
Saturday 15 March 2014

Pretty in Pink

At Allsorts this week our lovely Sarah is going all Pretty in Pink, one I think will appeal to lots of us. Our sponsors are A Passion for Stamps and Nicecrane Designs

As I am a DT for both of our sponsors I have combined products from both on my cards, the images on both are new ones from Nicecrane Designs (links below). I love the pretty flower fairy on the top card with the lovely contrast of deep green and pink, printed her onto white cardstock and then used Pan Pastels to add some background and stamped some Lavinia flowers and tiny fairy. Some little handmade roses using the smallest petal punch from Ruth's Tonic Rose punch and stamp set and lace, the DP is from stash but I think may be Kaiser.

For my second card I broke the habit of a lifetime and did some colouring in as when I saw this image it reminded me of photos of a little girl growing up on a farm more years ago that I care to remember ! I coloured her with watercolour pencils and some Pan Pastels, added some ivy and roses.

Happy weekend all.


  1. Oh My Goodness - they are both so beautiful. Your colouring is superb!

  2. Beautiful cards Brenda, i suspect there will be some really pretty ones this week, xxx

  3. Such beautiful cards Brenda. I love the sweet images, pretty shades of pink and the tiny roses you have made look gorgeous.
    I hope you have a good weekend.
    hugs Sue xx

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda.
    Love your colouring and the ribbon with the two bows.
    Blessed weekend.
    Gr Elly

  5. How very lovely and romantic these cards in pink. Lovely flowers and images of Nicecrane again.
    xxx Marianne MW

  6. Beautiful cards Brenda. Those tiny roses are gorgeous - just getting to grips with larger ones at the moment (I know - years behind everyone else). For me the top one reminds me of the Wyddial carnival float when my kids were little and all the girls were dressed as flower fairies.
    Beryl xx

  7. Very pretty in pink Brenda, gorgeous card.

  8. Two lovely cards! I like the second one verry much, 'cause it remembers me of the cards I recieved as alittle girl; same feeling/style... And how gooid to see you colouring in; it looks great! Hope you have a fun weekend planed, hugs, Gerrina

  9. Two lovely cards Brenda and love your little handmade roses...


  10. Amazing cards Brenda! Can't choose between them this week, equally gorgeous! X

  11. Fabulous cards both, beautiful colouring too on the second one.
    Happy weekend, we got some new snow;-))m

  12. These cards are just beautiful.. wonderful images. I really like the ivy die you used.

  13. lovely cards Brenda! both the cards look so elegant..and I just love the tiny roses!

  14. love both your creations Brenda, loved the centre-step a teeny weeny bit more :)

  15. I don't know which to choose as my favourite of these two - I do love your soft colouring in the second one with the sublet shading - your black ribbon in her hair then picked out by the black framing of the image is masterful. The pink ribbon bows echoing her dress ribbon & those roses making one imagine that the little dots on her dress might just be tiny roses. Oh well - that's it then - that's my favourite. In the first it's your roses on the lace over the green that catches my attention with those lovely little stamped foxgloves.
    Paula (PEP)

  16. two gorgeous cards brenda. both images are fabulius xx

  17. Such beautiful feminine cards Brenda. I just love that flower fairy image on the first card. So pretty.

  18. Lovely cards, that flower fairy is so pretty.
    Lynn x

  19. Pink is my favourite colour - I love both cards! The images on both are so sweet and I love all your details. Hope you are keeping well these days, Brenda.

  20. good morning, Brenda! Two WONDERFUL little cards - both perfect for the Floral Fantasies blog! I have fallen in love with your first image - little girl dressed in petals, but both vintage images are lovely, Brenda. Hope you are feeling ok these days. Was your surgery a success? I hope so. Thanks for sharing the round easel card - I want to try a shaped easel card, too! hugs, de

  21. These are both stunning cards Brenda. Hard to pick a favourite but I think I must go for the round one.
    Love the image (reminds me of when my daughter was small and collected the flower fairy dolls) and wonderful background stamping xx

  22. Aoooo cute,,,, so unique cards,,,,,,,,I love both ones Brenda,,,,,,,and I must tell you ,,,You coloring is amazing,,,,my friend,,,,I am so proud you are on the Team,,,, . You Flower Friend Card is gorgeus and these roses are the perfect complment,,, and your Step Cards is really a delcious to watch,,,,,Ipost it in my blog,,,,, and I loved it.

