
Saturday 11 May 2013

It had to be Liverpool FC & Saturday candy

OK, call me sad but this is what came to mind when Wendy chose her theme of 'Any Sport' for this weeks theme at Allsorts challenge.

Not having anything to fit the theme in stamps other than a little football, I took an image from a magazine of Stevie and Luis which seemed the obvious choice as the focal element of my card. I make no secret of the fact that I'm a strong Liverpool supporter who dons her club shirt and hat when their matches are on TV and I confess to being more than a little vocal when I am such a degree that one of our sons who is also a supporter prefers to watch in a different room to me. 

So a pretty easy to make card using the football image on the backgound, some strips of red and black DP, a computer generated club anthem and club logo cut from a merchandise label.

Also a heads up that we will be having a bit of a celebration in a couple of weeks time as it's our Fourth that time has flown by. Allsorts was my very first DT and I have been there from the start and now the only remaining member of the original team, but we have a super bunch of girls on the team and we will all be getting together on 25th May for some fun and a Birthday blog hop. Please do grab the logo here and help us spread the word.

And of course I need to announce the winner of last weeks candy who is Ellie in USA, well done please mail me with your postal addy.

And this week I have a Molly Blooms Merry Go Round stamp for you, as usual a winner will be selected at random from all comments left this week, if you visit more than once then all comments will go into the draw. All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning is:

1) You are a follower 
2) Pop the Saturday Candy logo from my sidebar on your own blog

I hope you all have fun with this weeks theme and look forward to visiting your entries.


  1. A fun challenge and a fun card. I have lots of sport stamps, just deciding which to use. Fab stamp up for candy this week, thanks for the chance to win x

  2. Great card Brenda for our sports challenge this week and there is nothing wrong with being passionate and vocal about your favourite team. I must admit to not being into football but have followers of the sport in my house!!
    More fantastic candy on offer again and thanks for the chance
    x catherine

  3. Great card Brenda perfect for a supporter
    Have a good weekend


  4. Perfect for a sporting fan - well done

  5. Vau, what a fun and great card you made :-))
    Hugs, Andreja

  6. I liked your footballcard. I'm not a fan myself and I don't have much sports-stamps either, but I'm gonna try to enter the challenge :-)
    Have a nice weekend!
    xxx Marianne

  7. Great card for a footballfan.
    Gr Elly

  8. A great card Brenda and I'm now singing as although not a footie fan, I love that song!
    The stamp looks really lovely and your logo is already on my sidebar from the Saturday candy start.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  9. love the bright red colour =). Have a nice weekend B.

  10. Fab card Brenda.
    Whenever I hear that song it always brings a lump to my throat.
    Go you being the only original DT member left.
    I'm still trying to get on my 1st LOL
    Card making is rather addicting and EXPENSIVE.
    Thanks to you I had to go and buy the Tim Holtz Birdcage bigz LOL
    Luckily it works with my cuttlebug ROFL
    Will post the banner on my blog shortly and way to go on the 4th birthday :)


  11. Such a great idea to cut out the photos of the player and sticked them onto a decorated football bg, Brenda! I remembered when I was in primary school when I don't own any stamps yet, I used to cut out pictures from magazine and pasted them onto a book!

  12. Brilliant! As Liverpool supporters, love it! Fabulous images of Stevie and Luis. Michelle x

  13. Well, you'll get no complaints from me with your choice!!

  14. Brilliant card Brenda!!!
    Kevin xx

  15. This is fabulous Brenda. I love the layout the great picture that you used.
    Sue xx

  16. Wonderful card Brenda, my OH is an avid Liverpool supporter so he like it too, hope you have a lovely weekend, xxxx

  17. Fab card Brenda, my boyfriend would just love this! He's a big Liverpool supporter too :) The layout is fab too :)

    Tags xx

  18. Come on you reds! great card B. Tracy x

  19. Hi Brenda, a great fun card
    Avril xx

  20. Absolutely brilliant interpretation of the theme - super touches with the crest & the background football stamping.
    Paula (PEP)

  21. Brilliant football card Brenda.
    Have a lovely weekend
    Lorraine x

  22. LOVE your card, B! How could something so happy be "sad" LOL very cute. There is always a way, right? I also like the black elements, too. Great card. hugs, de

