
Saturday 20 July 2013

Vintage transport

A post at last but no blogging I'm afraid !

Never gone so long without posting, but it's been a rotten week, first the eye which is hopefully now fixed and just needs rest and avoiding computer glare. But things can't be simple with me and at hospital Tuesday they were concerned about an infection in my eye as well as the other problem so did a scan and discovered the source of infection on the right side of my face were abscesses beneath two crowns......can't be normal and have I had to have both teeth out yesterday. Not feeling great and being immune compromised am up against the normal problems I always face, but hopefully headed the right direction now.

On to Allsorts's where it's Wendy's turn to host the theme and she would like to see some form of 'Vintage Transport' on our work. Our sponsors this week are The Ribbon Girl and FlonzCraft.

My top card uses an image from FlonzCraft called Etched Sailship which I stamped and embossed with copper embossing powder and added some sky and a sun with Pan Pastels. A porthole effect using nesties, some gilding wax spread randomly over that and the embossed frame and finally some calico dyed in tea to age it and some shells..................fresh from the shores of Majorca.

My second card uses a Visible Image vintage car stamped onto a background of Glimmer Mists and then sections beached out to highlight it. For the base of the card I embossed a piece of card with a cog embossing folder and spritzed with the same Glimmer Mists, added some hessian and twine and some little cog embellishments.

Hope you all have a great weekend and I remain hopeful that I will feel up to getting a bit of blogging in soon.


  1. Two lovely cards Brenda hope things improve for you soon
    jacqui x

  2. Wonderful examples Brenda. The ship is fab, I can almost see Cap'n Jack Sparrow hanging out of the crow's nest!! Hope you are soon feeling better and take care xx

  3. Oh boy what a week... glad you're recovering now, and hope you enjoy the weekend. The cards are lovely, especially the second one.

  4. Beautiful cards,love the embellishments.
    Gr Elly

  5. Two lovely cards, great subtle pink shades on the first card and fab layout on the second.
    Oh poor you, can only say that I hope everything clears up very quickly and you are not in too much discomfort.

    Kath x

  6. Ouch! Not good but lucky (in a way) that the infection was picked up before it had caused you major problems - and lots of pain more than likely. Hope you are feel much better really soon.
    Two fab cards from you today - really love the colours on the top one and the coloured and embossed background.
    Beryl xx

  7. Brenda I love your beautiful sailing ship card. the pan pastels background is gorgeous. I'm so sorry to hear about your eye, your teeth I hope things start getting better for you on the health front.

  8. So sorry to hear you have yet more health issues Brenda and hope it gets sorted and you feel a lot better very soon.
    Absolutely stunning cards both and beautiful detail.
    Take care. Fliss xx

  9. Two brilliant cards but I adore the first one as I love anything to do with the sea.
    You really sound as if you are having a tough time an I do hope you are much better soon

  10. Poor you Brenda, you are having a rough time of it..hope all is sorted now and you bounce back...two great cards..I love your nautical card, the tiny shells are fabulous, love the image and the port hole is brilliant..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  11. Two beautiful cards Brenda, I love the shells on the first and the super vintage style of the second. I do hope you are soon feeling much better after your rotten week, take care of yourself and have a good weekend.

    Pat xx

  12. These are fantastic cards Brenda. I love that embellishment arrangement on the top card.
    Hugs Kelly

  13. Sorry to hear you've been having such a bad week, Brenda. Your problems do seem to come in batches. I hope you will feel better soon, in time for your trip to Greece. We will have to go to Athens shortly, to go to the Dutch embassy, because we need new passports. We're trying to go up and down in one day, since we (esp. my husband!) don't like to leave our cats for too long. I guess we've spoiled them too much. Or maybe it's simply that my DH prefers to stay at home LOL.
    I hope you wull be able to relax and enjoy a bit of summer this weekend. Take care!
    Marianne x

  14. Forgot to say I love your card, esp. the first one. I had never heard about gilding wax, but I will definitely check it out, as it gives a lovely finish to your card.
    Marianne x

  15. Hope you feel better soon, lovely cards Tracy xx

  16. These are super cards Brenda. The sea shells and the string around the porthole is so effective, love all of the embossing on both cards too. I hope you are not feeling too sore after having your teeth out and glad that you are on the mend. Michelle x

  17. Two fabulous mens card the sea themed one with the shells..and love the textures and cogs on your 2nd card


  18. Wonderful cards Brenda. I love the images, fabulous colours and gorgeous detailing.
    I hope you feel better soon
    Sue xx

  19. Love them Brenda, love those tiny shell embellishments. xx

  20. Hi Brenda, Two fabulous cards, love the porthole effect on the first one.
    Sorry to read you've not been too well. Hope you have a better weekend.
    Avril xx

