
Thursday 15 August 2013

Retro Roses

Background of Dylusions, Retro Roses stamp set, Dream and Etched Flourish stamps, copper  embossing powder and bleaching

Morning Peeps and thank you for all your kind comments about Eliot on my last post, they meant a great deal to him and me.

The washing pile is diminishing but of course that means the ironing basket is growing and I so hate doing it, but I don't think I am alone in that one. 

And today I should be getting my new pain relief machine which works on a Inferential process, they don't come cheap but I am told they are far more effective that my old machine as they penetrate the tissue rather than the surface. No doubt the physios amongst you know more about it than I do but I gather they are used in hospitals and recently became available for home use. Anyhow I am praying it will give me some pain free periods and help at night.

Retro Roses and A Moment stamps, stamped onto a piece of old book spritzed with Dylusions postbox red and squeezed orange, cut out and decoupaged onto another book page stamped with the same image. DP is Tonic.

Tomorrow on Create and Craft there is a new Stamp Addict programme at 7pm so I thought I would share a few more of the samples I made for the show.

Special Day stamp, Graphic 45 DP and flowers made with Tonic punch and stamp rose set.

Thanks for popping in and taking a look, I always appreciate your visits.


  1. Glad to hear you should be getting some more help with the pain relief... These cards are gorgeous, Brenda.
    I am looking forward to the new season but as you say, not sure how well we'll do!!

  2. Beautiful cards Brenda, such delicate colours. Glad to see you back and I hope you do get some pain relief at night. I keep my ironing to a minimum...for shirts and specials but the rest gets folded or hung up ;0) x

  3. Such beautiful cards. Hope your pain medication works. Have a great day. :)

  4. Morning Brenda.

    Good luck with the new machine, hope it helps you,

    Your cards are gorgeous as always. Love that roses one and the sentiment on the bottom on is lovely

    Hope the ironing doesn't take too long :-(

    Hugs Kelly

  5. Fabulous cards, really unusual use of the stamp and I love the Spellbinders die cuts

    Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog

    Happy Crafting!

    Bridie@BGPayne Crafts

  6. Hello my lovely B,hope you're recovering from your adventures,we are off on ours soon,cruising to Russia so a bit different this time! I love yourcards,the use of an old book is a brilliant idea, I've got an old one n my crafty cabin that I utilise from time to time,hadn't thought to stamp on it though so thanks for the inspiration! Hoping your soon comfy with your new machine. Julie x

  7. Cards super Romantic!!! *_*
    Vale ;)

  8. Hi Brenda - hope the washing pile is shrinking. Love your projects and the colour of that first one is just wonderful, so subtle and utterly gorgeous! I really hope your new pain relief machine works for you...warmest wishes Claire x

  9. there all lovely, specially the last one, love it and the sentiment !!!!

  10. Lovely cards Brenda! Sorry I have not been around for some time :( I do hope your new machine will help you with your pain. Hope you are had a lovely holiday!
    Pearl x

  11. Gorgeous card Brenda. I love the pretty little tonic punch flowers- so pretty.
    I hate ironing too! lol
    Lorraine x

  12. Three beautiful cards Brenda. All such pretty colours. That bleaching looks interesting! Love the sentiment on the last one too. Brenda I so hope your new machine helps you with the pain and that you can have pain free nights and get some good sleep. You know, I hate most housework but ironing is not one of them! I kind of get lost in my own little world whilst doing it! Michelle x

  13. A gorgeous selection of cards Brenda. I love the colours and wonderful designs.
    I hope that your new pain relief machine helps to ease your pain.
    Sue xx

  14. Beautiful cards Brenda, lovely designs. Love the stamped images, die cuts and sentiments. Tracy x

  15. Beautiful cards Brenda.
    Love all the textured looks and the dies used on the last one are fab.

    What is the machine called do you know ?
    I have been using a tens machine physio recommended for the last few years.
    Although it can help at times it doesn't always.

    Take care honey.

  16. What a beautiful cards!! And I hope your new pain relief machine is working for you!
    xxx Marianne

  17. Super pretty creations, Brenda! Loving the roses in the very Greek looking vase!

    Lots of inky goodness! But do so love the elegant last one, beautiful papers and layers and quote- I do love my quotes!

