
Saturday 23 May 2015

Happy 6th Birthday Allsorts and Tattered Lace dies to be won

Good morning, I hope you are ready for the bank holiday weekend whatever you have planned and lets hope the weather is kind. Please accept my apologies for the lack of activity for a whole week, I have been rather under the weather and on the hospital run again, but fingers crossed things are slowly getting back to normal.

Today is Allsorts 6th Birthday and we are celebrating in style with a very special prize to be won..............a £50 Tattered Lace shopping voucher. Plus, there are some more Tattered Lace dies to be won which I shall explain about a bit further down this post.

I find it amazing that we are six years old, I have been on the team since day one and little did I think that we would still be going and in fact getting even stronger after six years and there could only be one there really this week, it's 'Birthday's. 

Yet more Tattered Lace dies to be won

As well as the fabulous Tattered Lace prize to be won at Allsorts, I have two more of their dies to give away, but there is a slight twist as I shall be selecting two winners from the followers over at the Tattered Lace Blog, so if you are not already a follower do pop over there to be in with a chance of winning one of the beautiful dies pictured above.

As I am very fortunate to be on both the Tattered Lace Design Team for TV work as well as their inspirational blog team, my DT piece is of course using their fabulous dies. It's four month since I was invited to join them and I'm still having a ball and loving working with their products. My canvas above..............which I will add was tremendous fun to also on the Tattered Lace Blog today along with how I created it so I won't bore you with all the details here as well.

I hope you all have a lovely holiday weekend and I do hope you will join in our Birthday celebrations this week.


  1. Already posted over on the TL blog but have to say again Brenda this is stunning.
    I love everything about it. Beautiful.
    Congratulations on 6 years and of becoming a design member for tattered lace lucky you.

  2. Stunning colours on this beauty! Love your card!

  3. Sorry to hear that you have been feeling poorly Brenda, hope you perk up soon.
    Your canvas is gorgeous, I love the colours used and your gilded elements really bring it to life, a fabulous piece.

  4. What a totally gorgeous canvas Brenda ..Love all the details here beautiful !!

  5. 6 birthday is a great opportunity to celebrate. Congratulation. Wish you many years of creativity.

    Hugs, Marjeta

  6. Fabulous canvas! So inspirational, love the colours.
    Hope you are feeling better and enjoy the weekend;-))m

  7. Fabulous canvas, love the colours x

  8. This is so pretty Brenda, love the floral touches xx

  9. I know it's not a blog-hop, but I want to take this opportunity to congratulate each one of you to your 6th birthday .
    Congratulations and many years more!!!
    Best Regards

  10. Lovely canvas Brenda, the gold and turquoise colour scheme is one of my faves! Happy birthday to Allsorts I will try and enter something if I get a minute! Hope you are OK and enjoy this long week end.

  11. I have been over and joined as a new follower. Your canvas is stunning

  12. WOW! This is stunning Brenda, the design is gorgeous with such beautiful detailing and wonderful colours.
    Thank you for the chance of winning, I am already a follower of the fabulous Tattered Lace blog.
    Sorry to hear you have been unwell, I hope you are recovering now.
    Sue xx

  13. Stunning card, love these
    have a lovely weekend.
    {aNNie My Personal Blog}

  14. lovely card
    have a nice weekend

  15. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    sehr edel deine Karte,einfach ein Traum,ich liebe Elfen,hab ein schönes Pfingstfest,
    glg ulrike

  16. I'm so sorry you're under the weather again Brenda. Huge hugs to you. Happy Allsorts birthday such an achievement. It's a super challenge and one I love to join as often as I can. Your card is gorgeous perfect for the celebrations. Take care xx

  17. Your card is absolutely beautiful Brenda. I think the turquoise and gold are exquisite together and the composition of the card is perfect. I'm really sorry to hear that you've not been well again but pleased to hear that you're on the mend. Take it easy, that means no housework, just crafting, :) and enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend x

  18. the card is very beautiful and so elegant!
    I wish you all the best and a wonderful weekend!

  19. What a beautiful canvas Brenda, LOVE the beautiful aquamarine with the gold accents. I have dithered about attempting one and this has inspired me no end. Take care and have a restful weekend xx Ooh, my lovely yarn is currently being used so watch out for the end result soon!!

