
Saturday 18 April 2015

Quick and simple does it

It's Saturday morning again which means a new challenge at Allsorts and Jo has chosen the theme of 'Quick and simple does it'. Our sponsors are A day for Daisies and Marianne Designs.

Many thanks for your good wishes this week, they are much appreciated, I am getting there, it just seems slow going, guess I must blame my dysfunctional body that everything takes twice as long as normal.

I know some of you will question this being a quick and easy card, but believe me it really is so quick and simple to create some inky cards, this one took no longer than fifteen minutes. I started with a piece of Fabriano watercolour card, spinkled the brushos onto it and then lightly spritzed with water as I didn't want the colour to spread to far. Next I stamped on the Poppies using a Rubbernecker stamp inking the stamp with distress markers and spritzing with water before stamping and stamped the Penny Black flowers and birds using black archival. Tied a red ribbon, matted and layered and finished.

This is a last minute addition, I had totally forgotten our Penny Black mid month post until Tracy reminded me.......thank you Tracy and for offering to sort the post for me, really appreciate it. I can't believe how phased I am still feeling and really do need to get my act together over the weekend as another parcel arrived from Tattered Lace yesterday and all I can say is make a note of 30th April !!

The Penny Black stamp 40-102 Dreamy has been repeat stamped onto a Dylusion background and the sentiment is from Penny Black 30-229 Special Wishes.

Hope you all have a good weekend and fingers crossed the weather warms up again as today (Friday) it's a tad cold after a few lovely days.


  1. Two very pretty cards - I especially like the second one, it is such a lovely stamp. Glad you are starting to improve, I know these things can take time.

  2. Gorgeous cards Brenda, hope you are feeling abit better too, xxxx

  3. Hope you are getting better everyday! Love your both of beautiful creations in spring colors, so quick and easy:)

  4. Good morning Brenda
    Glad to hear you are on the mend. Your cards are beautiful as always and yes they do not look like simple cards.
    I, too am hoping for a warmer day as I need to cut the grass in my front garden. It is looking good so far - lovely bright sunshine so far.
    Take care

  5. Wow, that first one is amazing! :)

  6. Gosh I wish I could make a card that gorgeous in 15mins and I love the other card too.

  7. Glad to hear you are on the mend, take it easy. Two fab cards, would take me a lot longer to make I am sure x

  8. Two fabulous and pretty cards today Brenda.
    Quite lovely day to work on the garden, no wind, but not sun either.
    Happy weekend;-))m

  9. Wow, I love those cards.
    Very pretty.
    Blessings Elly.

  10. Both cards are just gorgeous, you've got a knack for colours and stamp placement. Which is probably why, in your hands, these are quick cards! Don't be hard on yourself if you don't "bounce back" but crawl back to your old self, these things take more time than we think.

  11. Lovely colours on both of these fabulous cards Brenda, the black really stands out on them. Chilly here today although the grass is beginning to look green at last. Restricted time out now for Surprise together with the usual consistent exercise should keep the old laminitis at bay :0)

  12. Happy to hear you are recovering from your op, Brenda, even if it's slow. Your poppy card is just gorgeous. I'm hoping I can do a bit of stamping this weekend, in addition to enjoying a bit of sun in the garden. Summer is about to start, even though it's rather windy today, but then the weather always tends to be a little unstable until the beginning of May.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Marianne x

  13. Amazing cards! I hope you're on the mend, thinking of you!

  14. I bet you CAS was ideal for you this week - given the fun and games you have had, gorgeous poppies and i'm loving the colour combo of your PB one, thinking of you, Luv Sam x

  15. Gorgeous Brenda! I'm lucky if I can decide what colours to use in 15 minutes and you finished a whole card! And it's beautiful to boot!! Love em both my friend! hugs :)

  16. Quick and simple you say Brenda both cards are amazing but my favourite has to be the first one love the vibrant colours


  17. You say simple but to me these are just beautiful and gorgeous stamps and colours.xx

  18. Glad you're starting to feel a bit better. These things take time so please be gentle with yourself. Your cards are gorgeous! I really love the second one because I have that Dreamy stamp. Gorgeous background on both cards! Hope you continue to heal and feel better each day.

  19. lovely cards! I really like the birds on a wire stamped above the poppies. gorgeous! :)

    take it slow and easy on yourself. and I look forward to the end of the month with what you will share with us!

  20. Quick and simple cards, but so delightful!! Love expecially the sercond one, the stamp is just gorgous and your Dylusion background is fabulous, so full of light!

  21. It's impossible for me to even think what colour goes with what in less than 10mins let alone this lovely creation of yours, Brenda! I bought some brusho and tried once but it was a failure but I am going to give it another try. Enjoy the lovely weather!

  22. These are both beautiful, Brenda. Love how quickly inked cards sometimes come together, and they look like it's taken a long time to make.
    Sending lots of get well wishes your way!!

