
Monday 14 September 2015

New Tattered Lace flowers

This is the lovely new Delicate Peony, it's another in the Charisma range with a CD Rom full of artwork in different colourways, backing papers and matching die for easy decoupaging. 

Afternoon Peeps, hope you all had a good weekend.

Mine was a tad busy preparing artwork for tomorrows Tattered Lace Pick of the Day on Create and Craft, well technically it launches first on Ideal World at 9pm and programmes follow the next day on C&C. 

The dies only arrived in the UK Friday so it was all a bit of a mad rush over the weekend, then sampled needed packaged for dispatch this morning ready for the shows. But there are lovely new flowers so I was a really happy camper and had a real fun time creating, funny that when flowers are involved it just seems to flow. These are just a taster of some of those I made.

When I created the top card I also had an eye on the current Butterfly Challenge where the theme is A Butterfly and Yarn or Thread using a Butterfly is from TL Butterfly Trio set. I also used a good quantity of purple silk that was in a large box of silk embroidery threads bequeathed to me by a lovely lady a few years ago when her arthritis stopped her from doing the needlework she so loved.

This is the Charisma Peony, not to be confused with the Delicate Peony or Peony Corner, because believe me I certainly do get confused with all the variants at times. I also added some Ivy from the Charisma Ivy CR and die set. The little pink pears are new TL products.

Another centre stepper card, I so love this die set as the matting and layering is so quick and easy. The Ballerina is called simply The Dancer and is another new die in tomorrow's shows. I also cut four times the the word dance from the Dance Like Nobody is Watching die to create the banner. The little flowers are also from TL.

Here's the Ballerina again and this time I placed her in an oval aperture backed with a piece of acetate embossed with a TL folder.

This is the new shape card which Desire gave instructions for on her blog recently, it's very quick and easy to create following her instructions. I printed and cut the Delicate Peony in the cream colourway and coordinated with some new Trimcraft DP's and a TL sentiment.

Moonlight Dance is the name of this lovely couple, it's one I made for last weeks shows, I wasn't that keen on it but it go lots of praise from the presenters, so thanks to all of them for their kind words.

Many thanks for popping in and hope you have a good week.


  1. A really elegant, intricate set of cards today - so many folds and cuts and it all adds up to many delights!
    Alison xx

  2. Wow Brenda how amazing are these , what a selection of gorgeous cards you have created, in such a short time...

  3. All totally stunning Brenda and each one so different. Love the new shape card from Desire and the new papers used from Trimcraft are gorgeous.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  4. My you've been busy... well done for coming up with so many beautiful samples in that short time frame, quite a feat! I too love the Moonlight Dance card with the clever window with vellum "curtains" opening on the couple.

  5. These are all really lovely cards.

  6. Gosh you have been busy Brenda. These are all so fabulous but my favourite has to be the top one with the genius bit of stitching across the oval xx

  7. Gorgeours!!! I love those cards! Thanks for show it.

  8. Gorgeous cards Brenda, if I have to choose a fave it would be the first one, I think this is so very pretty, but that is if I HAVE to choose, 'cause I love 'um all!!
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  9. Wow! All absolutely stunning cards Brenda but my favourite two are the second and the forth. They are just so striking with their black and white contrast. I'll look out for them tomorrow. Hope you have a restful week x

  10. All beautiful cards but my heart is on the one you created for my challenge using the purple embroidery thread. It looks so delicate and really shows off the flowers you have created. I love the filigree butterfly as the finishing touch. Thankyou for fluttering by. Hugs Mrs A.

  11. Wow!! So many beautiful cards!! Each one is awesome!! Love the use of embroidery thread in the first one!! Looks very nice! And thanks so much for the comment on my blog, with the reply to my question. I will try with a make-up brush. I once used sponge and it ended up in a mess :)
    Moxie Craftie

  12. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. Love all the dies you have used.

  13. A fabulous selection of gorgeous cards! I love all the pretty dies you've used.
    Lorraine x

  14. Tutte queste card sono meravigliose, Brenda!! Davvero creative e piene di bellissimi dettagli!
    Amo particolarmente la prima card con la Delicate Peony: il fiore è stupendo e quel ricamo di seta nell'ovale è delicato ed elegante!
    La finestra in Moonlight Dance è strabiliante!
    Buon lavoro con le nuove release!

  15. Wonderful dies and cards Brenda, so pretty, xxxx

  16. WOW! Your have been very busy Brenda, these are so beautiful. Your designs are beautiful and so inspiring.
    Sue xx

  17. Wow Brenda, these are all so lovely. What a busy weekend you must have had to get all these gorgeous samples made, I don't know how you do it and come up with so many different designs. A fab job, thanks for sharing them and giving so much inspiration too.

