
Monday 17 February 2014

Sneak peeks and Spring releases

Using the new Elegant Ladies CS and Graphic 45 DP's

Morning all you lovely Peeps, time for my Monday Prickly Pear DT share and also some previews of the new Nicecrane images. You sent me some lovely messages about my Prickly Pear Easter basket tutorial last week, I am so pleased you liked it and thank you for all your kind words.

For my Prickly Pear card above I have used one of the elegant crosses from the Easter 2 clear set which has four different crosses and sentiment and although I have gone with an Easter card there are so many other occasions these could be used for. I have used an embossing folder for the background, embossed the cross with detail white powder and made a Lily with Tonic's Lily punch and stamp set shading the edges with Pan Pastels and added some vines using a Cheery Lynn die.

Using Elegant Ladies II and Graphic 45 DP's

I find the Graphic 45 design papers lend themselves perfectly to the Nicecrane designs which sounds like a perfect excuse to 'need' them all and I I am itching to get my grubby mitts on the new ones released at CHA in January.

You might also like to know that Nicecrane are now creating custom made blog headers for $5, if you would like one created for your blog you can mail Ignacio here and he will work with you to create the individual look you are after

Happy Monday all, hope your week is a good one.


  1. Wow, what a beautiful selection you are treating us with today Brenda. Beautiful, one and all !! xx

  2. Stunning cards Brenda, so much detail.
    I love that trellis top die.
    Very pretty.
    Hope you have a storm free week :)

  3. Beautiful cards Brenda ,such a lovely color combies and I love the beautiful bows too.
    Gr Elly

  4. Beautiful cards Brenda. Lovely images and designs.
    I haven't seen the Fens mentioned on the news so am wondering if the rivers and dykes are behaving themselves at the moment.
    Heard nothing amiss from Wilburton but they are a little higher.
    Beryl xx

  5. Both are beautiful Brenda, and you are so right about the G45 with Nicecrane combintaion, - a great excuse he, he, he.....

  6. Oh, the Vintage Mother Card is awesome!!... that green,the papers and the image, all are wonderful . Congratulation for it !
    P.S. Can you put an ''follow by email'' button on your blog, please ? ;) Thank you, Brenda !

  7. Beautiful cards, the vintage mother one is very elegant.

  8. Stunning cards Brenda. I love the images and your designs are wonderful and always so inspiring.
    Sue xx

  9. Three beautiful cards, such lovely images and dies used.

  10. Gorgeous, elegant creations Brenda!
    xxx Margreet

  11. Beautiful cards! I particularly love the vintage Mother's Day cards you made - just gorgeous!

  12. wonderful - love these - especially the mothers day cards - really stunning xx

  13. Oooo gorgeous and classy and am loving the frame in the 2nd one too, Luv Sam x

  14. Brenda these are just so beautiful! Hugs, Robin

  15. Just beautiful!
    They must take hours!
    Hope you're well!

  16. beautiful cards Brenda ... nice images from Nicecrane and beautiful stamps from PPRS..
    Moxie Craftie

  17. Thanks for the tip Brenda, I've just put it on! Three stunning cards, perfect for Mother and Easter. I just love the colours of the last one! Michelle x

  18. Beautiful creations as always Brenda - so elegant and classy. Love your choice of colours for the vintage Mothers Day card - fabulous!
    Sylvia x

  19. I love the delicateness of the first with the way your lily colours pick put on the soft colour of the embossed cross image. The dry embossed background looks beautiful seen through your sheer ribbon. A really classy creation.
    Your second card is a real stunner with the way the paper co-ordinates with the image. Your little flowers echo those in the image perfectly & I love how your ribbon actually accentuates the soft fabric of her hat. A lovely piece of designing with all the elements cohering to form an elegant whole.
    Paula (PEP)

  20. Lovely cards Brenda, the images are delightful. Antique Mother..... well l must tell you about my valentine gift from Hubby - a plaque which say ' grandmothers are just antique little girls'....not quite sure how to take that one lol. Have a good week x Susan x

