
Saturday 9 January 2016

Lace, Ribbons and more CHA

Good morning, it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts where this week Susan would like to see 'Ribbons and Lace' which ties is nicely with this weeks sponsor Crafty Ribbons.

My focal image is a real oldie from Stamps Happen with just a little shading using spectrum pencils and some black and white DP's from stash.

And as promised a few more of my CHA and Create and Craft samples, the decorative centre stepper is the gorgeous new set which launched yesterday and sold out within hours again, but it will be back.

I think this is such a pretty shaped die set

And a blue one as well

Using Melded Roses frame, cut several times and Love Swag 

The Floral Scull is not the usual for me but I quite like it with the 'blown inks' all around, I saw something Mark from Visible Image had done with inks and it's fun !

The new Lattice Corner along with Byzentine Lattice

A lovely new Butterfly aptly named Beautiful Butterfly and Melded Roses frame 

The lovely lady is another new's official I am totally addicted to the hexagon range of dies

I hope to be round all your blogs sooner rather than later, but I'm finding it hard going as it's been a bit of a touch week health wise and not looking any better this coming week with two days at hospital for different tests.


  1. These are all so gorgeous Brenda. xxx

  2. You were very busy, a lot of beautiful cards. Love them all!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  3. Oooh la la Brenda, I love the card with the Parisian image, it's definitely one of my favourites. The colours work together so well and the flowers, ribbon and feather just finish it off perfectly. The other cards that you've made are beautiful too and I'm loving your hexagonal cards and boxes. Wishing you much love for the coming week. Sandra X

  4. Hi Brenda
    Gorgeous cards today. I especially like the feathers and flowers on the french style card.
    I love the new shaped stepper card and just caught the end of the show last night as they announced that they had sold out - booo! Will be keeping my eye out for them coming back into stock. The plain stepper card die is so useful and I am sure this one would be equally so. Not very sure about the skull die tho, not my cup of tea but sure to be a favourite with some.
    I hope the hospital visit isn't too stressful this week. Fingers crossed your health begins to improve.
    Take care

  5. wow superposting, all cards so pretty and beautiful and one lovely retro skull too.
    Happy weekend, hugs;-))m

  6. WOW, you've been busy, gorgeous makes...all so different and so gorgeous.
    Hope the tests go well next week
    Have a good weekend
    Lorraine x

  7. So much inspiration Brenda! I love ALL the dies you have used. Just stunning!

  8. Morning Brenda, what a stunning selection of cards I love them all, the colours are lush, I know what you mean about the hexagon shape I love it too, your box surley is amazing and what a perfect gift it would make..
    Hope your feeling better
    Hugs Babs 😋💐

  9. These are fabulous Brenda and yes (!!) I treated myself to the stepper die set, my very first TL purchase!! Hope everything goes well for you next week and that you are soon feeling a bit better xx

  10. Die oberste Karte ist mein absoluter Favorit.
    Wunderschön, wie du die Lady in Blumen und Spitze eingebettet hast.
    Ein Traum

  11. A stunning selection of cards, Brenda! Those lattice dies are so fine! I love them all! I too have had a go at blowing inks, but neglected to move some other DT samples that I had recently made, so there were stay little splatters! Liquid pearls came to the rescue. Keeping everything crossed for you healthwise xxxxxxx

  12. hope all goes well and things pick up... great cards as always. not mentioning last night, not sure what he was thinking out of jail there!

  13. Absolutely amazing creations! Hope you're feeling better, thinking of you

  14. Good luck for your hospital tests, Brenda! I'm so sorry for you and hope you found some health!!
    Tutte le tue card sono adorabili, e amo particolarmente le shaped cards, favolose!!!

  15. Really lovely set of cards and great box. Have a great weekend.

  16. Wow Brenda, another stunning lineup!! I really fancy that Paris card, there is such a stylish quality to it that I can't resist! Beautiful work. hugs :)

  17. Fantastic display, love the step card and the others are just gorgeous are these dies, one may just have to get some of these...xx

  18. A brilliant batch of cards. The attention to detail is, as usual, amazing and I can't believe the patience and dexterity you have applying liquid pearl on the lattice! xx

  19. Brenda, I'm so sorry you are not feeling well, and add to that the stress of having so many samples to create for CHA. My prayers are with you...

