
Saturday 14 November 2015


Good morning to you all, it's time for our new challenge at Allsorts where this week Tracy Mouse would like us to 'Anything but a Card'. Our sponsors are PPR Papercrafts and Deedes Digis.

Sorry I have not been on my blog rounds for a couple of days, Iv'e been into hospital for the scheduled treatment on my spine, but hope to catch up with you all again over the weekend.

I love making floral wreaths both on cards and as a stand alone piece like this one, the base of which is a rattan circle from Hobbycraft. The Poinsettia's are made with a stamp from Stamp Addicts Christmas range, each one is stamped onto red and heat embossed in gold and layered up to give more depth to each bloom, quite time consuming but worth the effort I think.

After fixing to the rattan wreath I tucked in holly and mistletoe leaves made with Tattered Lace Trio sets which have dies in three sizes and a small embossing folder to add texture to the leaves. Finally a red and white gingham ribbon.

Next I have two little Star Kraft Boxes which were in the box of goodies in my recent delivery from Baker Ross. The size of them would make them perfect for dinner table gifts at Christmas, perhaps with a chocolate or two inside...........or even a ring for those in romantic mode............well you never know !

If you don't know the company you should check them out. I found them many years ago when we used to purchase products for Brownies and school, so when they asked me to do some promotional work for them a couple of years ago I was surprised to see how much their range of products had evolved to now include many items suitable for adult crafters and at very reasonable prices.

I covered both with Artimo Artepatch  papers from the same source, ripping into small pieces and using a wide paint brush fixing into place with Slap it On and it doesn't matter if the pieces overlap as it dried clear, in fact it gives a more interesting finish if pieces do overlap. I then decorated both with ribbon, pearls and a TL Poinsettia. I also have some miniature Christmas Trees which I will share during the week.

My final make uses some pre coloured Poinsettias from Deedee's Digis, one of our sponsors this week and is a drawer box to hold some tea lights, I try and keep one or two of these ready scored so they make up quickly covered in DP's. The stopper is a Penny Black sentiment stamped onto TL ovals. I printed the Poinsettia out several times so that I could cut into some of the blooms to decoupage and arranged with a bow and some TL Charisma Ivy.

Hope your weekend is a good one.


  1. Beautiful Christmas projects Brenda. I especially like the little star boxes and the box of tea lights is gorgeous.
    Take care

  2. gorgeous! hope the treatment went ok. xx

  3. Very beautiful Christmas wreath! I wish you good health!

  4. Gorgeous creations Brenda, I can get those little star boxes at the China store by me here in Spain, will have to have a go. xxx

  5. More fabulous makes Brenda all so lovely but its the wreath that really caught my eye


  6. Gorgeous projects Brenda, love the wreath and the boxes are so pretty, and the tea light drawer looks fab too.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  7. Fabulous pieces Brenda!! LOVE the wreath, a great blend of textures xx

  8. I hope that you're doing OK Brenda after your time in hospital. I have to say that I'm loving the things that you've made for this post. The wreath is so pretty and it must have taken you ages to stamp and emboss each and every poinsettia but definitely worth your time and effort. The Star Kraft Boxes are so sweet and perfect to be used for a small gift at Christmas, or even as Wedding Favours. The drawer box is stunning. I love the traditional tartan papers that you've covered it in and the Poinsettias look so real. It's beautifully finished with the red bow and trailing ivy, just perfect. Have a lovely weekend x

  9. Fabulous creations Brenda, love them all and I am in the process of cutting mine out for the challenge.
    The stupid robot thingy is playing on my nerves last three days, am fed up with it....wish we had somewhere we could complain about it.
    Enjoy your weekend.x
     { aNNie}

  10. Wow you have been busy. That wreath is fabukous, must have taken ages and I love the other makes too, the boxes are so cute and the tealight box a great gift. Hope the op helped x

  11. Brenda you truly are an inspiration to us all, your creations are just so so beautiful, love the wreath and your poinsettias look so pretty, lovely gift box and I just love the little draw with those beautiful candles in they all make such gorgeous gifts..