  20. Holy gorgeous Brenda! The aqua and metallic are a breathtaking combo, especially when combined with the magical fairy and fantasy feel of this! Stunning flowers too, LOVE THIS!! hugs :)

  21. Your canvas is gorgeous, Brenda
    Rosie x

  22. love the soft colors,stunning flowers, a stunner for sure !!

  23. A very happy birthday, love the colours on your creation fabulous.
    Thank you for the inspiration over the years, congratulations.
    Love Jane x

  24. Your canvas is a beauty! Ofcause I love the turquoise-gold combi, but also the fairy and klowers! Love the stems that you made! Hope your energy is comming back and you keep making this great mixture of stamping, tattered lacedies and Mixed media! Enjoy the long weekend!

  25. Wow, Brenda, your canvas is stunning! The gold accents are beautiful and I love this aqua colour - very trendy right now! So sorry you've been under the weather and I will pray that things improve soon. You've been having a rough go of it lately and it's time you started feeling better!

    Thank you for your awesome giveaway - you are always so generous! I am playing along over at Allsorts and doing the blog hop as well. Happy 6th Birthday to Allsorts! I am already a follower over at Tattered Lace so I'm hoping this is my lucky time!

    Sending hugs and prayers your way.

  26. What a beautiful card Brenda. I love the color scheme you used here, and such a beautiful background! Hope you recover quickly! I've been sick this week too, thought it was allergies, but not so sure anymore, as it's been almost 7 days now and still suffering from it.

  27. Gorgeous card, love the colours and a lots of details.
    xx Valerija

  28. Wonderful canvas! Love so much this colour and the background and all the details!
    Happy 6 birthday to Allsorts!

  29. Hello Brenda
    So sorry to hear you are not feeling so good at the moment. I hope you start to feel better soon. The colours of your canvas are delicious and the fairy is adorable. You are a lucky lady to be able to play with such wonderful dies.
    Enjoy the bank holiday, the sun has had his hat on today so I have been able to tame my jungle if the garden. Crafting is on the cards for tomorrow.

  30. Beautiful Brenda, so much detail and the colour is gorgeous.

  31. You are indeed a lucky lady Brenda but they are also very lucky to have you designing for them. Love this!!

  32. Wow, Brenda! That is absolutely gorgeous! I love it! Fabulous colours! Hope you are on the mend my lovely x

  33. Totally stunning card, love everything about it, the gold and turquoise are fabulous.
    Happy Birthday to you too as you have been there from the beginning, appreciate your commitment.

    Kath x

  34. A gorgeous card Brenda, love the colours and design.
    Hope you are feeling better.
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend
    Lorraine x

  35. stunning work Brenda - and a very happy birthday to allsorts - fabulous that you have been there since the start! Well done to you! Love the diecuts you have used on your make Brenda - looks awesome! Hugs rachel x

  36. This is fabulous Brenda, I love all the dies and the gold stunning!!
    Kevin xx

  37. This is so gorgeous Brenda, I love your colour choices :o)
    Jackie xx

  38. Wow, love your canvas, the colours and the textures are fab. Hope you have a better week. Hugs ANesha

  39. Wow just fab Brenda!!
    Lucy x

  40. Absolutely amazing!
    Congratulations on 6th birthday! Great opportunity to celebrate.

  41. Simply beautiful my friend. Love everything about it. despite you not feeling brilliant an amazing creation produced.. can you send me some of your mojo please????? LOL. xxx

  42. What a stunning card Brenda. 6 years for the Allsorts Challenge Blog is a wonderful achievement. Long may it continue. Best wishes, Kym

  43. Hello Brenda,
    wonderful card, love it!
    X Daniela

  44. Such a beautiful card. I love the color combo and these dies make me think of a beautiful summer day@ Beautiful job!

  45. Brenda, so sorry to hear you've had a bit of relapse, but glad to hear that you are once again on the mend. Happy Birthday Allsorts! & smart of them to have you on the team from the get-go. This is one fabulous card with the look of old patina'd metal in that beautiful blue green background. The hint of gold gilt on the amazing elements really makes me think of old metal statuary seen in tangled & magical gardens. So very pretty & feels very light & airy. Those would be some totally awesome dies to win, and a voucher at TL....WOW! I love those dies. Have a restful holiday, TFS & I hope you are back to 100% very soon. Dunno how you keep up with things as you do, even without the not feeling well thrown at you as well. Hugs

  46. Just catching up Brenda!
    Thanks for popping by!
    Great job with all the cards in previous posts, and of course this one!
    Hope you're feeling better!

