
Sunday 6 September 2015

Venetian Summer

Time for our monthly challenges at Stamping Sensations and Penny Black and More where our themes are Sew Special and Anything Goes.

For my Penny Black creation I have used one of my favourite stamps Venetian Summer, it's a place I adore and having spent a couple of days there on our recent holiday was inspired to use this stamp again.........mind you I didn't look anything like as elegant as this lady when I was there.

 I have coloured her with my Chameleon pens using just one colour and added the sky with Pan Pastels. I am not sure of the make of DP, it's scraps I found in my 'brown drawer' but have a feeling it may be G45. Some lace and sentiment which is part of the same set as the main image.

I have used my current favourite fancy machine stitch on the base layer and another Penny Black stamp for the main image....a nice wood mounted one called Rosa which I coloured in with Spectrum pencils.some basic mat and layering, organza ribbon and bow and another of the pretty ribbon slides I found on web site selling wedding products.

And a second card for Stamping Sensations using stamps from this months sponsor Stamp Addicts. Yes, it's the same stitch again, did say I was a bit addicted to it, along with a Stamp Addicts sentiment and Poinsettias from the new Star of Wonder stamp set. I stamped and cut the Poinsettias from a piece of card coloured with Dylusions and pearl mica spray, layered them up and added some pearl stamens and added some die cut Ivy...........absolutely no idea who the die is made by as I've had it ages and no longer have the packing.

And I am having a spell in the playground again this week......not fell of the swing yet but it can;t last......and am entering this card into Di's Snippet Playground. It's a recent sample I made for Tattered Lace using some of the new the Nursery Rhyme dies, this one is called 'I'm a little teapot'..............the times we sang this one at playschool when I used to help out, the little ones always seemed to love doing all the movements.

The background has been embossed with a TL embossing folder and lightly inked with distress inks, some scraps of paper which I think are Trimcraft, lace, seam binding and a button.

Have a good Sunday all, I am off to Thetford Sincerely Yours craft show to do some inky demoing but hoping to get a bit of shopping in as well.


  1. What a wonderful selection of cards Brenda :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Great cards Brenda, adore the first one. Love the stitched detail on the other two. Have a good week. I have a cold so do a lot of resting.

  3. Gorgeous and more Brenda, three guesses which is my fave even though they are all stunning.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  4. Stunning cards Brenda, you are always so creative!
    Sorry for my lack of visits, but I had an almost 2 month break from blogging, and though I meant to visit, life just kept getting back in the way... Hope you are doing ok.....

  5. A lovely collection of cards Brenda, you have been very busy
    Jackie x

  6. A lovely collection of cards Brenda, you have been very busy
    Jackie x

  7. Phew 4 cards in one post how productive! All gorgeous and neatly finished (especially the sewing, so unlike mine!). Have a good time at the show!

  8. A stunning selection of cards Brenda, your designs and choices of colours are so beautiful. I especially love the elegant image on your first card.
    Sue xx

  9. very nice cards
    have a great day

  10. hope you have a great day. your cards are gorgeous - the Venetian Summer is so elegant!

  11. Schitterende kaarten .De bovenste kaart het plaatje is prachtig
    Groetjes Gerrie

  12. You have been busy Brenda, these are all beautiful I love the classy lady, and those poinsettia
    kevin xx

  13. Fantastic set of cards, Brenda. My favourite is the one with the rose, but I also really like your elegant lady, with the lovely vintage feel. Hope you enjoy the show!

    Lynne x

  14. So pretty, Brenda! I especially like your fancy stitching on 2 of your frames, and the wonderfully tied bow with the very thin twine! Twine escapes my fumble fingers, so I always enjoy seeing it in other people's creations! Your laces are lovely. Thank you for sharing! hugs, de

  15. Wow, lots of gorgeous cards Brenda, Love the Venetian one, my fave place ever in the world, xxx

  16. Beautiful cards Brenda and so difficult to choose a favourite


  17. Four wonderful creations, Brenda! Absolutely gorgeous, and impossible to choose a favourite - tea, flowers and a beautiful scene - so many of my favourite things!

  18. Caspita, tutte queste card sono così eleganti! Molto belle e mi fa piacere vedere Venezia! :D
    Wow, all these cards are so elegants! Very beautiful and love to see Venice! :D

  19. All cards are so different and I do like your stylish venetian card. The special stitches do add an extra touch to the card. Where do you get the ribbon slides for the second card, Brenda!

  20. Such a delightful array of creations, Brenda. Love that they all have a hint of vintage.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  21. A great set of cards Benda and I do love the fancy edge stitch, frames everything beautifully.
    Enjoy the Show.
    Avril xx

  22. Wow, Brenda, you've been busy making these gorgeous cards! They are all so beautiful - I don't think I can pick a favourite - maybe the last one - that little teapot is so cute! Wishing you a wonderful day!

