
Thursday 20 June 2013

Christmas in June ?

Using the dove image from Snowflake Splendour stamps sheet, stamped onto a background of Pan Pastels and Etched Flourish stamped round the edges

Morning everyone, hope your week is going well. A a warm welcome to my new followers, it's lovely to have you aboard.

As promised some shares of the samples I have been working on for Stamp Addicts next show on Create and Craft which is Tuesday 25th at 2pm. Christmas in June is hard going for me as I said the other day, but I managed to get the seasonal spirit going long enough to get my bundles of samples finished and on their way to Sarah.

Using the Noel's gorgeous and is a card all on it's own with very little added........stamped onto black gloss cardstock with Versafine and gold perfect Pearls dusted over.

Using the Christmas Pudding stamps from the Christmas Holly stamp sheet

Thanks for looking Peeps, have a good Thursday. Soon be the weekend again, wonder what the weather will have on store for us, lets hope it's a warm one.


  1. God morning Brenda.
    All these cards are absolutely stunning.
    Such pretty colours as well.
    We had temps of 26 yesterday and it was just beautiful.
    Today we have been forecast heavy thunder showers and Friday, Saturday and Sundy we have 93-97% chance of heavy rain.
    That's us down on the south coast anyway.
    Looks like a crafting week-end to me LOL
    Have a good day hun :)

  2. All three are gorgeous but the gold 'Noel' is stunning and classy, xxxxx

  3. I am not in the mood for Christmas eather, perhaps it's the weather LOL. But your cards are very lovely and I adore the golden Noel.
    xxx Marianne

  4. Beautiful sslection of Christmas cards Brenda, lovely holy die and fab wee Christmas Pud on the last one. Carolxx

  5. Gorgeous card Brenda, hard to believe we are half way through the year already x Susan x

  6. A wonderful selection of cards Brenda. I love the images and fabulous detailing
    Sue xx

  7. Hi Brenda, Fabulous cards,love the 'Noel' one.
    Have the show set for record, will look for your samples.
    Avril xx

  8. Oh fantastic Christmas cards ! Love the gold and black card, a beauty !

  9. Fabulous cards Brenda. Love the shape of the first one and the lovely lilac colours. I have looked and looked but cannot make out how you did the fringe on the "Noel" one, it looks amazing. The third one is gorgeous too, love the holly hanging behind the bow. Michelle x

  10. Beautiful cards Brenda, I like the designs but I love the Noel with the hanging pearls so classy and elegant, I hope you are keeping well.
    Kevin xx

  11. wow beautiful Christmas cards, will lookout for these on C&C. The second is my fav so elegant and classy . janex

  12. three stunning pieces Brenda - I especially love the purple one - gorgeous xx

  13. You are amazing, Brenda. How were you able to make so beautiful Christmas card in summer time? In every November and December I think I could make Christmas cards all year around but in January I can think only for spring and summer cards.
    Your cards are stunning. I love them all. Liquid pearls on the last card looks like berries. So cool.

  14. It's your Noel that really grabs my attention - a real stunner that one. Super the way your ribbon in the last one echoes the holly on the pudding. The shining moon/sun behind the dove sets the scene so beautifully & aptly within the arch shape - like a church window.
    Paula (PEP)

  15. I don't think it's ever too early to start working on your Chriastmas cards. So good for you for starting so early! :) They are all wonderful! Hugs! xx

  16. All these are gorgeous. But I really love the NOEL card. The black and gold really makes a statement.

  17. I work on Christmas all year round. Three lovely cards, especially the middle one, so rich looking

  18. gorgeous cards, love the dove

  19. A trio of delight but I must say that NOEL card steal s the show...What a stunner!

  20. All three are beautiful Brenda, but Noel also jumps out at me, bold & beautiful! I hope your day is going well, Shirleyx

  21. Beautiful creations Brenda, all three are gorgeous. I think the first one is my favorite one though because I just love the background effects you created.

