
Saturday 19 December 2015

Grungy canvas

Good morning to you all it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts and I also have my mid month card for Penny Black and More, fortunately I had schedules my Allsorts post but didn't quite get round to doing my Penny Black one for yesterday

By way of explanation of missing that post and also my lapse in visiting your blogs this week, I am knee deep in Tattered Lace samples for CHA in Anaheim early next month and my time seems to be evaporating. Scarily Christmas is just days away and then health permitting I will need to get myself organised to take off to the show as I am very lucky to be able to attend this year.

I am the host at Allsorts this week and would like to see 'Anything but Christmas'....................sorry if that's a bit Bah Humbug but I thought as we have all been making Christmas cards for what seems like forever, we were perhaps ready to move on to something different.

This challenge will run for two weeks to allow everyone to have a bit of a break and for those that celebrate Christmas to enjoy the festive season. As it's a two week challenge we have four lovely sponsors to help us celebrate.........Stamp Addicts, Deedee's Digis, Whimsy Stamps and DigiStamp Boutique.

So I have a canvas to share which is one I made recently for Stamp Addicts for one of their Hochanda TV shows. I started by giving the canvas a coat of gesso, although it was already primed I like to give them a bit more for the pains to bite into. I made a mask from Tattered Lace Byzantine Lattice die, fixed it to the right hand side of the canvas and spread pearl texture paste through the mask. Once dry I did some stamping using Stamp Addicts Grunge Flowers using acrylic paint instead of ink and also some small harlequins using another mask and gold texture paste.

While it all dried I stamped and embossed with gold detail powder Stamp Addicts Roman Clock and cut out the centre and outer edges. I then cut Tattered Lace Charisma Ivy several times and covered with gold acrylic pain, pouncing the top to give a textured finish. 

Finally I assembled the whole piece, added some flowers and two dragonflies and rubbed gold gilding wax round the edges of the canvas.

And above my Penny Black and More creation using Penny Black Awakening, inked with distress markers and stamped onto an inky background on which I used a variety of stamps and second and third generation stamping to achieve a faded effect.

Happy weekend all and I really hope you can find time to join in our challenge this time round and promise I will be round visiting as soon as my last box of samples is on it's way to TL Towers.


  1. I'm all for "anything but Christmas" crafting by now... love the card. Have a great weekend.xx

  2. Love your canvas with its subtle colours and touch of grungy Vintage... And the Penny Black card (gorgeous stamp) with a fabulous inky background. What an exciting prospect to go to the show... I would so love to be there!

  3. Two lovely creations. Have a great weekend.

  4. Those dragon flies look Especially amazing!!

  5. Beautiful canvas, love the leaf die cut and the lovely colours. Gorgeous image on the second one. Have a great weekend.

    Pat xx

  6. Wonderful texture and colours on your first card, Brenda, and a lovely combination of soft colours and stamping on your second piece.
    It must be very exciting for you to visit CHA this year. I hope this also means that you are sufficiently fit again to make the trip across the pond.
    Good luck on finishing all of the TL samples and I hope you can also squeeze in enough time to relax this weekend.
    Marianne x

  7. These are both beautiful Brenda, I love the canvas I really must give it a go
    Kevin xx

  8. Awesome cards, the first one is my favorite!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  9. Beautiful grungy canvas Brenda, and the card is stunning too!! Just popped in to send you wishes for a very Merry Christmas! hugs :)

  10. love the canvas and the softly textured background Brenda !!

  11. Meraviglioso canvas, Brenda, veramente armonioso! Amo questi toni freschi con l'oro, sono molto piacevoli. I due charms a forma di libellula sono adorabili!
    La card con i fiori è bellissima, un po' vintage, e il pizzo mi ricorda mia nonna :)

  12. Both beautiful, but a little bit more interessted in the first; so much texture and love the vintage combined with the modern aqua-colour! Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Beautiful canvas Brenda, lovely colours and details. Wonderful card as well, again lovely colours and fabulous stamping xx

  14. For some unexplained reason I seem to have time on my hands today!! It is lovely and peaceful too. I love both these pieces Brenda. The colours work really well together. Hugs Mrs A.

  15. What a beautiful canvas Brenda and I love the crocus colours of your card. Christmas really has sneaked up on me this year...just think, by this time next week it will all be over!! Wishing you a happy and peaceful time xx

  16. Wow, these are gorgeous, Brenda! I'm especially taken with your canvas! The texture looks amazing! Beautiful! Enjoy your weekend, my friend!

