
Wednesday 3 September 2014

More blog hopping with a black cat

As promised I am back with another link up for day three of the Prickly Pear Rubber Stamps Blog Hop and today you should have arrived from Nicole and move on next to Tracy's blog.

Before I tell you more about the Hop, I have my entry for this fortnights Butterfly Challenge where the theme is Butterfies with a Sentiment. A fairly plain and simple make with Penny Black butterflies, birdie and sentiment (cut down into three), Stampendous P107 Agapanthus Cluster all heat embossed with detail copper onto an inked and stencilled background using Pan Pastels and grunge paste.

Using: PPRS CLR017A Cats 2

Over at the Hop there are two great prizes which will go to two randomly selected winners who have left comments on the DT's and PPRS blogs, check out the prizes below. The winners will be announced on the PPRS blog here on 8th September.

I will be honest and say making Halloween cards doesn't come easy to me, probably because it is an occasion that is not celebrated in the UK in the same way it is across the pond. That said I did rather enjoy making this one using an embossing folder for the background and some sanded down coredinations, one of Ruth's Tonic window dies and the black cat, bats and sentiment from one of the new clear sets.

Here are the two prizes up for grabs

Happy hopping and good luck.


  1. Both are beautiful Brenda but the cat and sentiment really made me chuckle out loud.

    Warm crafty hugs from Shirl x x x

  2. oh brenda you amaze me with your talent love the first card just brilliant,and as for the second fantastic idea i just love it hugs cheryl xxx

  3. Great cards Brenda, love the texture on the butterfly card and the gorgeous copper embossing and the Halloween card is spooktacular (sorry...couldn't resist!!) xx

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda, I love it!

  5. Brenda, that's awesome cards ! I love your halloween card, cool cats with bats , perfect for halloween card. Cool backgorund too with white bricks, so creative. Thanks for sharing. Awesome blog hop !

  6. These are gorgeous cards Brenda. Love the colours and designs.
    Lorraine x

  7. Love the colour combo on the first one Brenda, lovely cards.
    Hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  8. Your butterflies are beautiful. I love the embossing on them . I have just bought some grunge paste to have a play with. I like how the paste has worked on the honeycomb stencil. Great effect. Thankyou for fluttering by #13. Hugs Mrs A. (butterfly challenge).

  9. Love the cards and the stencilling on the first one looks great along with the favourite agapanthus stamp, the second one made me laugh, reminds me of my mad cat who last night brought me a live mouse into my bedroom, chased him out only for him to appear an hour later with another one,locked in after that !

  10. Beautiful butterfly card and I love the Halloween card too. That cat die has always been one of my favorites and I'm so happy there are new stamps to go with it.

  11. Both cards are beautiful! (Still smiling about the second one...) The first has a beautiful delicate colour and texture that I like verry much, so that's my favorite... Hugs, Gerrina

  12. These are fabulous Brenda I love the fun cat with the bats
    Kevin xx

  13. Two great cards!!! Love the coppery goodness on your first and OH how fun to have bats in a window card!!! Loving the "Day of the Dead" cat too!

  14. Your Halloween card rocks Brenda!!! Love the B/W color combo and that brick background!!

  15. Oh, these are beautiful, Brenda! I am especially fond of your black cat! Love it! I'm doing your blog hop and I really enjoy what I'm seeing!

  16. Ooooh love the card with the card ! so original !!!! Looooove it very much Brenda !
    Big kisses !

  17. Gorgeous cards as always. I too like the coppery look on the first one.

  18. two great makes Brenda - I love the butterfly one but the spooky one is my fave - brilliant! Hugs Rachel xx

  19. Two beautiful cards and although the second one is out of your comfort zone, love how the bats peeking thru the window !

  20. Two beautiful cards and although the second one is out of your comfort zone, love how the bats peeking thru the window !

  21. Great cards! I love the paste on the first one and that embossing folder makes the PUUUURRRfect background for the second!

  22. I'm not on the hop just visiting you, love love love the top one

  23. love your first card Brenda... love the image... very beautiful.. nice color combo...
    Moxie Craftie

  24. These are two fantastic cards, cannot decide which I like best.

  25. Two gorgeous makes Brenda! I love them both

  26. Two fabulous cards both are very special.

    Kath x

  27. Both of your cards have a unique take - love them both!

  28. Love your spooky card Brenda and wish we did do more for halloween here in UK !! I love it !!

    hugs Diane xx

    PS forgot to say how lovely your other card is sweetie !!

  29. Stunning cards. Love the colors of the first one. TFS

  30. Lovely cards - great texture on number 1

  31. Love your cards. The black scary cat is awesome. The added window is perfect with the image. Hugs, M

  32. Great use of the new releases! Thanks for the inspiration!

  33. Love your butterfly challenge card (great textures and pretty colors) and your Halloween card is fabulous! Love the window, bats and kitty!

  34. Fabulous card, the second card give me a smile. Creative scene with the kitty and the bats. Fabulous halloween card.

  35. Gorgeous cards Brenda. The first one is gorgeous and had to smile at the second one. Really fun card.

  36. Awesome cards, Brenda. The colors on the first one are my favorites. Really stunning piece of art. Your second card is so funny. Love them both.
    Brenda, will you please visit my blog. I have a surprise for you. I hope it will go smoother this time :)

  37. Two super cards Brenda, love all the elements of the first, and the second has a great image.

    Pat xx

  38. beautiful cards Brenda - you have been so busy again. Sorry l have not 'visited' as often as usual, l am hoping to get back to normal very soon x Susan x

  39. Fab Cards Brenda!

    I love the first one, definitely my style of card. The second one is fun and the cat is great.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  40. Not here for the blog hop, just wanted to say two more wonderful cards Brenda, the top one is my favourite today :o)
    Jackie xx

  41. Stunning once again Brenda. I love the monochromatic tones of both.
    Wishing you a wonderful weekend with a bit of craftiness on the side.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  42. Hi, Brenda! Hope you are feeling well. LOVE your cards! The floral arrangement contains the prettiest garden scene with that beautiful coppery-like EP. The texture is wonderful, and that you even were able to stamp on top of the trellis and heat set it is lovely! In the US "Halloween" cards are either all "in" or all "out". They are fun to make on occasion, but a huge segment of the population prefers not to use the "scary" details in the holiday LOL. It's amazing how many people have morphed Halloween into fun, and it is always nice to have a fun out-let I think. :-) I've never seen stamps like the ones used in your card, and I like that you even added floral garden in the background! LOL The sentiment is sweet. hugs, de

  43. Hi Brenda love, love, love both these cards the copper colour embossing really shows up so well on the card it gives it such a wonderful look and sheen, I am not a big fan of Halloween either but you have done a smashing job with this one, two excellent makes, have a great weekend.
    lorraine x

  44. Both cards are gorgeous. Especially like the Halloween one.

  45. Love your first Springlike card Brenda - lovely sentiment. I'm not great for Halloween, but I reckon you have done a fab job on that tricky subject! Enjoy your weekend. Nicola x

  46. Love your black and white card and the cat is cute, in scary sort of way Bwahahahahahaha

  47. great job on the PPRS nailed it even if it didn't come easy! :)
