
Saturday 6 July 2013

Parisian sunset

Saturday morning and time for our new challenge at Allsorts and this week we would like you to share your 'Favourite Things' with us. Our sponsors this week are DigiStamp Boutique and My Mums Craft Shop.

Dilemmas or what, Distress Inks or Pan Pastels, flowers or a scene, well in the end the Pan Pastels won the day along with a Parisian scene and it's another take on the card I blogged last week as I am still in Parisian mode. Again I used the Clarity Parisian mask to create the background along with PP's then paper pieced a lady and grounded her with some darker PP's and a Stampscapes cobble stamp. The Oak branches are also Stampscapes and the grasses in the front are Indigo Blue.

When I showed this one to number one critique his comment was "will she or won't she" when I said will she what he replied "jump", I actually thought it gave the impression she was looking down over the City from a park somewhere on the outskirts, clearly he saw something different to me !

Happy weekend to you all and time allowing will be popping round over the weekend.


  1. you always rock in your scenic creation brenda, it is so beautiful

  2. Gorgeous scene Brenda. xxxx

  3. Good morning Brenda and a beautiful one it is.
    I'm with you on her looking out over Paris.
    Funny isn't it how men always see something different?
    I guess it's the romantic in us :)

  4. Oh and amazing card by the way. LOL

  5. Ooob la la, tres bien mon ami!
    Excuse any wrong spellings,it's been 33 years since I wrote a y French! Have a great weekend, Julie x

  6. Wonderful card Brenda, and Hubby's comment just shows how differently people's minds work :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Love the rays from the sun and the paper piecing.

  8. Typical chap...made me laugh though!! It's a beautiful card and I thought perhaps she was waiting for her beau. Have a lovely weekend x

  9. Lol, No she is not going to jump she is looking at that magnificent sun! Another wonderful card Brenda. Just love that sun, the trees, grasses, Oh hell, everything! Michelle x

  10. I would rather think she's clearly staying away from the edge, because she's afraid of heights even though she does like the view. Hmmm, that sounds like me, really, LOL.
    Another lovely Parision scene, Brenda.
    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Marianne x

  11. lovely card Brenda great scene creation xx

  12. Stunning card Brenda. Such a beautiful scene and the colours are gorgeous.
    I hope you are having a good weekend
    Sue xx

  13. I thought she was just looking at the city landscape, but now I know what he mend LOL. But I think it's a beautiful scenery card. Lovely stamps and colours btw.
    xxx Marianne

  14. Beautiful, romantic cityscape... if she were to jump, she'd surely fly!!
    Alison x

  15. I'm with you on this one Brenda. I thought she was enjoying the beautiful sunset over the city from a hilltop somewhere.

  16. Your DH is too funny! I don't think she will jump at all...She is just being a bit pensive...looking down at her favourite city and planning her day!

    Beautiful card Brenda!

  17. You always create the best scene's Brenda, this is absolutely beautiful xx

  18. this is so beautiful Brenda - love it xx

  19. Beautiful scene, and what is it hard to choose... For me I don´t have so much stash with me on the road this weekend, so choose for stencils and Caas. But Panpastels and DI are the two that would make my choise so much difficultier if I had been home... Have a sunny weekend, hugs, Gerrina

  20. What a beautiful elegant card, I love the background you have created for the Parisienne lady

    Jackie x

  21. Wonderful card!
    I took it as her looking over the city!
    I did have a giggle when I read the post!

  22. Beautiful card Brenda, love the colours and the background scene x Susan x

  23. A gorgeous card Brenda. The scene you've created looks fabulous.
    Hope you're having a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  24. Such a gorgeous card Brenda I never even thought she was doing anything but looking a a beautiful skyline!
    Strange how different people see things differently.
    Avril xx

  25. Hi b, sorry for the late visit, beautiful card. First night in the new pad tonight x

  26. Well, I looked at this card and thought the same as you, then after reading your Hubby's comment, went back and totally agreed with him and couldn't get that thought out of my head.
    Fabulous card, great image and wonderfully put together.

    Kath x

  27. Gorgeous scenic card, the sun looks amazing :) Cathy x

  28. What a lovely card :) wish I was there looking at the sun set :)
    Von ♥

  29. Fabulous, gorgeous colours and love the scene

  30. Stunning scene B, I love the rich colours x

  31. I so love the Parisian landscape there, perfect colours and adore the pretty dressed girlie.

  32. Beautiful scene Brenda, Love the images & colours...To me she is admiring the Wonderful view....Hugs May x x x

  33. Hi Brenda
    I love your choice of images, beautiful paper piecing, and the design too, totally gorgeous
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  34. Your card is beautiful Brenda. I love all your techniques you used.