  22. All are so beautiful Brenda, also your ladt one.
    lovely greet

  23. What a wonderful selection of cards :o)
    Jackie xx

  24. Beautiful selection of Chrismas cards. Especially love the first one.

  25. Beautiful Christmas cards Brenda. As you say it's difficult to think of Christmas in June. I have very few Christmas cards done so far. In fact I can't seem to find much time to do anything. To crown it all I'm out to a concert tonight and a car treasure hunt tomorrow.

    Kat xx

  26. Absolutely stunning Brenda - and you make it look effortless. The black and gold is a masterpiece - fabulous and so designer-esque! Karen x

  27. Three fabulous cards Brenda! I do love the simplicity of the gold and black, it's one of my favourite combinations. I need to get my arse in gear and start on the Christmas cards for the hospice craft fair soon, I've usually got loads left over from last year, but they all sold and I have to start from scratch this year! Thanks for the inspiration. Maddy x

  28. What beautiful cards, I love that Noel one
    Rosie x

  29. Gorgeous cards Brenda, love the NOEL with the beautiful pearly fringe.

    Pat xx

  30. Gorgeous cards, Brenda. The Noel one is very striking and I love the colours on the top one.
    Nikki x

  31. oh gorgeous cards Hun just love your work,striking designs,and detail as always hugs Cherylxxxxxxxxx

  32. Wow, these are beautiful. I love the background of the first one.

  33. They are all so beautiful Brenda and great seasonal makes. Will have to try and look out for the shows
    x catherine

  34. Oh! How unexpectedly Christmasy! Love it! The purple with the ornate window looks so pretty, Brenda, especially with the light stamping around the edges of your beautifully shaped card. Your Noel card is amazing! Love the gold beading/pearls - did you color them pearls yourself? It's a fabulous idea, and I'm glad you mentioned it. I especially like the muted strips in the tan/kraft colored holly die cuts in your last card. They are really pretty! Lovely cards, Miss B. hugs, de

  35. Beautiful cards; Brenda :-))
    I like all!

  36. Gosh you have been so busy since I last visited Brenda. All so lovely too. Happy Weekend. Judy x

  37. Your second card is so stunning! Love the colours on the first one (a douve is always beautiful in this way, as long as thet don´t shit on my gardenbench...) Stil think it´s too earley to start with X-mascards for me... Have a creative and fun weekend! Greetings, Gerrina

  38. I haven't had a chance to really play with the dylusions yet Brenda! I've been busy and my mother got me into some of her winter cleaning and organizing and then today I had a doctor appointment! So yeah just haven't had any time! But this weekend I intend to get inky!!!!

    Love these Christmas cards, great idea to get in early! I really need to do that!

    They are all gorgeous! Love the purple dove, and the gold noel, and the figgy pud! yum.

  39. Wow..... amazing xmas creations.Love them.Can't wait until the show next week.Hugs Debbie x

  40. Fabulous creations!

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog

    Happy Friday!


  41. Hi Brenda!Absolutely wonderful cards!!I love the one with the dove!
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs,Kari :)

  42. Lovely - the dove one is so full of calm and peace, and the black and gold is very glamorous!
    Alison x

  43. Adoráveis inspirações para cartões de Natal. Obrigada.
    Beijo, fique com Deus, feliz semana.

  44. All really stunning makes, I love the colour and shape on the first one and the stamped edges look gorgeous, the second one looks so luxurious and I love the holly and christmas pud on the last one
    Lindsay xx

  45. It's never to early to start with Christmas cards. Your creations are wonderful.

  46. gorgeous collection!!! Hugs Juls

  47. Fabulous Christmas selection...I'll be looking out for these Brenda on create & craft... Hugs May x x x

  48. Beautiful cards, especially - for me - the first one. It's peaceful and shining.
    Christmas in June? Why not? I like Christmas. I adore Christmas. I love Christmas. In "Christmas Caroll" by Dickens is something like: "I love Christmas and I will honor Christmas in my heart all over the year"... or something like that, if I remember good... and if I wrote correct:-)
    I'm sorry for my English. Sorry sorry:-)
