
Monday 9 March 2015

Things with wings

When is a baby shoe not a baby shoe, when it's a Butterfly of course !!

Morning Peeps, a mega quick post from hubby's work computer, seems my computer issues are ongoing, had no access to mails, blogger or internet since midday Friday and fast losing the will to live as it seems to be a never ending sage. 

Seems the only way is going to be to totally dump my computer, lappy and tablet as they were all linked so shared the hacking problem. Meantime here are a few of my recent Tattered Lace cards which you may have seen here including the butterfly (made from the new Baby Shoe die) which Nancy apparently rather liked, thank you for your kind words Nancy.

I have been busily working away on new creations for the Tattered Pace Pick of the Day which launches on Create and Craft on Friday 13th March. A heads up you will definitely want to made a note in your diaries not to miss this one as there are some awesome must have's in the show, ake it from me !

Hope you all have a good week and I will see you when I can get sorted.


  1. I am so loving the colours of your first two cards, Brenda, but I also love the subtle colours of your last card. They really bring out the designs of the die cuts.
    Sorry to hear your computer problems are not over yet. That must be so utterly frustrating. I'm still hoping you'll get it sorted out soon.
    Marianne x

  2. So sorry to hear you have ongoing computer issues I do hope you can get it all sorted soon somehow. I love all your makes they are very pretty
    Jackie x

  3. All are so beautiful and cool, love the colors, textures and dies, always enjoyed to see!

  4. Ohhhh what fabulous cards Brenda!

  5. Fabulous selection of cards Brenda and I love the enchanting colours used, very shimmery and ethereal. It's bad news about your computer but perhaps getting rid is the only way to ensure a fresh and reliable start. Fingers crossed for you.

  6. These are all beautiful. I don't have any tatters lace dies but that could wel change if these ar anything to go by! Hugs Mrs A.

  7. Brenda - so sorry about the hacker problems - it's frustrating how mean-spirited crooks can be. In the meantime, your TL creations are gorgeous! I love that beautiful bird and the lovely colors in each card. Hope things are soon looking up for you! hugs, de

  8. Love them all Brenda - (shame the same couldn't be said about the players yesterday! - Not a lot of Love about at the ground at all....!)
    Sent you a mail - with your probs likely you didn't receive but it wasn't mega important or urgent. xx

  9. Another gorgeous collection full of wonderful die cuts and amazing colours and shimmers! You must live in your craft room to find time to make so many wonderful cards! hugs :)

  10. A gorgeous set of cards Brenda.
    Hope you get sorted soon, These people dont realise all the problems they cause, xxx

  11. Yes you have been busy.. These are gorgeous, I especially love that second one, such beautiful colors.

  12. Какая прекрасная работа...сколько много оттенков.......таких ножей я даже не видела в продаже.......

  13. Really lovely cards. Hope you get your computer sorted soon.

  14. Beautiful cards Brenda and such stunning colours


  15. Lovely designs Brenda, great colours, love them all
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  16. Beautiful cards Brenda and some lovely dies. You certainly have had problems on the technical front - hope it is soon sorted for you x Susan x

  17. Oh, Brenda, I was hoping your computer problems were behind you. What a pain in the you-know-what! But on a positive note, your cards are absolutely gorgeous! I tried to pick a favourite, but each one is just as beautiful as the others! Well done!

  18. These are all so very beautiful! I would love to play in your craft room. You make the most wonderful creations!! Hugs, Robin

  19. Kartki rewelacyjne
    bardzo pięknie się prezentują.

  20. Hello Brenda
    Lovely cards today. tattered Lace always make such pretty dies. I am going to avoid the telly on the 13th because I am trying not to spend anymore money this month and I know I won't be able to sit on my hands if dies are on offer.
    Hope you get your computer issues sorted it soon.