  23. beautiful cards , great shapes , I love the roses on the leaves on the second card. janex

  24. Such gorgeous cards Brenda, and I love your coloring!

  25. These are fabulous Brenda. I love using pink in my cards. I haven't entered any challenges for ages. I really must try to enter at Allsorts!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  26. Gorgeous cards Brenda, and the colouring looks fab too x Enjoy the rest of the weekend x Susan x

  27. Two gorgeous cards, such pretty girls

  28. Two delightful cards Brenda. Love the shapes you have used. Both the fairy and the little girl are so cute. Michelle x

  29. Really pretty in pink, Brenda - such sweet images.
    Alison x

  30. Gorgeous cards Brenda. I love the image and shades of pink - so pretty
    Lorraine x

  31. Hey Brenda, thanks for your lovly comment *hugs
    These Cards are both stunning... even if I´m no fan of pink *lol
    love the way you made them and the nicecrane Imgae Looks so real with your coloring - great
    CU hellerlittle

  32. Wow, these are both lovely cards. I love the images you used on them.

  33. Two gorgeous cards Brenda. Love the images you have used.

  34. Two wonderful cards, great shapes.

  35. lovely cards Brenda... love the Nicecrane images... these images, do we have to color them or are they pre-colored? I see that you have colored the 2nd image.. but wat abt the 1st one?? was it pre-colored.. I would like to know more abt Nicecrane...
    Moxie Craftie

  36. Two brilliant creations, great shape cards and love the flowers.

    Kath x

  37. Two gorgeous cards Brenda, I love them both :o)
    Jackei xx

  38. Both cards are wonderful but I really love this step one :)

  39. oh hun these images are so so beautiful the detail is amazing just love the stepper card hugs cheryl xx

  40. Such wonderful creations! I like the simplicity in using the image as only focal on the top one.

  41. Oooo such gorgeous creations, Luv Sam x

  42. You always make great designs, Brenda!

  43. Lovely cards b, are you at the nec this week? T x

  44. Both card are just fabulous!! I just love that fairy stamp! The design on the other one looks fantastic too!!

  45. These are really gorgeous Brenda, I like the images and the wonderful colours.
    Kevin xx

  46. Hi Brenda! Sorry I've been such a bad blog friend! I am just catching up now! I hope you are keeping well!

    I love that beautiful flower fairy easel card, great colours. The pretty country girl is so sweet too!

  47. Oh oh ! Love pink !!! your cards are very pretty, sure !!!
    Big kisses my friend !

    1. Certainly pretty in pink Brenda. Lovely cards, Jx

  48. Delightful cards Brenda and the pink and green theme is so pretty. I like the colouring with Pan pastels i just wish they were not so expensive to buy.


  49. These are both so beautiful!

  50. Both are beatiful Brenda - love your colouring in. Hope all's well as can be. Nicola x

  51. These are gorgeous Brenda, I love these shaped cards, very pretty and the images are fabulous.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  52. Two wonderful cards Brenda - love the fairy and the pretty childhood image. Gorgeous colouring too!
    Sylvia xx

  53. wow, brenda, you've been busy! these are so pretty in pink, beautifully coloured with your w/c pencils and the tiny handmade roses are beautiful.

  54. Brenda, your images are just so beautifully coloured and incorporated so creatively on your designs. And of course I just adore your centre step design - so pleased you give it a go as I know I will probably see more of this design from you xxx
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  55. Both of these are beautiful Brenda! I have missed so many of your gorgeous creations this week, am going to visit the rest. You have coloured her so beautifully Brenda, stunning cards xx

  56. Your shaped cards are beautiful Brenda, I love the cute images and pretty roses.

  57. what a great card B. doing some catch up.. love Shaz in Oz.x
