
Monday 2 November 2015

Traditional Christmas

An updateFor those that saw my earlier post regarding issues with Blogger and loads of silly questions including photo verification ones, it seems that unlike the previous robotic question which you could bypass that won't work with what is happening now. It means I just can't comment on my desktop as it takes forever to get past all the verification questions on each blog I visit, so until I can find an answer I am reliant on my tablet, but that's not user friendly to less than nimble fingers, so please bear with me until I can get sorted.

We have a new challenge starting today over at FlonzCraft Vintage Stamping Challenges, this month I selected theme of Traditional Christmas Colours. As always there is a very generous $20 voucher to be won from FlonzCraft.

I stamped FlonzCraft Baroque Corners with detail gold embossing powder around a sheet of cream cardstock and matted on to red. Next I cut out Tattered Lace Diamond Trellis Frame, stamped FlonzCraft Christmas Greetings centrally again in gold and matted onto a red oval.

The Poinsettia spray is from the TL Charisma range and to finish I added an organza bow and sparkly ribbon slide.


  1. Beautiful! this is such a lovely card Brenda , I love the flowers and the frame around the sentiment is lovely, and the lush bow, gorgeosu!
    Hope you soon get things sorted with Mr Blogger, he can be an awkward devil at times!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  2. Brenda, I so love those gorgeous corners embossed in gold! Gorgeous!!! The layering on this card and the traditional colors are just perfect. Hugs, Autumn

  3. Such a nice Christmas card, love the traditional colors !
    Thank you for you words dear Brenda xxx

  4. Beautiful card Brenda!! Love the poinsettia!! Lovely and traditional! We all have been there with the blogger!! Please don't worry!!
    Moxie Craftie

  5. Hello Brenda
    Beautiful Christmas card today. Blogger can be a right pain, changing things at the drop of a hat and doing things you never ask it to do. My hubby says it's me but I am going to show him your post to prove that it isn't just me.
    Take care

  6. Questa è una card savvero speciale, Brenda! Così elegante e tradizionale! Mi piace tantissimo il trellis frame bianco con la base ovale rossa e gli angoli oro embossati! Il fiocco e la poinsettia sono un incanto!

  7. I haven't had any issues today with commenting, maybe I've just been lucky. I hope you get sorted out soon, it takes long enough as it is without silly Blogger adding to it.
    A lovely traditionally coloured Christmas card today, love the trellis die and beautiful organza bow.

  8. That's a very pretty card. Love the die cut! I haven't been out commenting for awhile and have a lot to catch up on, but haven't encountered any issues leaving comments today. NancyD

  9. Love your card today Brenda.
    What a pain blogger can be at times - I hope you can get it sorted satisfactorily

  10. Very traditional! I didn't know that corner stamp, it's beautiful and elegant. I didn't have the robot question on your blog by the way...

  11. A beautiful, traditional Christmas card. Lovely design. xx

  12. A gorgeous card Brenda,
    Hope blogger starts behaving for you soon.
    Lorraine x

  13. Gorgeous card Brenda, love the traditional colours with the gold embossing. It's a lovely die cut centre.
    Avril xx

  14. Gorgeous card Brenda, love the corners and gorgeous flowers and bow.
    Hope it is back to normal tomorrow for you, think blogger has brought mischief night forward.

    Kath x

  15. Oh my this is a pure delight to see Brenda such an elegant looking card especially with that awesome bow brilliant festive card.
    lorraine x

  16. Absolutely beautiful Brenda!
    Lucy x

  17. Gorgeous card Brenda. I love the traditional colors.

  18. Your trellis frame is so pretty Brenda and the red against the white really looks lovely as dose your bow. Your stamped corners really finish your card off beautifully...
    Babs 😊

  19. This is beautiful Brenda. A very classic card and love all the detail.

  20. Oh I hope you get your blog sorted quickly its so frustrating computers are great when they work well !! your card is fabulous i love traditional and this doesn't disappoint its so perfect love and hugs Carole x

