
Wednesday 3 July 2013

A fenland meadow

Morning to you all, hope your week is going well. Thanks you for all you kind comments on my Parisian scene on Monday and also welcome to my new followers.

I thought I would share the birthday card I made for hubby, I did think it had already been blogged but seems not so here it is. I started by stamping the trees with black archival ink, the large one is Creative Expressions and the small one Stampscapes, then created the background with Pan Pastels and finished by stamping the Sutter Stamps fence, Hobbyart sheep, birds and branches adding a little watercolour here and there to highlight. The sheep stamp is a long one with six on it but they are all in a bit of a row so I ink the stamp in sections to give a more random look. I then rub out the Pan Pastels..............that's the great thing about them....... and add a little white micron pen to lift them.

Hope you all have a good Wednesday.


  1. What a lovely card Brenda, looks just like when the mist is lifting. I don't know about you but our grass is really sparse this year (helpful for my laminitic) thank goodness we don't make any hay! Have a good day x

  2. Wonderful scene Brenda, your work always amazes me.
    Hugs Kelly

  3. Brenda your card scenes never cease to amaze me.
    The way you put them together and the way you use the pan pastels is just fabulous.
    Awesome card once again :)

  4. Hi Brenda...I bet hubby loved his card! My favourite thing with PP is that you can rub it out so easily too. This is such a peaceful scene Brenda. Very relaxed.
    Dot x

  5. A gorgeous scene Brenda. I bet your hubby was chuffed to bits to get this. I'm going to trawl back to your earlier post regarding the up and coming changes to blogger. It made sense at the time but of course - it didn't stick. Lots of weird things happening at the moment.
    Beryl xx

  6. Oh Brenda this isn't a card it really is a work of art. Fabulous scene love everything about it
    Eileen x

  7. Your card is so pretty. I love this landscape scene.
    Hugs, Uta

  8. Lovely scenery. Beautiful sky and trees. I always admmire your trees... they look so real :-)
    xxx Marianne

  9. Great card! CYou always make the best scenes...will have to look through my stamps to see what could go together and finally give this a try...mine are always the wrong size so don't give the right perspective!

  10. Another beautiful scene Brenda. I love the way you have done the leaves in the trees, so artistic. I could go on and on! I didn't realise you could rub out Pan Pastels. Michelle x

  11. I love your country scenes Brenda, this one looks great. xxx

  12. Oh so sweet sheeps, love them ! A wonderful scene again, fantastic !

  13. Another beauty Brenda. Love it! Judy x

  14. Really beautiful card, Brenda. I look and look but I can't figure out how did you made the leaves on the tree. They look fantastic!

  15. Stunning card, love it all

  16. The fact that you rearrange the sheep is delightful & the whole scene you created so evocative of the rural English scenery. I love the multiple greens of the trees & your branches peeking into the picture's view.
    Paula (PEP)

  17. Another beautiful scene. I love your gorgeous trees.

  18. Lovely card and I like the idea of rubbing the Pan Pastels out.

  19. such a beautiful card Brenda - love the colours and the trees - especially those in the corner - fabulous xx

  20. Lovely card - that sunset sky is beautiful!
    Alison x

  21. amazing!! what a beautiful scene, and how you colour the trees looks stunning, just like real.
    beautiful nature with amazing colouring!!! a fantastic card for your hubby!!!!

  22. Great scene you created.Happy birthday to your hubby.

  23. Beautiful card Brenda, those sheep are so cute and fluffy :D Love the colours, so gorgeous :)

    Tags xx

  24. Hi Brenda, another stunner! Those tree stamps are brilliant, they look so life like! Great card hun! Hugs Frea

  25. Beautiful card Brenda, lovely scene you have created.

    Pat xx

  26. What a lovely scene you created for your hubby Brenda, I hope he had a great birthday xx

  27. A beautiful card with a lovely scene! You used nice stamps and the colours are fab. hugs, Marlies

  28. Nice card, Brenda. My week has been very nice too. Thanks.

  29. A brilliant card for your Hubby. the scene you've created looks fabulous. I hope Hubby had a good birthday.
    Lorraine x

  30. Gorgeous card Brenda and love the trees in full leaf too.
    x Susan x

  31. What a beautiful card Brenda. A really lovely scene for your hubby's card. I'm sure he must have been delighted with such a special card.

    Take care,

    Kat xx

  32. Absolutely stunning card Shirley x

  33. Wonderful card, Brenda! I bet Eddy loved it! Great foliage on the trees too.

  34. What a gorgeous card I bet your husband loved it

    Jackie x

  35. Gorgeous hun...:o)

    biggest of hugs Vicky xx

  36. Just stunning, such a fab scene and so very clever, wonderful colours and seeing cards like this makes me think that I should pack it in. Lovely day, thank you.

    Kath x

  37. Wow Brenda, what an absolutely beautiful scene, I like everything about it!!!!
    Kevin xx

  38. BAA-utiful, Brenda! :D

    Love how realistic the trees and sky looks and the sheep!

    Are you familiar with Donna Downey? she does a lot of stuff with panpastels... I've just signed up for a few mixed technique and product classes she is doing here in Australia in September up in Brisbane. Its good to have something to look forward to and be excited about! :-)

  39. PS; Also meant to say Thank You for your kind words and comments! I appreaciate them a lot and your friendship xoxo

  40. Hallo,
    was für eine tolle Landschaft,einfach Klasse,ich bin begeistert,
    LG Ulrike

  41. Gorgeous card Brenda, Love the beautiful scene you have created...I hope hubby had a great birthday....Hugs May x x

  42. Brenda this is fabulous and so full of details, wonderful scene you've made.

  43. Wonderful selection since my last visit Brenda, I am always in awe of your beautiful scenes. Hopefully I am back to stay this time:o)
    Jackie xx

  44. You are so clever with your scene card and this is gorgeous

  45. A lovely scene. Makes me homesick tho. Living here in Cyprus you don't see sheep grazing in the fields. We have the wild Mouflon but they are shy creatures and rarely seen....bit like the deer in Scotland. Thank you for allowing me to remenise (sp. lol)
    Wynn x

  46. Lovely scenic card, Brenda - so peaceful, tranquil, and just lovely - your husband will enjoy it. I am especially enamored with your trees - beautiful shades, and prolific leaves - just lovely (I know I keep using that word, but that's what it is).

  47. Beautiful scenery! Love the sheep and fence! Hugs, Gerrina

  48. This is a fabulous scene Brenda. Love the trees.
    Hugs Sharon x

  49. That'a a fantastic scene, great coloring and images.

  50. Really lovely card Brenda which I'm sure your husband loved.I am gradually unpacking and repacking to head off to Colvend coast on holiday with the family.......we are all very excited! We have been promised some decent weather so we'll wait with bated Have a lovely summer Brenda. Cheers Claire x

  51. Such a beautiful scene, I love the colour of the sky
    Lindsay xx
