
Saturday 1 August 2015

Pearls and gems

This post was scheduled, but I felt I had to add a few words after receiving so many touching e.mails following my post yesterday saying I had switched off the comment option on my blog. I did that because I felt rather ashamed that in recent weeks I have been struggling to visit your blogs yet you continue to visit me. 

As many of you know I have been suffering ongoing infections which the medics have been unable to get under control and although they started as dental problems created by my general health and medications, being immune compromised it has led to other problems. 

I have now had quite a few teeth removed but the knock on affect of the infections is that my diabetes and MS took a downturn and this week I was referred back to the pain clinic for more dorsal root ganglion spinal injections. The timing of all of this is not ideal as we are due to go on holiday this weekend, but with the infections now under control I am hoping I can go with pain relatively stable again, albeit my face looks like I've done a few rounds with Tyson following the extractions ! 

So in answer to so many requests to do so, I am switching the comment option back on and pray when I return from holiday I will be up to visiting you all again. Thank you all for your kindness and also my fellow DT members for their understanding.

Today sees the start of our new challenge at Allsorts and Wendy would like us to use Pearls and/or gems on our work this week. Our sponsors are DigiStamp Boutique and our very own Jo of Lets Create.

Since Tattered Lace released the center and side stepper cards I have made quite a few of them, both as DT pieces for TL and for other occasions as it's such a quick and easy process with all the matting and layering dies included in the sets.

The focal flower is from Chocolate Baroque coloured in with Spectrum pencils, the papers from stash and the decoupaged flowers are made from TL Trio sets, as you may have gathered I use these quite a lot. I dotted some pearls here and there and in the center of the flowers on the side panels.

Happy weekend and I will see you all when we return.


  1. Hi Brenda, gorgeous card as per. Take care and get well enough for your hols. xxx

  2. I'm glad you've put your comment option 'back on'! I love to visit your blog and leave a comment when I can....I know I can be a bad blogger!!
    I'm sorry you're having so many health problems at the minute, and I hope you are all sorted and feeling stronger very soon. Have a lovely holiday and relax!
    Lorraine x

  3. Such a sweet card, Brenda, with the soft blues and the combination of a coloured image with the punched flowers. I'm happy to see you decided to turn comments back on. We all know that life can get in the way of blogging and visiting sometimes (ask me how I know), but all your loyal followers also know that your MS comes with many ups and downs and related health issues. All the more reason for us to visit your blog and cheer you up when we can. I hope you'll be able to enjoy your holidays and relax.
    Marianne x

  4. Lovely card, Brenda.
    I hope your holiday will give you some relief from all the suffering you have been going through

  5. beautiful card, and beautiful colour of blue, Brenda, and what a pity that your health is not going the right way. so sorry to hear.
    so nice that you have back the comment on your blog.
    and do not feel guilty that you can't leave a comment. please! it is okay that you can't leave a comment.
    I do understand it with your health problems and all the things that comming by with your illness. and this is taking energie.
    I can't also leave a comment everytime.
    have a great holiday!
    kind regards, Dora

  6. Gorgeous card Brenda......Hopefully after your holiday you will come back feeling better....


  7. Have a lovely holiday Brenda and hope that it will do you good and you'll come back tons better. Annie xxx

  8. The card is so beautiful !!!
    I hope You feel better soon.
    Have a sunny, peaceful and healing holidays!!

  9. Good morning Brenda,

    I am so glad to see you had the sense to turn comments back on LOL
    You are such a silly goose.
    I for one ( and I am sure many others are the same) comment because I want to and not because I expect a visit in return.
    Please hun never feel that just because I comment you have to return it.
    So glad to hear the pain is a little more under control and I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your holiday.
    Love and hugs x

  10. Oh and the card is beautiful.
    Almost forgot that one LOL

  11. Brenda do not fret about not visiting our blogs! I'm sure nobody will hold it against you if you miss some posts when you're on hols or under the weather or just busy with "life". It happens to us all so I, for one, will not be commenting as diligently as usual over the summer. Please relax and kick back, you need it! xx

  12. Brenda beautiful card and we all understand the reason why you switched of your comments but I am glad you put it back on, I won't be emailing you now... lol
    I hope you get to go on your holiday, relax and enjoy it.

  13. I'm so glad you switched the comments back on Brenda, I was going to email you to say that I for one, never ever comment on someone's blog just to get a comment back. Blogging is fun and friendly and I have met so many friends here, you included. I leave comments because I want to and never just to add to my own. I love visiting you here and I sometimes don't have time to lave a message but I am always here in spirit. Please take care and enjoy your break. Such a lovely card today. Hugs xx

  14. Stunning! Gorgeous design and love the colour!
    Lucy x

  15. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    ich hoffe es geht dir etwas besser und die Schmerzen sind erträglich und du kannst deinen Urlaub mit der Familie genießen,erhol dich gut und deine karte ist einfach wunderschön...
    glg ulrike

  16. Beautiful Card Brenda!

    Never feel ashamed, your health comes first and we all understand that sometimes people are unable to blog as much as they usually do, even if it is for a while. We just all like to know that you are still ok.

