Monday 7 April 2014

Windows 8............arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Morning Peeps, well this really is going to be a short and sweet one, yep I have the new computer and yep I am hating it. Windows 8 seems a nightmare and all it's done for me thus far (despite my very fist job being to install AVG virus protection) is to infect everything including my old machine during file transfer. So I am somewhere in the wilderness and doing this on my tablet which I find very difficult for doing posts and comments because of my dexterity issues.

So really quickly my DT pieces for FlonzCraft Vintage Stamping Challengese where our theme for this month is Anything Goes and my Monday shares for Prickly Pear where we welcome our new Design Team members. It's lovely to have the new girls on board and I am so thrilled to have a fellow Brit on the team who is my lovely friend Tracy Mouse.

Afraid I can't do the candy on the tablet so will do that as soon as I have a functioning computer.


Merry said...

Brenda, I so feel for you. We have a new laptop at work with Windows 8 and I totally put off using it. I just don't like using it at all. I hope things get sorted quickly for you. Love this card, that farme is so pretty. As always I am catching up. :-)

Mounika Reddy said...

It's really hard to post from the tablet..Hope your computer will be back to normal soon..I Loved the window card and purple bow added elegance to the card

cebelica said...

Brenda, your post really made me laugh - but only because I'm in the same shoes as you. I just bought a new laptop and it came with ... Yes, you guessed right, Windows 8. It worked ok for the first couple of days, but then it required upgrade to 8.1. Ok, so I did this. And that's when the nightmare began. I didn't get a virus, but some things are not working due to some glitches. I'm SO annoyed!!! My sweetie was amazing and checked all the forums for possible soloutions (he's very good with computers), but none of them seem to be working. Many people have the same problems as me, and it's something to do with the upgrade. The easiest way to repair things is clean install (or another option is to find out which driver is causing problems, which you can imagine is VERY time consuming). :S Grrrrrr!

Anyways, sorry about this rant. I just wanted to tell you that I know how you feel and that you are not alone.

Your cards are gorgeous! Hugs! xx

debby4000 said...

Gorgeous card, love the dreamy first one and the flower one is beautiful love that frame.
Hope the PC probs sort themselves out

Juls said...

hope you get used to your new computer soon! your cards are just stunning!!! Hugs Juls

ellyscard creatief said...

That is really a nightmare.
Hope U can used very sone.
All the best.
The cards are beautiful.
Gr Elly

Astrid Maclean said...

Oh no, what a nightmare!!!!! So sorry to hear this!

Your cards are stunning like always, love the background on the top one specially, it looks amazing with that glorious sun!

Stamps and Paper said...

Brenda I feel for you having problems with your PC....hope you manage to get it all sorted our soon ....two beautiful cards totally different but equally gorgeous


cheryl said...

oh hun sorry about your pc issues hope you get it sorted soon hun,as for your cards they are so so beautiful as always hugs cheryl xx

Wendy L said...

Lovely cards Brenda.
I hate new computers, thats why, when we bought mine we got the bloke at the shop to transfer all my files, 'cos if it doesn't work right first time I want to throw it out of the window!!!!!

Beryl said...

Beautiful cards Brenday. Love the 'window' effect on the top one. So how did a brand new computer have something on it that could infect your old one? What a nightmare. Hope you can get it all back to how it should be quickly.
Beryl xx

rachel said...

two stunning cards Brenda - sorry the computer is still not working for you - they are brilliant things except when things go wrong! Big Hugs rachel xx

Eva Olmo said...

¡Beautiful cards!
You are great!

Paula (PEP) said...

That's a feat & a half uploading from your Tablet. I've had a taste of Windows 8 trying to negotiate an elderly friends computer for her - YEUGH!! Poor you - that really is not fun at all. Take care I love your interpretation of the Calla Lily - beautiful with that touch of green & the white lacey edging.
Paula (PEP)

Bad Kitty said...

I'm sorry about your computer, I did not like windows 8 so I've returned to w7.
cards are very beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda, I have windows 8 and it is a nightmare at first but with all software, you just get used to it. Personally I don't see the need to keep changing it. You've made two beautiful cards. I especially love the first one, the way the rays come down on the city and I love the leaves... it's a really inspirational card, thank you for sharing! See you soon, hugs, Amelia (mimi)

Debbie said...

Bless you dearie.computers can be fabulous but can also be the thorn in our hang in there sweetie or find a man that can,that's my motto ....2 beautiful cards to brighten up my, so stylish and pretty.Thank you again for my lovely Housemouse stamp that I won.I love it.Hugs Debbie x

Viv said...