  21. All stunning creations!! Love the second, as I tell you time ago, but the first is so light and sweet, a really wonderful project! Love the way you match some materials and colours!! Great art! Thanks for sharing your talent

  22. Beautoful cards all of them, love the colours

  23. These are fabulous Brenda, particularly the baby shoe...clever!! Love the sheen on these cards too xx

  24. Sorry to hear about the computer problems Brenda but I love, love, love your cards those dies and the card designs look so beautiful, amazing work.
    lorraine x

  25. These cards are amazing. Love the pastel colours and the backgrounds!!
    Hugs, Marianne MW

  26. Such a stunning set of cards Brenda. The dies are so beautiful and your design are gorgeous. I love the colours too.
    Sorry to hear about your ongoing computer problems, I hope you get sorted soon.
    Sue xx

  27. Fabulous cards Brenda, wonderful colours. Sorry to read you are still having computer problems. Hope you get them resolved soon.
    Avril xx

  28. Some gorgeous colours and layouts on these superb cards, brilliant cards.

    Kath x

  29. They are all gorgeous Brenda
    Lorraine x

  30. Sorry to hear you still have problems with the PC etc... But your cards dodn't seem to suffer from that; they are so beautiful! Love the fairycard and the butterfly; such beautiful inking! Hugs, Gerrina

  31. stunning makes Brenda - you use the diecuts so very cleverly! Brilliant xx

  32. Absolute beauties Mrs B. So sorry to hear that the computer issues are still surfacing. Would drive me over the edge! Wonder what tattered lace has in store for us now!!

  33. I can only imagine the hassle caused and time/energy drained Brenda. These cards are beautifully shimmery, all are just gorgeous. May the IT world be kind to you and deliver solution asap. Nicola x

  34. Oh my gosh these are all stunning! Love the colours, dimension, textures ..... thanks for the inspiration. I hope you get your computer problems fixed soon. I had a viruses etc., the computer doctor fixed it up $$$. Take care, Shirleyxx

  35. WOW WOW AND MORE WOW....Brenda these are all tunningly gorgeous. These colours are beautiful as are all the added
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  36. A stunning trio of cards Brenda, I couldn't choose a favourite :o)
    Jackie xx

  37. All card are beautiful, but my preference goes to the first 2 as they have such subtle colour combination and a lot of shine!

  38. All three cards are beautiful, Brenda.
    Clever use of the lovely dies.
    Take care, B


  39. Oh,my, these are so so beautiful,Brenda!!Wonderful colours!
    I love the dies on them!
    Have a great week!
    Hugs,Kari :)

  40. Your doing wonderful things with the Tattered Lace dies Brenda, these are all so beautiful and inspiring, you must be such an assett to their team.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  41. Lovely cards brenda! Thanks too for taking the time to stop by my Blog with such lovely comments. They really are appreciated! Judy x

  42. These are lovely. I love the dies you used on these.

  43. Wow Brenda, loving the Tattered Lace dies.
    What a beauty and eye catching details. Beautifully crafted. Thanks for your visit and lovely comment.

  44. Fingers crossed that yu can get your computer hacker issues sorted. I worry about something happening like that all the time!

    What a drag for you as you have your design sorry you are dealing with this problem.

    Your tattered lace die cards are wonderful We have only had them over here for about a year now. I have a few but have only just started to play with them. I really like the way your subtlly colorized yours!

  45. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    alle deine Karten hast du mit ganz viel Liebe gestaltet,die letzte mit der Elfe gefällt mir besonders gut,
    glg ulrike

  46. These are all so beautiful Brenda, love the delicacy and colours of your card!
    Thanks for your lovely comment, take care, Ira x
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  47. That is so genious of you to create a butterfly from the baby shoe dies, Brenda! Beautiful subtle colours of all the cards! Hope you can get back to your own computer soon!

  48. Bummer on this hacking problem. Our episode with this meant replacing a router. Hope you can get the problem sorted soon. So loving these cards. You'll know that I really enjoyed those fab backgrounds you've created here. Also am loving the imaginative ways you've used these gorgeous TL dies. I was blown away to read that the amazing butterfly was from the baby shoe! I'm slowly building a stash of TL dies, but never would think to use one as you did with the butterfly. Loved every card! Big WOW to each of them. I'm so happy with the ease that the very intricate ones cut too. TFS & good luck with the electronics. Hugs

  49. Hi Brenda, these are all fabulous cards. Love the colours and textures and wonderful dies - especially the bird.
    Fingers crossed you get the computers sorted soon xx

  50. These are gorgeous Brenda. I have only tried a couple of the Tattered lace dies,love the lacy ones and so far they cut like a dream! They are on my wishlist though! Judy x

  51. Three beautiful cards, love the butterfly. So sorry your computer problems are continuing hope they are soon sorted for you,

    Pat xx

  52. awesome cards!!! beautiful butterfly.. nice lacey die cuts..

  53. Omg! these cards are all stunning Brenda, you have been having fun. So love all the colours and those dies are just amazing.
