Monday 13 October 2014

That cake........................

This was the trial run of the assembled cake, after taking this photo I added a little more pink shading to the Arum Lilies on the topper which you can see in closer detail further down on the photos taken by Alex on party day

Morning to you all, how's your weather ? It's been pouring here all night and no sign of giving up yet and the heating is a must today.

At long last I have some photos of the anniversary cake I made for our daughter and son in law for their surprise party a couple of weeks ago.

There had to be pink lilies and ivy to match her flowers and wedding dress which was also pink, the colour she wanted right from a little girl.

Trailing lilies to match those on the cake topper

It's years since I did any sugarcraft as I gave it up when MS took over my fingers and it became too much of a worry with orders to complete and fingers that didn't always want to work. But having trawled around for a decent ready made cake and finding nothing that really appealed or otherwise cost a fortune I decided to get my fingers working again. I won't be making a habit of it mind you as it did take me ages to perfect all the flowers but I was fairly happy with the end result.

Everyone had a 'party bag' to take home in the form of a cup cake in a little pink box, tied with silver ribbon and a name tag all decorated with a sugar paste rose - I made about 60 of them

Thanks for taking a peek and hope you all have a good week.


Kay Carley said...

Oh I SO want to come round your house!!! Those cakes look gorgeous!!! SO professional Brenda!!!! I just don't know how you have the patience but all the time spent on them was so worth it - fantastic!! xxx

Stamps and Paper said...

Beautiul cake Brenda you did a fantastic job.....


Marianne said...

Wow, that cake looks amazing, Brenda. I can tell you haven't lost your skill even though it's taking you more effort now to achieve this look. It's hard to believe those flowers and leaves are handmade too. They look so realistic. Sorry for my lack of visits over the past couple of months. It's been a crazy year so far, with my husband's heart operation, lots of work and preparing to move to a new house, exactly 700 meters away from our current one. It's a good thing our current rental contract does not end until December 1st, because there's a lot of cleaning to do and a lot of stuff to move, including lots of books and crafting supplies. Looks like I will finally get a dedicated craftroom with fitted wardrobes filling an entire wall, so lots of storage space. Yay!
Marianne x

ellyscard creatief said...

Wow, beautiful piece of Art and a lot of work you have don.
Love the gorgeous cake and the lovely flowers.
Gr Elly

Mrs.B said...

Hi Brenda, WOW what a fabulous cake - the sugar paste flowers look amazing, and such a lovely design.
Love the little rose cup cakes. Photos to treasure.
Hugs, Avril xx

New Creations said...

Brenda, This is very YUMMMMMY! The decoration is totally adorable, Love how you assemble arum lilies, beautiful in pink and delicious cupcakes!!!

Desire Fourie said...

Brenda you ars just such an amazing artist and this cake is a stunning work of art. Those lillies are just so realistic. What a wonderful idea with the cupcake gifts too, it must have taken you ages to complete.
Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

Pamellia said...

Holy cow Brenda, this is amazing! Your lilies and leaves look so real!! I'm afraid I would never want to eat it, but put it on a shelf as a keepsake! Gorgeous! hugs :)

aussie aNNie said...

Beautiful outstanding and a stunning those flowers are just gorgeous, and I just adore the lovely colour used..just beautiful..xx
The Journey is the Start

Bad Kitty said...


Eret said...

This is stunning cake, Brenda! I love all the flowers. And the cupcakes looks yummy too!

joy said...

what a beautiful cake! And, the cupcakes are gorgeous, too! I would never be able to make these fabulous creations and I don't have MS. I know your daughter appreciates the time and effort and love you put into these, Brenda. Amazing!!

Berina RGA said...

this is so beautiful.... looks like a wedding cake :) beautiful flowers... your daughter is so lucky :)
Moxie Craftie

Lady E said...

OMG Brenda that cake is just amazing! Did you really made it? Wow gorgeous gorgeous!!!!!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh, WOW, Brenda! Fabulous cake! That looks amazing! Well done! Those little cupcakes look so yummy! Now I'm very hungry, thanks to you!

Juls said...

Wow this is stunning :-) xxx

Viv said...

Send us a cupcake will yer????? LOL
Gorgeous gorgeous cake Brenda. xx

Sue said...

