
Sunday 6 March 2016

Flowers and more flowers

Time for our monthly challenges at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are Flower Power and Feature a Creature, I am thinking both will be popular choices.

All of my cards feature new stamps from the So Special 2016 Spring Release from Penny Black, I know I am biased when it comes to floral and Penny Black but I think this release has some of the most beautiful stamps I have seen recently. So I was super excited when my deliveries from Penny Black and John at PB stamps arrived a couple of weeks ago.

My top card is my Penny Black DT creation using the beautiful Geranium called Light Touch. It's a pretty large stamp and with the pretty Butterfly needs little more with it.................the Butterfly is my creature. I machine stiched the edges of a piece of Fabriano card, inked the stamp with distress markers, spritzed liberally with water and stamped to the left of the card.

Once dry I flicked some watery colour using the same ink around the do this I simply scribble a little ink from a distress marker onto an acrylic block, water it down and using a fine paint brush flick the watery colour onto the card..............if the colour is too intense for what you want just dab lightly with a piece of kitchen towel to tone it down. The sentiment is also Penny Black and I simply finished the card with some matting and layering and pearls.

I made a set of cards for my first Stamping Sensations offering using another of the new Penny Black stamps called Bejeweled, I think this looks rather like a Chrysanthemum. I used exactly the same inking process as the card at the top and just finished of each one slightly differently, one has flicks of colour added, one some soft stenciling and the third a border drawn in with a pencil.

My third piece is a tent card, I like this shape for a change and using an A3 piece of card and a score board you can makes two nice sized cards much cheaper than buying ready scored packs. I covered the front and inside with Be Creative Vintage Collage papers and gave the edges a bit if inky treatment. I then cut an aperture in the from and added a Tattered Lace pearl edge frame. The sentiment is from Inkylicious, heat embossed with detail copper powder and another Tattered Lace die used to cut the mat.

The pretty flower is made from some satin ribbon I picked up at the Thetford show the other week, you cut a length of seven petals, pull up the thread which is already running through the top of the ribbon and you end up with the flower which can then be coloured with inks, pens or whatever - I used distress ink and water. A bow in the centre and a tag which came with the papers onto which I stamped a Penny Black sentiment and embossed with copper to match the focal quote.


  1. All so beautiful Brenda, Happy Mothers Day, xxx

  2. Great cards, I love the set of three, the colours are great.

  3. Wonderful flowers!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  4. Wonderful collection of projects Brenda and I have to say, I do agree about the Penny Black flower (and other nature stamps), they work so well wit water colour effects. Your trio for Stamping Sensations specially stole my heart, - they are sensational (apols for the pun). I hope those flower stamps will be available in the UK soon, - maybe they are already? off to google. Have a super Sunday!!

  5. Love these cards Brenda, gorgeous stamp, will look out for it.

  6. Fabulous floral cards, those PB stamps are lovely.
    Kath x

  7. Good morning Brenda
    Happy Mother's Day. A beautiful collection of cards today. The Penny Black challenge this month is brilliant - nobody does creatures like Penny Black. I am off to raid my stamp stash now to try and my find my favourite PB creature - I could be gone a while.
    Take care

  8. Gosh you have been busys Brenda...such lovely cards all so different but equally gorgeous...


  9. Penny Black do exceedingly good flower stamps! I love how you stamped these in colour, a truly beautiful result. xx

  10. Hallo Brenda, thanks a bunch for all your lovely comments.
    Have to pop over and see what you´ve done *lol
    Your flower cards are such amazing, love them all.
    The Tend card is very fine and precious - must be for someone special
    CU hellerlittle

  11. Wow Brenda! You're not kidding about the new Penny Black floral stamps, they're amazing. You don't see many Geranium stamps and this one is lovely. I really like how you've coloured the leaves as they look so realistic and the butterfly looks wonderful too. The set of three cards that you've made are fabulous and are just perfect for making up in different colours and giving out as a boxed card sets, such beautiful stamps. I love the sentiment on the last one and the way that you've framed it makes it look really special and the colours all co-ordinate beautifully. You've done a truly wonderful here job Brenda. Wishing you a lovely day. Sandra xx

  12. Oooo what a gorgeous set of cards, they are all my favourites, Luv Sam x

  13. Beautiful cards, love how just a change of colour and you have a whole new look! Love that imagine sentiment, how true is that!! hugs :)

  14. Molto belle, Brenda, io adoro i fiori e la primavera, questa è la mia stagione preferita e le tue card mi fanno sentire bene, sono così dolci e colorate! I nuovi timbri sono splendidi e tu li hai mostrati benissimo! Mi piace soprattutto la prima card con il geranio, e complimenti per la farfalla, è uscita fuori stupenda!
    Spero che la tua salute vada bene!
    Buona domenica!

  15. Beautiful flower cards, love that set in particular, so pretty. Great tent card too, not seen that petal ribbon before.

  16. Beautiful set of cards love the flowers,the water colour look is stunning,I've bought some but not tried them yet,I think your are the inspiration I needed Debbs xx

  17. gorgeous flowers, you're right, PB flowers are just fabulous! Settling down to watch the match now... fingers crossed.

  18. I am with you too with the new release of PB stamps-all the flowers theme stamps are simply gorgeous. Your card with the PB flower and the sets are beautiful-all three look so different just with a slight twist you made, Brenda!

