
Saturday 4 July 2015

How does your garden grow

Good morning, time for a new challenge at Allsorts and this week it's my turn to choose the theme which is 'How Does Your Garden Grow', the chance to use lots of lovely flowers on your artwork. Our sponsors are DigiStamp Boutique and Sizzix.

Again I am pretty transparent with my theme going for a floral one but with so many beautiful flowers all around us at this time of the year it's the perfect chance to celebrate the wonders of Nature.

I have gone all Penny Black for my first creation using the lovely Hollyhock as my focal flower, masking the top and bottom of the cardstock then stamping and colouring with Spectrum pencils, stamping the other two with Adirondack inks and using Pan Pastels for the sky, a PB sentiment and some birds flying off the page.

My second make is one of my recent Tattered Lace samples for the newly released Charisma Summer collection  which has printable flowers and matching dies and as you can see from the above the blooms are so delicate yet still cut out to perfection.  Sweet Peas are very special to me as my Dad always grew then along the back garden patch between the garden and farmyard and as you walked up to the farm they gave off the most glorious aromas during the summer months. I have written up the details to this card over on the Tattered Lace Blog so will not bore you with them again here.

Happy weekend all.


  1. Good morning Brenda
    Two beautiful cards today. The flower CDs and dies from Tattered Lace are a fab idea but I sat on my hands whilst the shows were on and was very good until the pop up box die fell into my basket - whoops!
    I love flower themes, they are so versatile and there are so many stamps etc available in this theme.
    My laptop hunt has begun but am still undecided. Why are these things so complicated? Plus I don't want to waste too much of my craft budget on non crafting things. But must decided soon this ipad is driving me nuts.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Take care

  2. Outstanding creations Brenda, so love both these cards and the effects created by masking. Both so pretty, Jx

  3. Two beautiful cards Brenda,' summer on the computer screen ' so gorgeous, xxxx

  4. Goegeous cards Brenda,love the background too.
    Have a blessing weekend,

  5. Stunning Brenda. What a beautiful flowercards. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!

  6. The Tattered lace Sweet Peas look awesome, not an effect that could be replicated with inking or fussy cutting!
    Have a good week end Brenda!

  7. Love both in equal measure, the tattered lace one is gorgeous I bet it will be a pricy set x

  8. Two absolute beauties, love my garden too and these are so evocative of lovely country gardens

  9. Wow "B" these are so effect,love both of them, I would normally go for the inky one but the flowers are stunning.

  10. Your hollyhocks make such a pretty scene, Brenda, especially combined with the yellows and that soft pink sky. Your sweet peas do seem very delicate. We also had them growing at the back of our garden, climbing against a wire fence. The multtude of colours, from soft to bright pastels, never ceases to amaze me.

  11. Good morning Brenda, Stunning cards.
    Love the first one especially with the way the birds are flying off into the distance.
    I have got to learn how to create the sky like yours.
    I tried once to do the clouds but it was not a pretty site LOL
    Sweet Peas are beautiful.
    I always used to grow them near my runner beans as my grandad taught me it was a good way to bring in the bees for the bean flowers.
    Always got more beans that way :)

  12. Bezaubernde Karten, Brenda...wunderschön...

    Sophie xx

  13. Both gorgeous (I commented on the TL blog)
    I love your first card too, very clever with masking etc. A great result

  14. Two beautifdul cards Brenda...wished I had flowers in by garden like that! Your colouring as always is amazing


  15. Due card favolose, Brenda! La seconda, quella con i piselli odorosi è delicatissima! Amo tantissimo anche la prima sui toni del violetto, hai creato uno splendido sfondo!!
    Two fabulous cards, Brenda! The second one, with the sweet peas, it's so delicate! Love so much also the first one with the light purple tones, you have made a wonderful background!