  21. Two gorgeous cards brenda - wonderful - hope you get back to normal soon.x

  22. So sorry to hear that you are not doing too well at the moment, I hope you are soon sorted...hugs.
    Two gorgeous cards, they are both superb but the top one is my favourite :o)
    Jackie xx

  23. I'm so sorry to hear you're not well... hope that everything turns to the better for you. I really love these cards you made with the transport theme. They are beautiful menscards and I love all the little embellishments.
    Take care!! Hugs,

  24. Wspaniały klimat tych karteczek!!

  25. I love both of these Brenda, I like the ship the embossing and the shells,and I like the car and the cogs.
    Kevin xx

  26. Two fabulous cards Brenda, love the colour scheme on the top card,such a novel change from the usual nautical colours and I love the twine through the holes on the Nestie. Sorry to hear of your problems, hope you feel better soon


  27. Love the cards, Brenda, especially the sailing ship one. Sorry to hear that you have been going through a bad patch recently. Sending healing thoughts and hugs. Geraldine

  28. Fantastic cards Brenda, they're both gorgeous :) Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly still, really hope things improve for you soon :)

    Tags xx

  29. Oh, Brenda, I feel for you with your vision (not good anyway with MS) and teeth issues - those can make your whole body sick. I hope you are feeling better soon, and back to your old crafting self. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Sue, your vintage cards are lovely - wonderful masculine touch on both card, while using such soft pleasing colors for the ladies. The details are gorgeous, and I've pinned both cards. Beautiful. Get well hugs, de

  30. Two beautiful cards Brenda. So sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I understand what you mean about the compromised immune system, however mine is because of my meds. It really sucks though when we get an infection, rarely is it one and rarely does it clear quickly. Keep away from the computer to let your eye rest and I really hope you feel much better soon sending you huge hugs Karen x

  31. Hope you feel better soon Brenda. Both your cards are beautiful.

  32. Stunning cards both of them, but specially love the one with the shells, it looks fantastic with that gauze underneath.

    So sorry you are not feeling well, hope things will get better soon!!

  33. Two really wonderful cards Brenda. I especially like the portal looking out at the ship. So sorry to hear about the teeth and all that they caused. Now that they are out you should start to feel better and you can come back to blogging. NancyD

  34. Perfect male cards Brenda. Love the porthole on the first one and the shells are a lovely touch as are the cogs on the second one.

    Sorry to hear you're feeling so unwell. What a terrible week you've had. Hope you're beginning to feel a bit better now.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  35. Two fabulous cards hun...and I hope you feel better soon.....:o)

    Take care...biggest of hugs Vicky xx

  36. The priority must be your health so do take care - I can imagine you are thoroughly frustrated by it all & one thing leading to another. It can get very wearing when it just goes on & on. I do love that first card & the way you threaded the scalloped circle so it looks like a porthole or lifebelt The distressed background looks super with the calico & shells too.
    I like the way you have made cards with two different modes of transport - land & sea.
    Paula (PEP)

  37. These are both so fantastic Brenda and I especially like the red/pink colours with the ship. Hope your feeling a little better and getting plenty of rest.
    x catherine

  38. Hope you feel better soon, poor you. Love the cards.

  39. Oh my word Brenda these are both fantastic, I totally love that top nautical themed card the image, distressing and those seashells look awesome, the vintage card is a big favourite of mine, superb work.
    lorraine x

  40. Tow wonderful cards Brenda :)
    My heart goes out to you 2 abbess's and extraction !!!
    Hugs Von ♥

  41. Bless you Brenda it does'nt rain but it pours for you... I hope your mouth is healing well & the eye is on the road to recovery also...Both cards are Fabulous, Love the images & great designs... Love the porthole effect you created on the first! Hugs May x x x

  42. Gorgeous cards Brenda, hope you are feeling better soon :) Cathy x

  43. Great cards Brenda! Feel better soon!

  44. Oh Brenda both cards are awesome!!! I love the look of the first one! Nautical theme is really fantastic... and colours fab.
    Barbara GR

  45. Absolutely gorgeous cards, can't decide which is my favourite.
    I do hope you start feeling better soon,
    Rosie x

  46. Your cards give a real vintage look that I so like. The first is my favorite, because of the great skye you made! Sending some positive energy to you to help to heal! Hugs, Gerrina

  47. O wow Brenda these are really stunning, both so beautiful and elegant. I love the vintage look on the first one and all the beautiful shells from Majorca :) Love it xxx

  48. Hugs to you Brenda, it never rains it pours - right! I hope you're on the right track now and theres no more hurdles for you to jump!!!

    Looving these amazing vintage makes Brenda! So inspiring!

