
Saturday 27 February 2016

Getting sentimental

Good morning to you all, it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts where this week Helene has chosen the theme of 'Sentiment in Focus'. Our sponsors are Marianne Designs and Baker Ross.

I have a sneaky suspicion that Blogger is still messing with our blogs because I realised a few days ago that at least two blogs I visit were missing from my reading list and I rather suspect there are more I have not yet noticed, so if you think you might be one of them I apologise, just give me a gentle nudge so I can check. I just wish he would leave us in peace and not keep trying to manipulate us in other directions.

This wasn't the card I started with for my Allsorts share, but having received a delivery of new goodies from Baker Ross which included quilling products and pretty Spring coloured papers I was itching to give it a go. I have never done quilling before so took a quick YouTube tutorial and this is what I came up with, no doubt to the experience quiller the shapes are far from perfection but I was quite happy with this for my first attempt.

I made the flowers and leaves first them created a card to go with them using my all time favourite Penny Black inspirational quote, a circle easel card which I always find pleasing on the eye using using Tattered Lace dies and some bright satin ribbons.

I also have a Rudolph Day share, it's a pretty quick and simple make as my mojo and I are not working in tandem at the moment, using a piece of Fabriano I masked the top and bottom and a moon......or is it a sun I wonder............ some Pan Pastels and stamping with a collection of Penny Black stamps. Oh yes and a bit of glitter across the hills.

Do I sound a tad lackadaisical, probably I do, I just can't shift this flu and my appetite and enthusiasm are zero. Plus having worked myself up ready for my procedure at hospital Thursday, I was all ready to leave with my dressing gown and slippers when the phone rang to cancel and have now rescheduled for Monday, so that's not the start of the week I was planning.

Hope you all have a good weekend.


  1. If these are cards with no Brenda they are both beauties. The quilling is brilliant. sorry to hear that your procedure was cancelled hope all goes well on Monday xx

  2. I thought the quilling was excellent, and it looks impressive on this CAS card. Your scene is lovely too, proving you don't even need your mojo to create!
    Hope you won't be messed about anymore that everything will go well on Monday.

  3. Lovely quilling, tried it once but not for me, takes so long and very fiddly. Your Spring card is so pretty and I love that sentiment. Cute Christmas card too. Hope all goes well at the hospital x

  4. I just love this sentiment and it's one of my favourite PB stamps, love the colours you have chosen on your beautiful easel card Brenda. Such a lovely christmas card you can almost feel the cold coming of it ..
    Have a fab weekend hope your feeling a lot better..
    Hugs Babs x

  5. Beautifully bright card Brenda and your quilling looks fab, xxx

  6. welcome to quilling brenda. love your quilled card. your scenic card just marvelous

  7. Love both of these Brenda, that's a great sentiment on the top one and the flowers are so pretty, but I'm also really partial to the Christmas one below - simplicity at it's best - and you say you weren't firing on all cylinders when making should see the rubbish make when off - put it this way it's not in the same league as yours!!! Bad luck the hospital messed you about, hopefully Mon with be straight forward. Jx

  8. Good morning Brenda
    My favourite PB quote, it is just so inspirational and I managed to get this stamp at the end of last year. I have just realised that I haven't inked it yet something I must correct immediately.
    I am sorry to hear you are still not feeling 100% and the changing of your proceedure date will not help either. A big hug for Monday, hope all goes well.
    Take care
    PS I am just watching a TL show on Create and Craft and have just seen a fabulous pink and white fairy castle card made by your goodself. It is stunning! Your crafty mojo looks alive and well to me.