    Your Paris card in pink and black and white is gorgeous! I love the pink lace and lovely feather and seambinding spray! An beautiful array of cards throughout your post, and it is so tempting to want to add each and every die to my wish list! Thank you for sharing, and prayers for a positive outcome for you with your testing. Feel Better hugs to you!

  20. Wow Brenda fabulous rage shapes and that hexagon is stunning I can see why you love it


  21. Beautiful cards Brenda...I'm so happy I stumbled across your blog...Love, love,love the hexagon shaped one with all it's pretty flowers...very creative!!!

  22. These are all amazing cards! I really love the twin cards...especially the butterflies. You astound me with all the talent you show especially while being so ill. Hope all is going well and you will feel better soon. Hugs, Robin

  23. Fantastic cards, it's amazing all the different designs, how I struggle with

  24. Gorgeous array of cards, as always, Brenda. I love the image on your first card. Have a good weekend. Hope you are soon feeling much better.

    Pat xx

  25. OMG Brenda what an exceptionally beautiful array of creations, wow, all so different they are spectacular I must admit my heart went to the first card of Paris, awesome work.
    lorraine x

  26. A stunning collection of cards
    Jackie x

  27. These are all just gorgeous! But the box at the end steals the show for me. LOVE it! x

  28. Wow again Brenda! Another set of stunning cards and makes. I love the Paris themed card at the top and your beautiful card in a box is just gorgeous.

  29. Fabulous use of the ribbon and lace on the challenge card and love the way you have presented the image.
    Some stunning creations with the dies and a nice stepper card but like you I think I love that hexagon die, not too sure about the woman but your colours and the flowers are totally stunning.

    Kath x

  30. stunning cards Brenda - think i'm rather partial to those hexagon dies too - love the box x

  31. These are all beautiful Brenda, I like them all
    Kevin xx

  32. My goodness, Brenda! Beautiful assortment of folds and styles!

  33. Such a variety of wonderful projects Brenda, it's hard to choose a favourite.

  34. You are so talented, Brenda--amazing collection of cards! I absolutely adore the first one--so elegant & feminine!

  35. You have been busy. Loving that hexagon die

  36. Oh wow Brenda, what a stunning array, and all so individual :o)
    Jasckie xx

  37. A beautiful collection of cards Brenda. All so divers and they all look great. I love the first one, so romantic! hugs, Marlies

  38. OMgosh! I love the first one most, all are beautiful collections, love the hexagon style too!
    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  39. Happy New Year Brenda hope all is going well this weekend.

    Who has been a busy little bee love, love, love everything especially the box. The Paris stamp is utterly divine sweetie.

    Off to see everything I have missed.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  40. Such lovely cards!! Love the hexagonal box and card!! Hope you feel better soon!!
    Moxie Craftie

  41. Fabulous selection of Tattered Lace samples Brenda. Love your card using Madam Berth, makes me want to ink mine up.
    Hope your hospital visits go well
    Hugs, Avril xx

  42. These are all gorgeous but I do love the butterfly card the most. Hope your getting better. Hugs Mrs A.

  43. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me! Gorgeous new makes Brenda and a super new die to make that card base, Jx

  44. What an amazing collection of cards Brenda, wow, each one a stunner, I am not usually a skull person either but I love what you did on that one too!

  45. Still a pitty that you can't evedrop on what everybody is saying about your fine different each! Hope your health is a little bit better! Hugs, Gerrina

  46. Fabulous collection of cards, especially love the first one all the embellishments work so brilliantly with the image. Hope things improve for you.