  18. Blooming heck Brenda, I am surprised you have the time to breathe, what a fabulous set of cards and those flowers are gorgeous, the first card is my favourite

    Kath x

  19. All gorgeous cards Brenda, and those flowers look stunning. You must have such a busy weekend, so well done you on achieving such a beautiful collection.
    Avril xx

  20. OMG you have been busy and what a stunning collection too, Luv Sam x

  21. Wow Brenda, you have been a busy girl. I love all your cards - the dies are gorgeous and I will look forward to seeing your cards on C & C.
    Have a lovely week.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  22. Wow fantastic selection of cards Brenda. All so different.

  23. Wow Brenda these are all really beautiful I love those new tattered lace flower die cuts!!
    Kevin xx

  24. Oh Brenda - what stunningly beautiful cards! I love each one - and especially the one for Mrs A's Butterfly Challenge - gorgeous. Or do I like Moonlight Dance best - I dunno really - each one is so very lovely.


    Di xx

  25. Wow, Wow, and more Wow! It's almost too much to take in! These are all so beautiful! The last one really caught my eye with the dancing couple - so elegant - I love this!

  26. I always look forward to your wonderful creations Brenda, and you never fail. What a gorgeous selection. Sorry to say that I won't see them on TV cuz I don't watch craft shows, there aren't enough hours in the day :o)
    Jackie xx

  27. Amazing gorgeous cards but I have to say the first one is my favourite love how you made it.

  28. So many gorgeous cards! But if I had to choose, my vote would be for the first one, as it's my favourite colour. The dancing couple is rather special too, however... Have a lovely day! x

  29. Delightful creations Brenda, they are all just gorgeous...wonderful added goodies and colours.xx
    {The Journey Is The Start aNNie my personal blog}

  30. Wow ! amazing ! superb creations again Brenda !

  31. A great selection of designs showcasing the new wonderful dies, Brenda! Seriously, I wished I could watch the programme from here!

  32. Oh my goodness Brenda these are stunning.
    You have really outdone yourself this time.
    I can't even pick just one as my favourite.
    Great job all round.

  33. Wow these are beautiful you are such a talented lady these are wonderful designs they are all amazing I love them Love and hugs Carole x

  34. You have been so busy Brenda - such a fabulous selection - tattered lace are very lucky to have you hugs Judith x

  35. Oh my, Brenda, wish I could make as many gorgeous cards in such a short space of time! Must say, first one is my favourite, love the flower and butterfly such a pretty card. Carol xx

  36. OMG Brenda I am nearly lost for words to describe what I feel about these stunning creations, what an incredible amount of work you have done, each one is so very beautiful and so very different, you are such an inspiration a truly awesome selection of cards.
    lorraine x

  37. Wow you have been bussy again! Great delicate first card and the shapes and boldness from the white or gray-blackcards are beautiful! Hugs, Gerrina

  38. Wow these are all gorgeous, you have been busy! I also see more beauties that I've missed in other posts. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  39. You made all of these over the weekend?! Wow! You really were very busy. But they all turned out beautifully so it was worth it. Hugs! xx

  40. Brenda these are stunning as always. Love the way you used the thread in the first one, very clever! You have been a busy girl! Michelle x

  41. A wow from me too Brenda! What a stunning array, I'm sure the companies were thrilled with all these. Terrifically inspirational samples. Nicola x

  42. These are gorgeous cards,Brenda!Wow!
    Hope you are well!
    Have a great week!
    Big hugs and smiles from Kari :)

  43. Oh WOW Brenda, once again you are spoiling our senses with a wonderful array of card creations. Of course I am biased and adore the center stepper and of course the tri fold card design. Thanks so much once again for the shout out. Pleased you could follow my little template.
    {Would love you to visit my blog and join my 1,100 Follower Give-Away. Thank you so much, if you have already entered, and good luck.}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  44. Brenda, these are all incredible! My favorite is in lavender colors! Just lovely! Hugs, de

  45. Wow Brenda these are all stunning. I was lucky enough to catch a few of your designs on C&C and its lovely to hear them say the name of someone you know.

  46. Fabulous cards! My favourite has to be the top one, beautiful design and lovely colours. It caught my eye over on the Butterfly Challenge and I came over for a closer look. xx

  47. Oh my goodness Brenda, such stunning creations! Each one beautifully done with so many wonderful details! Wish I had the skills, time and energy to create half the amount of cards you do. Amazing work as always!!

  48. these are all so gorgeous brenda! i also love the soft pink/blue PB one that is on the challenge blog - beautiful!

  49. Oh my goodness B , I love the laced heart!!! Inspirational! Xxx
