
Tuesday 18 November 2014

What a little angel

Good Morning Peeps, I am here with some more Nicecrane Design creations and also my mid month Penny Black and More card.

Thank you for your kind comments and messages. I am in a bit of a MS relapse at the moment and walking and standing is painful but now have some new meds although they are making me like a zombie....... but not too much new there I guess......... and nights are like a war zone with the hallucinatory affects of them. But there is of course a positive side, I am having to sit most of the time which means I can craft for England !

On to my work and I think lots of you will know what I mean when I say you see a stamp or image and can immediately visulise the card you are going to make, well the beautiful image on the top card was one of those, she is such a little angel. I could see her decoupaged and standing in an aperture with little added colour other than some gold glitter on the Christmas tree and some die cut stars, she is far too pretty to fuss with. She is one of the images from the Vintage Christmas saver pack, great value at $4.50 for about eighteen images.

I have used a new stamp for my Penny Black mid month card called Jubilant 40-286 stamped onto a 'splatter' background.....very technical term here aka messing about with Dylusions. I stamped it twice to decouapge the main flowers which are pained with Dylusions, the leaves have been coloured with Chamelion pens. The sentiment is from the Special Wishes set 30-229.

I absolutely adore this image, not only the colours but the little girls angelic face. She is from the Children in Victorian Age 111 design set. The frame is from Tonic which I randomly stamped with distress inks before making up and then rubbed over with a couple of colours of gilding wax. 

This card has one of the eight designs in the Adorable Christmas design set teamed up with Penny Black Reindeer dies and an embossed frame with I coloured with gilding waxes. The sentiment on this card and the one at the top is from All Occasion Dies, clever sets as the Happy comes in a set in two sizes and the Christmas in another sets again in two sizes and then there are also Birthday, Anniversary and so on and they all mix and match and at between £4.40 and £5.50 a set great value for money.

Hope you all have a good week.


  1. Beautiful cards!!! I hope you're feeling better soon. Zombie-state is not good, hope the crafting can help to keep you "sane"... Hugs to you!

  2. My word Brenda you have been a busy bee!! I can't choose a favourite on this occasion, however the ribbon on the last card has rather caught my eye!! xx

  3. So sorry to hear you are having a relapse Brenda and I hope your symptoms improve quickly with the new meds. Your cards are all delightful, crafting is such a great distraction isn't it. Hugs xx

  4. Such a stunning selection of cards Brenda. I love all the images, especially the flowers with the wonderful 'splatter' background. Your detailing is always so beautiful.
    Sorry to hear you have been suffering with your MS, I hope things improve for you soon.
    Sue xx

  5. Great set of cards, each one so different, yet all beautiful! Those vintage girls look so sweet!

  6. Four beautiful creations Brenda. I love the splatter card, it is so vibrant and colourful. I read you had used Chamelion pens which I have never heard of before so I will have to google to check them out. Maybe something else crafty I NEED. he he.


  7. Wonderful cards Brenda, very pretty.

    Hope you feel better soon, xxx

  8. Wow these are just beautiful love the colours so gorgeous and the images are stunning...gorgeous cards Brenda, started to pick one I love but end up loving them
    aNNie xxx
    The Journey is the Start

  9. Wowwwww Brenda waht a amazing Xmas Cards,love the vintage style,,, and a great idea to use Gothic Arch,,,,,,,,in your first card. I love the colorful flowers and vintage image,,,,,on your second one, and the embossing on your las one,,,,,,,it is diffuiclt to choose a fav one.

  10. Thanks for your visit Brenda I hope you are feeling better now. You have been busy your makes are lovely.
    Life is busy here so my blog time is reduced too and will be now until Christmas is over
    Take care
    Jackie x

  11. Wow amazing and beautiful cards.

  12. These are all beautiful Brenda, sending hugs and wishing you better
    Kevin xx

  13. Beautiful designs Brenda, I love the decoupage on the top one, it's gorgeous. I also love the splatter on the 2nd card and your colouring. I hope you can work through the health issues, it's great that you have your creative talents. Take good care, Shirleyxx

  14. What beautiful cards Brenda. Love the Nicecrane images and the card design you chose for each image but for me the star of the show has to be the wonderful Penny Black flower with the wonderful colours and splatter background.
    Hope the new meds do the trick and you soon feel better xx

  15. Such beautiful cards Brenda, I am so loving those vintage images, they make such beautiful cards! Gorgeous lily image too, and I love the effect you got by messing with your dylusions :-) Love the different colors you used for the splatter.
    Happy to hear you're feeling better and up to create cards. It's a shame good medications always have to have such bad side effects though.

  16. All so lovely, Brenda. The top card is really special - just love this! And your splatter background is wonderful - I need to try more splattering! Great colours! The others are fabulous too! So sorry your MS is setting you back - I hope you can feel better soon. I do enjoy seeing your cards!

  17. Some stunning makes here Brenda - simply adore the splatter one - my type of messy!! LOL
    Keep your chin up. x

  18. Hello Brenda. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    Sorry to hear you have not been too well, hope the new meds help you.