Poor you and the darn PC - lots of peops I know don't like Windows 8 either. Am hoping my trusty PC lasts for a long long time yet!
Two gorgeous shares again Brenda - lovely soft colours for our DT and the Calla is awesome!
(My heart rate has finally slowed.......... I am going into hibernation next weekend! YNWA.) x

Donna Ellis said...

And you shall persevere, right, B!? LOL A new OS is always challenging, and the time spent learning how to use it, and all the ins and outs is such a pain! I've never had a virus since being on line 1995, and don't use any special virus protection, just in the security updates from Apple.

Now, on to pleasanter subjects! BEAUTIFUL cards, of course. Love the fold in your top card and that amazing mother-of-pearl look in the dry embossing. And that die cut frame around your pretty calla lilies is wonderful!

I hope the computer blues decrease each day as you wrestle with Windows 8. hugs mde

Ink Art Designs said...

Hi Brenda. Both of these cards look stunning! But on the first the embossing looks so fine and delicate! Both cards look superb.
Dot x

Sue said...

Your cards are gorgeous Brenda. The design and colours on your first card are stunning and I love the pretty frame around the beautiful image on your second card.
Sorry to hear about your computer problems, I hope you manage to get sorted soon.
Sue xx

Lynne K said...

Oh no, Brenda, I do sympathise! Have heard so many bad reviews of Windows 8, that's why I'm struggling on with my old laptop & Vista for as long as I can. Hope you get it sorted soon. Gorgeous cards, love the frame on the second one, where's it from?

ALI said...

Great cards Brenda sorry you are having PC issues, I' be lost if I didn't have my hubby, I'm a complete numpty with them.

Laura said...

Morning....I hear ya on the windows 8. It certainly is a whole new concept. Everything has a different place to retrieve your files and programs. I so don't look forward to any new computer...same goes with the new tvs - what's with the 5 sec delay before it changes the channel??? Anyways, my Dad told me there was a Windows 7 desktop interface you can download for your windows 8....I haven't looked into that myself - Ieave it to you to investigate.

Love love love your window card, very inviting, it really like a window box?

Pat said...

Two lovely cards, as always, Brenda. Sorry you are having problems, took me a while to get used to Windows 7 after Vista (which was an absolute nightmare), hope you soon get it sorted.

Pat xx

stampingbowd said...

Both cards are beautiful! Love all the dimension on the first card with the dreamy cut outs. I just love the soft color you achieved on your PPRS Calla Lillies

I am so excited to be part of the PPRS team with you for another term as well!!!! :)

Maureen R said...

Super pretty cards! Sorry about your computer woes. :-( You'll get the hang of it. It took me a month or two as I went from XP to 8, wow talk about a shocker!! See you next week for the hop. Hugs.

Mervi said...

Two fabulous and lovely cards!

I know the feeling, gone thru that at begin of this year, when my laptop broke.
Take care;-))m

Crafting Queen said...

Two lovely cards. Sorry to hear about your computer problems.

Lynn (delphinoid) said...

Two Lovely Cards Brenda!

So sorry to hear you are still having computer problems. I hope you get them sorted out soon. It's so annoying when you just want to do, what you think will be quick and easy and it ends up to be a nightmare.

Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

Gail L said...

Ahh Brenda, hope you sort the issues out!
Lovely cards!

Marianne said...

Beautiful cards Brenda and I know what you mean; I hate windows 8 also; all my old photoprograms don't work as I want it to work and I still use my old PC for Windows publisher and word, because I can't make my pictures smaller and print them. I loose a lot of the photo then. Hope your nightmare is over soon and you find your way in Windows 8. Good luck!!

Unknown said...

Hang in there Brenda! Love both cards!! It's nice being on the PPRS team with you as well! I know I'm gonna learn a lot!!

KT Fit Kitty said...

Oh, my, Brenda, that doesn't sound good at all with your computer! I hope everything gets sorted soon - I feel for you! But on a positive note, your two cards are lovely! I really like the dies you used! Wishing you all the best with your computers (old and new).

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Fab makes but I feel your frustration, hate computers when they cause problems. Hope you get it sorted.

KandA said...

Two more wonderful cards Brenda. Both gorgous colours and designs.
Luckily I haven't had to use Windows 8 but hubby (who's clever with computers) says he doesn't like the look of it xx

Rene' said...

Beautiful Card Brenda! So daity!! I'm lucky to be part of such a talented design team.

Crafty Lark said...

Your cards are beautiful Brenda. Sorry to hear your computer troubles, I am one of the peeps who loves Windows8 (am I allowed to say that). It comes with Windows Defender built in so you don't need additional security software. I also like using it in desktop mode as I upgraded straight from Windows XP and all my old stuff runs in it even my ancient scanner. Sending loads of hugs. xx Flora

Michelle Pearson said...