    I've been through stuff myself and not blogged at all for some time but I'm now hoping to get some time to catch up and get back to some normality.

    Enjoy your holiday. Have a lovely time and take special care. (((hugs))) X X

  17. Hi Brenda, your card is beautiful as always. Never apologize for not be able to comment at other blogs - My personal opinion is that it should be fun to leave comments when we have time (and health) to do so and not feel it's an obligation. I do hope that you get through your recent set backs, it sounds challenging. Take good care of yourself and enjoy your vacation, Shirleyxx

  18. Oh, Brenda, you've been through so much and I pray that things will start improving for you. I hate to hear of you suffering like this. Hoping you are feeling well enough to go on your holidays. Your card is beautiful! Will continue to keep you in my prayers.

  19. beautiful card Brenda!! love it!! I hope and pray that you get better soon.. We all love you.. and will wait for you to get better.. you don't have to feel bad about not visiting our blogs.. we all feel and understand your situation and pray for you :) take care...

  20. Hi Brenda, I hope you have a good holiday and benefit from the rest.
    Sharon x

  21. Prachtige kaart Brenda.Mooi heb je de bloemen ingekleurd
    Groetjes Gerrie

  22. Your card is stunning! I do hope your holiday will be good for your health. Feel better soon. Hugs, Robin

  23. Oh, brenda, mi dispiace moltissimo di sapere che tu sei così sofferente! Non preoccuparti se non visiti i nostri blog! Noi vogliamo soltanto che tu stia bene, questo è tutto. E siamo felic di vedere i tui bellissimi lavori e di commentarli, comunque!! Abbi cura di te, è la cosa più importante che devi fare!
    La tua card di oggi è bellissima, mi piacciono i colori e lo stile sobrio. I fiorellini azzurri con la perla sono deliziosi!
    Un abbraccio
    Oh, Brenda, I'm very sorry to know that you are so suffering!! Don't worry if you don't visit ours blogs!!! We want only that you feel good, this is all. We are happy to see and comment your wonderful works, as well. :D Take care of yourself, this is the most important thing that you must do.
    Today's card is very beautiful, I love the colors and the sober style. The blue little flower with the pearl are so charming!

  24. so pleased that you reconsidered the commenting Brenda, we all love you and you certainly shouldn't feel ashamed about not visiting us!! Love the, pretty blue of this card and the stamp is lovely. Hope you feel better after your holiday, it's probably the best medicine xx

  25. Gorgeous card, love the image and the flowers, gorgeous blues.
    So pleased that you have changed your mind.
    Bet you are looking forward to the cruise, rest and relaxation will do you the world of good.

    Kath x

  26. Thanks Brenda for switching your comments back on, beautiful card I like the design the flower and the ribbon
    Kevin xx

  27. Sometimes it is difficult to accept gifts of life when we want so badly to reciprocate but find ourselves unable. Sending my love and wishes for better health to come your way. xo

  28. Gorgeous flowers. beautiful shape.
    Have a relaxing and healing holiday;-))m

  29. Brenda! You are always in my prayers! I hope you will recover with your pain soon. Take care!
    Your step card is very gorgeous in blue!!!

  30. Sorry to hear you health problems continue, fingers crossed they're turned a corner. Love your beautiful step card.

  31. Hello Brenda
    Gorgeous card again today. I love this stepper card die so much - not being a great mathematician I find it takes all the struggle out of creatig fantastic kinetic cards.
    I do hope you have a fantastic holiday. I am so glad you have turned your comment function back on. It doesn't matter if you do not comment on my blog but I would still like to give you lots of support and encouragement to cope with all your current troubles. A positive comment when you are in a bad place can shine a light in the darkness sometime.
    Big hugs

  32. This is gorgeous Brenda and even though I'm not a lover of blue,it looks so pretty in this colour, it works so well with this card and stamp.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  33. Gorgeous Brenda! Love the fancy shape and the soft blues are so pretty! Wonderful summer card with all the flower bouquets! hugs :)

  34. Your design is gorgeous Brenda. Do enjoy this holiday, relax and take it easy, you have been through so much, I hope you have a 'healing miracle' whilst away. Take care my friend and we'll see you when you get back.
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  35. Brenda you don't have to worry about commenting your health is all important and it is always such a delight to come and see your wonderful creations this one is absolutely gorgeous
    lorraine x

  36. Very pretty card.

    I hope you're health improves soon.

  37. Brenda, so very sorry you are going through this rough patch. Your creations are so wonderful and I enjoy visiting so much. The gift is in the inspiration, not always a response. They are appreciated, but not necessary! Thank you for your gentle, kind spirit and I pray you will feel better very soon.

  38. Oh such a stunning card….great style. So glad you put the comments back on. It's always nice to say a little something about your beautiful cards and I never expect you to visit me just because I do leave a comment. I hope this holiday relaxes your body. Take care.

  39. Very pretty stepper card. Love the blue. Hope you feel better soon and enjoy your holiday. It pleases me to comment. I do not expect a return visit just because I have chosen to leave one for you. Sometimes life just gets in the way. For us all LOL. Take care. HUGZ
