
Wednesday 13 May 2015

New Trio sets from Tattered Lace

Hello Peeps, I hope your week is going well.

Tomorrow sees the launch of lots of new Tattered Lace goodies and lucky me has been playing with them for the last couple of weeks and today I can share a few with you.

The new Trio sets are so clever, each set has three dies, a small embossing folder and there are stamps as well. Needless to say I have been in my element with so many flowers to play with and quite a few have been given the inky treatment, plus I have also done some colouring in.........I know shock horror..............using the new Nursery Rhyme stamps along with the matching dies.

I used the Sophie (leaves) and Kirsty Trio sets on the top card, as soon as I saw the latter set it yelled out Poppies to me, but to be fair it makes so many flowers including lovely Pansies. Both the background, Poppies and leaves have been given the Dylusion and Mica spray treatment along with some masking and grunge paste.

I have used several of the Trio sets on this one, Emma, Kirsty, Sophie, Rebecca and Nicola and a Pan Pastel background. The sentiment is also Tattered Lace which I cut down into two parts

Little Bo Peeps from one of the Nursery Rhyme stamp sets, I masked the sheep to create a flock............might make it easier for her to find them as well !! The flowers are made from the Rebecca Trio set

A fairly simple matted and layered card using the Tractor die and With Love from the Get Started set which was POTW recently

I cut these flowers from felt and the dies cut through it perfectly with just one run through the e.bosser. It doesn't show up too well on my photo, but I was really surprised to find the felt picked up the pattern from the embossing folder really well

I used the Rebecca Trio set to make the roses, Sophie the leaves and dipped them along with Butterfly Wondrous into UTEE, shading all with Pan Pastels

Thanks so much for taking a look today and I hope you get time to see some of the programmes.


  1. your cards is wonderful Brenda

  2. Lovely selection of gorgeous cards Brenda


  3. You've been busy with making so many beautiful cards, Brenda!

  4. Flowers, flowers,, flowers! Hilarious Brenda, but really shows your versatility! A wonderful collection, I especially love your UTEE dipped flowers!! Just stunning! hugs :)

  5. Spectacular colours on these brilliant creations Brenda. Congrats on the colouring, see well done. I just love using UTEE and found my hot pot last week when I found my pastel the new dies and oh I wish I had a million to get them...they are gorgeous.xx
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  6. Wow Brenda, your cards and flowers have a stunning texturized look!! Really amazing!! These new die set are fabulous. Love all the differents technique you used in them! I have never thought to emboss the felt, it's a clever idea! Your felt flower look so well! All your cards are so beautiful, I love expecially the first one, simply adorable!

  7. Wow, you have really done the TL dies proud Brenda. These are all fabulous cards and such a variety of inspiration. Must admit my favourite is the second with the Pan pastel background and gorgous colour combo xx

  8. I have no idea what UTEE is but as of this moment I know I have to have it LOL
    I will pop off and google it in a minute. Brenda your cards are absolutley stunning.
    Especially the last one dipped in the utee if that's what given the flowers the glass effect.
    And (never start a sentence with and I know) how lucky are you being able to test out tattered lace dies.
    I eye them loveingly every time I go into Hobbycraft but hubby just looks at me and shakes his head lol
    Can't complain though because he is very tollerant of my many crafting fads.
    It was so nice to hear from you today. I know I have been a bad blogger. lol

    1. My wonderful son has just order some UTEE for me *squeals* Not allowed it until my birthday in July though lol
      Thank you for the preview of it's use :)

  9. Well done!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  10. Your cards are all beautiful, Brenda! Love those florals especially!

  11. These are fabulous samples Brenda, the tractor appeals to me (naturally!!) followed by Little Bo Peep and her flock!! The flowers look brilliant too, the embossed features look so life like xx

  12. These are just amazing as always! My favorite is the last one. I'm not sure what UTEE is but I love the results you achieved. Hugs, Robin

  13. Oh wow Brenda what an amazing, beautiful selection of cards those flowers looks so pretty I really love the texture on them, the poppy ones and those shiny roses are superb, but I love them all.
    lorraine x

  14. Wow, what wonderful cards and the flowers on the last one are amazing, they look almost ceramic. Little Bo Peep is so cute and the first one with the poppies on is right up my street. Well done Brenda, you've done a fabulous job. I'm looking after my ten month old Granddaughter tomorrow so we'll try and tune in together as it's never to early to start crafting!

