
Thursday 22 August 2013

Lovely Lupins

Morning Peeps, it's feeling much fresher here this morning with a nice drop of overnight rain, my in house weather man recorded 1/8 inch so not a lot really and still sticky with overnight temperatures of 17deg.

A warm welcome to my new followers and thanks for all your kind comments on my last post, I had a few mails asking questions about the new machine and have answered best I can. For those of you who entered my Cricut candy bundle I will be doing the draw over the weekend and announcing the lucky winner, so if you have not already added your name there are a couple of days left to do so.

Just a quick card share of one I made yesterday using Ruth's Passions for Stamps new Lupin image, it's one of those she drew after we discussed cottage garden flowers a while back, so thank you Ruth it's beautiful. If you would like to buy it you will find it here. I do love lupins and we usually have a glorious show of them in the gardens but for whatever reason they along with the Digitalis were really poor this year so I can only think it was the long winter and strange Spring we had.

Have a good Thursday everyone and for those of you in the UK, lets hope the weather remembers it's a Bank Holiday this weekend.


  1. Good morning Brenda, we had some welcome overnight rain here too. Those are lovely lupins indeed on your card and I can see some great embossing in the background there. I love lupins but sadly so do snails and I have so many of the beggers that I have given up with growing them. Interestingly I do have great success with digitalis...yes the snails eat the buttom leaves but it does not seem to cause an issue. Fingers crossed for the bank holiday weather but don't hold your's not looking very promising ;0) x

  2. Another lovely card Brenda and the pretty lace echoes the lupin shape perfectly xx

  3. Beautiful card you made Brenda :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  4. A gorgeous card with a beautiful image. I love lupins too and you've coloured them perfectly :o)
    Jackie xx

  5. I do love Ruths flower digis and this one is gorgeous, you have made a lovely card with it too Brenda. xx

  6. Beautiful image and card Brenda. I must make more floral cards
    Hugs Kelly

  7. Oooh, this is pretty, soft and feminine.
    I love lupins too and ours didn't do badly this year :)

    I tried the link to your special candy on Tues and it is closed :(

    Have a good weekend

  8. Brilliant card Brenda, I've a purple and white in subsequent rows and absolutely love it, so much that people stand and glare at it as it's so different! Beautiful card, beautiful plant I simply adore them. Have a fab day! Ruby x

  9. Beautiful card B, I have just ordered that Spellbinders oval die set, I love it x

  10. beautiful image Brenda, Ruth's creation are very good! your colours go so well together and the design is great!

  11. This is gorgeous Brenda, I love the image and beautiful colours.
    Sue xx

  12. Lovely creation, love the butterflies and the lace!!

  13. gorgeous stamp Brenda - this is wonderful and makes such a fabulous card too - hugs xx

  14. A lovely card and I love that lupin image

    Jackie x

  15. The creamy backdrop of your image panel looks terrific against the crisp white lace. I like how the cream softens the lupins & allows the use of the bright green without it being over the top.
    Paula (PEP)

  16. Brenda, I'm so sorry I haven't been able to visit your blog for long time. I'm so happy I finally had some time for that. OMG! I know you are super talented but this is extreme! So many stunning cards! Your card with Lupins is so pretty! And the one with bird cage and leaves... Fantastic! And the India themed one... I'm casping the air. And everything else. They all are magnificent!

  17. A really pretty card Brenda. I love lupins and these look fabulous.
    Lorraine x

  18. Fabulous card, you've made that Spellbinders die look stunning, I really should stop drooling over it and go out and buy myself one!

    Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog

    Happy Crafting!

    Bridie@BGPayne Crafts

  19. Beautiful card Brenda, love that image, your colouring and the details are fantastic! Karen x

  20. This is beautiful Brenda I like the lupins the soft colours the lave and the wee butterflies.
    kevin xx

  21. This is a really pretty card Brenda. I love the soft colour of the lupins. And that is my favourite lace. It's funny how just a little piece of it makes a card special.

    We don't have any lupins but at a roundabout near our nearest town there is a stunning display of them in all colours.

    I love what you did in yesterday's post with the mini Cricut. I'm still having no broadband some evenings. I'll need to make the effort to complain because I can only get online during the day on my day off - today!

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  22. Just love your card Brenda...I love lupins always remind of my your pretty lace


  23. What a beautiful floral card Brenda. I love your choice of colours, and they do actually look like Lupins too. Judy x

  24. Oh I have lupins in my garden, love them ! And love your card, so pink, love the lace !

  25. Another great card. Love the lupins and your beautiful lace you used.
    xxx Marianne

  26. So pretty dearie.Love this image.Beautiful soft colours too.Hugs Debbie x

  27. Beautiful card, I love the color purple and lilac flowers, I find it subtle and romantic ...

  28. What a fabulous card Brenda. I love the lupins and the lovely soft colouring xx

  29. This is beautiful, love the image and very pretty and quite delicate card.

    Kath x

  30. Gorgeous lupins and a stunning card, Brenda. Beautiful!

  31. Another stunning card Brenda... the image is beautiful Love the pretty colours & design...The added lace is perfect!! Hugs May x x x

  32. Fabulous card Brenda.
    I adore lupins but for some strange reason I can never grow them.
    I have tried from seed and store bought plants but no luck.
    They just do not seem to like me.

    Strange Spring ? Did we even have one this year ? LOL
    My garden has been the same Brenda.
    The only things that have done well are the Buddleja, Phlox and Aquilegia.
    Oh and the weeds of course.

    I do hope we at least get a partial Spring next year.
    Weather here today has been extremely wet but it is quite muggy again now.
    Thunderstorms are predicted for Saturday, Sunday and Monday but still it'll be warm.

    Anywhoo enough babbling.

    Have a great evening :)

  33. Gorgeous!!! I love the lace:

  34. Beautiful card! So special as you could drand like her... Have a fun and inky weekend, hugs, Gerrina

  35. Wow, them are like those I planted in my garden! Hugs, Maja

  36. Love the mix of texture and soft colours of your card, Brenda. Summer is still going strong over here, although we did spot some clouds in the afternoons this week, quite a rarity. In the past 5 summers, we have never seen any clouds in August.

  37. This is so very pretty. I love the garden soft and pretty.

  38. This is a stunning card Brenda. And I totally agree, its feeling rather "fresh" here this morning too. In fact, its 6:30am on a Saturday morning and my nose is actually freezing!! What's up with that?? It's way too early for me to be getting a frozen nose! But then who in their right mind is up at 6:30am on a Saturday morning?? Lol. I love this card, its really beautiful. Lee x

  39. All pretty in pink! Love this, so soft and that lace is beautiful. Not seen any real lupins for ages. Michelle x

  40. as usual pretty with colours, need to learn more dear

  41. Such a lovely card, great background
    Rosie x

  42. Really gorgeous, I love the soft colours and the lace and embossing are gorgeous
    Lindsay xx

  43. What a pretty card. I love those flowers.

  44. Beautiful make Brenda! loving those gorgeous flowers, and the embossing, as well as the lace! Great combo! xoxo

  45. Wonderful many terrific textures and colours.