  47. Wow!! All cards are fabulous! & my favorite ones are the second card, first card with those amazing elements & gorgeous shading, the box made with hexagonal die & melded roses frame card!:)
    Kind regards,

  48. Such a variety of wonderful designs. I love that new stepper card shape too. You know which one is going to be my fav don't you? Yes the first one.
    Lynn x

  49. Hi Brenda, I do hope you're feeling much better now. It's such a pity our bodies won't do what our minds want them to do.
    What an amazing lot of cards these are. Love the elegance of the first, the great shape of the stepper cards and the wonderful hexagon xx

  50. All these are beautiful, Brenda,
    though I do think the skull is a bit creepy.
    Love what you did with it anyway :)

    LOVE your elegant Parisian lady
    and the hexagon die card and box looks wonderful

    Take care, I hope you feel better soon


  51. Oh Brenda, so very sorry that the end isn't yet in sight for you. Do hang on and keep fighting sweet girl. These awesome folds and beautiful dies are fabulous, great examples! <3

  52. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. Really loving the hexagon die.

  53. Lovely B, Happy crafting Tracy x

  54. I agree a gorgeous selection of cards. I love the bottom hexagon shape and box, stunning. Take good care of yourself, Shirleyxx

  55. Hope you are feeling a bit better this week Brenda. OMW you have been so busy, love the card at the top for our challenge and some gorgeous makes below it too, love the decorated box it looks so pretty. Take care x Susan x

  56. Hello, Brenda! I'm so happy to be back in blogland again! You've made so many gorgeous cards - wow! I am enjoying looking at all of them! Your Allsorts card is stunning - love this colour combo~! So many different cards here and so many dies used! Not crazy about the floral skull (just not my style but I know there are lots of people who like this sort of thing) - I do like the way you did the inks on that one! All of the cards and the box are absolutely beautiful! Hope your health improves, my friend, and that your tests go/went well. No fun when you don't feel well. Sending hugs and prayers.

  57. Hi Brenda, back again, the concept of HOT is when your body is dripping of perspiration even under the air con. We just been for a walk came back so dripping wet. Hubby jumped into the pool, my clothes clung to me so am under the air to cool down...take care and always thinking of

  58. Fingers crossed for good tst results for you.
    Sorry been absent for so long...but had a hellish year myself with health issues.

    Back in the swing of things again and having a wee catch up. These cards are all so beautiful! My favourite is the first...I love that image and your pretty design.

  59. Wow Brenda, these are wonderful pieces. So sorry, that I haven't been around for months. So I'm a bit late in wishing you a healthy, lucky and creative year 2015.

  60. Hexagon die is beautiful, I love this card.

  61. Looks like you've been very busy creating all these wonderful samples for CHA. Great use of all those new dies. I think I saw some I "need". ;)
    The card you made for the challege at Allsorts is very beautiful too. Who cars if the image you used is an oldie, it's still awesome. Classic and elegant - as it's your card.
    Hugs! xx

  62. Oh, what a bunch of beautiful creations for us today. Love them all!

    That center step card die looks very nice (not to mention I'd sure like to have that in my stashes)


  63. Hi Brenda, what a beautiful assortment of cards. The skull wouldnt be for me either but it does make me think of Bond's Day of the Dead fantastic opening sequence, so my mind is in a happy space! The hexagon die looks fantastic in the box lid - fab idea. So cool that your gorgeous work is at CHA! I hope that progress has been made over your hospital visits and that you are improving even a little. Wrap up warm and take it easy over the weekend. Nicola x

  64. It's such a treat to see all you lovely diverse creations, Brenda! Love the first elegant card and your shading is to perfection. The new stepper seems fun and the hexagon box is absolutely beautiful!

  65. What a wealth of enjoyment this afternoon, and I'm loving this stepper card setup. It's beautiful with each of the designs & colors you've shared. Liked the effect of the blown inks on the skull (and yes this is different from you, but you managed to make this image zing!). Enjoyed seeing each of your creations, hope you had a fun time at CHA, and didn't overdo things. Expect you were so happy to get back home safely, after an exciting trip. Hope you're feeling well also. TFS & Hugs. And thanks for the generous blog candy. I entered!!!

  66. Fantastic samples, Brenda - what a wonderful array for people to admire at CHA. Love your gorgeous Parisian femme fatale too.
    Alison xx

  67. I am having to pick my jaw up off the floor Brenda! I love every single one of these. So many beautiful creations and each is wonderful and so very clever! Thank you for sharing these with us lovely lady Karen x