Truly stunning Brenda. Your sugarcraft flowers and leaves are so beautiful and I love the delicate touches of pink on the petals.
I love the cupcakes with the pink roses given the guests, such a lovely idea.
Sue xx

KandA said...

Wow Brenda, what an amazing cake. Your sugarcraft flowers are just so beautiful and it's a wonder that anyone had the heart to cut and eat it. Such a great idea to make those lovely takeaway cupcakes xx

Whisper said...

Absolutely stunning hun and i don't know where you found the time to do it all, Luv Sam x

walchowDesign said...

Wooooow! This is amazing! Not only are you great with card makings but your cake is truly amazing as well, Brenda! Such a great idea to make those cupcakes as well.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Wow what a stunning cake and those little cupcakes are fab, love the roses. Well done x

Becca Cruger said...

Supremely lovely! I used to be a cake decorator professionally, and so I just loved seeing your talent!

susiestacey said...

The cake is amazing Brenda very professional.
The weather.... well l pegged washing out at 7.30 am as it was dry and windy - a good drying day l thought....the washing came in an hour later as it rained and has done most of the day,
Take care x Susan x

Sarah said...

You are such a clever girl Brenda!! Is there no end to your talents??!! xx

Helen said...

The cakes are beautiful, Brenda and I bet they went down a storm! I've always wanted to try sugarcraft (although am all fingers and thumbs) - you may not be able to do as much as you used to, but you've not lost the knack! take care, isn't the rain awful!

Glennis F said...

Oh WOW - they look fantastic!

Jacee said...

Wow wow wow, Brenda, are you superwoman? !!!!! your talents are never ending, beautiful work!
Hugs Jacee
Simply Paper Card Design

May said...

WOW...Brenda, that cake is amazing... the detail of the flowers is just outstanding...the pink colours are so beautiful & those cup cakes looks fabulous....I bet they tasted as good as they look...well done Brenda....Now I am Hugs May x x

Marlies said...

Wauw the cake looks fantastic Brenda. Very very elegant, your cakemaking is professional! The cupcakes look lovely as well and made a lovely gift. You have had a hard job making the cake and then 60 cupcakes, pfff. hugs, Marlies

Michelle J M said...

OMG Brenda this is absolutely stunning, clever you! The lilies and the ivy are fantastic, your daughter must have been thrilled and especially since she would know that it took a lot of work. Michelle x

Jane said...

This was a work of art Brenda, you are so talented.Your daughter must have been so thrilled. The cupcakes are superb too, what a great Mum you are. Hugs xx

Charlotte said...

Wauw Brenda, this looks amazing! The cake is so beautiful and the cupcakes are too! Great job!

Kathleen said...

This is fabulous and the flowers look stunning, how very clever considering your problem with your hands.

Kath x

McCrafty's Cards said...

That cake looks fabulous and I like the roses on the cupcakes you are multi talented my friend
Kevin xx

Kari said...

Wow,Brenda,that ckae looks amazing!!So so beatiful! And 60 cupcakes,wow!Looks great!!
Have a great week!
Hugs,Kari :)

Sharon said...

Wow! Your cake looks beautiful and the flowers are gorgeous, it would be a shame to eat them! I hope you managed to get lots of photos.
Sharon x

mags said...

Such a beautiful cake Brenda. The flowers are gorgeous.

debby4000 said...

Oh the cake is amazing such beautiful flowers.

Mervi said...

And lovely cupcakes too, yummy;-))m

Gerrina said...

Oh wow; I don't want to know how your fingers felt after all this work... Mine would be in a knot just by traying I think... It looks so stunning! That cake is the work of an artist! And the cupcakes look so yummie! Hope you took lots of photo's! Have a good week, Gerrina

Pat said...

Your cake looks fantastic Brenda, absolutely gorgeous, and those little cupcakes look delicious, in fact they are making my mouth water just by looking at them. We have had a fine day here with some breaks of sunshine, though it has been quite cold. Have lovely evening.

Pat xx

Inkypinkydelights said...

Oh WOW Fantastico! What can I Say Brenda, I am speechless! Love the cake, you have really excelled. And what a brilliant idea of a party bag in the form of a cupcake too. So very special. It must have taken you ages to make 60 of these!