Welcome back Brenda! Love your soothing Calla Lily card! Beautiful! Hang in there with Windows 8...I feel your pain!!

Helen said...

hope you get it sorted soon - everyone I know who has Windows 8 hates it! apart from the comment from Flora, lol!! Cards are fabulous.

hellerlittle said...

Hallo Mrs. B ..... I do my fingerscross for you and hope you will get your PC sorted soon !!!
Your both Cards are (as always) stunning
CU hellerlittle

susiestacey said...

Love cards Brenda, hope you get the puter sorted soon x Susan x

Berina RGA said...

Hope you get it sorted soon... 2 lovely cards!! the window card is so nice!!
Moxie Craftie

Kathleen said...

Gosh I hate change, especially in technology, mostly because it is a man thing and they never get things right.
Two fabulous cards, great frame and love the Lillies.
Good Luck

Kath x

mags said...

Two beautiful cards Brenda. Hope you get your computer issues sorted soon. Windows 8 does take a bit of getting used to.

Rhonda Miller said...

These are both great. That lily card is beautiful.

Phi said...

Oh lovely cards Brenda. I don't like computers much but need them and when they don't do what they are suppose to do, it just poops your whole day. Hope your computer troubles go away soon.

Jackie said...

Oh dear, sorry to hear you are having problems with Windows 8. Methinks that I will settle for Windows 7 when I finally get around to upgrading from my beloved XP!
What a wonderful selection of beautiful cards for Sunday and Monday :o)
Jackie xx

Desire Fourie said...

Yip Windows 7 is still the most reliable. Have been on it for nearly 2 years and never a day's problem. Brenda, your cards are just gorgeous as always - your talent has no limit.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}

Whisper said...

Absolutely gorgeous hun and thank you so much for my gorgeous Birthday card, Luv Sam x

Leigh said...

Pretty cards, I hope you got your computer problems sorted. x

Silvia(Barnie) said...

Two wonderful new cards, cannot decide which I like best. Hope you'll be a friend with Window 8 soon. I'm glad that I'm still working with Window 7 .... Never change a running system.

Unknown said...

Wow Brenda your cards are stunning, both of them, but my fave is the first one! I love the style, and the window effect.. just fabulous!!! .. hope you managed to fix your problems with the PC! I hate them.. and so I just ask my hubby or my sons to solve them for me :P ha ha :P

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

beautiful crafting. janex

Claire said...

Hi Brenda, just playing catch up and wow both your cards are sooooooooo beautiful! Windows 8 is a real pest isn't it? We've got it at work and its given me a few more grey hairs lol. Hope you soon get used to it
Claire xx

Sally H said...

Gorgeous cards, Brenda! Sorry to hear about your continuing computer trouble. I have just invested in a mini bluetooth keyboard for my tablet and I am rather pleased with it.

Gerrina said...

Love the colours and frame on your second card! But the first is just stunning! Great how it feels like vintage, but the colours and the scenery are so modern! Hope you will win at the end from your PC.... Hugs, Gerrina

walchowDesign said...

Two beautiful cards! Don't give up on the new computer and do take a good rest and enjoy the lovely spring, Brenda!

iReneM said...

These are BOTH beautiful cards, Brenda, but my word, the first has such an amazing illusion of depth - really fantastic!!
Best wishes, Brenda and take care

Jaya Raghuvanshi said...

Love these cards ! Outstanding creations Brenda! and you are sooo right about Windows 8..this is what I feel about it all the time since I got mine!

Michelle J M said...

Oh so beautiful, that sun is magical! Two stunning cards Brenda. As I mentioned in another comment to you, Windows 8 also messed everything of mine up. Have it sorted now but really don't like it! Michelle x

Paper Profusion said...

Hi Brenda, I see you are taking a little break. Sending you warm hugs and very best wishes for your health to improve asap. Looking forward to seeing you back when you are able, in the meantime savour the time from bloomin technology! Nicola x

Paper Profusion said...

Ps. Fab cards as always!! Nx

Tracy said...

Brilliant embossing and inking on the first, gorgeous. I'm not usually one for blue, but it's such a delicate and pretty blue on the second card, and suit the lillies.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

ionabunny said...

Love the cards. The lacey frame is gorgeous on the blue background. Windows 8 is a right pain. Whatever you do don't take them up on their very persistent offer to free upgrade to 8.1 unless you have a touch screen computer. If you think 8 is a nightmare.............

Karen P said...

Both are absolutely stunning, sorry to have been mia for the last week. Just trying to catch up on some of the beautiful creations I missed. I love the first card a heck of a lot - wonderful techniques and love the colours you have used. The blue and white card is very elegant and chic. I hope you get your computer issues sorted - it drives me nuts when I struggle with them even though DH is computer literate I am not that good at it! Karen x