
Saturday 8 November 2014

Poppy Promenade

Morning Peeps, it's Saturday so that means a new challenge at Allsorts and this week Susan has chosen a very appropriate theme of Poppies and/or Remembrance. Our sponsors are Cuddly Buddly and Marianne Designs.

It's no secret that I adore Poppies and probably have far more Poppy stamps and dies than is healthy. The Poppy image I have used today is a newish release from Penny Black 40-311 Poppy Trio, stamped onto a background of Dylusions and stenciling using Penny Black 25-001 Promenade. The sentiment is Penny Black 1483E Cherish Yesterday which I masked and stamped to break down into three.......the writing is too close to just stamp and cut into sections but it's easy enough to do this way with trusty post it notes as masks.

Happy weekend everyone.


  1. Another stunning creation Brenda! I love this creation with so prominent colors!

  2. Gorgeous creation Brenda, using fantastic image and colours...lovely all round...
    aNNie xx
    The Journey is the Start

  3. This is stunning Brenda, gorgeous poppies and beautiful colours.
    Sue xx

  4. Beautiful Brenda - love the robins below too... hoping for a reasonable performance today! x

  5. Beautiful card Brenda those Poppies are so lovely a smashing card.
    lorraine x

  6. Absolutely beautiful Brenda.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  7. That is stunning, Brenda! Love the background you created! Just wishing I could get my laptop off my desk for long enough to get really inky!

  8. Beautiful card, great background. Enjoy your weekend.

  9. A beautiful elegant Poppycard and I like the sentiment as well. hugs, Marlies

  10. Beautiful card Brenda, and what a great theme for just now! Love the poppies and the beautiful background!

  11. Love it Brenda and a great sentiment too xx

  12. Another beauty Brenda, the background compliments the image very well. Happy Weekend, Shirleyx

  13. Gorgeous card, Brenda! You love poppies, I love cats LOL! I really like how you made the background on this one! Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Stunning card Brenda, beautiful stamp and love all your inking - the centre of the poppies look lovely. So please you like the theme Brenda x Susan x

  15. Love the inkiness of this B and the poppies

  16. What a fab card! I love the scene with beautiful colours and the sentiments!

  17. Love this Brenda, so beautifully done!

  18. Beautiful card Brenda. Happy weekend, Judy x

  19. I didn't exspect otherwise than popies to be used on your card...they are beautiful! Hope all is well and you have a fun weekend planned! Hugs, Gerrina

  20. Lovely Brenda, the poppy's are so beautiful.
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  21. Beautiful card Brenda, lovely poppies and love the muted stamping in the background

  22. Fabulous stamping, so lovely card.
    I spent the Saturday at Helsinki with the hole family, lovely day;-))m

  23. Gorgeous card Brenda love this Poppy image and a gorgeous background.

    Kath x

  24. I always think of you with poppies and this is fabulous. Great stamping and colours. Shame we didn't meet up on Thursday x

  25. So beautiful Brenda, I love the poppies and the sentiment
    Kevin xx

  26. fabulous creation... lovely poppies... awesome!!
    Moxie Craftie

  27. Stunning card Brenda, those poppies look almost like glass painting. I must say that I am a poppy lover too :o)
    Jackie xx

  28. Beautiful scene and I like how you split the sentiment.
    Lynn x

  29. Beautiful card, I love the split sentiment & fabulous poppies :)

  30. how pretty, B! Especially love the layered sentiments with the same color fade-in-and-out. Gorgeous design! hugs, de

  31. what a wonderful sentiment - I adore this card Brenda - really wonderful. Poppies are just gorgeous - I know why you love them xx

  32. SUperb card, so nice colors, and love poppies too ! The sentiment is beautiful !

  33. Sorry I'm so late visiting you, nutty week for me! Anyway, love your card Brenda, your background is absolutely amazing! Your poppies are gorgeous and I love how you popped up your sentiments and made them 3d. Wonderful words you chose too. big hugs :)

  34. Lovely card with your favourite flowers;-))m

  35. I love PB too, more than is good for me, and especially the new line of Creative Dies. This poppy image is so pretty & will be quite versatile as well. Love the way you've got the stenciling in the pretty background and separating the sentiment as you did, was especially effective on this particular card, that was for your Remembrance Sunday. It says what is truly well worth remembering, as we remember those who sacrificed so much for our freedoms. TFS & keep on loving your pretty poppies and especially PB images! Hugs

  36. I love this card. That sentiment is perfect.

  37. I think quite a lot of us stampers adore poppy images and I know they are and always will be your favourite. Love everything about this creation and those colours are just gorgeous! Karen x

  38. This is stunningly beautiful. I love the tones you've used here. That red just pops against the green background. And that background almost seems to be glowing. You've got some major talent!

  39. Beautiful poppies, Brenda. And your inky background is terrific.
    Caroline xxx

  40. This is gorgeous Brenda and that is a fabulous backdrop to your poppies.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  41. Gorgeous card with beautiful layered stamping on the bg, Brenda!

  42. I always like to see what you do with your pretty poppies, Brenda. The background behind your beautiful flowers is gorgeous. Love your card.
    Eret x

  43. This is a fabulous card. You always rock the poppy cards and this one is no exception!