  12. Sorry Brenda I also ment to say I hope you feel well soon..

  13. Wow, these are fantastic. Love them all you have been very busy.

  14. These are all beautiful Brenda I love the wreath I might have to try making one
    Kevin xx

  15. Gorgeous projects Brenda. I just love that wreath, boy oh boy, that must have taken forever to make! What a stunning Christmas decoration!! hugs :)

  16. Great assortment of Christmas makes. Hope you feel better now and will enjoy your weekend. xx

  17. What fabulous Christmas makes perfect.The wreath is very special and Ii admire your patience stamping and heat embossing all those poinsettias . Love your boxes so sweet and a lovely idea for the Christmas table might just make some. I hope the hospital went well take care Love and hugs Carole x

  18. Beautiful creations - they're all lovely but the wreath is my favourite.
    Kath x

  19. Wow gorgeous projects, love the boxes very much. I hope you have good results from the tests. Take care, xx

  20. Beautiful creations Brenda!! Love the wreath. It's so beautiful. The star boxes are gorgeous!! Nice ring idea!! The box with easel card is very pretty!!

  21. your wreath is very nice,love the red flowers
    those boxes are so pretty I want one :D
    drawer box is beautiful
    you did so many pretty things
    have a nice day

  22. Wow! I liked your work! especially boxes, unusual

  23. Such amazing creations! I love the candle holder. Hope the back treatment is working for you. Feel well my friend. Hugs, Robin

  24. All your projects are beautiful Brenda!
    The wreath is stunning, I love the boxes, and the tealight holder is amazing!
    Have a great day! Hope you're well!

  25. Ciao Brenda, la tua ghirlanda di poinsettia è davvero strepitosa!!! Che meraviglia!
    E mi piace tantissimo anche la card box per contenere le piccole candele, è una grande idea per fare piccoli regali! Bravissima come sempre!
    Spero che la tua salute ora sia migliore.

  26. Gorgous creations Brenda, especially love your wreath. Hope all went well at the hospital. Take care xx

  27. Wow what absolutely stunning makes Brenda, all are gorgeous but I especially like the beautiful wreath, so much work has gone into this I love it. Do hope you have a good weekend/

    Pat xx

  28. Wow, Brenda, these are beautiful creations, what fabulous work you've done here, I've got just the spot for that wreath!! LOL
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  29. Amazing creations, love the wreath.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  30. oh my goodness Brenda, you're on a creative roll! What gorgeous projects, all equally lovely
    Claire xx

  31. Beautiful projects, I especially love the wreath - it must have taken quite some time to cut those out, but a stunning result.

    Hope you are feeling better

  32. wonderful poinsettia makes brenda....each one is joyous! hope the treatment went well. hugs rachel xx

  33. Well, is there no end to your talent and creativity, these are fabulous and I just love the wreath and as for romantic, I don't believe that my Hubby knows the meaning of the word.
    Hope you recover pdq.

    Kath x

  34. Gorgeous makes I especially love the wreath.
    I hope your treatment was successful
    Jackie x

  35. Wow, Brenda! You've made so many beautiful Christmas projects! I was trying to pick a favourite but as I looked at each one, they were all my favourites! Awesome job on all of them! From someone who only makes cards, these look amazing! I hope your spinal treatment went okay. Thinking about you and praying for your return to health.

  36. Gorgeous projects, Brenda -- lovely use of your magical poinsettia garden elements. I'd enjoy making something similar , thanks for the inspiration. XXOO

  37. Another wonderful selection Brenda, I love them all but the wreath is just gorgeous :o)
    Jackie xx

  38. Sorry not visited sooner have a nasty cold. Love your creations, they are wonderful. Speedy recovery.

  39. You are a busy bee, Brenda! Lovely collection of christmas gifts. The wreath is stunning, the star boxes are beautiful and the candle box is special. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  40. Beautiful and gorgeous creations.
    Sending you healing hugs;-))m

  41. Wow the wreath is absolutely gorgeous, love gift boxes and yours are gorgeous and perfect for any Christmas dinner table. Great tea light box and the perfect gift too. You have made fabulous projects for my theme this week.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  42. A trio of delight Brenda everything is exquisitely made. Love the candle storage box.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  43. Oh wow ! fabulouuuuuuuus creations, love them all ! Fantastic !
    Big hugs Brenda !

