
Thursday 6 June 2013

Fishing on the lake

Morning Peeps, it's another quickie I'm afraid, not that I am rushing to the office, more the need to keep away from the computer as I am having one of those silly dizzy phases where the whole world is on the move and laying flat seems the only answer.............C'est la vie avec MS.

All I managed yesterday was to finish me new blog header, I thought I would go with a summery scene for a while now that everything is so lush and green and the poppies will be out soon just as they were when this one was taken last year.

The above card is just a little scene I created for a class using Pan Pastels, Stampscape stamps and I think the sentiment is from a Sheena Douglass set.

Have a good Thursday everyone, I shall do my best to get round when my visual world keeps still long enough.


  1. Love the photo in your header and the card is wonderful. Have a good day.

  2. hope this phase goes quickly, the card is beautiful, as is the blog header. take care.

  3. A gorgeous scene Brenda - the shading of the background is superb. Love the new blog header. Great vista.
    Hope you are feeling better soon.
    Beryl x

  4. This card is so beautiful. I love your scene stamping.
    Hugs, Uta

  5. Wow Brenda this is wonderful.
    Gr Elly

  6. Morning, Brenda! Your scenery cards are always fabulous and this is no exception! I love your use of pan pastels to give a soft, watercolour feel and your compilation of stamps creates the scene beautifully! Hugs, Lisa x

  7. So serene Brenda, very pretty. xxx

  8. Lovely scenic card Brenda...


  9. Oh Brenda, your header and this card is fabulous.
    I just adore the way you create your scenes.
    I hope the dizzy spells pass soon honey.
    Have a great day.

  10. Lovely new header! You live in a beautiful area!

    Love this lake scene with the fisherman!

    Sorry to hear you are dizzy, here is hoping it passes quickly for you xoxo

  11. oh wow this is just amazing hun love this too bits,would love to spend a day with you hun as your scenes you create are just amazing,hugs Cherylx

  12. Such a peaceful tranquil scene, my son in law would love this

  13. Your new blogheader is beautiful! We have to be patient to see the poppies outside again... Love the scenery you made; so quiet and a place to dream away... Hope you will be the center of a "normal" world again soon so you can enjoy the sun... Hugs, Gerrina

  14. this is a super card.

  15. The blog header looks super & I love your atmospheric photography with those leaves for the card - the orange matting is a delight.
    Take care of yourself - my invalid is slowly recovering though I'm still tying his shoelaces.
    Much love & hope that you very quickly have a stable view of things again.
    Paula (PEP)

  16. I love your new blog header! The scene on your card you created looks lovely! I wish I was there. Hugs, Hanneke

  17. Gorgeous card Brenda. I love the scene you've created - so tranquil.
    Gorgeous new header too.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Lorraine x

  18. I so love these scenic cards Brenda. The detail is wonderful. Hope you are feeling better. Michelle x

  19. Wow this is a beautiful scene Brenda.Such a lovely piece.You rest dearie and look after yourself.Sending you a big crafty hug.Debbie x

  20. This is so beautiful, Brenda. I love this scene. Your coloring is fabulous. Specially the sky. Stunning card!

  21. Stunning card, your beautiful scenes are always so gorgeous. A lovely, serene scene :o)
    Jackie xx

  22. Lovely scene, Brenda, and lovely new blog header! Hope you feel better very soon. xx

  23. Very peaceful card. Makes me want to relax in nature myself. Hope you feel better soon

  24. I love your new blog header.

    Your card is stunning. I love the scene.

  25. Get stable soon Brenda, nothing worse than a spinning world. Your blog header is a feast for sore eyes, just beautiful as is that gorgeous relaxing card....I did get a peaceful easy feeling just by popping in here xx

  26. Hi Brenda, so sorry to hear you're not feeling so well! I do hope you'll be better soon! Your card is simply stunning, I need to put those pan pastels on my wishlist, and I love the scene you created with those gorgeous stamps and the pastels. Your new header is simply stunning too! That field of poppies looks amazing!