Thanks for showing us.

Judy x

Tracy said...

The cake is amazing, you should be so proud Brenda. The flowers are beauriful. Love your cupcakes too.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

ribenaruby said...

Hi Brenda, thankyou for leaving your sweet comment. goodness....this is super fantabulous!!! What a great achievement for their special day, gorgeous sugary stuff. Take care, Ruby x

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Such a yummy post :)

Donna Ellis said...

OH! how incredibly talented you are, Miss Brenda! GORGEOUS in every way, and it looks so YUMMY, too. I hope your daughter was thrilled with the surprise party! (What a sweetheart you are!) hugs, de

Judith said...

This is just fabulous Brenda - I'm so glad you were "fairly pleased" - i'd have been ecstatic to make a cake like that - I'm sure you couldn't have got a bought one anything like that - what a talented lady you are xx

Merry said...

Hi there Brenda, I have a weekend by myself as my husband is down visiting our son and they off to watch the Bledisloe Cup. So time to catch up on my favourite blogs. You are a very talented lady. This cake is terrific and I bet your daughter and SIL loved it.

Merry said...

Hi there Brenda, I have a weekend by myself as my husband is down visiting our son and they off to watch the Bledisloe Cup. So time to catch up on my favourite blogs. You are a very talented lady. This cake is terrific and I bet your daughter and SIL loved it.

coldwaters2 said...

WOW Brenda you are one very amazing and talented, lovely lady, that cake looks like a million dollars, magnificent creation bet it tasted as good as it looks.
lorraine x

ionabunny said...

Gorgeous cake. Hugz

Jackie said...

OMG Brenda, that cake is awsome. I love the wonderful lilies. Love the little cupcakes too :o)
Jackie xx
P.S. You are not alone, lots of us are losing our reading lists at times!!!

Solange Barreto said...

Brenda, seu bolo está adorável e apetitoso. Sou apaixonada por lírios, me encanta a forma como você colocou.
Beijo, uma semana abençoada pra você e sua Família.

scrappymo! said...

Gorgeous! What a treat to chose this post to catch up on blog life with you.

You are very talented, Brenda!

I'm sorry i have not dropped by for so long. We sold our house and downslized the house slightly but downsized the garden (or the yard as we call it over here) considerably.
We are the proud owners of a postage stamp sized lot, well within walking distance to my married daughter. Now I can just walk over in the morning that I get them up and take them to school. Such a treat.
Ever since his heart attack, DH has worried about how I would manage if something deadful like that happened again. I can not drive an longer due to my health constraints so buying this house has eased his worries. IWe are looking forward to a no fuss, no muss garden!

Will pop through your blog to catch up, won't probably leave any more comments as I go through as I just had my shoulders (rotator cuffs) injected with coritsteroids. Getting one more shot in a couple of weeks and then hopefully will have an improvement there.

Off to catch up on your cards. Hope your health has been a bit better too!

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is beautiful. I can see that your talent extends far and above the wonderful cards that you make.

Bridie said...

Wow!! Stunning absolutely stunning

Thank you so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog

Hugs from

Bridie@BGPayne Crafts

Debbie said...

Wow..... What a are so talented.shame your M.S stops you doing what you love.absolutely love this cake.hugs x

KarenB said...

After reading about your plans a few weeks back, I was so happy to see that you blogged about the finished cake. You are so talented! I bet your daughter & her hubby were thrilled with it, and everyone can certainly see that it was a labour of love. Absolutely beautiful.

Karen P said...

OMG Brenda! That is awesome. You are one very talented artist, in so many different ways. I so wish I could do that sort of decorating and those cupcakes are divine with those so cute little roses! I would love to spend a week crafting with you although I would probably drive you spare constantly asking how do you do that and can you show me how lol!
Sorry I have not been to visit for quite a long time. I really hope you are doing okay as you've not posted for a while. I see you too are having Blogger issues as are so many right now, you are not alone hun.
Take care and I hope to visit again soon Karen x

rachel said...

oh my word I love the cake - it looks absolutely stunning - I bet it tastes as good as it looks. Big hugs to you Brenda! Rachel xx