
Monday 2 March 2015

Olde Worlde

Hello Peeps, a little late posting this one, got my computer near enough back to rights but Blogger was not very welcoming when I wanted to post this, perhaps he's missed me !

It's time for our March  challenge at  FlonzCraft Vintage Stamping Challenges  and this month our theme is 'Olde Worlde'. As always there if a fabulous $20 on line store voucher to be won from FlonzCraft.

Don't ask me why, but I just couldn't get my head round this one, the words 'olde worlde' say all things Dickensian to me and I have nothing in my Flonz stash which I felt fitted that era, so I have gone with these 20's Fashion Ladies which I guess are from almost a 100 years ago so pretty 'olde'.

I stamped the image in sepia archival and shaded very lightly with some pink DI and placed behind a die cut aperture. The DP has a very subtle pattern so I spruced it up with a bit of sponging through a Timmy stencil. Some crumpled seam binding, lace, pearls, Vintage corners and a cameo. 

My next two cards are from my next delivery to the Animal Health Trust using Nicecrane images from the Black Puppy and Butterfly twinches sets, all my cards seem to sell well at the AHT to help raise funds for their invaluable research, in fact usually almost quicker than I can make them and those with animals are especially popular. The sentiments on both are from one of the new Penny Black sets called Sparkles and Smiles.

Have a good week everyone.


  1. These are all so gorgeous! I really love the corners you used in the first one and that little doggie stole my heart. Hugs, Robin

  2. Gorgeous card Brenda, love the colours and that's one awesome bow.
    Irene xx

  3. Lovely pink card, very pretty with the ribbon !
    So cuuuute dog on the second card, and love butterflies very much, so love the third card too ;-)

  4. WOW, tolle Karten
    glg Gertrude

  5. Hi Brenda
    Fabulous creations, adorable dog image and a classy 20's design. These are wonderful for the Animal trust.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  6. Hello Brenda
    Great cards today. I especially like the colour you have used in the vintage ladies one. Talking about vintage, there is a vintage clothing shop near where I live and it seems that the 70s are now vintage! I remember wearing them first time around!
    Take care

  7. 3 amazing cards Brenda, especially love the ones for the AHT.... but then I am a softie when it comes to dogs xx

  8. Hello Brenda I think your card fits the bill perfectly. I love the pastel shades. The cameo and corners just finish the card nicely. Hugs Mrs A.

  9. Three great cards, but I love the dog one best. Glad you are back online. :)

  10. These are lovely, Brenda. I will admit that I was also puzzled by the challenge theme. I don't know if I will be joining in that one or not. Will have to give it some thought. But you've done a great job with it! I like the Nicecrane cards too - the puppy is adorable and the butterfly is so pretty!

  11. Love the vintage card and the other two are so bright and cheery, fab collection today

  12. You've been busy again Brenda! and what wonderful cards you've made, fabulous!
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  13. Lavely cards, I really like your vintage one - the colours are so pretty

  14. All gorgous Brenda, love the antique look and mixed media of the first with it's old pink and the last one is fabulous with the butterflies on the adorable orange doily, they are on a flower!!

  15. Your card is wonderfully delicate and feminine. Love the finishing touches, they all work to showcase this great Flonzcraft image.

  16. Lovely to see you back and hope that all is restored as it should be. Lovely cards Brenda, particularly like the pup!! xx

  17. Didn't understand "Olde" until you explained. Your choice of stamps and colours fits so well in the 20's! Any cards made by you will be sell like hot cakes, Brenda!

  18. Gorgeous cards Brenda.
    Lorraine x

  19. Gorgeous cards Brenda.

  20. Gorgeous set of cards, I love the images and beautiful designs.
    Sue xx

  21. Just beautiful cards, really beautiful.

  22. Fabulous cards all of them but the top one is my favourite! Love the subtle stenciling in the background!

  23. Three fabulous makes, great layout and wonderful colours.

    Kath x

    Blogger - another male.!

  24. You have been very productive lately Brenda, posting multiple cards each day, well done you. All absolutely gorgeous too, love the vintage ladies and the metal corners.

  25. Lovely cards,beautiful butterflies and bow.

  26. These are all beautiful Brenda, My favourite has to be that sweet dog
    Kevin xx

  27. Ooohh, I like them all Brenda, but especially the pretty pink and vintage card. NancyD

  28. Wonderful cards Brenda, I particularly love the stripes and the flutterby :o)
    Jackie xx

  29. awesome cards!! love the first one!! awesome it it!!

  30. Gorgeous cards, I love the muted shades of pink

    Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog

    Have a great day!

    Bridie@BGPayne Crafts

  31. Gorgeous cards Brenda!! Love the first one, it's so fashionable and vintage! Cute dog, stunning butterflies! hugs :)

  32. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    deine Karte sind ein Augenschmaus,ich bin total begeistert,die mit dem Hund gefällt mir besonders gut,
    liegt wohl daran das ich einen zu Hause habe,
    gl gulrike

  33. Another beautiful selection of creations Brenda love each and everyone of them especially the little diggy.
    lorraine x

  34. Three lovely cards, the first is my favourite its gorgeous.

    Pat xx

  35. 3 wonderful makes brenda - I love the vintage ladies and that dog is so cute! The butterflies are my favourite though! Hugs rachel x

  36. Stunning cards Brenda and so different. You are such a versatile crafter.

  37. Gosh your designs are all just tailored to perfection. I the romantic elements you add to each with those whimsical bows. GORGEOUS! Simply gorgeous.

  38. All of them are stunning Brenda! I love the details you added to the first one - you've got me wondering and inspired again! Karen xx

  39. What a beautiful colourscheme on your first card! Looks like it comes right out the ölde world". Great! The dog-card is an eyecatcher; a fun card! Great to see some of your styles in one post! Hugs, Gerrina

  40. Absolutely gorgeous cards

  41. lovely cards, I see that you are a n animal lover...fantastic! first time visiting here bibiana

  42. If I had to make a DT card for the "olde worlde" challenge I think I'd be lost and without ideas what to make. You however totally rocked it. Those vintage ladies fit the theme perfectly.
    Wonderful news about your cards selling quickly. It's very nice of you to help the AHT this way - I am sure they appreciate your help very much.
    All of your cards are wonderful!
    Hugs! xx

  43. Love your vintage ladies with all the embellies that would have been so perfect with their lovely flapper dresses. Using the DI soft pink was so pretty with the sepia stamping tones, and love that old fashioned cameo against the bows, delicate lace & that subtly embossed background. It's just beautiful indeed. Enjoyed seeing the animal cards, so cute, and thanks for reminding me to check out Nice Crane to see the latest. I love those images, and work so well on your cards for this particular cause. So good of you to help out this way. TFS & Hugs.
