
Thursday 19 March 2015

A musical note

Morning Peeps, we have a new Tattered Lace Eleganza Collection four day deal launching on Create and Craft today so I thought I would share a few more of my makes for the shows. Also my Penny Black DT piece which I should have posted yesterday but Blogger was having none of it, it took me hours to persuade him to allow me to do the post for the challenge blog so my own had to take a back seat.

My Penny Black card does actually have some Tattered Lace products so fits in with my post nicely. It's another of my fancy fold cards and you can find my tutorial here, I am secretly hoping that Stephanie will make this into one of the shaped card die how easy that would make life. The background for the Poppies has been coloured with Brusho's and the DP's are G45 which I used to paper piece Penny Black 4373K Red Tango.....I know I always seem to do it in blue, not that it's planned that way. The border sown the side is TL Chantilly Swag and sentiments are from the Butterfly interchangeable embossing folder.

The card above using the Piaon and Dance dies was on the Tattered Lace blog yesterday so I won't go into all the details again as you can find them here.

There had to be some inkiness and after creating the background with acrylic pains I then make the dragonfies using the Eleganza Bow die, when I saw it I instantly saw dragonflies so it had to be done! When did I ever conform to the expected ? The sentiments was made from the letters that are part of the Shutter card set........and before anyone asks, there is a proper 'Y' in the set, mine just happened to disappear under the floorboards when I dropped the whole set, in fact I was lucky to only lose one. So I made a 'Y' by joining a couple of other letters, call it artistic licence.

And one final one is posted on the TL blog for today so you will find all details here. I have lots more to share using the Violin, Cherub, pillow boxes and much more, but will save those for another day.

Thanks for taking a peek and hope you get to see some of the shows and if you are after buying any of the dies that they last a bit longer than in recent shows.


  1. Beautiful creations, well done!!!
    Hugsss, Gaby

  2. What a great piano die! Love the black-white card with it and the first, the blue one has such beautiful colours and flowers; love the BG for them! Hugs, Gerrina

  3. Beautiful cards Brenda particularly love the colours on your first card the dies are gorgeous


  4. Absolutely brilliant the colours you used and fab images, the shape is stunning..xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  5. Wow all so pretty and fabulous, my fave is the dragonflies card;-))m

  6. An exceptional selection of wonderful cards Brenda :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Wow Brenda busy busy and each one a masterpiece of craft design. Gorgeous.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  8. Love the Piano one but they are all lovely Brenda, xxx

  9. Wow what a feast for the eyes today, my fave is the blue one, such gorgeous shades and I do love that shape x

  10. Stunning cards Brenda, I especially like the gorgeous colours on the first one together with the beautiful image and great design, have a lovely day.

    Pat xx

  11. These are exquisite Brenda!! I am on annual leave next week so fully intend to plonk my butt in my work room and not move until I have gone through your tutorial and made one of these fabulous this space!! xx

  12. Another gorgeous collection Brenda! Mixed media, elegant, hit many styles with this set of cards and every one of them is a knock out! hugs :)

  13. beautiful cards... lovely piano.. card fold is very pretty!!

  14. These all look fantastic Brenda. The elaborate folds ones look amazing. Nicola x

  15. Amazing cards Brenda. Love the designs of all four - super shape on the first and last and love the colours on the second xx

  16. WOW! Such stunning creations Brenda.
    Your fancy folded creations are amazing, I really need to have a go at making one soon.
    I love, love, love the gorgeous colours and wonderful dies you have used. The piano die is wonderful and is going right to the top of my wish list as my daughter is learning to play the piano and I know she would a card with this on.
    Thank you for ALL your inspiration.
    Sue xx

  17. What a beautiful collection of cards

    Jackie x

  18. How gorgeous! These cards are timeless in its elegance!

  19. Wow ! you're a busy bee ! Your cards are fantastic, love the piano ! So lovely cards my friend !

  20. Wow so many beautiful designs, I love the fancy fold very much. The cards in the previous post are also gorgeous. Have a great day, Shirleyxx

  21. wow Brenda, so many beautiful cards and beautiful designs. Awesome.

  22. You have been busy Brenda. A fabulous selection of gorgeous cards.
    Lorraine x

  23. Beautiful cards, love the fancy fold. The piano is amazing.
    Hugs, Chantal S

  24. Stunning cards like always Brenda, the fancy fold ones particularly have the real wow factor!

  25. Gorgeous cards today Brenda. The new Tattered Lace dies are beautiful. I am just watching Nancy on Create and Craft and typing this so I won't be tempted to order the dies. I love the lacy effect of all Tattered Lace dies and the fact that they fall out of the dies so easily. The shaped cards are a feat on engineering and I agree a die would make it so simple.
    Enjoy the rest of your day

  26. OMG! I can't choose which one I like best but I love them all, Brenda! Each and everyone has it's own uniqueness. That piano is on my list as my daughter plays it!

  27. Crikey, Brenda, what a treat today.
    ALL of these are such lovely designs

    I didn't spot the join in the 'Y' so if you hadn't mentioned it I would have been none the wiser heehee


  28. Fabulous cards Brenda, I love the piano die - have not seen it before

  29. Gorgeous cards Brenda, lovely designs
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  30. Beautiful selection of cards, each one so different.

  31. You've been productive and all are beautiful cards! So sorry you lost your Y, but I hadn't noticed until you said so the creative replacement works well!

  32. Gorgeous cards, Brenda! All of them so lovely!

  33. Great compilation! Love all these music card, so different each one by others. The first one you made for Penny Black is just gorgous!! Love this shape and the so lovely design !!!

  34. WOW this is a beautiful selection of your creations Brenda, the design and colours are all amazing, superb work.
    lorraine x

  35. oh, wow, brenda these are gorgeous! such fancy folds and lovely colours and designs!

  36. Wow Brenda! These are all so gorgeous and especially the shutter card style creations which are so elegant and classy.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  37. How does your mind hold all this geniusness in one place?!? These are some gorgeous examples of art work. I especially love that purple and green one with it's gorgeous background and that whimsical bow.

  38. These are stunning! I really love that fold. Thanks for the tutorial. Hugs, Robin

  39. Fantastic cards, Brenda!!

  40. lovely cards brenda and nice colours, will try to make the shaped ones

  41. Hallo liebe Brenda,
    deine Karten sehen einfach wunderschön aus und ich bin total begeistert,
    glg ulrike

  42. Wow, awesome stunning and elegant beauties. Thanks for your sweet comments and luv.

  43. Brenda, what a gorgeous cards you made! You are such a taled lady :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  44. Wow Brenda, these cards are wonderful, fabulous details as always :)

  45. All of these are wonderful!
    Good job on the 'Y'!

  46. I am loving all your recent makes Brenda. In reply to your comment, my timeframe is a good one too, it is just that I like to be up to date well in advance incase there are any last minute hiccups. Love doing these though. Judy x

  47. Oh my goodness, Brenda. These fancy folded cards are stunning! I am going to have to try one of these!!!