  21. Hate to say it (and I may be tempting fate) but blogger has been working perfectly for me. Hope yours starts behaving soon. Such a beautiful and elegant Christmas card xx

  22. So manny traditional details; I keep deeing new thinks everytime I look at it...Great make!
    I have been commenting on and of the whole day today and didn't have any problems, so I hope you won;t have them anymore soon! Hugs, Gerrina

  23. sorry to hear about your blogger issues brenda - hope it starts behaving for you soon! Lovely card! Very elegant indeed! Hugs rachel x

  24. Lovely traditional red and gold - and the bow is fabulous!
    Alison xx

  25. Beautiful Brenda, I love the frame and the stamped corners
    Kevin xx

  26. Beautiful card, Brenda! I don't know what is up with blogger lately, but I am having enough problems to make me look at a different blog provider and sign in using an ID other than google. It is weird the way Google is picking and choosing which options work on which account and which device. Hope it sorts out soon. Hugs, de

  27. This is so gorgeous! I love the bling around the ribbon and the corner stamp is so pretty. Sorry you're having problems with blogger...It might just be your browser. I have problems when I use Firefox but not when I use Chrome. Hope you're doing well! Hugs, Robin

  28. Very nice!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  29. ooo Brenda, what a beautiful card you made. I like lovelly flowers :-))
    HUgs, Andreja

  30. Oh B. love the classic look of this card .. the swirls then the mesh in white with red touches all so very very delightful.
    Sorry to read of commenting issues it made me wonder if you have updated to windows 10? maybe red herring but just a thought.?
    Was interested to read of your issues with gilding wax as bought two creative expressions after seeing them on your blog and woe is me they are dreadfully dry... so hope you make in to NEC ..
    I will look around maybe able to re-mediate them... have few ideas up my sleeve :D
    And thank you, for your lovely words on my blogaversary too (hard to believe the LORD has done it for truly of myself it would never have been let alone continued) ..

    Would love you to enter in one of candy if you would like it .. the text or die or... either? as you did not indicate on your kind comment ... thanks so much for posting it on your sidebar.
    love dear friend, and God bless you, especially in your health
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards Fifth Blogaversary}

  31. Beautiful and stylish card, love this gorgeous

  32. What a gorgeous card Brenda, I love that beautiful bow :o)
    How stupid can Blogger get?
    Jackie xx

  33. A beautiful elegant and stylish Christmas card. Love that ribbon slide. I have not had any problems with commenting, touch wood, because if there are any issues with blogging, I usually get them! Michelle x

  34. Beautiful classy traditional Christmas card Brenda. I don't know what is going on with Google at the moment, I can't even get onto my blog on my tablet because they changed everything a couple of weeks ago and it just tells me I haven't got a blog?!!!! It is so frustrating. Rant over, have a lovely evening.

    Pat xx

  35. A gorgeous card, Brenda! I love it! I hate it when they fiddle with Blogger - such a pain! It is only since Google took it over too. It ain't broke so they should leave it well alone!

  36. Gosh, this is just so elegant. Love the big ol' bow in the corner. A truly magical Christmas card. As for the blogger, I am not having the issues with word verification, but I am having issues with adding photos to my posts. It wouldn't let me do it from my Firefox browser but when I switched over to IE it seemed to work.

  37. A beautiful card Brenda, I've been working on some traditional ones too over last few days and when all said and done traditional style is my favorite. Sorry that you have been having ongoing techie issues, all seems to be ok with me, I use firefox. I do hope it is resolved for you soon but in the meantime plse don't be working overly on comments from tablet. Nicola, x

  38. A real bute of a card Brenda, definitely traditional and whoever receives this will be utterly delighted.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  39. Gorgous card Brenda. Love the traditional colours with the super Poinsettia and fabulous stamped ccorners xx

  40. Hi Brenda
    Gorgeous creation, love all your details and design too.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x
