
Monday 23 March 2015

Just for fun stamping

Happy Monday Peeps, I hope your weekend was a good one, the weather was a mixed bunch here in the Fens and a hard frost this morning, but it's led to some nice sunshine.

A warm welcome to my new followers and a big thank you for all the lovely comments on my recent posts. Quite a few of those have been my Tattered Lace makes, die crafting is a whole new ball game to me but one I am thoroughly enjoying so it is very encouraging to know that you are liking what I am doing with them.

I have not had a lot of time for scenic stamping recently so over the weekend I had a little playand my just for fun session made a lovely change.

I used Pan Pastels for the colour on both cards and a mixture of Sutter, Art Impressions and Stampscape stamps.

Thanks for taking a peek and hope you all have a good week.


  1. Two gorgeous scenic cards Brenda


  2. Woooooooooooow these are amazing nature scene. Your stamping is just out of this world. Wish I lived next door to you, so that I could come for lessons xxx

  3. Even tho am in the depths of depression after yesterday I can still appreciate these beautiful cards.
    You have a fabulous eye for scenes - I end up with not enough or too little detail and can't seem to get it quite right (sound like someone else we know????)
    Have a great week. xx
    PS Terrible day all round, bad performance, silly aggression and all hopes of number 4 spot faded. xx

  4. Two beautiful cards Brenda, it's nice sometimes to just be able to play isn't it? We so easily get bogged down with the things we have to make that we forget to make time to just relax and create whatever takes our fancy. I'm glad you had time to play at the weekend, have a good week
    Jackie x

  5. These are beautiful Brenda
    Andrea x

  6. This is a technique I've never really mastered - must keep on trying, your pieces are stunning!

  7. Wow Brenda, I've never seen anyone build such realistic, gorgeous scenes like the ones that you put together! You must just have a billion little nature stamps! Stunning! hugs :)

  8. A perfect scene Brenda. The fields look amazing and I see the man and his dog! Michelle x

  9. I love seeing these beautiful scenes you create Brenda..
    I have finally purchased a few scenic stamps and inks so I can have a go myself.. Always wanted to try it after admiring yours but was always a little worried about where to start. I was watching a demo at the nec on sat and thought I would take the plunge and have a go... Wish me luck !
    Hugs Kellys

  10. Both cards are beautiful Brenda, I love the scenes you have created
    Kevin xx

  11. Both the scenic make are so beautiful, love particulary the sky and the bark of the trees that seems true.

  12. Both the scenic card are so beautiful, love particulary the soft sky and the bark of the trees that seems true.

  13. I am such a big fan of your scene cards Brenda. These are truly stunning, the designs are wonderful and I love the colours. If I had one of these I would frame it and put it up on my wall!
    I hope you have a good week.
    Sue xx

  14. Lovely to see these Brenda, such beautiful scenes with lovely details x

  15. Two perfectly gorgeous cards again Brenda, glad you got time for a play.

  16. Wow, these are just gorgeous, Brenda. These scenic cards are your specialty!

  17. What a beautiful cards Brenda, such wonderful scenes, love 'um!!
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  18. Wow Brenda, these are just gorgeous.

    Hugs Diane

  19. Ooh, you do these so well Brenda!! The dog walker has to be a favourite though xx

  20. I tried to make a scenic card the other, but I failed big time. But you totally rock this technique. These are absolutely stunning!
    I hope you'll get more sunshine over the next couple of days. :) Hugs! xx

  21. You've created two wonderful scenes.

  22. You are so talented with your scene making Brenda these are breathtaking. They both look like an early morn with the mist just breaking up and the warmth of the sun starting to make an appearance.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  23. Ohhhhh these cards are gorgeous!!!

  24. Both of these are beautiful Brenda. You do make some stunning scenic cards.
    Sharon x

  25. A beautiful scene here Brenda, really nice mix of stamps and colors.
    Happy to hear you were able to enjoy some sunshine. We had ice rain this morning and it's just a gray sky. And it's supposed to be wintery cold this whole week...had to get out the winter coats again.