    I just love the addition of the seashells on the porthole boat one, all ingenious ideas!.

    Great car one too with the gears and spritzes.

    Loving the calico and hessians too! I need some of those hehehee

  49. Beautiful and fabulous cards!
    Hope things turn better soon, take care;-))m

  50. Brenda your cards are gorgeous, love the die cut around the top one, it's perfect with the image and the shells are beautiful. My gosh I'm sorry that you sure face many challenges. I hope your eyes improve soon, take good care, Shirleyxx

  51. Wow, I love these, Brenda!
    Alison x

  52. Brenda, hope you'll feel better soon. Will keep my fingers crossed. Both of your cards are wonderful.

  53. Hope you're feeling a lot better soon.

    Both of your cards are fantastic. I love the image and shells on the first one and the stamp on the second one.

  54. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time, hope things start improving. Love both cards especially the first one.

  55. Don't worry Brenda for the comments, i'm a bad blogger this time too (because of the sun ;-))
    I'm sorry to hear your problems of health, hope you feel better soon my dear friend, i think of you ! Take card of yourself ok ?
    So, your cards are wonderful, just love loooove loooooooove the first !!

  56. So sorry to hear of your eye and teeth problems. you have to deal with so much already, it seems unfair...

    Do not worry about comments...I would be visiting your blog if you never commented again...I love your work! Spend your energy wisely by getting better if you can and do not worry about us. your health comes first.

    I will not be commenting as much as I am off to England for the whole month of august. I am so excited as I was not able to travel that far for the last 6 years...DH has been during that time but took our eldest daughter as my doctor would not OK me to travel. Now I finally had that back surgery, I can now travel me and my walking poles hit England shores in August 2nd!!! YAY!

    We will visit family, sightsee off on our own for a few day and then spend about 12 days at the seaside in Filey, lazing about walking on the beach, hanging out at the beach hut and generally relaxing...something I do not seem to do at home! DH Mum was a war bride from he loves to go back to stay there the longest.

  57. So sorry to about your eye and teeth problems, Brenda! Hope you will feel better soon with some help of the lovely weather at the moment. Take care!

    Two lovely vintage cards especially one with all the different shapes of shell.

  58. hey Brenda,

    Hope u r feeling better now...

    These two cards are just fabulous. Love the way you have embellished both the cards... The sea shells in the frst one and clogs n gear in the second... Love the color combo in the first card while the second one stood out with its gorgeous Vintage style..


  59. Your cards are fabulous Brenda. I love the colours and embossing. Hope you feel better soon Brenda and take care of yourself.

  60. Jestem pod wrzeniem, wprost cudne :) pozdrawiam

  61. Hi Brenda, oh wow what a stunning pair of cards, and such lovely images, they will be so useful for male cards. hugs Shirleyxxx
    Hope your feeling

  62. Hi my dearest friend^_^
    Hope all is very well with you^_^
    Your last creations are fabulous as always,you are so talented^_^
    I love the shells^_^
    Big big hug,

  63. Fantastic cards sweetie.Loving all the texture.Can't comment much either due to my head so I'm sending you a big hug.Take it easy.Hugs x

  64. These are two stunning cards, Brenda.

    I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so poorly
    and hope you get better real soon.


  65. Hi Dear Brenda, just popping by to say that I really hope things are improving with your eyes?Please take it easy. I love these 2 creations especially the vintage much great detail. Thanks as always for stopping by my blog, you leave such kind thoughtful comments and I really love to read them. We are off up to London today to celebrate our 32nd wedding anniversary..where did those years go ;0) Happy Thursday my friend, Jane x

  66. Oh wow wow wow, once again I don't have words. These are just so stunning. So adore the rustic feeling to both. Awesome masculine designs.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  67. hello Brenda, beautiful cards to see here on your post.
    and I hope you feeling little bit better. and I don't mind that you can't up with bloggen to comment, at this moment. I come to you, okay.
    I wishing you good day's with what you now are doing.

  68. Both are perfect!!! Congrats!!!

  69. Sending you a BIG hug Brenda!!!! xxxx

  70. Sending you a BIG hug Brenda!!! xxx

  71. Sending you a BIG hug Brenda!!!! xxxx

  72. These are both so gorgeous, I love the colours and textures on both and the images are beautiful, I hope you are recovering well, no wonder you felt so bad
    Lindsay xx

  73. Such an awesome scenery created with the sea themed card...gots to find me some shells! So creative!

    xx Tracey xx

  74. Both fantastic cards! I love the colour themes and the images are great.

    Happy Crafting!!! :) X X

  75. I love it! The detail of the boat, nets, shells ... it's gorgeous!
    A kiss, Beatriz
