffodils". These are one of my favourite flowers that always bring a smile to my face at this dreary time of year and last October I went a little mad and planted over 50 new ones which are now all flowering beautifully.
    Have a good weekend

  10. Wow, what a glorious line up of of spring flowers and butterflies! Love the wreath of butterflies, so pretty! Gorgeous Lily! hugs :)

  11. What a beautiful collection of Spring inspired cards and they go perfectly with the Spring weather we are enjoying today.
    Jackie x

  12. Wonderful cards, love the first one.

  13. Brenda, gorgeous work again, beautiful designs and colour combo's.

  14. Hello dear Brenda! I hope you've been well, my friend. So sorry I haven't been around lately - I've been sick and miserable with the flu for over a week! I'll have a good day and then a relapse so it hasn't been any fun at all. Not getting any sleep - coughing all night - this is a nasty bug! Your cards are beautiful - as always! Love your masking and stamping on the first card! Beautiful step style on the second! Love all the butterflies on the others! You have some gorgeous die cuts!

  15. Beautiful cards - my favourite is the first one as I love daffodils as I think they always remind me that winter is almost behind us and spring is here!
    Kath x

  16. What lovely cards Brenda, all reminding us that Spring is just around the corner - we hope. I loved reading about your childhood, it's funny how one little thing, in this case a flower, can trigger memories of times long ago. You have been so productive with all these beautiful cards.

  17. again so diligently ... where do you get the time?
    beautiful cards, especially the Upper I really like. But of course you've also processed butterflies * lol (what else)
    CU hellerlittle

  18. All three are gorgeous Brenda, love the daffodil scene you created, they are among my favorite spring flowers, and I also love seeing violets everywhere too. Loved reading about your childhood, I too have fond memories of picking violets for my mom. Would you believe many people here consider violets as a weed and use weed killer on their grass. I love seeing mine on my lawn and whenever my husband gets ready to cut the grass I take my daughter out and we pick some violets before he cuts the grass, but sadly they don't last long once cut.

  19. These beautiful cards epitomise spring wonderfully Brenda, the daffs are my favourite. We have lots in a corner of the field which is our darling Mog's resting place so it's lovely to see them at this time of year xx

  20. Gosh Brenda! Lovely cards!
    Love the butterfly & egg one. The yellow is just Perfect!!!! Nice color!

  21. Love your host of golden daffodils card Debbs xx

  22. Beautiful floral cards today Brenda and lovely to read your memories too. Enjoy the rest of the weekend x Susan x

  23. So many ways to do Cards and all so different they ever are, still great! Love Butterflies and watercolour effect and black and ... all of those cards :)

  24. I am so in love with these! The first one you created the most beautiful scene and that shape on the second is gorgeous but I have to say the butterflies steal the show! They are so pretty and I do love butterflies. Hope your feeling well. It always amazes me the creativity you have. I wish I could get a bit of your scene creativity. I'm still working on that. Hugs, Robin

  25. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love all the pretty flowers
    Lorraine x

  26. Your two Allsorts card are totally beautiful, love everything about both of them... well nearly everything! Wordsworth, his poems were part of my O'level English Literature, that wasn't too bad but the other one was Shakespear 's - The Tempest and the book was Great Expectations, knew that off by heart.
    Your other cards are also stunning especially the first one such gorgeous colours.

    Kath x

  27. Loved your story and walk down Memory Lane, Brenda. I can't imagine a school with some ch tiny number of pupils! Wonderful! As are your delightful spring flowers. Beautiful cards, Miss B! Hoping your weekend is sweet. Hugs, de

  28. Fun to hear your violets story, Brenda, & oh my--what gorgeous cards! I absolutely love the first one with the Pan Pastels! Some day I have to learn how to use mine!

  29. I love spring, when everything come to burst. Your cards are beautiful, especially one with violet and lovely story with it.


