
Tuesday 1 December 2015

Anyone for snow angels ?

The Charisma Peony Bloom decoupaged and placed on a background created with an acrylic block and distress inks

Morning Peeps, seems the first of December has crept up on us, where on earth did this year go ? My Gran always said the older we get the faster time flies, I am fast realising just how right she was !!

There is a new Tattered Lace Pick of the Day launching on Create and Craft so I thought I had better share a few of my recent makes, some are a tad overdue as time seems to have got the better of me lately. Looking at this collection it is apparent that I have a fixation with ribbons and bows, I never really thought about it before but one seems to pop up on most things I make, but somehow they just seem to finish a card off nicely.

The new Trio Autumn Leaves and coordinating stamps, distress inks and a piece of corrugated from my secret stash - have to keep it hidden from hubby otherwise it disappears into his recycling bin. I am hoping my ripped piece of corrugated will count as a snippet and I can join the boys and girls in the Snippet Playground - we are hoping for snow before Christmas so we can have and a mammoth snowball fight and play snow angels - please Di, promise not to get too wet?

The new Floral Stag normal size for the focal element then a smaller one using black shrink plastic, it's amazing how clearly the intricate design still comes out when reduced in size

Using letters from the new 2016 alphabet as a stencil and Dylusions to create a background and just the antlers from the same die used above

Have a good week all and as always my thanks for your visits and kind words.


  1. Oh as I was scrolling down I kept thinking "this is my favourite" for every card. Stunning every one of them! x

  2. Such a wonderful array of designs, Brenda. Love the girly first, the masculine second and the mono black and white third.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  3. All totally adorable Brenda ... love the background created with the acrylic blocs. so very shabby chic.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  4. ooh which card to comment one...each so gorgeous !!I love the super gorgeous bow you added on the first one , the gorgeous colors of your fall leaves card , the delicate die cuts on your deer card and the beautiful panelling on your vibrant last card!!
    Dr Sonia

  5. Morning Brenda !!!!
    Wowzers !!! for all cards....
    love how you turnt out the bows on the cards !!!
    The antlers are super versatile !!! great, so you can use them the hole year
    CU hellerlittle

  6. Wow B lovely cards.
    Love that floral stag head, so pretty.
    Yep time is certainly flying.

  7. These are all beautiful. I love the ribbons and wonderful die cuts.

  8. THese are great,Brenda!!Love the big bow and the purple color.
    Hope you are well and have a wonderful 1.December!
    Smiles and hugs,Kari :)

  9. ...and what a beautiful fixation it is too Brenda. Each one is perfectly coordinated and beautifully tied, I think a bow always finishes off a project.
    A gorgeous selection and variety of styles here covering Autumn, Christmas and Feminine Birthdays. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. These are ALL beautiful, Brenda.
    I too love ribbons, bows...and bling :)

    Of course your Gran was right, Brenda. How did you doubt her words of wisdom tee hee.
    It is scary how quickly time flies since I "retired"


  11. You are so busy all the time! A great bunch of cards again! The black and white so delicate, the last one so beautifully gringy, but my favo must be the leaf-one; love those colours! Hugs, Gerrina

  12. stunning cards Brenda, love them know I am so fed up with the golly verify garbo, now it's been back to numbers for me...and I can't bye pass it....grrr.
     { aNNie}

  13. More awesome inkiness from you my friend. Can't pick between them.
    A win is a win as they say - just wish it had been a better contest - not very enthralling at all... but maybe they'll 'put on the ritz' and not be below 'normal' tomorrow! x

  14. Gorgeous cards Brenda! Love all the different styles you can create in! I am totally in love with that easel card, the neutral tones and that fabulous deer with the fancy antlers, wow!! hugs :)

  15. WOW Brenda! These are all so very beautiful! I love the bows you made. I hope you get the snow you want and not too much. We are set for some in the next couple of days. Hope all is well with you. Hugs, Robin

  16. Amazing work Brenda ! All these cards are so precious !
    Big hugs !

  17. Oooooh! Your deer card is my fave one:) and love how you used as a shrinking one too! Love all beautiful dies with awesome inkiness!


  18. Wonderful cards as always Brenda! Gosh your bows are always really stunning - and I love each card you have here, especially the leafy snippets one. Of course the corrugated snippet counts - it adds perfect dimension to a gorgeous card.

    Yup, snow angels are just fine - no snow as yet down here but I have plenty of big towels and supplies of hot chocolate lined up for when required :)

    Lovely that you came to play as I know things must be busy for you right now.


    Di xx

  19. Wow so many beautiful cards Brenda. I love the colours of the bottom design, the reindeer is amazing with so much both large and shrunk and your bows are always gorgeous. Take good care, Shirley xx

  20. Brenda, you held out on us for sure! But not sharing these lovelies over time and then hitting us with an overload of artsy goodness sure makes for a happy Tuesday morning! I'm with you on the bow love - ha! I love so much what you've done with this deer! Blows my mind! Gosh, I have a stash of shrink plastic somewhere that I can't find - boo! This makes me want to die cut and shrink stuff all day long! Tee hee, anyway, these are simply gorgeous cards each and every one! Lovely lineup!