  9. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, I love the sentiment on the top one...something we should all do!
    Hope you feel better soon and that Monday goes well.
    Have a good weekend
    Lorraine x

  10. Two super cards Brenda love your beautiful quilled flowers and your Christmas card scene is gorgeous


  11. Gorgeous easel card with fab sentiment and beautiful flowers.
    Fabulous Christmas card too.
    Sunny greetings, happy weekend;-))m

  12. Well, I am still here my friend and I am still getting heaps of comments each day...if only the verification robot would go away.
    Beautiful card, so love the sentiment, lovely colours and just gorgeous.xx{aNNie}

  13. Wow gorgeous Brenda! Your quilled flowers are beyond amazing, I would just never have the patience for that art form! hugs :)

  14. Hi Brenda
    Fabulous creations, I love the quilling and the design on the first card, I've never tried it myself and the scene is gorgeous for your second card today.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  15. dear Brenda,
    I love your quilling, looks such good to me at that kind of shaped card !!!!
    Also your rendeerscene is such nice ~ love it !!!!
    So sorry to read that your not feeling better --- do my thought for your
    CU hellerlittle

  16. Oh dear sweet B. How I feel for you, had a friend who ha dry ta happened and think that it is very wearing on ones spirit to go through such stress and let down. I suppose at least we do have a health system, even if things don't always go smoothly.
    I have quilled in the '90's and like some of my craft it's still put away for the rainy day. I think yours is perfect, however I too am far from expert. Flowers are really fun, loved my fuschia patterned card I made several of long ago now.
    Love also the PanPastel piece, great blending and mixing of stamps.. I'd forgotten about Ruduplh day till reminded in my visit to Mrs A.
    Praying for your dear B. That the nasty flu would clear .... for good, and that the procedure would go ahead and have good results.
    May the Lord bless and keep you in all things, hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

  17. first card is myy favorite!
    love it!
    love the sentiment!
    and second is very pretty!
    hope you will have very nice day
    Bad Kitty's Craftroom

  18. Wonderful card. Love your winter scene and pretty sentiment. Great job!
    Thank you for joining us at the Rudolph Days Challnege. Good Luck.
    Valerija - DT member.

  19. A beautiful easelcard, a lovely sentiment and fab flowers. Your Christmas card is gorgeous too, very elegant! I too have noticed that blogs in my list seem to come and go, very strange. I hope you soon feel well again and succes in the hospital, hope all goes well. hugs, Marlies

  20. Wow these are stunning Brenda, love the first one mostly. The quilling is fantastic. I used to do quilling once, but never got them as perfect as yours. Big hugs Dora xxx

  21. Very lovely cards Brenda. I have that verse engraved on a necklace. Sending you warm and cheering thoughts. Nicola x

  22. Wonderful creations, love your quilling flowers. Good luck for Monday.

  23. Hi Brenda, I love your sentiment card with the quilling it's lovely and bright on a dull day. Well done on getting a Christmas card made I haven't done any card making since before Christmas what with moving and all that entailed but I must get back to it this week especially as I must make a card for my Mum for next weekend. Hopefully I can start and get into some sort of routine this week.
    Jackie x

  24. Lovely cards - the sentiment on the first one is one of my favourites, I used to use it loads! (nervous about tomorrow, not sure I'll be home from the show at Stevenage in time for kick off, but hope to.. just in case!)

  25. Oooo quilling, i've always fancied it, but never tried it, yours looks fabby and i so love that sentiment too.

    Gorgeous snowy scene too.

    Aaaah Vincent Simone - when my friend Karen saw 'Dance Till Dawn' in Eastbourne, we walked into a restaurant for some lunch and who did was sitting at a table in the window eating his lunch, my friend wanted to ask him for a photo, but i said no, as it wasn't fair on him, he is really short.

    Luv Sam x

  26. Two beautiful cards again Brenda, quilling is something I have never tried, you did an amazing job! And such bright and cheerful colors! Loving your scenery card, such a peaceful winter scene, and gorgeous vintage style Christmas sentiment.
    Sorry to hear your start of the week wasn't what you expected, and hoping it'll get better. Hope you recover from the flu quickly too!