  17. your canvas looks fabulous and I love the pretty penny black flowers on the second card.
    Lorraine x

  18. Wow what a stunning canvas Brenda it looks amazing I also love the gorgeous Penny Black flower one two wonderful projects
    lorraine x

  19. I have finally made it here Brenda, this working is amazing as always. Love the purples in your card and layers of images you have used. The canvas is so pretty. You sound like a very busy lady that is having lots of fun. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  20. amazing work Brenda - really very pretty. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Lots of love rachel x

  21. Stunning cards Brenda, don't know how you find time to fit it all in but if you're enjoying it sure what better way to spend your time.

  22. both of your work are beautiful!

  23. Two beautiful creations, some fabulous work gone into both cards. Love the PB stamp, not sure if I have seen it or could even use it to look as good as yours.
    BUT, I am worried about you, I think all this work with TL dies has affected your judgement, you have now got The Elf to cope with, now while I love him to bits, and it is a break for Mrs A, you really don't know what you have let yourself in for. Well after day 1, I think you may have found out. Good Luck, you are a better man than I am Gunger Dinn.

    Kath xx

  24. So nice!
    And good for you to be able to attend CHA!
    Hope you're well!

  25. These are both gorgeous creations! I just love the dragonflies! Merry Christmas!!!! Hugs, Robin

  26. Absolutely gorgeous work Brenda. A beautiful canvas and really pretty card too, love the two that you created before this post too. You are off to CHA? Wow oh wow - that's awesome huni. Would love to get to go to that but I'm not a professional crafter and with all the other blooming issues it's a daft idea lol! I hope you get to have some down time over Christmas and you have an awesome too. Keep well sweetie I love being able to pop over here for inspiration when I need it Karen x

  27. How you managed not just one, but TWO - such stunning cards, with all that is going on for you just now. I love both, but especially love that soft suede texture look on #1. It looks like old lace, found in a trunk, scrunched up so that at first you don't quite see the pattern. Then combining this lattice 'lace' look with the grunge of the clock face and florals...just a brilliant design. Of course I always love your gorgeous flowers, as done on #2. Have great fun at CHA, and hope you'll be able to share some of the goodness in pictures. Merry Christmas, don't work too hard, and be so tired that you can't enjoy the CHA experience. TFS & Hugs

  28. They are both so beautiful Brenda, but my favourite would be the second one :o)
    Jackie xx

  29. Stunning canvas Brenda, love the added touches of gold. The card is a real beauty, love the soft colours.
    Avril xx

  30. Beautiful canvas Brenda.
    Wishing you a very happy Christmas
    Hugs Kelly x

  31. Both are very beautiful Brenda, love the texture on the canvas. Take good care and have a wonderful Christmas, Shirleyxx

  32. OMG the canvas !!!! a beauty !!
    The card is very pretty too of course ;-)

  33. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I think sometimes we all need a break from Christmas.
    How lucky you are to be going to CHA. I am so jealous, what a fabulous experience it will be.
    I hope you have a great Christmas and I wish you and your loved ones health, wealth and happiness in 2016.
    Take care

  34. Who wouldn't want both of these makes Brenda totally delightful. No favourites this time as they each make me want them as I am looking.

    CHA ... bahhhhh humbug to you!!!! ... only kidding a bit of the green eyed monster coming out. Want to hear all the details when it is finished. Take lots of photos and try and relax over Christmas as you deserve it.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  35. Wonderful canvas and a very elegant card they are both just fabulous i love them Lucky you going to the CHA it will be amazing I'm sure. I'll look forward to all the new ideas when you are back. Thank you for all the lovely comments you leave so kind love and hugs Carole

  36. Gorgeous canvas and fabulous card.
    Wishing you Merry Christmas time;-))m

  37. Beautiful canvas!! Very beautiful one!! The card is lovely!!
    Moxie Craftie

  38. Well that is the prettiest grunge I have ever seen! So beautiful, I love it. Very pretty card too.
    Merry Christmas
    Lynn x

  39. Gorgeous inking as usual Brenda.I always love a floral card and the canvas is so pretty.
    I am really glad you are going to CHA. You will have a great time I am sure.


  40. Gorgeous - especially that wonderful golden ivy on the first one, and the gentle spring colours of the second - lovely work as always, Brenda.
    Alison xx

  41. beautiful creations brenda! have fun at CHA, enjoy your holiday and all the best for a happy and healthy new year.

  42. Such a super canvas! Hope you are feeling better and CHA is a success and joy for you! Hugs, Autumn

  43. Love your canvas Brenda! Its super gorgeous..and the card too ..its so beautiful!
    Hope you had a wonderful wonderful Christmas :)
    Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy year ahead.

  44. Gorgeous makes .. Love your Canvas, the colour tones are gorgeous :-) xx

  45. I love your canvas, it is so elegant. And the card is so beautiful.

  46. Your canvas is really inspiring, Brenda! I have some little ones, but can't bring myself to use them. Maybe I finally will now!