  21. I'm a big fan of graphic 45 , and a lover of vintage , lovely cards Brenda.

  22. Love how you used the dies to create all the beautiful cards with the images, Brenda!

  23. Gorgeous cards, beautiful designs and lovely vintage images.

    Pat xx

  24. I am falling in lovw with your Mother Day Cards,,,,,,Brenda,,,,and what stuning die cuts,,,,,,,contrating wiht my vintage ladies,,,,,,,You are Rock, Brenda,,,,,,,wowwww,

  25. These are wonderful cards with great details.

  26. These are amazing. Fab workBrenda. Hugs! xx

  27. Some very clever and stunning work here Brenda.

    Kath x

  28. oh hun, i am running out of words,to say when I pop on here as your creativity just amazes,me you have no idea how much you inspire us all especially me,just stunning,hun beautifully designed,and perfectly,executed,hey look at me,with these big,words,lol hugs Cherylxxxx

  29. These are absolutely gorgeous Benda,I love that frame on the second card
    Kevin xx

  30. I really love those elegant vintage Ladies Brenda! You create with them such beautiful makes!

    Also love your embossed easter make, very special!

    Ohh I love the idea of a new blog header from NiceCrane!

  31. Oh my goodness...these are beautiful! The images are lovely and the crucifix card ha ssent me off to search fot the images of it...I havebeen asked to make 60 invites for a friend's baby baptiim. She went to school with my daughters soIi think I will gift her the invites! I won a gift cert to NiceCrane so perhaps these will work!
    Beautiful always!

  32. These ladies are just in a style I like so much...I love how you made this cards with them! Just enough on them to reflect the time they are from; perfect! Have a fun day, Gerrina

  33. What a wonderful selection of cards :O)
    Jackie xx

  34. Stunning cards, Brenda.
    A lovely Easter card and a wonderful Mothers day card. I can't resist the vintage look, lol.
    Apologies for being AWOL for so long...I hope you are well :)

  35. Beautiful cards as always Brenda!

    The images are gorgeous and I really like the last card, I'm not normally a fan of green, but that card is stunning.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  36. Gorgeous cards Brenda, especially the vintage ones but they are all fantastic. Love the colours, layouts and the beautiful flowers especially on the Easter card. I hope you are doing well, take care, Shirleyx

  37. Brenda your cards never ceased to amaze me everything so different but fabulous


  38. Absolutely gorgeous, beautiful images and stunning cards
    Rosie x

  39. Hi Brenda these cards are so beautiful, the vintage ones especially appeal to me, your design techniques and choice of images and colours is awesome.
    lorraine x

  40. Przepiękne :)

  41. Such beautiful cards Brenda, love the vintage images and beautiful layouts. Carolxx

  42. A wonderful selection of cards Brenda. They are all beautiful.

  43. Beautiful work! Love them all!

  44. Stunning cards, Brenda! I love how you used that edge die - I bought one like that at Doncaster and have only used it once - love the gatefold idea!

  45. Hi Brenda, stunning set of cards and you always create such gorgeous designs and layouts for them. hugs Shirleyxxx

  46. Beautiful set of cards Brenda. I always look forward to visiting your blog and seeing your lovely work.

    My internet connection is being really awkward just now and with hubby being home so late and having tea late if it goes off I just give up and go and knit or crochet instead. Not good for blogging and visiting my favourite blogs.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  47. Hi Brenda,
    This is just a beautiful card. Love the whole card, just beautiful colors. :D You so creative. I am now a new follower. :D

  48. Such beautiful creations Brenda, the images are gorgeous and so many beautiful details on all 3 card.

  49. these are all so gorgeous brenda! i love the layouts, all the dies and the beautiful ribbon.

  50. Wow these cards are sooo gorgeous Brenda! I love them so much and waiting eagerly for the DT share.. they look beautiful!

  51. beautiful cards! using of dies and embossing have you beautiful done to make a beautiful cards!

  52. Gosh, your creative output practically takes my breath away! Great cards!