  23. What a wealth of gorgeous cards to enjoy this afternoon. Each one got more beautiful than the previous one. Love the look of #1, with the different coloring techniques you've added (I have still to use the Chameleons..but the effect is lovely on this card, and I like the way you did the sun rays with the pans). Of course the soft look of that gorgeous rose took my eye, and then just wandered down, enjoying each of the cards that scrolled up. How DO you have the time to make so many, and such pretty designs too. Glad your MoJo has returned from your trip, and that you are feeling well so that you can share such loveliness again. Also love the embroidery stitching on the border. TFS & Hugs

  24. Oh my, these are wonderful, such lovely designs, love the classy first one, the second is so very pretty, a fabulous festive design on the next and I love the design of the last one, such fabulous work Brenda!
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  25. Great cards, Brenda - I love that super stylish Venetian cartoon, and it looks great in the neutral tones. Hope you've been having a good day in Thetford.
    Alison xx

  26. You surely have been busy in the craft room, Brenda. These are all gorgeous! Loving the stitching and beautiful sketches!

  27. Wow Four Fabulous makes Brenda! I love them all and don't know how you manage to fit them all in. Each one is very different from the last and so beautiful. Hope you enjoyed the show at Thetford and bought lots of goodies.

  28. Gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. Love that fancy stitching you have used. I have it on my machine but haven't used on a card yet so you have inspired me.

  29. Stunning cards Brenda. All so pretty
    Lorraine x

  30. Four cards , what a treat, all so fabulous and with some stunning colours, love the stitch you have used and I think the Christmas one is my favourite.
    I have absolutely nothing that relates to sewing, apart from my stitched dies.
    Been to Thetford once and will never go again, dreadful route from West Yorkshire.

    Kath x

  31. They're all so beautiful!
    Sorry I haven't been by!
    Hope you are well!

  32. These are all full of so much gorgeousness Brenda you use such wonderful stamps, the designs look amazing so does the stitching ACE makes.
    lorraine x

  33. WOW Brenda, these cards a simply glorious.
    I don't blame you for being addicted to that stitch it is beautiful.
    Can't wait until I have space to dig out my sewing machine.
    How do you find it on cards?
    Does it rip them at all ?
    Hope you had a fabulous time yesterday.

  34. Fabulous set of cards, stylish and beautiful ones all of them.
    Catching up after weekends camp, tired but happy;-))m

  35. Oh fabulous cards !! So nice designs, i love them !!

  36. Oh my Brenda! Gorgeous cards!!
    I particularly LOVE your monochromatic sepia card!!
    Thank You for your kind word yesterday!

  37. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. Hope you had a good day at Thetford.

  38. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    deine Karte sind einfach ein Traum,eine schöner als die Anderem
    glg ulrike

  39. Stunning selection of cards, such great designs.

  40. I love the Venetion scene and the beautifully elegant lady. Such wonderful colours. I just love everything about this card Brenda x

  41. Wow these are stunning that venetian stamp is so elegant and I love your other designs great stitching as well Fabulous love and hugs Carole x

  42. wonderful cards Brenda - I adore that venetian lady - may have to ink that stamp up very soon!!! Thanks so much for bearing with me whilst my internet has been down - I'm back now - so will be able to comment from here on! Big hugs rachel x

  43. You have been busy Brenda. These are four gorgous cards and such a great variety. Love the image on the first, fabulous stitching on the next two and perfect snippeting on the last one xx

  44. Beautiful set of cards Brenda!! Love them all!!
    Moxie Craftie

  45. They are all so wonderful but the first one is my absolute favourite!
    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  46. What a delightful set of cards and i love them all, Luv Sam x

  47. WOW you have been a busy lady. I miss a day and miss so much. These are stunning! Your talent is just amazing. Hugs, Robin

  48. All so fabulous but my favourite has to be the Venice one, she is so elegant! Michelle x

  49. Wow, you have been bussy again! Love the PB-card and your Christmascard is also one of my favo's! Always great to look at your cards! Hope all is well with you, hugs, Gerrina

  50. Oh my, you have been really busy!! Love these flowercards and the lovely lady is gorgeous indeed!! Hope I have the time to join in the challenges. Hugs, Marianne

  51. Gorgeous indeed! What a great selection of cards! Really love the first one and the poinsettia, but they're all great! Jx

  52. Wonderful cards Brenda - I do especially adore the Venetian one! Supposed to be resting my back here but had to hop in and comment! :


    Di xx