  26. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    da sind dir aber 2 ganz stimmungsvolle Karten vom Basteltisch gefallen und ich bin wie immer schwer begeistert,
    glg ulrike

  27. Lovely cards Brenda, 1st one is a thing I miss, living here, the sound of the geese flying over. xxxx

  28. It does my heart good to see scenic cards. I miss them. Yours are lovely of course. NancyD

  29. These are just gorgeous, I particularly love the 2nd one xx

  30. Two wonderful scenes Brenda! Beautiful colours too. It was a gorgeous day here yesterday, but today has been very overcast for most of it. The colours in the garden were lovely yesterday - lots of yellow daffs and fresh greens

  31. Two beautiful stamped cards. I love the scenes you have created. Die cutting is fun but I still love stamping too.
    Take care

  32. I know i've said it before but I do love your scenes!

  33. Both are fabby hun and i bet it was great to make a card for a change - just for fun :-), Luv Sam x

  34. You are the Queen of scenic creations, they are fabulous.

    Kath x

  35. Beautiful country scenes Brenda. I too have got caught up in the die cutting, seems to be the easy option for me when running at the last minute with a card. Carol xx

  36. These are amazing. I just love the scenes you create on these.

  37. Wonderful scenes as always Brenda, love the stamping and colours.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  38. Very lovely!
    Glad you got to play!
    Hope you're well!

  39. These are both just absolutely stunning! I love your scenic cards so very much....they are like amazing! Hugs, Robin

  40. Gorgeousness, Brenda. Both of these cards just give off such a serene, lovely feel! I can tell you had some fun making them.

  41. A scenic treat. you are a master in landscape / scenic cards dear. if possible share us the tutorial

  42. Two stunning scenes Brenda, both cards are superb :o)
    Jackie xx

  43. WOW Brenda, beautiful cards.

  44. Beautiful scenes: it looks like real artwork!!
    Lia xx

  45. Beautiful scenes, as always! The pink one has such a delicate and pretty feel.

    Sitting at my computer as the painters work their magic downstairs. It is amazing how fast they paint. The ceilings are all done with 2 coats already and they finished the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms yesterday. Today is the main looks scary down there. Trim is Wednesday and then we can start putting the house back together. Yay!

    Just off for a wee catch up on your blog...

  46. These are absolutely beautiful, Brenda - such subtle blending of the colours to create fabulous skyscapes - gorgeous!
    Alison xx

  47. Love your scenes, they both have a great atmosphere and depth. The perspective is good too and I wish I could say the same for the picture I am working on!

  48. Two beautiful scenic cards, I love all the elements and pastel colours.

    Pat xx

  49. Great to see two of your " signature" scene cards, much as I like your die cut cards your stamped cards cut it for me every time!


  50. Oh my Brenda, this sis breathtaking, love this scenic beauty. Simply Wow, wow.

  51. These are just so beautiful Brenda - your scenic stamping is always my favourite - such a gorgeous way you have with creating scenes. Fabulous! Big hugs Rachel x

  52. Gracious, these are 2 beautiful scenic cards. I was amazed to see you had done with Pans! Gosh, you had amazing control of that chalking, as my first thought was you had used inks & brushes or sponges. Great look on both these cards and a super well done job with the pans. Sure wish I could achieve something even close to this great with the pp's. TFS & Hugs.

  53. My idea of heaven! Beautiful stamping and gorgeous scenes and it is real art! Love every thing and every detail - so completely lush - hope you are doing okay Karen x

  54. I'm a big fan of your scenery cards!! and I have tried to make scenery cards.. but it never came out like yours!!! you are truly a master!!

  55. Isn't it great to have a 'playtime' just for you, especially when you create something as beautiful as these scenes, love the subtle blends of colours.
    Avril xx

  56. As always a joy to see these beautiful scenes! Both so great and such artworks both! Hugs, Gerrina

  57. Wow, these are gorgeous Brenda. Two wonderful scenes you have created.

  58. Cor and wow! Stunning stamping, my favourite style and I now have serious stamp and Pan Pastel colours envy! Stunning work xx