  44. The wreath and boxes look all wonderfull! That wraeth will have taken a long time to make, but the result is beautiful!
    Sorry to hear you have been staying in the hospital again...hope you have anough energy to do the things you want to do and you have to do! Big hugs, Gerrina

  45. Beautiful makes, love that box with the easel card, must try that one. take care, thinking if you.
    Lynn x

  46. Fabulous work, I love them all!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  47. Oh WOW Brenda! Absolutely fabulous! Judy x

  48. Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe how gorgeous these projects are. That wreath just blew me out of the water! I know that it had to take sooooo much work! Great gift ideas!

  49. Oh Brenda, again you have made me so filled with inspiration! This wreath is amazing! Paper?! WOW! Can't believe it! And the boxes are just the best, along with the candle holder/card! Truly delightful projects!

  50. Amazing creations as always Brenda. So creative and beautifully done! I just made my very first wreath (but not with paper) over the weekend, that I'll be using as living room decoration this Christmas season. Love your wreath with the beautiful poinsettias and that perfect bow! The box is such a cute gift idea.

  51. Hope you're doing ok Brenda and that your recent hospital stay has helped. Love your festive makes above, all so pretty, Jx

  52. Sorry I haven't visited lately, been under the weather - Hope you are recovering from your op and things are good. Lots of gorgeous items on your blog, you must have been very busy. I love the wreath with all the super poinsettias and the beautiful little star boxes too. Such lovely gifts.
    Take care,

  53. Looks like you've been a busy little bee Brenda! Sorry I haven't been around lately, but first I was very, very busy at work and then I haven't been feeling well. Once this week is over I should be able to visit blogs more often again (if I'm feeling ok).
    How are you feeling? I hope the hospital appointment was successful.
    Those poinsettias you used on your wreath might had been time consuming to make, but I think they were worth the effort, because they look really pretty and the whole wreath looks amazing!
    The star boxes are probably my favourite thing here. They are awesome!!!! I feel the need to so some shopping and decorate some myself as well. Love them!!!
    That drawer box is great too. I keep saying I will make one of those, but haven't gotten around to actually do that yet. *sigh* Ah well, one day ...
    Hugs! xx

  54. Love all the three creations. You never cease to amaze us with your gorgeous projects. I'm in awe of how beautiful they are.

    Hope you are feeling better now. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  55. So sorry to hear about the hospital stay, and do hope you are recovering as you should be! You still manage to keep your creativity active, even when you are dealing with all the health issues. That amazes me that you can keep this going. I do love that poinsettia wreath, and aren't these DeeDee's Digis just the easiest to work with? Love the tiny jewels you've created with these little boxes pretty, and what a nice surprise for you guests to find at their place setting (or wherever). Loved the card too, you just keep going & going - with the wonderful projects you share! Take care, and hope all is much better - real soon! TFS & Big hugs (gentle hugs of course!)

  56. I seem to have missed a few of your posts as well Brenda. Your wreath looks absolutely stunning.
    Marianne x

  57. Hi Brenda I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well I do hope that you improve very soon. Brenda your festive projects are amazing I am always so impressed by the things you create they are beautiful and full of wonderful detail.
    lorraine x

  58. Such a festive post - those traditional reds and greens just sing here, from the fabulous wreath to those adorable little gift boxes.
    Alison xx

  59. Uauu, I like festive projects. Wreath and little boxes are beautiful. I just love this time of season, to see such beautiful projects.

  60. oh my, I'm so happy I remembered to look further back, Brenda these are just fantastic. The wreath is going to be pinned immediately onto my I want to create like this - just awesome! Karen x