  19. Wow Brenda, each and every one of these is magnificent but the geranium is my favourite, with the artistic splattering and pretty stitched frame. Hope you are enjoying a day full of good things!! xx

  20. A beautiful selection of cards Brenda. That geranium certainly is a beauty and I really like your machine stitching round the edge. I love the pretty paper you've used on the last card. I still have some of that flower ribbon somewhere. Must hunt it out. Barbxx

  21. Oh Brenda - these are all absolutely fabulous! You really showcased the new release of PB stamps beautifully - am always stunned by your artistry. And you reminded me about that drawstring petal ribbon - I have some hidden away here too :)

    Hope you're having a lovely day.


    Di xxx

  22. Such beautiful cards Brenda, still needing to order some of their solid floral stamps, I need to see how long until their next release comes out in case I wanted to wait on that to save on shipping. Your stitching looks great. I saw your comment on my card wondering about tips for stitching, I am really no stitching expert, and only use my sewing machine for cards. Not sure why your zigzags come out only on the opposite side...maybe there is a setting on your machine? Mine is a simple one with only a wheel to turn to change stitches, so I am not sure. But anyway, I think your stitching looks great!

  23. Fabulous card Brenda, those PB stamps are on my wish list!

  24. Hope you're having a wonderful Mother's Day and being spoilt rotten.
    Love these cards and new PB stamps. I've been eyeing them up and have a few on my wish list xx

  25. Really beautiful card Brenda and such gorgeous floral images too.
    Sorry to be awol but I've just been down with the nasty sick bug and nearly recovered apart from tiredness.
    Fliss xx

  26. these are all such beautiful floral cards brenda and i love the soft watercolouring!

  27. Love the trio of flower cards, how different these cards look even though they've got the same design. The power of color never stops to amaze me...

  28. What a beautiful flower stamp Geranium's are so pretty with there tall stalks and there beautiful pink flowers, wish I could say the same for there fragrance lol , I will be looking out for this stamp. Love the colours on the bejewelled stamps so elegant penny black certainly know how to make such gorgeous stamps. Love your tent card Brenda suck pretty papers..
    Hope you have had a lovely day..
    Hugs Babs x

  29. Gorgeous stamps and stunning cards Brenda;-))m

  30. These cards are beautiful Brenda, I too adore floral stamps and these are super new ones. Happy Mother's Day xx

  31. Gorgeous Stamos indeed B. But you have so skilfully used them, love those three chrysanthemum cards ..brilliant inspiration all around there. Blessing on your Mothering Sunday too, dear friend and Gods keeping on your health!
    Thanks so much for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  32. Love your floral delights Brenda, and I love the Tent card too. Happy Mother's Day to you. Judy x

  33. Beautiful cards!
    Enjoy next week til the fullest!


  34. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda, love all the pretty flowers
    Lorraine x

  35. beautiful cards Brenda, the flowers and colours, so lovely. Carol xx

  36. Beautifull cards Brenda!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  37. These are all just beautiful! I am enamored with the tent fold card! Love the vintage vibe, the way you did the sentiment, the delicate framing, and the gorgeous flower! WOW!

  38. Stunning cards, Brenda! I love them all! Those penny black flowers are gorgeous...might have to go on my shopping list!

  39. Totally gorgeous creations Brenda and some fabulous stamps and colours.
    Happy Mother;s Day to you, a tad late but I am in your third batch of children!

    Kath x

  40. Brilliantly designed creations and love the awesome colours used.
    Sorry have been missing but we had a bit of time out for a few days away....takes a while to catch up on over 200 notifications...xx

  41. The distress marker stamping of all those wonderful flowers really looks stunning, Brenda - beautiful work!
    Alison x

  42. These are all fabulous! I love the flowers you created with the distress pens. I have to try this. Hope all is getting better with you. Hugs, Robin

  43. Your PB-flowercards are beautiful; I love them in all the colours! Hugs, Gerrina

  44. Wow what a gorgeous selection. I love the flicked paint effect x

  45. Thank you for visiting me again ;) I have lost a few folowers not only from my blog olso from my folowers list to, But I'm glad that you have comme back to me!!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  46. Hi Brenda I love these beautiful creations the watercolour effect is always so natural the images look so soft and wispy a pleasure to see.
    lorraine x

  47. Beautiful cards Brenda, the stitching looks lovely too x Susan x

  48. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda.

  49. Gorgeous selection of cards.

  50. Brenda, I don't need to ask how your garden grows! It grows prolifically and magically! Lovely colors, beautiful styles, peaceful settings. I love all your gardens. They are full of how you see Life! Thanks for sharing yourself with us! Hugs, de

  51. Gorgeous cards and watercolor effects :)

  52. All beautiful cards brenda. I have fallen in love with the new flowers stamps too. I am a watercolour flower girl at heart and am so pleased that the trend is for both of these at the moment.


  53. indeed, lots of flowers. Brenda. So beautiful what you have made.

  54. I adore those flower cards, Brenda--wonderful colors & design! The last card is unique & gorgeous!

  55. Wonderful floral creativity with all the creations here, the first card is my fave, so pretty.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  56. Beautiful set of cards Brenda!! Love the beautiful flowers!! The last card is very pretty!!
    Moxie Craftie

  57. These are all beautiful! I love those flowers.

  58. Brenda you are going to bankrupt me! I love these images and beautiful cards - and I faffed about all day and still haven't started trying these inky flowers - what am I like? Jx

  59. You're not the only one Brenda. Sadly I only have a couple but I do love my PB flower stamps, they are just fabulous and make me look more like an artist than I actually am. I especially love the first one and will have to keep an eye out for that, it's stunning and I know it would look lovely stamped with my Spectrum Aqua pens too Karen xx