  23. Gorgeous cards Brenda especially the poppy Brusho one.
    Lovely weather here which I hope you have too and hope you're fully recovered very soon.
    Fliss xx

  24. You are so amazing with your backgrounds! These are so very beautiful!! I love how you can create them so quickly probably would have taken me hours. Hugs, Robin

  25. two dreamy cards Brenda - both beautiful - and thanks for reminding me I have this PB stamp!!! Glad to see you blogging and that even though slow things are improving! Big hugs to you! Rachel x

  26. Two gorgeous CAS style cards Brenda loving the wonderful image and colours, superb work, take care.
    lorraine x

  27. Two beautiful cards which you wouldn't guess were quick makes at all. Love the colours of the first one Brenda, really vibrant. Glad to hear that you are on the mend albeit slowly, I'm not sure what you had done but even the anaesthetic takes up to a week to get out of your system without the time for the healing process taking place. Take care my friend.

  28. These are both fabulous Brenda. Love the poppies and design of the first. I guess for someone as good at stamping as you are it is quick and simple - for me it would take ages and the only simple thing around would be me!

    Hope the weather has warmed up for you, it's really fabulous up here today. Take care xx

  29. Brilliant! Love the "arty" feel of these cards!! Those Brushos are so effective, stunning cards both of them!

  30. Brenda, both cards are very nice, but the first one with poppys are adorable :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  31. Two beautiful cards as always Brenda, gorgeous colours and images. Take care and have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  32. Brilliant quick makes! (Really? Are they really quick and easy Brenda! lol) I will take your word for it. I bet your Tattered Lace parcel was exciting! And 30th April is not far away. Happy Weekend. Judy x

  33. Two beautiful cards Brenda, lovey stamps and colours. Hope you are feeling a bit better today too, we have had lovely weather here today, managed to plant out my sweet peas but have just seen a forecast for cold weather later next week so hope they will be ok. Enjoy the rest of the weekend x Susan x

  34. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, love them both.
    Glad to hear your recovery is going well, enjoy the rest of the weekend
    Lorraine x

  35. Quick and easy when you know how eh!, this would take me weeks, loads going in the bin and not a great deal of hair left on my head.
    They are both totally stunning and I love the images and the colours.

    Kath x

  36. They are both beauties Brenda - love those bold pops of colour and the poppy and flower stamps are gorgeous! Love the way you use Brusho Crystals - I must get myself a new water spray as I think mine is too fierce and sprays too much water. Oooo more new Tattered Lace dies - hope you have lots of fun using them Karen x

  37. Two wonderful cards. Love the colours on your first card and the scene you have created. I hope you continue getting better. Take care

  38. Am loving these brusho backgrounds. You have definitely 'got the touch'. I'm either not applying enough water or add too much. I'm still trying to get these lovely backgrounds as you've done here. Perfect stamps too, to set off these wonderful brusho backgrounds. Both just look so very summery. Hope that the mending is going along steadily day by day, and that you're not 'rushing it'. Take time to heal & relax too. Big Hugs & hope your weekend is great. TFS

  39. Quick or not, these are two stunning cards Brenda, especially the second one. Please don't worry about commenting until you are feeling much better...hugs
    Jackie xx

  40. Two beauties again! Love the Brushos (you new that) and you made great flowers with it. And that PB stamp is stull one of my vaf's! (have to get it out and dust of :) ) Enjoy the sundayand sending some positive energy to get bether! Hugs, Gerrina

  41. Beautifully inked creations.

  42. You make some amazing cards with the Brusho's Brenda, one card so very vibrant and the other subtle and elegant.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  43. Gorgeous cards, love the poppy one especially, such a perfect design and such lovely colours. Hope your continuing to improve, Jx

  44. Two fabulous cards Brenda. Love how you've used the Brushos.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Avril xx

  45. Your cards are gorgeous Brenda!

  46. Wow! Incredibly beautiful cards! I so love how you did the background on the first one .Gorgeous! Love them :)

  47. I love the Poppies, the background has a wonderful effect. Both are amazing cards.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  48. Brenda these definitely do not look like quick and simple creations. Your stamping and finishing touches are just amazing.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  49. such gorgeous creations brenda! i love how you've done the backgrounds, especially the pink and green, one of my favourite colour combos.

  50. Gorgeous gorgeous cards Brenda. Especially love the poppy one. I do love poppies, as I can see you do. The second one is fabulous too. That PB stamp is on my list!

  51. Hope u r getting better. Beautiful cards

  52. I hope you'll soon feel completely fine!. Sending you big hugs!
    Your poppy card totally blew me away. It's AMAZING!!!!! I LOVE the background. I could look at this card all day. Awesome! And the second card is very beautiful too - very nice colour combination.
    Hugs! xx

  53. Lovely backgrounds - I love the first card. V fresh and great movement

  54. Beautiful cards!!! Love the combination and colors on the first. The second one is just dreamy! Can you give anymore information on colors used and how you made the background? Thanks!