  23. I'm not a footie fan at all, but you have made a great card here :o)
    Jackie xx

  24. Wonderful card Brenda - OMW you shout at the TV... just like my hubby and l have to go upstairs. I will be shouting next saturday when l go to Wembley - Come On City x Susan x

  25. Fabulous card, your enthusiasm for Liverpool is somewhat evident lol! Great to make a card about something you are passionate about! I love the way you incorporated the magazine image, and it's a really happy one too. Hope you are having a great weekend Brenda, love maddy x

  26. wow!! very nice!! my husband is a football fan.. but I'm not... and he does the same when Chelsea matches are on TV!! :)

  27. Fabulous football card Brenda... Hugs May x x x

  28. Super card Brenda very creative and perfect for a Liverpool fan. Jx

  29. I don't do footie - but that's a fab card Brenda and a clever way to make a footie card - will have to remember that for my brother! Thank you for the chance to win such a gorgeous stamp - I have a 'thing' for carousels, just love them - me attempting to get on one these days causes much laughter lol! Have a good weekend Karen x

  30. I don´t support the footie, but this saterday again I stood on the hockey fields and supported my daughter. They have won there 8th game in a row... Totaly wet due through the rain that fel during the hole game, but a fun one to watch! Have a fun weekend, Gerrina

  31. Love how you put your card together, Brenda.
    This is the type of card I have to come up with for my husband and son, who are both football mad. Unfortunately, our team, (Huddersfield Town), just managed to stay in the championship this season. It's many years since they were in the 1st division...on a par with what is now the premiership.
    Hope you're enjoying a lovely weekend xx

  32. Love the bright color! Thanks for a chance to win. Love carousels! Hugs, Robin

  33. Thanks for a chance to win the carousel! It's gorgeous!

  34. What a great fub card. I love this idea.
    Hugs, Uta

  35. What a fun challenge theme, I love your card.

    Thanks for a chance to win this fun stamp.

  36. Your card is fantastic Brenda and so very creative. Great sketch too! And thank you so much again for the beautiful candy!!Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  37. What a great idea for this challenge, brilliant card, love the image and the papers and sometimes it is very difficult to know what to do for a challenge if it is not your thing, you have achieved this very well.
    I would love to be a fly on the wall while you are watching a match lol.
    I have the great honour of meeting Emlyn Hughes, quite a few times, of course he would be before your time but while I have shouted at him more than once while he was playing for England, he was a really lovely man. Always smiling, bless him.

    Kath x

  38. Such a fab card for a Liverpool fan B. I remember my brother going through a Liverpool phase when he was young and my nan wrote to the club on his behalf and they sent him signed photos of everyone in the team. To say he was thrilled is an understatement. My dad being a Man Utd fan was less pleased ;-)

  39. A fab card. I would be totally stuck with this theme.
    Nikki x

  40. hahah super fun card Brenda! Great idea to use a magazine image!

  41. Fun Card you've made and thank you for the chance hugs Nikki

  42. Great card! Love the scenes in the previous post!
    Wonderful carousel stamp!

  43. What a nice card and a gorgeous stamp.

  44. What a fun card Brenda he he .. not your usual style :) I love the banners and your creativity in this xxx

  45. Fantastic card. Sounds like you certainly have fun cheering on your team.

  46. Loving your fun card and its so creative. Never would have thought you are such a loud supporter lol.
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  47. blimey Stevie G ! great footie card, not your usual style , but change is good some times. janex

  48. I have not showed Bobby this card brenda, nothing but Leeds UTD in our house. But what a great idea, and fabulous creation.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  49. Great card Brenda from one red to another LOL. I met Stevie G a few years ago when he signed his autobiography for me to give to my friends daughter for her 18th birthday, he was such a sweetie and although he was only supposed to be signing his name at a book signing in the local WH Smith he wrote quite a long message in the book wishing her a very happy 18th and luck for the future. I could have done with this card to send her as well.
    Alli xx

  50. Fab sporty card, love the layout
    Lindsay xx

  51. Its always great to see soccer (for us USA fans)items and this card is a lot of fun! Great idea of using a magazine cut out. Soccer is my favorite sport, although I do not have a favorite team. I love watching it all!

  52. Super idea :) Fabulous football card Brenda. Hugs, Aluna