  21. gorgeous cards
    so pretty designs and colors
    have a nice day

  22. Four beautiful cards Brenda and I love those pretty flowers and acrylic block background and then lovely autumn leaves with great colours and the corrugated card and raffia which give it that organic feel, and the stag with those exotic anters looks wonderful in the black and white, and then how clever to use the antlers as a flourish on that last with that gorgeous coloured background. x

  23. Wow these are awesome Brenda I will have to make sure to tune in to see what goodies are on offer.
    lorraine x

  24. Another beautiful collectation of cards Brenda. The stag is stunning and I like how you have just used the antlers for the last card.
    Your gran was definetly correct - I cannot believe how this year has flown. It will soon be Christmas and I am not prepared as usual. Time to panic? No it will all come together in the end (hopefully).
    Enjoy your day

  25. Wow, grwat cards, love the colors!
    ♥Hugs Valentina♥

  26. All are stunning Brenda, but I think the first one is a favourite

  27. Another collection of beautiful cards Brenda. I just cannot believe it is 1st December already! Judy x

  28. Wow Brenda - a whole host of gorgeousness - I don't know how you find the time to do it all! Brilliant makes - gorgeous colours in the last one and the monochrome one is lots of fun - loving the leaves one especially! Fabulous makes! Hugs rachel x

  29. I have just bought a bow making gadget and was ever so surprised when I made a perfect one first time! Making them all the time now. A lovely collection of cards and yes time is flying by at the rate of knots but the jobs needing doing aren't!! hugs Mrs A.

  30. Oh these are all such lovely cards Brenda!! A great idea using acryl block for making a background. Beautiful bows as well. Time does indeed fly! hugs, Marlies

  31. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda, love them all.
    Lorraine x

  32. Wow, these are all so different but all gorgeous, lovely work. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  33. another great collection, love the striking black and white design.

  34. Io amo i tuoi fiocchi... rendono perfette le tue creazioni! Io non sono capace di farli, mi accontento di ammirare i tuoi! :D
    Tutte belle e armoniose le tue card, Brenda! Ma sono davvero innamorata della seconda, quella con i caldi colori autunnali, le foglie e il pezzo di cartone ondulato riciclato.. è meravigliosa con il nastro di raffia e il bellissimo bottone rustico!!

  35. Another feast for the eyes Brenda! And there is no problem with having a "signature" embellishment. If it works for you... xx

  36. Four brilliant cards, all very different but each one has it's own special brilliance, Really, really love the leaves one.
    E-mails coming in fine now but can't send any out now, phew so frustrating.

    Kath x

  37. you make such amazing bows!! i love the bling you add to the centers. i have to say that second card just blew me out of the water. i adore that currogated panel in the center.

  38. Strange how we never believed our old Grans when they said it Brenda, but we know now that they were not wrong LOL.
    A wonderful selection of cards :o)
    Jackie xx

  39. Stunning cards!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  40. Your Gran is soooo right, I can't believe how fast this year has gone.
    Fabulous makes
    Jackie x

  41. I love the colours on your Autumnal card and also the use of corrugated card. We've just been watching the Floral Stag on telly and my hubby commented on what a fabulous die it is. I really like the pink and purple in your last card, such wonderful feminine colours. Wonderful cards and all so different X

  42. Gorgeous array of cards Brenda, the leaves are absolutely stunning, fabulous colours.

    Pat xx

  43. These are all beautiful Brenda, I love them all
    Kevin xx

  44. WOW what a fantastic collection of beauties, Luv Sam x

  45. These are all very pretty, Brenda! Such beautiful colours and dies! I hope you are well, my friend. Sorry I haven't been around much - I'm slowly getting my mojo back and hope to be creating more this month. Your mojo is alive and well!

  46. Wow! Love that floral stag. That one needs a place in me stash! LOL! They are all beautiful, Brenda, but my favorite is that golden Autumn card. Gorgeous! Hugs, de

  47. Beautiful cards Brenda. I love your bows and the lovely finishing touch they add. Really love the card with the raffia bow and corrugated card and super colours xx

  48. You made such beautiful cards. what a lot. perfect.
    kind regards, Dora

  49. Stunning cards, Brenda - and such a variety of colours and styles - lovely post!
    Alison xx

  50. Beautiful cards!! Love them all!! Very pretty!!
    Moxie Craftie

  51. These are all so special what wonderful designs just perfect Thank you for your recent lovely comments on my blog I really appreciate the time you take to visit love and hugs Carole x

  52. Beautiful cards with different styles and all the inky goodness!

  53. Oh now these are lovely Brenda! Judy x

  54. Hi Brenda, Im so very sorry I have returned your wonderful visits to my blog, I dont know how you keep up with all your blog hoping I do find I really do get rather lazy about doing it, and Im really going to improve i promise though Im due to have a cataract done on the 29th so maybe have to put it of till its settled down.
    Wow what a stunning cards I do love how you manage to find lots of different designs to play with, they are just gorgeous. I hope you are keeping well, my daughter is now in a wheelchair her MS has really taken over her body and she just cannot manage to well and has lots of help thank goodness. Take care and have a wonderful Xmas, hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  55. Beautiful cards, I really love the sentiment on the 2nd card.

  56. Such a clever lady using the antlers as the spray on the last card and using the black shrink plastic so you can have the same image inside holding the card up on the easel. Something to store away in my memory.