    Gorgeous creations as always.. That angel one is jaut adorable
    Hugs Kelly

  19. Amazing collection as always :-) .... Loving the wonderful day card, loving the bright florals :-) xx

  20. Oh my Brenda what a wonder array of cards, love the colour of the beautiful flower and the little girl is just so beautiful.

    Pat xx

  21. Oh, what a charming vintage image in the first piece, and the splatter is absolutely perfect on the flower card. Never any need to apologise for not visiting... it's not as though I've been around much lately! I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things now though, all being well.
    Alison xx

  22. Beautiful selection of cards, love the inky one.

  23. lovely cards Brenda... so many beautiful creations.... so sorry about your health... hope you feel better soon...
    Moxie Craftie

  24. What fabulous cards - you've been busy; but I hope you feel better soon and can get a bit more rest! take care. xx

  25. Oh My Word Brenda you have been so busy with all these gorgeous makes, they are all beautiful but l adore the frame - it is stunning.
    Hope you are feeling a bit better and the meds are doing their job, take care x Susan x

  26. Wow, your cards are one more beautiful than the others.
    Wishes for your health

  27. Oooo what a stunning collection of cards - oooo i dreadful nightmares, i had those when i started taking Beta Blockers for my migraines, i must confess after a couple of nights i took myself off of them, as i couldn't stand it, why oh why do these drugs have horrendous side effects and you sound like me, whatever they are, i get them !!, hope you feel better soon, luv Sam x

  28. A brilliant set of cards and I am sure that is me in the first one, well the tree looks familiar anyway.
    Love the splatters on the second card.
    Please do not apologise for not visiting, totally understand and just hope everything gets sorted soon.
    Thanks Brenda.

    Kath x

  29. wow - brilliant pieces - I love the two with the little girls especially - beautiful pieces. I do hope you're feeling better and that the best is yet to come - big hugs to you and thankyou for your visit xx

  30. Love the jubilant card Brenda. Great stamp x

  31. My goodness Brenda, you have been so busy with these lovely cards - well done

  32. What a wonderful selection of cards. I have just been introduced to the wonderful gilding wax myself and now intend getting some more colours :o)
    Jackie xx

  33. Fine vintage feeling on all the cards with the girls and rendeer! But the in 3-D made flower card is my fav; what beautiful how you just poped up those pieces that need it! Hope you're feeling better slowley... hugs, Gerrina

  34. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, hope you get used to the meds and feel less like a zombie. It hasn't affected your cards though they are gorgeous.

  35. I am so happy that you have time to create so many beautiful cards, Brenda! beautiful flowers on the splatters bg. Take care!

  36. how fun to combine this grouping of vintage cards with that happy, bold, magical floral fantasy you are so famous for, Brenda! They are all wonderful, but I am especially partial to the magenta flowers! hugs, de

  37. Sorry you're having such a rough time with your M.S dearie, hope things start to improve soon or at least become more manageable.your cards are pleased you can craft at least.beautiful selection of what you've made.hugs Debbie x

  38. Hallo Brenda deine arbeiten sind wunderschön gemacht
    glg Gertrude

  39. Beautiful creations Brenda. Thankfully we have our crafting to help us along our unfortunate path in life. Sorry to here things not so good at the mo, wishing you better days ahead. Im still in my jammies, late with my post! A slow start for me today, probably come to life when hubby says its time for bed lol! Take care. Carol

  40. Oh Brenda I am so sorry to hear that you are not well you suffer so much but are such a wonderful person in spite of the pain etc, I really pray that you will feel a little better soon. Brenda this is one awesome selection of creations, all so beautifully designed I love them so much.
    lorraine x

  41. Wow Brenda, so many gorgeous projects! I'm glad you are getting a chance to craft, although I wish it was under better circumstances! Hope you get to feeling better! hugs :)

  42. Lovely cards, and I thought at first your splatter background was Brushos, I have just bought some and not used them yet! It is lovely. Sorry the meds are zombiefying you, hope you get that sorted out!

    Cazzy x

  43. Lovely cards, I love the die cut stars

    Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog

    Hugs from

    Bridie@BGPayne Crafts

  44. Scrumptious designs Brenda. Its always a treat popping in here to drool over your awesome creativeness.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  45. Cards are great! Hope you're feeling well!

  46. gorgeous cards brenda! i especially love the vibrant pink of the flowers, along with the splattered background.

  47. gorgeous projects! especially love that paint splatter card ~ really colorful! :)

  48. Although you've been in such pain it hasn't effected the beautiful cards you make Brenda. Hope your starting to feel some relief.
    Loving the girl in the arch, the flowers on the splattered background is beautiful,I really love it.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  49. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the Dylusions colouring - I'm going to have to try that out. I hope things settle down with your new medication soon.

  50. They are all so beautiful...but that second one is my fave! Love those gorgeous dylusions colours for those beautiful flowers! Looks great with the splatters and the random jewels...must remember to try that!