  15. I started saying "Ooooh" as #1 scrolled up. I didn't stop until I got to the last card! Now I would look at that tractor die and think 'what could I do with that?". You certainly showed exactly how great it would look, and what a perfect card for a farmer (or guy who dreams of a farm!). Each card with these luscious dies is a treasure & you are certainly making me drool to own's so hard to stick to the discipline of idea that I have ENOUGH dies awready! I want these, and especially the lovely flowers. Good to know these dies cut felt easily as well. The pans & utee made this last lovely bouquet look like a porcelain arrangement and you have done a lot of hard work with some spectacular creative design! TFS & Hugs.

  16. Such a gorgeous selection of cards Brenda, your designs showcase all the new products perfectly/
    Sue xx

  17. OMG - these are all stunning! How lucky are you to have all these to 'play' with - I am so envious

  18. wow Brenda - these are all amazing - you are so very clever - I love those little sheep - that one is my absolute favourite - so lovely! My parcel arrived too today Brenda - it already came into play at Rainbows tonight - perfect timing! Hugs Rachel x

  19. Wow Brenda, you have been busy, fabulous cards.

  20. My goodness Brenda, what a fabulous collection of card and some gorgeous flowers and colours.
    I think I am drawn to card 2 for my top pick, probably because I love the background too.

    Kath x

  21. wow!! so many amazing cards!! awesome creations Brenda!! and what a coincidence.. My kid is watchingLittle Bo Beep right now :)

  22. Oh lovely! I looove the flowers, the UTEE ones and the top ones. The little bo beep is cute, and the felt flowers card is a great inspiration for finally using some of the design paper I have - I hardly use it as I like making my own backgrounds. The embossing is very detailed. I should get my cuttlebug out more often, but find it hard sometimes to combine a card with stamping on it and embossing and die cuts. The first two cards are good examples of how I could do that. And did I mention I love the texture of the flowers? Thanks for sharing!

  23. OMG Brenda, what a wonderful selection of gorgeous cards. I would not like to choose a favourite as they are so different, every one a winner in my book :o)
    Jackie xx

  24. What wonderful cards especially love the flower ones

  25. These are all so beautiful, Brenda.
    Rosie x

  26. Gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. You have certainly been busy.

  27. Wow all just so fab love the bold designs!
    They all look so classy and effective!
    Lucy x

  28. OMGoodness I'm guessing you haven't seen daylight for a week making all these beautiful samples. Brenda they are all gorgeous, so many different techniques, ideas and inspiration here. I love them all.

  29. Oh WOW hun, what an absolutely stunning collection of cards, Luv Sam x

  30. Wow, so many; you really have been bussy!! Love that the flowerpetals are embossed aswell; the look great that way! And I know I should not but two cards are my favs from these; the first and that great tractorcard; such clever embossing; stunning! Hope you have a sunny day today to! Hugs, Gerrina

  31. Hello Brenda
    Wow you have been busy. Your cards look fantastic. I love the tractor die and the flowers cut from felt are fab. More dies to be added to an ever growing list. Oh dear.
    Take care

  32. Such fabulous ideas Brenda and gorgeous dies - I saw these lovely flower dies on TV - and quickly switched off lol - far too tempting hopwe you have a great weekend hugs judith x

  33. Beautiful cards Brenda, love all the different flowers and the last one with the flowers dipped in UTEE make then look like porcelain flowers.

    Pat xx

  34. Wow beautiful cards, the embossing on the flowers and the inkiness is all so wonderful. You've been busy ! Have a great weekend, Shirleyxx

  35. My goodness how busy have you been Brenda and every single one is a winner.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  36. OMG you have been such a busy bee, all are wonderfully designed and are gorgeous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  37. These are all so pretty. I love all the flowers.

  38. Your work is just stunning!