  18. these are all gorgeous Brenda - love the subtle colouring in the first one and the beautiful dies in the final one. My run went well and there wasn't even rain - it was fabulous! Its back on now though! Hugs Rachel x

  19. Beautiful collection of cards Brenda, love the embossing and bleaching on the first one especially - sorry to hear of your pain and I hope the machine gives you the relief you so desperately need!
    Hugs Nicola xxx

  20. Love the fine colours on the first and the third card is beautiful! Hugs, Gerrina

  21. Striking example of how different the same stamp can look. Your bleaching in the first one looks so effective & I love that little soft delicate flower.
    My favourite of all is the last though - the way your shaped flowers echo the ones in the patterned paper & the effect of the polka dots on the green die-cut echoing those tiny pin pricks (possible even trellis design) of the yellow floral pattern. Hope the new machine does what it's supposed to.
    Paula (PEP)

  22. Beautiful designs with the retro roses Brenda. The backgrounds are fabulous. All three cards are beautiful. Hope you are doing well, Shirleyx

  23. Lovely cards Brenda...your first two cards using the same image are so different but equally the elegant look of your last card lovely quote...hope that you new medication works and gives you some pain relief


  24. Wonderful cards today, I love all the colours :o)
    Jackie xx

  25. Three really beautiful and different cards - love them all! S
    orry to hear that you're not sleeping well because of pain - unfortunately I know how awful that is. I hope you get some relief and rest soon.
    Got to have a lie down now cos I'm struggling to keep my eyes open grr Karen x

  26. Beautiful cards. I especially love the last one. Hope your new machine brings you some relief.

  27. Beautiful cards Brenda! I love the fresh colours on the second card and the sentiment is lovely.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  28. These are great Brenda. Especially like the last one with the lovely verse. Judy x

  29. Gorgeous card Brenda...I can't choose a fav as they all are so Beautiful... Here's hoping the new pain machine does the trick to give you some relief... Hugs May x x x

  30. Another lovely set of cards Brenda. I am glad to see that you are still crafting. Thanks for stopping by today. I love to hear from you. NancyD

  31. What a lovely collection of cards,cutting and sticking is so much more beneficial than ironing!!
    Wishing you good results with your pain relief...if you don't try, you'll never know XX

  32. These are all beautiful Brenda!!!
    Kevin xx

  33. Gorgeous cards, Brenda! Love the colours on both. Lovely to chat earlier. You will be pleased to hear my Ikea furniture is built and housing craft stuff!

  34. Beautiful cards Brenda, fingers crossed the new machine is a miracle worker x Susan x

  35. Three lovely cards and great work put into them, I love the colours of the last card.
    You have managed to make a few posts while I have been away and all the cards are brilliant and a huge well done to your Son, not surprised you are so very proud. Glad you had a great holiday, know what you mean about the ironing, phew.

    Kath x

  36. Lovely selection of cards Brenda. Glad you had a good holiday. Hope your new machine gives you some much needed relief xx

  37. Three lovely cards, all so different.

  38. These are all so gorgeous Brenda, I love the beautiful stamped border on the first one and the colours and die cuts on the last one are so pretty, apologies for being a bit rubbish at stopping by lately, I hope you had a lovely holiday and keeping my fingers crossed that the new medication helps
    Lindsay xx

  39. Oh these cards are just lovely, as always ;-) The third is so romantic love it very much ! So nice work with the inks, always a pleasure to see your creations !
    Hope the new machine will help you !
    Have a nice week-end my dear friend !

  40. Three beautiful cards.Looking forward to seeing them on the show.Gorgeous effects on each of them.Hope your pain relief machine provides you with some relief dearie.Glad the washing basket is disappearing.Hugs Debbie x

  41. All of these are great cards Brenda and fabulous samples for the show. Hope the machine is successful for you and gives you relief
    x catherine

  42. Such beautiful cards, Brenda. I particularly like the colours on the first one
    Rosie x

  43. All three are absolutely beautiful Brenda with especially wonderful dreamy effects on the first. I do hope the new machine works better for you. I'm unusual in that I don't mind ironing - I'd pop over if I was near! Hoping for more relief for you, Nicola x

  44. Gorgeous cards Brenda. Not sure I can choose a favourite but I do love the sentiment on the third one. Since I'm running a bit late visiting my favourite blogs I've managed to miss the Stamp Addict programme.

    I hope your new pain relief machine is working for you.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  45. These are all lovely. I love all the flowers. I hope you're able to find some relief.

  46. lovely cards shows your perfection in stamping dear. great

  47. Oh so beautiful cards, love them;-))m

  48. Such beautiful muted colours on the first card, and I love the gorgeous red roses stamped on the book text. I should forget the ironing if I were you - what's a few creases between friends?! Hope the machine helps out...
    Alison x

  49. Hope the new machine will give you some relief from the pain.

    Two lovely cards again! Brilliant idea to use the old book page to stamp onto...I really like that look!

  50. I hope that pain relief machine is working well for you. Two beautiful cards.