  30. All such gorgeous cards Brenda, lovely memories too, xxx

  31. Beautiful cards - especially the daffodils - as a Welsh girl daffodils are our national flower and these are just stunning

  32. Love your daff card, B, and loved readin your reminiscing about the violets on Mothering Sunday. Reminds me of those books about the wee English country school house which I've read a few of now, of course can't recall the author. But you prob know.
    Bettr now, you are I hope after visit other day to hospital. With good results, I pray too.

  33. Gorgeous cards Brenda, I love the daffodils (my favourite flower) we have pots and pots of them out in the garden and I never tire of them. Schooldays sound idyllic with great memories.

    Pat xx

  34. Glad to hear to evaded the white coats. My goodness these are pretty and I love that butterfly die. Me thinks a TV spend is in order.! Hugs Mrs A.

  35. Beautiful cards, as always Brenda. The organza blooms trim I think was from eBay. Judy x

  36. Oh Brenda what a wonderful assortment of flowery cards. My favourite has to be the daffodils - I meant to buy that PB stamp when it was released and forgot all about it, I'll have to hunt it down now.
    Hope you're recovering well and feeling more comfortable now. Take care xx

  37. Amazing cards Brenda - such floral beauties and what lovely stories from your childhood. Probably wouldn't be allowed to pick said flowers from hedgerow nowadays, it would probably breach health and's clear you've been scarred by the experience - NOT! Jx

  38. These are all stunning, Brenda! Love the sweet quote on the first one and the beautiful colors you used. <3

  39. Thank you for sharing your school childhood with us, Brenda! Such a great memory that the violets which you picked years ago are growing wildly in your yard! Three lovely cards which bring in the spring, Brenda!

  40. Beautiful cards!
    The yellow card especially. It makes me happy!
    I wish the sun will be here soon. The summer! :)

    Have a great week!

  41. Wow!!!!!
    Amazing cards, they are so beautifull!!
    Love those butterflyes and that flower is amazing, realy beautyfull!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  42. Love the colours on all, but that first card is my favo; great sky and the flowers look so beautiful!! Hope you had a good weekend> Hugs, Gerrina

  43. All of these are stunning Brenda and perfectly reminiscent of spring. Your childhood memories sound like perfection too, one that I think many wish they had too Karen xx

  44. Spring is certainly in the air on your blog - what beautiful blooms, so colourful and cheerful - lovely.

  45. Wow awesome selection of creations Brenda the designs, colours and image are so beautiful I love them
    lorraine x

  46. Your spring cards are just delightful they are both fabulous designs I've really enjoyed your post telling us about your school days sounds idyllic I love the new dies and your pretty cards another amazing post so clever love and hugs Carole x

  47. Wow!! Beautiful cards Brenda!! The flowers are so lovely!! Nice colors too.. Your childhood memories are sweet!!
    Moxie Craftie

  48. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    einfach wunderschöne kKrten sie du uns da zeigst,eine schöner als die Andere und sie sehen alle so schön nach Frühling aus,
    glg ulrike

  49. these are all beautiful!!
    Kevin xx

  50. I'm doing a catch up tonight Brenda - so glad i didn't miss your lovely cards, but I enjoyed your trip down memory lane evenmore, its always lovely to reminice. It reminded me of visits to Durham Cathedral as a child andteenager when I used to sing in the church choir. We used to go to the festival of the choirs (of Durham diocese) each summer and I used to love to sing in the fabulous cathedral. Still a favourite place to visit - happy days : ) hugs judith x

  51. All gorgeous cards Brenda and I loved reading about your school memories.
    Hope you are recovering well

    Avril xx

  52. Your childhood schooldays sound idyllic Brenda, so lovely for you to have some of those same violets. Brilliant selection of gorgeous cards. Nicola x

  53. Schitterende kaarten
    Groetjes Gerrie

  54. The cards are wonderful !!!

  55. My goodness, Brenda! These cards are all so gorgeous. So many beautiful dies and designs. My fave is the butterflies...although it was very hard to pick a fave.

  56. Just catchin up on posts after being away...beautiful selection of cards Brenda particularly love the stepper


  57. All wonderful, my favourite has to be the panel card, simply beautiful. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  58. your cards are masterpieces!