  47. Ooh gorgeous Brenda, what a fabulous card, I love the colour, so pretty
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  48. I love your colors, so beautiful card! Happy Birthday to Allsorts :)

  49. Brenda thanks for your lovely comment and now I do blog hop to the DT Member
    I love the combo of blue and gold on your card..
    so sweet combination and so great element on your card
    Beautifully made and how sweet of you to offer this candy
    but I life in Germany if the shipping costs to expensive put my name out of the draw :)
    hugs, Monika

  50. Simply beautiful creation despite your unwell, Brenda! Take it easy! how I wished I could watch your work from this side.

  51. Gorgeous canvas, Brenda. The colours are so pretty and love that wee fairy, dancing with such abandon, Wish I could still dance like that!!!

  52. This is so beautiful, Brenda! Love the colours and all the pretty details.
    Smiles from Nancy:)

  53. Sorry to hear you've not been too well and I hope you feel better very soon.
    Your canvas is absolutely wonderful and the TL dies are super. Love the gorgous colours and sentiment xx

  54. beautiful work Brenda.. love the background color... very nice... and you have done such a fabulous work with the die cuts... they blend perfectly into the canvas..

  55. Brenda your cards are always stunning and this is no exception - Happy Birthday to you and all the team at Allsorts. Ann xxx

  56. Beautiful card ... your use of colour is fabulous!

  57. such a stunning card, those dies really are the bees knees, love it x

  58. A stunning canvas Brenda! Huge congratulations on six years of Allsorts challenges, here's to the next six! xx

  59. Gorgeous canvas Brenda. I am now a follower on the Tattered Lace blog.

  60. Happy 6th Birthday!! Very beautiful creation. Love the color scheme and all those beautiful embellies.

    Hugs from Finland,

  61. Absolutely amazing!!!
    Happy Birthday!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  62. Amazing ! It's a so nice color combo !

  63. So beautiful Brenda. Gorgeous colours and die work. Happy 6th Birthday to Allsorts.

  64. Just the name tattered lace sounds beautiful. I love the flowers on your project. Very pretty. Happy 6th.

  65. Wow!! love your mixed media canvas Brenda, wonderful use of all the products. Happy Birthday to you all over at Allsorts. Hugs Suzi x

  66. Beautiful creation Brenda,love the color.
    Happy 6th Birthday!!
    gr Elly

  67. Happy Birthday! I don't know how I missed this post. I thought I caught up on Sunday but I guess I didn't go back far enough. I'm so sorry to hear you have been ill again this week. My prayers go out to you. It doesn't seem to slow you much...your card is just gorgeous as always! Thanks so much for all the kind words you leave me. You are such a sweet person. Lots of love, hugs and prayers your way, Robin

  68. This is stunning Brenda. I love all the texture and the ballerina is gorgeous. Such a beautiful colour.
    Hope your health keeps improving.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  69. lovely. I always look out for the inspiration you give

  70. Thank you for the chance I love the soft colours you've used in your artwork :)

  71. Lovely card. Congratulations on 6 years. I hope you are well soon.

  72. This is beautiful Brenda, I love the turquoise colour and the gold highlights it perfectly. Fabulous dies too xx

  73. Very pretty. That fairy is cute. Thanks fo the link to TL. I am following there now. Hugz

  74. Hi Brenda, this is a stunning piece of work - you amaze me every week with your gorgeous work. Happy Birthday and so pleased to be part of the Team at Allsorts! Jo x

  75. Stunning card Brenda, the colours and design are gorgeous.
    Happy 6th Birthday!
    Wendy xx

  76. Gorgeous card Brenda, love the soft colour combo and all that beautiful shimmer : )

  77. Gorgeous card with a wonderful shimmer

  78. Beautiful card. Congratulations on 6 years:)