  27. Your quilling card took me back as I used to do this in the 80s but tired of it. Your card uses it beautifully and I love your landscape card so tranquil. Sorry you are suffering and that you have to reschedule at the hospital - what a pain.
    Lynn x

  28. Two lovely cards Brenda, such pretty quilling on the lovely easel card but my favourite us as always the stamped scene, wonderful. Hope you start to feel better soon and can get your hospital, procedure out of the way


  29. It's hard to believe this is your first attempt at quilling...these look beautiful! I love this sentiment's one of my favorite ones. As always the scene you created is gorgeous. This one gives such a feeling of peace. You're still in my prayers. Hugs, Robin

  30. Wow Brenda - two beauties here - as always! Wonderful quilling and I so agree about that sentiment stamp, it's always perfect! Gorgeous scene too of course.

    Here's hoping that Monday works to schedule and that all goes well - and that you finally shake of that wretched flu.


    Di xx

  31. I've not tried quilling before but this looks amazing to me! Well done! Love your peaceful deer scene - beautiful!

  32. Two absolutely beautiful cards. I love your quilling. Barbxx

  33. Very eye catching 1st card, Brenda, love how colourful and pretty it is and your Christmas, gorgeous nature scene. Carol xx

  34. Love the quilling on your card - I have not done any for years.
    Good luck for next week

  35. Beautiful cards!

    I hope all goes well at the hospital on monday.
    Best wishes from me.

  36. Wow!! You are so talented that your cards come out really amazing also without mojo...!! For me this is stunning!!
    In italian: Caspita! Sei così brava che le tue card vengono sempre strepitose anche se non hai l'ispirazione!! Per me questo è straordinario!
    Il tuo quilling è venuto benissimo!! Splendida easel card, così vibrante e luminosa! E il paesaggio invernale è quieto e dolce, bellissimo!!!

  37. These are both great cards Brenda and your quilting is perfect and the flowers look great framing that wonderful quote. Fingers crossed for Monday xx

  38. Sorry to hear you're feeling unwell, hope you feel better soon.

    Two gorgeous cards. I love the quilling on the first one. The scene is just beautiful on the Christmas card.

    Visiting your blog today with my Rudolph Days DT members hat on. Thanks for joining in with the challenge. Good Luck!
    Liz xx

  39. Two fabulous cards Brenda, love the circle card and the sentiment and a superb RD card.
    Hope the flu clears up very quickly now.

    Kath x

  40. Sorry I haven't been to visit for a while. I have been having my fill of your lovely work and could not leave without saying how much I loved your beautiful spring card. You have done a wonderful job with the quilling even tempting me to fossic out my quilling tools again if I can find them!!!!. Good luck on Monday, I too will be in hospital for a day procedure on Monday too.
    Margaret M

  41. Beautiful cards, love the quilling, have tried it a long time ago but too fiddly for me. Hope all goes well at the hospital next week.

  42. Gorgeous RD card & oh my goodness--I adore the first card! I almost bought that stamp--love the quote--& LOVE the quilling!

  43. B, prayers that your procedure goes without a hitch, and that it is entirely successful. I'm sorry you must go through yet another medical procedure, and that the effects of the flu are lingering. Your citrusy colored round easel card is delightful! I especially like your Rudolf Day card! Beautiful and peaceful... You have such a way of artistically revealing Nature, and My heart flutters with each one. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Love, de

  44. Aww both are truly gorgeous!!
    Lucy x

  45. Two beautiful cards Brenda. One oh so vibrant and the other delicate and peaceful.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  46. Wow what a sensational card the sentiment is a delight and your quilling amazing love your elegant Christmas card as well so clever love and hugs Carole x

  47. Wow what a sensational card that sentiment is gorgeous and the quilling is fab love to you Christmas card as well so clever love and hugs Carole x

  48. Your first quiling project? OMG! They look absolutely gorgeous, Brenda! Love the serenity of your second card-I think I will case this card. Hope your appetite will come back soon. I will be thinking of you tomorrow! Take care, Brenda!