  27. What a lovely scenery card. Love the silence and peacefullness of this card. Great!!
    Hope you feel better soon!
    xxx Marianne

  28. Oh so nice scene, relax, love that :-)
    Superb new header !
    Take care of yourself my friend !

  29. A fantastic card Brenda! I love the scene you created. I hope you are feeling a bit better! hugs, Marlies

  30. Very beautiful work
    Great made
    and wonderfully decorated

  31. Stunning card Brenda. A really peaceful and beautiful scene.
    I love your new blog header too.
    I hope you feel better soon
    Sue xx

  32. Hallo Brenda,deine karte ist der Hammer einfach Klasse,liebe Grüße Ulrike

  33. Absolutely beautiful card Brenda the scene is so peaceful and I love the colours.
    Kevin xx

  34. Oh poor you, hope that aears off soon. Love the new header and what a serene card, take care xx

  35. That's a wonderful and very peaceful scene.

  36. Absolutely stunning scene you have created Brenda, love the new blog header too. I do hope you are soon feeling better and that your dizzy spell soon passes.

    Pat xx

  37. Hi Brenda that scene is amazing the colours look ACE, oh dear it is sending me into my world of dreams and fantasy, I would love to be there.
    lorraine x

  38. It certainly is a lovely peaceful scene, and so very cleverly done, love the whole thing and I also love your new blog header such a fab photo.

    Kath x

  39. Beautiful as always hun...:o)

    biggest of hugs Vicky xx

  40. Truly gorgeous card, hope you feel better soon,
    Rosie x

  41. this is just wonderful Brenda - really stunning love it to bits xx

  42. Stunning scene my friend. Hope you feel better soon and the dizziness goes away.

  43. Fantastic card as always Brenda, love this peaceful scene, so beautiful. Your new header is gorgeous too, love those poppies :)

    Sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch, hopefully things will pick up again soon - take care and feel better!

    Tags xx

  44. Blooming gorgeous, so soft and beautiful, awesome blending and fantastic stamping. Rest well, hope you feel less dizzy soon Karen x

  45. Vau Brenda, this card is so beautiful. I like the "scene" stamping!
    Hugs, Andreja

  46. Wow, you have created a stunning scene Barbara.

  47. your new blog header is so attractive and colourful. i just wonder from where you get all these scenic beauties. awesome. hope you will share the secret soon brenda :)

  48. A quickie?? Oh my goodness Brenda, your pan pastel work is amazing. That is such a beautiful scene. Love the sentiment from the Eagles song, played that song a lot last year and I still love it :-) hope the weather is being as good to you as it is to us, yes we even have sunshine in Northern Ireland! Maddy x

  49. it maybe a quickie card for you but it will take ages before I can even do this amazing card, Brenda! beautiful new header! enjoy the lovely sunshines!

  50. Hi, Brenda! Thank you for the enjoyable evening I just experienced, catching up on your blog, and seeing all the new things you have been up to. Always a pleasure seeing your techniques and the many ways you incorporate flowers into your cards. I am enjoying the new techniques in your cards - with gorgeously colorful backgrounds and pretty flowers that can be found only in Brenda's Art Garden. Your scenic fishing card is really pretty with the soft colors of dawn, and the cozy backdrop of quiet nature. Just lovely! hugs, de

  51. You're so clever B, your header looks brilliant,might take me a while to get used to where I am though;) loving your little scene,I feel the need to play after seeing this. Hope your MS settles again soon. Have a good weekend xxx

  52. Your blog header is beautiful as too is that fantastic scene on your card. I hope you feel better soon.

  53. This is such an Idyllic scene, I so wish I was there LOL!
    Your new header is fab too, love it!
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  54. Sorry to hear your MS is being nasty again, Brenda. I hope this dizzy spell will pass soon! Stunning photograph, making a wonderful new header. Love your tranquil scene, the orange border is the perfect frame.
    Marianne x

  55. Wowww,this is really peaceful card^_^
    Hugs my friend,

  56. Sorry to hear your MS is on a flare. My uncle had MS...I remember how he had his ups and downs. Prayers here that this too shall pas and better days will resurface as quickly as possible.

    You've made another of your well known scenes...loving the title!!! Great scene Brenda.

  57. Beautiful scene. I love the sky and the reflections

  58. Sorry to hear you have been having the nasty dizzy spells, I hope they have gone now, this scene is absolutely stunning Brenda, just so beautiful
    Lindsay xx

  59. Oh B. what a wodnerful card .. have those images and yes now have the beloved Pp too and well you make me want to use them again funny am in making Christmas card frenzy for some reason but will change now think as have enough for this point of the year and have a break!! please do take it easy dear B. very frustrating, love Shaz in Oz.x

  60. Stunning scene beautifully colored, loving the new blog header, really summery.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog

    Happy Crafting!


  61. stunning!! amazing image. what have you coloured the sky so good! beautiful!