  16. Wow, these are both so beautiful Brenda. Love the first with the hollyhocks and fabulous stamping and the TL dies on the second are so pretty and delicate looking. Have a great weekend xx

  17. Two stunning cards Brenda, I love them both and the colours are your clouds.xx{aNNie My Personal Blog}

  18. fabulous cards brenda, the lovely pastel colours, peas story and i too agree with you on the celebration with Nature

  19. wow....this is stunning, Brenda!! what awesome cards. both of them have you beautifully made!!
    kind reagards, have a nice weekend.

  20. Oh my goodness me Brenda she's are absolutely stunning!! Wow! That sky looks amazing I love it in the purpley colour! What did you use as a cloud stencil?
    Wow again I just love these! Lol
    Lucy x

  21. They are both stunning! I can't pick a favourite as they are both just perfect, the flowers remind me of any nan's when they were alive as both of them loved flowers and I know my mum would love both of these cards too as she inherited the green gene. Stunning scenes, just love them Karen x

  22. Two wonderful cards Brenda, both epitomise summer and the colours we associate with it. I wish my garden looked like them.

  23. These are gorgeous! I would love it if you would do some tutorials on how you create your backgrounds. They always amaze me. Hugs, Robin

  24. Both cards are fabulous and so pretty.
    Enjoy the warm weekend;-))m

  25. Hi Brenda these are two beautiful creations I love the flowers and background colour on the first the second one is also very pretty wonderful cards
    lorraine x

  26. two beauties Brenda but that first card is exquisite - I adore it! Hope you're enjoying the weekend! Hugs rachel x

  27. Stunning floral cards Brenda, I love the designs and wonderful colours.
    Sweet peas evoke special memories of my Grandad. He grew them every year and when we visited in the Summer we always picked a bunch to take home for my mum.
    Sue xx

  28. Both cards are absolutely beautiful!! Love them!!

  29. Two stunners here Brenda, I agree totally with the above comment on the first card and I have to say that the sweet peas look so life like, I hope you have sprayed them with perfume for the added special touch.

    Kath x

  30. Two beautiful summery cards and love the "airy" look of them! Hope you are keeping yourself cool, Brenda!

  31. Hi Brenda,
    these are two beautiful creations.
    Hugs Elfenkind Katrin

  32. Gorgeous cards!
    I love sweet peas too, such a lovely smell.
    They're right up there with lilacs!
    Hope you're well!

  33. Both so beautiful, Brenda. You know me and gardens...just love them, so these blossoms really call out to me!
    I used to grow hollyhocks when we lived in the Kootenays. They grow at the sides of the road there. so was able to collect some seeds!

    Your sweet pea card is gorgeous too! They ahve such a glorious scent, don't they? You have captured their beauty with this wonderful card.

  34. I love them both Brenda, but the first one is just perfect :o)
    Jackie xx

  35. Two lovely cards Brenda, I'm just trying to catch up after our holiday
    Jackie x

  36. love your cards
    they are amazing!

  37. Fabulous flower gardens both... the cloudy skies are pretty special too.
    Alison xx

  38. Holy wowsers Brenda, these are off the charts gorgeous! LOVE the dimension you created on that second card, so summery!

  39. These are both amazing cards Brenda. Loving your color choices and such pretty flowers! I especially love your first one with your beautiful stamping and masking.

  40. Two beautiful makes Brenda.

  41. The flowers on both are beautiful, but the skies behind them is the part on both that my eyes keep on looking at; beautifully done! Gx

  42. Squealing with delight at the Sweet Pea card Brenda so delicate and pretty and I love the masking off of the flowers on the first.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  43. So very pretty Wendy, two more of your lovely designs, gorgeous!
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  44. I had to pop back and comment on these as the top one is absolutely stunning - love it!
    Lorraine x

  45. Gorgeous cards again. Well you know l have a weakness for flowers - are they hollyhocks on the top card? l bought seed for them on sunday as well as sweet pea seeds. Currently picking sweet peas in allotment (spencers mixed) also bought some sweet pea seed for next year too - well l had too lol x Susan x

  46. Stunning cards Brenda but I think my favourite has to be the first one as the stamped image and colouring is so refreshing. I too loved using the Charisma Sweet Peas - a clever idea with great results Jo x