  49. Two beauties, I love the quilling on the top card. I hope everything goes smoothly, Cheers, Shirleyxx

  50. Two beautiful cards again! Love the blue sky and subtile snowlines on the second! And that qoute is a beautiful one! Sent you a mail back... Hugs, Gerrina

  51. That quilling is such an amazing touch!

  52. Gorgeous cards! The quilling is really neat!

  53. Sorry to hear of the cancellation. That must have been so disconcerting.

    Your cards are both wonderful. I have never quilled and am so impressed tat you could make this pretty card your first try! Well done...

    Your Rudolph Card is so lovely. I think that is such a beautiful brambles image and your scene is so pretty!
    Thanks for taking part in the February Rudolph Days Challenge. Good luck in the prize draw.

  54. Beautiful cards and like others have said, the quilling is so clever and looks amazing!

  55. Both lovely cards Brenda. I love the sentiment on your first card and the stamping on the second is superb. I love the font of the sentiment too. Wishing you a lovely crafting week X

  56. Another two beautiful cards Brenda. Hope your weekend went well. Judy x

  57. Beautiful spring colours and I love your quilling. Can 't believe this is your first time with this technique. It's very addictive. The sun is shinning today so the garden beckons. Hugs Mrs A.

  58. Wonderful! Love the blue color scheme. So happy you joined our Rudolph Day challenge. Good luck in the prize draw.

    Hugs from Finland,
    Eemeli {DT}

  59. Love your cards Brenda, the second is fantastic, superb scene !
    I'm sorry i'm not very present because of my Internet pffff !
    Hope that tomorrow, my connection will be ok because i want to publish a 3D card, héhé !
    I think o f you my friend, big hugs ! xxx

  60. Beautiful the deer and the circles! Great inspiration! <3

  61. BEautiful cards Brenda!! Your quilling is very nice! I have never tried quiling, though I bought some paper strips and tools some years back :) Your next card is awesome!
    Moxie Craftie

  62. Hi Brenda, two beautiful cards, I stopped by to check out your Rudolph Day entry it is spectacular! I thought blogger has been up to things again, I'm fairly new to blogging and just this last week have noticed many comments popping in my inbox but they aren't on the actual post....mmmm hope you are feeling better and get your planned admission to hospital over and done with quickly... have a great week... Megan

  63. Lovely cards Brenda, now l have some quilling papers and tool somewhere, will have to make sure l pack it to come with me as this looks lovely. Love the winter scene too x Susan x

  64. Wow Brenda, lovely quilling for a first time, fabulous design and the other one is brilliant too! Wishing you a better week. Ruby x

  65. two beautiful cards, very different in style.
    Love the scenery. Beautiful.
    On the first card is the text so beautiful on it. Need no more. The text say it all.
    You made the flowers beautifully, what a patience work. Great job!

  66. Stunning cards Brenda. just wish I could produce something as good when my mojo goes missing. Love the wonderful colours and fabulous sentiment on the easel card and it looks like you are a master at quilling - keep meaning to give it a try myself. And of course I love your beautiful winter landscape with the fabulous stamping.
    Sorry to hear you're still not fighting fit and it sounds like a good hot toddy up in the Tree House is in order. Take care xx

  67. Sorry you've not been feeling too well but you still manage to create 2 beautiful cards. Congratulations on the 7yr blog Anniversary. I'll enter when I get back home and can add a picture. Hope the planned hospital procedure goes smoothly.
    Avril xx

  68. Love how you used stamps. I still have a problem to combine it. And colours that you choose conjures up real winter idlly.


  69. Two wonderful cards Brenda I really love that top one with the quilled flowers and sentiment you have done a brilliant job with both
    lorraine x

  70. Morning Brenda, Another two lovely cards. Love the quilling. Judy x

  71. Wow the quilled card is stunning! I just adore the deer scene too. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  72. love your quilling card Brenda - fabulous colours - so vibrant - sorry I'm not visiting much lately - I have a very poorly father in law and as these things do - its totally shaken up our lives hugs judith x

  73. Hi Brenda, I hope all went well with your procedure and that you are recovering well. Love these cards. The quilling is so pretty and the snow scene so very effective. Take care.
